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Fantasy Welcome to the asylum!

First off 'MY MASK' prevents that from happening in the first place" she said glaring at the guards who took her real mask "and second I don't need or want one....but good movie though and third mine wasn't on purpose it happens from time to time so not my fault I don't have tear duct flaps" she said with a huff as she watched the girl stuff the roll of gauze into her overalls "and your being an idiot they give punishment for the severity of what you did so I doubt there going to put us.....well me in isolation but if nothing else they'll just put you on cafe duty for all I know" she said with a shrug as she looked at the guard and orderlies with her good eye
Ophelia Browne
Ophie danced about to face Kage, "Idiot or not, I'm not the one born with a bleeding eye," She retorted but not before jumping on the black-haired woman's bed. "You could just glue it or something, I know they have PVA in the craft therapy room." Phelie shrugged, "I hope I get put on weeding duties, I love being out in the courtyard. But no, it's all spooky and about black rooms! Ugh--" Browne continued to hop off the mattress again and wander about aimlessly. She couldn't bear to rest, not with the adrenaline still rattling her bones from breaking her finger.

Moving to the barred windows so she could see the sky, then back to the bed. Repeating the motion several times; each repetitive return accompanied by a groan of boredom. Her feet swinging in some odd dance, till spinning like a child in an attempt to get dizzy. A hand planted itself on her shoulder, halting her. A guard seemingly sent over to stop her smacking into anything and getting hurt further, which only ended in some odd flirting that sent his stern expression red.

Alas make no mistake from the comfort she seemed to have within the walls of this gilded cage, Ophelia would run the moment she got the chance and visits to the newly discovered library could prove useful toward such a goal. But -- being who she was, Browne recognised she would need help on some level. And then? To Rome perhaps, or the fields of Spain! Or, since reading one too many Viking novels -- what about Denmark!?

Such thoughts brought a dreamier smile to her features. If anything, Ophelia was the worst romantic sort to ever have the pleasure of meeting. Oh, she was snappy, witty, charming in a manner -- and a complete handful with dreams far too big for her little heart. A heart which quivered with beating fears. She wanted someone to love her just as much as her father had loved her mother. So much so that it drove them mad.
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Kage simply watched her dance around and be an idiot as a memory of her little sister flashed throw her mind as Ophelia's image was replaced with a girl with long black hair and Jade green eyes in a green tutu dancing on stage with a large grin on her face as the image soon disappeared causing kage to frown as tears fell from her good eye before she was told that she would have to come back after the session to get a better check on her eye due to the bleeding and was given her a bottle of pills for the pain
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A guard walked up to the two girls, it was the warden. He growled at the two, "You two will be returning to the group session. And Ophelia. This is your last warning, one more even slight slip up you will be in the Dark room for 11 hours." He glared at the dreamy idiot.

(Hey can you please not make punishments. We are in a criminal asylum, Library help isnt a very good punishment. So far there is only 1 punishment option. Please look in the Lore tab to read about it. Thank you)
Marylin grinned and lifted her hair excitedly "Since we're all sharin a memory i wanna tell ye about a dear little memory of mine!" she grinned remembering it fondly. The day her adopted father figured out she was a genious. It was a dear memory to her. Of course the man was dead, He was a lover and a father to her. A sick twisted relationship built from the desprete need to feel warmth in the dark. When she was 12 he first held her like a woman, she was no longer a child. When her father died by the hands of the law, it fractured her sanity and caused her to go haywire.
Lucas twitched and changed to a different personality, he looked around at Everyone around him and smiled, “Heyo my chums, we havin a little sessiroonie?”, Jerry chimed in.
Ophelia Browne
"Warden, you make me sound like I'm a common criminal," Ophelia remarked, pouting and putting a dramatic hand to her forehead. "Oh, the trials and tribulations of a woman as pretty as I! Beauty is a curse!" Her voice had become that of a Southern Belle, a straight copy of Vivienne Leigh from Gone With the Wind (A film that Ophie had watched on repeat). "Until you've lost your reputation, you never realize what a burden it was or what freedom really is!" She spun on her heel, quoting the very same movie she imitated, before stopping just in front of him. If she were taller, they'd of been nose to nose practically. "But you have my best behaviour," Came the promising purr. "I don't have a bad bone in my body," Ophie lifted her bandaged finger comically with a little giggle. "Well, maybe just the one." As a guiding orderly put his hand on the girl's back, Browne gazed over her shoulder and gave a wave. "Au revoir mon amour!"

The honey-eyed woman looked to Kage, "Are you coming, darling? Or are you about to start crying blood everywhere again, because I don't have a handkerchief on me and I'm certainly not prepared for anything of the sort." Browne interlinked her arm with the orderly again -- "You know, Rhett Butler would have a handkerchief. He swept Scarlett O'Hara off her feet, rushed her through the fires of a burning town. How could she have been so blind not to return his love! It's alright though because in the sequel book they get back together. Scarlett chases him down to Ireland would you believe it -- are you listening to me? This is very important for the plot of the book -- and Clark Gable that forties sweetheart! Oh seeing him on screen just makes me feel all jumbly inside --"

Listening to Ophelia ramble could turn five minutes into five decades with ease. It was insane (pun unintended) how much she could ramble without a specific thought in mind and no purpose to the conversation. Her greatest strength in a place where people really did hate annoying, self-centred brats. You'd be surprised what they would give for her just to shut up. "I still don't understand why I have to go back to the session with such a life-threatening wound. You know people have died from less!? I should send a letter to health and safety practices."
Kage growled lowly at her "shut up before I make you" she growled as she got up and left stuffing the pills in her jacket pocket "and no I'm not you damn hag not only is your bosting about your none existent beauty annoying as hell so is you nagging now shut up and let's go" she said heading of to the session quickly anger and frustration rolling off her in waves as she came up to the door only to yelp as she was grabbed from behind by someone's gave a scream
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The doctor smiled at people vounteering to speak their stories. She looked at the insane genious with a warm smiled and flicked to a new page of her notebook. Reading her pen like its a gun and the information she writes are her bullets. She gives the girl a nod letting her know its her time to talk "Go on, tell us"

Marylin grinned leaning back into her chair and crossing her legs. "So my story. Um what was i going to talk about again? Oh yes! Thats right!!" she smiled jumping up looking like she was going to fall out of her chair for a moment. She grinned and looked at the rest of the room "Some would say that this moment of my childhood is the beginning of my villany. So i was only 6 at the time, i had been living with my adoped father for some time now. I remember he left the workshop to go do some illegal stuff probably and came back to see i had made a bomb! A hydro bomb to be excat. I still remember the amazement in his eyes. He picked me up and twirled me around and shouted "My little Denty! You are amazing!" i had never been more proud of anything in my life." she held her hands and spoke her eyes sparkling, she was helplessly inloved with her passed adopted father. A horribly unhealthy and dangerous love, that still continued in her veins years after he had been murdered. Her eyes twinkled and her mouth was contorted into a doey smile. She didnt try to hide the fact that she loved her father in a way that she shouldnt have, it made many uncomfortable. But hey, She didnt care about her life story. She did have a couple secrets kept around the place, but none to obvious.
For once, Hue felt like he was kin with the cat. Everyone was being so... forthright. Far more than they should be. They had that gambler tell a story that sounded like it belonged in a manga about a kid trying to find his father, and then the pilin girl talked about... odd things, that he wasn't going to dwell on. Really, he wished insanity was a color, because this would be absolutely glowing right about now. He wasn't quite sure just where he fell in terms of sanity around here. He definitely wasn't going to tell a real story, but he was sure he could mess with the doctor a little bit. "If we're all in a sharing mood, I might as well tell some kind of story." He waved a hand lazily, belying his anger at just how patronizing the therapist was being. He didn't like being manipulated. He eyed the therapist. "Tell me, though, doctor. In my file, do you think the colors drove me insane? Or do you think that I don't actually see any of my colors?" He said these words quietly, almost gently, but his words had no color whatsoever. An ice cold question.

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