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Fantasy Welcome to the asylum!

“I’m sorry, Raymond is better at that kind of thing.”, Lucas coughs, “plus I’m not much of a gambler.”
((I’m sorry but I’m tired and need to sleeeep, you can interact with other characters if you want. I picked a bad time to have my character interact))
Hue turned around, looking at Ophelia as she began speaking. He did his best to hide the vague sense of annoyance he felt, at being interrupted, but that emotion quickly changed as she really defied his expectations of her. They hadn't talked much, but... His eyes widened as she spoke, stunned with the nonsense and forthrightness, and utter naivety of her questions.

"U-uh..." Seemingly on autopilot, too stunned to really think, he answered honestly. "All emotions have a color... Love isn't very vivid. The more complex emotions never are." He blinked, head rotating a bit to look back at his door, before letting out a light sigh of defeat. "I don't think anyone but me can see it. And there's no way to describe it to you. It'd be like me asking you to describe the color red to a blind man." He crossed his arms, though showed no real annoyance on his face. Really, he was more bemused at her seeming innocence, though a voice in the back of his head warned him that she was a dangerous criminal. "Do you assault everyone you see with questions on their abilities, or am I special?"
"Aww..." Khalil pouted, a bit put out at being rejected but understanding all the same. It's no fun if the opponent doesn't agree to the challenge; it just rubs him the wrong way. It's become sort of a rule for him, alongside many others. However, there will always be exceptions to those rules, without fail. All except one.

His hand, gloved in form-fitting black leather, reluctantly strayed away from his pocket--his chances at gambling have been considerably lower since he's been imprisoned here at the asylum, a fact that he laments over every now and then. The only people he can gamble with at the moment were his fellow inmates, and there weren't really a lot of them. Not to mention, he can't seem to compel any of the personnel at the institute to play with him, and it was almost as though they were wiped clean of their emotions, which should be impossible. But, apparently not.
Ophelia Browne
Her lips made a sad 'o' shape as she let her head tilt inwards slightly, releasing his arm from her grasp as he crossed them over his chest. Ophelia huffed and grasped a lock of her hair, letting it curl about her fingertips as she glanced up at Hue a second time. His question caused her to give a sniff, "I assault anyone I want to, for personal reasons." Phelia continued to scrunch up her features at the taller, blond-haired man. "But I suppose you're more interesting than most these sad people. Did you know some of them want to end the world?" She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "So yes, you can be special if you want." The girl affirmed, lips curling in a feline manner as if she was indeed, quite proud of herself. "I prefer a person who can see things rather than one who wants to burn everything up."

Ophelia continued to squint her eyes at Hue. "Can you paint things? Can you paint colours we can't see? Can I see your art? Do you paint people? Are you a modern artist? Do you just have silly pineapples in boxes on display? I went to the modern art museum once, and that's what they had." Ophelia continued to chatter on, hands now on her hips as she practically demanded his attention with her reeling questions and odd, quirky tilts of the head. "I heard you telling someone you were writing a book, does the book have pictures? Are you going to give it pictures?"

CoolGuy CoolGuy
"Yes, yes, maybe, occasionally, no, no, and I don't know." Hue rubbed his head. She was a bit of a handful, he could see that. But, too polite to stop, he simply nodded, parsing her questions and answering them in order. "To elaborate more: I paint. I'm quite good at it. Yes, I can paint colors you can't see, but it's hard. For the last few questions..." He looked around for a moment, before taking her hand, dragging her into his room. He was trapped between the fear of having someone mess up his work and the desire to have a fan, but in the end, his narcissism won the day.

The inside of his cell was, as one might expect, quite well decorated. His own paintings hung on the walls, of various different styles, eras, and all sorts. One might think that each of them were from a different artist, some master pieces, some seemingly drawn by a child, some of fruits, some of landscapes, some, indeed, portraits. All of them were drawn by him, however, experimenting on maximizing beauty. Some glowed like the sun, others even duller than the walls behind them, but at the least, each of them would sell for thousands, if only by reputation. Aside from that, his cell had a certain busy aesthetic to it, bed pushed up right by the door, wardrobe on the other side, canvas and easel on the other side with half done sketches littering the floor. He turned to her, slightly wary of her opinion on his 'inner sanctum' as it were. "...These are my paintings. They don't have too many colors you can't see, but I think they're nice."
Avalane woke up after a rather loud snore of her own. The nap had sadly come to an end, she realised and stared at the roof, at that one crack that kind of resembled a heart. After letting out a yawn that made her yaw crackle, she sat up and looked around at her minimalistic cell, with a light shade of pink on the walls, a chair, and the harsh light from the ceiling lamp. She did not like it her, however she did not hate it either. She was still in her first month her, and trying to adjust to whatever craziness that would appear next. She sighed and stood up
Ophelia Browne
She was surprised he hadn't attempted to shoo her away yet, as most had when a small girl with big curiosity began interrogating over livelihoods and things she'd heard. Nonetheless, it was more than welcome to have someone readily try and satiate it. As Hue pulled Phelie into the room, crossing the threshold and vanishing into the bedroom turned studio, the girl stood back to admire the range of paintings. Amber irises now like saucers as she delicately hopped through the sketches on the floor; a child in a sweet shop by all accounts. Gesturing to a female portrait, fingers propping her head as it tilted back to admire it, Ophelia remarked, "She's pretty." Her expression softened a tad till turning to Smith, "Not as pretty as me, of course." The girl giggled, with a mischevious pixie-like grin. Her attention was then, however, immediately drawn to the range of landscapes from dull to bright; vivid for imagination. As if witnessing windows into another place, another world, -- freedom perhaps. Browne did, in fact, fall silent gazing into one of these particular few, drinking in every particular detail she could from brush strokes to dabbing of colour. "I like this one though." Ophie nodded, wrapping her arms around herself. "It reminds me of music." The tone of voice grew softer, "Did you paint it from somewhere? Can I visit it?" Her questions were calmer, quieter than before, too visually distracted to muster another bombardment.

Ophelia suddenly turned about appearing flushed. "That is if I ever get out, I doubt it with a life sentence. But I can dream, right?" She gave an uncertain, jaunty tilt of her lips. "I really do like them though. I can see why you paint --" Phelie then grasped his hand with renewed enthusiasm. "You could teach me! Just how to sketch, or something nice like that! Right? It wouldn't be too much of a bother would it?"

CoolGuy CoolGuy
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Kage sighed as she simply stood up and left as a guard handed her her mask as she put it on she visibly relaxed and headed to the commons area to sit and read for awhile and wait for her powers to be unlocked
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He looked at the landscapes she seemed enamored with. Lots of sunsets and sunrises, paintings with as many possible colors as he could manage, unmatched composition, and even room for his kind of colors, if he ever got his inkwell. Drawn in by his own art, he barely noticed her question, but certainly noticed her grabbing his hand, being yanked back into reality. Yet again, Ophelia surprised Hue. Quite a bit. He had an expression as if he had just had a bucket of cold water dumped on him, having genuinely never considered teaching someone how to paint. Would he even be a good teacher? His face turned from shock to contemplation, thumbing over a button on his suit, considering the question.

He gently pulled his hand away from hers, a touch uncomfortable with being touched so familiarly, but looked at her considerately. "Your name is Ophelia, right? No technical 'powers', beyond that of a normal human?" He considered it further. While he'd never really bothered with teaching, he did quite like how much she liked his paintings. He could get used to her coming over to admire them, and him giving her a little lesson. "...My therapist told me to interact with others more. So, ah, sure." He clapped her back, pushing her deeper into the room, though keeping the door open. "I'll make you the best mundane artist in the asylum."
Kage sighed and soon saw Ophelia and hue as she soon walked over a book in hand "what's going on over here if I may ask" shesaid tilting her head as she fixed her mask abit before looking at the painting and tilted her head further as she looked them over
Ophelia Browne
From her momentary calm, she was already beginning to buzz with energy again. She nodded at the recognition of her name ecstatically, "Like the dead girl in Hamlet." She responded with wide-eyes and a big smile. "Powers? I can sing." It sounded childish enough to mention, but easily dismissed considering she was the same person who acted as if she'd just finished a sugar binge whenever she was spoken to. With the clap on the back, Browne hopped from one leg to the other -- and from her dexterity she oft performed with her ballet antics, you'd hardly guess one of them wasn't entirely real. Thick waves of hair were bound back by a strained hairband as Ophie began clearing a small space amongst the loose sketches on the floor. "I want to draw flowers, please." She turned her head to stare intently at Hue. "All different kinds. And hills too. And meadows. And maybe the sea." The girl nibbled on her thumbnail a moment, "And trees." Came one of the last asks. Not that she cared if he ignored them, after all, getting taught how to draw and paint was exciting enough to bypass it.

Phelie lifted her gaze to note Kage in the doorway, giving a lopsided wave only to grin. "I'm going to paint because Hue said he's going to teach me." She appeared extremely smug in her response, "He can paint love, did you know that?" Ophelia added an awful stage whisper, "Because he can see colours." Which sounded extremely dense of the young woman, but comical enough. She soon froze and let out a squeak of horror, grabbing his trouser leg from her cross-legged position on the bedroom floor she'd assumed. "What colour am I right now?! Am I a nice one?! Is my colour ugly?!"

CoolGuy CoolGuy raven flame raven flame
Hue just scratched the back of his head, adjusting quickly to her talking style. He turned to Kage, waving, wondering when he had turned out to be sociable. The mask always muffled her natural colors, which irritated him. Made her harder to read. Still, always glad for attention, he spread out his arms in a grandiose fashion, introducing her to his room. So much was happening, he could hardly even address everything they were saying. "Yes, what she said is true. I see colors. Impossible ones. It's hard to explain. I'm a painter. All these," he said, gesturing at the painting covered walls, "are original artworks by me. None of them are for sale, but I do accept commissions."

He turned back to Ophelia, eyes roaming up and down her body. That leg lacked some of the colors that were natural for humans. "Slow your roll in learning to draw. Now, for your color, you have a little pilin, like most humans. But, for the most part, you're rather typical by standards of colors, aside from the leg." He pointed at it, though she couldn't see the differences he could. He rubbed his chin, head leaning closer to her to examine her properly. Huh. "...By your lips," he began slowly, "there is a heavy tint of daln. The color of danger. I wonder why."
Kage just laughed at "oh I can already tell will get along just great and I have to admit you git some good painting wish I could color my own drawing but sadly I having nothing to color them with so I'm stuck with just drawing and shading till I can get some" she said walking into the room a drawing book in hand as she lifted her mask for to rub her left silver eye as she placed it back on leaving her yellow right eye the only one visible
Khalil's head peeked into Hue's room, snow white hair swaying with each swerve of his head, curiosity swirling in his ice blue eyes. There were a lot of emotions coming from within the space, with the sweet taste of amazement being most prominent as it danced on his tongue--akin to the flavor of a queen's apple tart, delivering the aroma of the damask rose from the rose syrup, and creating a blissfully sweet dish that would, for a split second, deliver you to the world of fairytales. It was incredibly saccharine, that much was true, but it was nothing compared to the heavenly taste of pure happiness.

The gambler's eyes blinked upon being assaulted with the sight of various paintings of all sorts of styles plastered across the dull walls of the cell, with the sight of such a numerous amount of sketches littering the floor it was a wonder how anyone managed to avoid stepping on them. Already, he could understand the amazement that was radiating from Kage and Ophelia. Who wouldn't be after seeing such an impressive sight? It reminded him of the time he had visited Le Louvre in Paris some odd years ago, accompanied by his siblings and their father.
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Ophelia Browne
She pouted as he slowed her thunder on the painting front, but perked up as he began to read her colours with names foreign to her -- making it all the more thrilling. Admittedly, Ophelia was hoping for something greater than average, but she supposed it was no reason to sulk considering Hue was kind enough to even be telling her such things. Yet mentioning her leg with a gesture caused Phelie to appear worried, slightly panicked even as she tucked her leg further away from his line of sight. When her slightly flustered and unsettled eyes returned to the painter, he was even closer than before in his observations; her hand vanishing from his trouser as the amber-eyed girl then frowned slightly "What colour is Pilin? Is it a good colour to have?" The innocence of the question didn't last awfully long as Ophie, took the chance with Hue mentioning the shade of her lips to respond with a flirty, almost generic coo, "You could find out if you wanted." In addition to mischievously cocking her head.

Browne acknowledged Kage warily, but mainly for the reason, she didn't want to share any attention. It was her art lesson after all. Of course, her therapists had encouraged sharing from day one, yet she never could bring herself to doing it kindly. Begrudgingly she could manage, without attempting to strangle them which was actually one of her best leaps in treatment. "What do we start with then? And do I have to call you mister now?" She laughed, containing it behind the side of her palm.

CoolGuy CoolGuy raven flame raven flame Ineptitude Ineptitude
There was a sudden interplay of sour and salty flavors upon his tongue as Ophelia begrudgingly acknowledged both him and Kage; the taste of annoyance and displeasure. It wouldn't be odd to compare it to a calamari ripieni: a dish garnished with green olives and accompanied by a sauce made from the stuffing fond mixed with cream, utilizing the whole body of a spear squid that had been stuffed with various ingredients and then thickly cut, a considerably risky gamble since it would increase the chances of breaking the skin.

Khalil didn't bother fighting back the dazzling smile that crept onto his lips, enhancing the beauty of his already androgynous features. It was such a delicious flavor, after all. Such tastes were the highlights of his time at such a boring institute. Offering the other three inmates a cheery wave, he stepped into the cell, toeing around the drawings scattered about to admire one of the many paintings that caught his eye. It depicted a lone boat floating peacefully in the calm waves of the ocean, the blue of the water contrasting beautifully with the pink of the sky as the sun disappeared into the horizon. It was masterfully done albeit simple in the style it was painted in. Such a shame that the man who created all of these was being confined within the walls of the asylum.
If you mine me asking any of you got some colored pencils or hell even crayons will do at this point" she said as he positioned the book as several pictures fell out of the book without kages notice Ashe looked at the painting and other things in the room


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Marlyin was walking to her room, she grinned looking at everything, she looked up to the clock "oh sesh starts soon. I think i better go freshen up a little" she laughs and walsk int her room. Haphazardly stepping over all the machine parts and random books piled up around the room. she walked to her closet and pulled out a pair of heavily weathered shorts, a bra like shirt and a large oversized jacktet. She smiled and put on her lucky boots, covering her socks filled with holes. She pulled up one sock realising it went up past her knee where as the other was only half way up her shin. She laughed to herself and went out of the room. She lit a smoke and let it dangle from her lip the smoke puffs dancing around her. A sad addiction started when she was only 10, happily though it calmed down the constant voices and thoughts in her head. Let her come back down to earth for a bit. She made her way to the large circular rehabilitation room. She was always sligjtly slouched when she walked, woth her hands in her pockets. She wasnt shy or anything, hell she was extreamly confident and cocky. It was just confortable. She was always croched over working on her little machines anyway. She sat lazily in a chair running her hand through her messy and short (singed at parts) hair.
The loud intercoms crackled. "right on time" she she grinned her words dripping from her lazy grin.

ANNOUNCEMENT: The group recovery session will be starting in 5 minutes. Please make your way to the Rehabilitation room. The intercom crackled out and the room was silent.
Hue rubbed his head on seeing Khalil enter, deciding to ignore Ophelia's flirtations. Dangerous... He stood by his easel to allow them all access to his room without getting in a group hug. Though the asylum treated the inmates somewhat well, the cell was still made for one person, and Hue did not often attempt to optimize the space in the room. Meaning it was gonna be a bit crowded, and that's assuming every other inmate in the world didn't decide to join too. Khalil wandered around to appreciate his artwork, and then before he could answer any of Ophelia's question, Kage spilled drawings everywhere, and honestly he wished this just happened in someone else's room. At least then he wouldn't have to pick those sketches out form his own. He rubbed his head, not sure how to regain control of the situation. Before they got lost in the pile, he crouched down to collect the sketches, separating them from his. Nice... Not as good as his, of course, and he would never put this much effort in a sketch unless he was planning on coloring it, but it certainly had a style. He picked them up, differetiating them from his own by the lack of color, quietly analyzing them for a moment before tapping Kage on the shoulder, holding them out for her.

After a long moment, he finally found the perfect words to get things back in order, shepherd these people out of his room, and actually begin the work he had planned on from the beginning. "Okay-"

"ANNOUNCEMENT: The group recovery session will be starting in 5 minutes. Please make your way to the Rehabilitation room."

Damn it. He shrugged at the three. "You heard it. Let's get going." He gestured for them to leave, ironically being the one farthest from his door, intending to follow afterwards so that he knew none of them would poke around for any amount of time.
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Sorry about the the book is odd so pages tend to fall out from time to time" she said as she grabbed the pages and placed them in the book before groaning at the announcement "god I hate this place and there stupid rules" she said as she took her mask off completely and headed off mask in hand heading to the meeting area
Khalil visibly perked up as the intercom crackled to life with the announcement, soon followed by Hue's rather exasperated voice. He checked his watch: 12:55. Just five minutes before the session was supposed to begin. Tiptoeing out of the small room, taking great care not to step on any of Hue's sketches, the gambler tied up his snow white locks into a messy ponytail; revealing his sapphire earrings and the odd, crimson red tattoo just below his right eye. If one were to look at him at that moment, you would be hard pressed to believe that he was actually male.

Turning his head back once he was finished fixing his hair, Khalil flashed his fellow inmate a sheepish smile. "You have my apologies for barging into your room so suddenly, Hue." He said his piece with a small bow of his head before he followed after Kage to the rehabilitation room for their long-awaited monthly group recovery session.
Hmmmm oh hey kahlil how have things been with you" she asked stopping as she waited for him both her eyes visible and clear to see without her mask on a large burn scar on the left side of her face along with a silver eye could be seen under her bangs


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Marylin waved to them, smoke still lazily in her mouth "waddup" she smiled taking the smoke out of her mouth and twirling it around her fingers.
"Oh, things have been surprisingly pleasant during my time here." Khalil spoke with a sort of childish energy, a bright smile forming upon his lips fell into step with the other. "Although," At this, his face took on a solemn expression. "I do miss being able to gamble more freely." He allowed a sigh to escape his lips, before returning to his usual cheery disposition.

The gambler took in her appearance without even batting at eyelash, taking everything into stride. He had been part of the criminal underworld, after all; he's seen much, much more shocking sights. The mafia wasn't exactly the most pleasant of worlds to be a part of, but he had been born into it. Frankly, it was plenty more exciting than spending a boring life as part of a civil society, and he wouldn't exchange it for anything else. He doesn't feel any regret over what he'd done during his career. Perhaps that was one of the reasons why he was in an asylum instead of a prison like the rest of his family was. Well, aside from his unhealthy, at least according to their psychiatrist, gambling addiction, that is.

Walking into the rehabilitation room, Khalil and Kage were immediately greeted by Marylin, spoke escaping her lips alongside her voice. A grin formed on his lips. "Hello, Marylin!" He greeted energetically, plopping down at one of the many empty chairs.
Is that so must have been fun I just wish I could color but sadly I can only draw and shadex she said sadly as she sat next to him simple opening her book being to draw as she waited "hey Marylin what you doing today?" She asked working on a small dragon wanting the meeting to be over already.


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