• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Welcome To The Afterlife [Characters]


Here is the example sheet and code to use it. You may format your entry however you like, or not at all - however, all of the information included in the example must be present in your application.

Character Name
main rp | characters | ooc

Role: One of the examples or a description of their preferred role
Place of Death:
Combat Skills: if any


Personality: 6 bullet points minimum

Relationships: [Claimable]
Enemies: [Claimable]
Memories Regained: If any history has been recalled, mention it here.

Angel Kill Count:

Replace image to right with your character's appearance or include a description.

code by cychotic



(it hurts.)

Looking For

⊙ Specify what relationships you are looking for, e.g. rivals, field partners, comrades, lover(s), friend(s) etc. for other players toplay

[div=background:url(https://www.toptal.com/designers/subtlepatterns/patterns/zwartevilt.png); padding-top: 0px; padding-left:30px; padding-right: 30px; padding-bottom:5px; text-transform:uppercase;color:#ffffff; text-align: right;][div=background:#ffffff; padding-left: 10px; padding-right:10px; padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom:6px;color:#3C3D36; text-align: left; width:200px; box-shadow: 1px 5px 1px #000000; font-size:28px; text-transform:uppercase;][FONT=Teko]Character Name[/FONT][/div][FONT=Roboto Condensed]main rp |  characters  |  ooc[/FONT][/div][div=background:url(https://78.media.tumblr.com/01a04163bc738b5febba56023f1500d4/tumblr_p17os8eN3q1rp16h7o2_r1_540.png); background-position: 50% 50%; padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:20px;padding-left:40px;padding-right:40px;][div=background-color:#bf2f0f; padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:20px;padding-left:20px;padding-right:0px; font-size: 14px;][row][column=span5]
[bg=transparent; overflow:hidden; height:350px; width:100%; padding:5px;][bg=transparent; height:350px; width:100%; overflow:auto; margin:0px]
[FONT=Roboto Condensed][SIZE=5][COLOR=#ffffff][B]Name[/B]:
[B]Role[/B]: One of the examples or a description of their preferred role
[B]Place of Death[/B]:
[B]Combat Skills[/B]: if any
[B]Personality[/B]: 6 bullet points minimum
[B]Relationships[/B]: [Claimable]
[B]Enemies[/B]: [Claimable]
[B]Memories Regained[/B]: If any history has been recalled, mention it here.
[B]Angel Kill Count[/B]:

[FONT=Roboto Condensed]
[SIZE=2]code by cychotic[/SIZE]
[/column][FONT=Roboto Condensed][column=span3][border=0px][accordion=100%]{slide=[bg=#ffffff]
[/bg]}[bg=#ffffff][FONT=Roboto Condensed][bg=transparent; overflow:hidden; height:200px; width:100%; padding:5px;][bg=transparent; height:200px; width:100%; overflow:auto; margin:0px]DO NOT LET THE ANGELS GET YOU.

(it hurts.)


{slide=[bg=#ffffff][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Roboto Mono][SIZE=5]Looking For[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/bg]}[bg=#ffffff][FONT=Roboto Condensed][bg=transparent; overflow:hidden; height:200px; width:100%; padding:5px;][bg=transparent; height:200px; width:100%; overflow:auto; margin:0px]
[/bg][/bg][/FONT][bg=transparent; overflow:hidden; height:200px; width:100%; padding:5px;][bg=transparent; height:200px; width:100%; overflow:auto; margin:0px]
Specify what relationships you are looking for, e.g. rivals, field partners, comrades, lover(s), friend(s) etc. for other players toplay[/bg][/bg][/bg][/accordion][/border][/column][/FONT][column=span3][border=0px][accordion=100%][bg=#ffffff][bg=transparent; overflow:hidden; height:200px; width:100%; padding:5px;][bg=transparent; height:200px; width:100%; overflow:auto; margin:0px]

[/bg][/bg][/bg][FONT=Roboto Condensed]{/slide}

{slide=[bg=#ffffff][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Roboto Mono][SIZE=5]Looking For[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/bg]}[bg=#ffffff][FONT=Roboto Condensed][bg=transparent; overflow:hidden; height:200px; width:100%; padding:5px;][bg=transparent; height:200px; width:100%; overflow:auto; margin:0px]
⊙ Specify what relationships you are looking for, e.g. rivals, field partners, comrades, lover(s), friend(s) etc. for other players toplay

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Character Name
main rp | characters | ooc

Name: Thomas Smith
Age: 39
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Homosexual
Role: Militant, Present Leader of Afterlifers
Place of Death: Luna
Combat Skills: Sniper. Some training with close range weapons.
◉ Political Prowess: Thomas knows how to navigate people, their wants, their needs, their fears, their hates. Maybe he was something similar in his past life, who knows. Right now? He's the kind of man who can set a whole mob of people against you. Tread carefully.
◉ Patience: Thomas is a 'bide his time' kind of guy. He will wait for you to be weak, rather than risk exposing himself.
◉ Intelligence: No tech genius or military godsend, he is someone with a lot of know how when it comes to people and retaining information. He's a tactical advantage in the making, and worse yet, if he gets dirt on you, he knows how to hold onto it.
◉ Sniper: Few people rival Thomas with a sniper. He's as calm and calculating down a lens as he is in politics.
◉ Unagreeable: Even those on Thomas's side tend to find him a little... off. No one's sure exactly what it is, but he always seem to have some kind of second agenda, a hidden motive. He tends to give people the creeps in a one to one setting.
◉ Close range: Thomas is a terrible up-close fighter, and was beaten up a lot in his first days in the Afterlife.
◉ Scrawny: He's no tank, that's for certain. He may be tall, but he's lanky, and lacks physical strength outside of using a sniper.
Personality: 6 bullet points minimum
◉ Group Speaker: To a crowd, he's excellent at motivation, reasoning, and emotive arguing. He gets people riled up easy.
◉ Sly: Not someone to trust. He'll double cross you in a second if it suits his purposes.
◉ Enigma: Few people know what Thomas is out for. It's clear he's after something, as some power driving him, but what? We don't know.
◉ Reserved: Thomas keeps his plans and true thoughts tom himself. He has been close to few since dying, and they've all abandoned him (for good reason, mind you)
◉ Changed: Those who knew Thomas since his arrival will say he's changed. He used to be easier, likable, even, to an extent. No one knows what snapped, but there's been a change. Most people blame the Devils.
◉ Cautious: Known to keep tabs on people. He seems to care about people's safety, but will also throw them to the angels left right and center. He's a bit of a walking contradiction, this one.
Relationships: George Miller (Past), [Claimable]
Enemies: [Claimable]
Memories Regained: If any history has been recalled, mention it here.
◉ A Luna Slums Rat
◉ Was involved in some kind of gang on Luna
Angel Kill Count: 78

code by cychotic

Looking For

⊙ Enemies / Competitors
⊙ Allies / Co-Workers

no slide

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Character Name
main rp | characters | ooc

Name: George Miller
Age: 35
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Homosexual
Role: Pacifist / Homesteader (Ex-Militant)
Place of Death: Earth
Combat Skills: Krav Maga Blackbelt. Some weapons training from Militant Days.
◉ Being your friendly neighbor <3
◉ Resident Mom Friend
◉ Capacity to somehow know how everyone is doing 24/7
◉ Little to no political tact
◉ Brash
◉ Speaks too much from the heart not from the head
◉ Overly passionate about things
◉ Naive
Personality: 6 bullet points minimum
◉ Welcome Team: George is essentially what you would get if you stuck a puppy in a human body. Thus, he has been assigned as official welcomer as all new Afterlfiers to help them settle in and let them know there's a friendly face about to go to whenever you're in need. He also does a marvelous job of informing everyone they should stay away from Thomas Smith.
◉ Chronic Do-Gooder: No one wants to help more than George. He's team everyone let's be friends, is essentially a hippie three centuries too late, and is the most likely to be persuaded to help out in all hair-brained schemes.
◉ Brave: Despite being a pacifist, when violence needs doing or facing for the sake of people, he'll throw himself into anything, no matter the pain it may bring.
◉ Dumbass: Dense, most things go over George's head, particularly the political. He's good at picking up on when people feel sad or need help, but otherwise? Thick as two short planks when it comes down to anything that involves subtly.
◉ Hugger: Touchy-feely to the extreme, George is the kind of person to ask about your feelings. If you're a stoic? Run. Run very, very far away.
◉ Reserved: Despite being a good listener, George is something of a clam when it comes to his own past/feelings. He's excellent at brushing things off and diverting conversations that get too personal.
Relationships:Thomas Smith (Past), [Claimable]
Enemies: Thomas Smith (Present), [Claimable]
Memories Regained:
◉ A Science Geek back on earth, he's picking bits and bobs back up but feels no calling to return to it
◉ Wholesome family: George came from a 2.4 kids nuclear family stereotype. Middle Class, well off, calm. He did alright, back in his past life - or so far as he can remember.
Angel Kill Count: 14

code by cychotic



(it hurts.)

Looking For

⊙ Friends / Allies
⊙ Homesteaders
⊙ People to help take Thomas down a peg or two


  • N A M E:
    Juniper (Jun) Auclair

    A G E:

    P R O N O U N S:

    S E X U A L I T Y:

    R O L E:

    Homesteader (Ventures out on occasion) / Researcher / Bit of a rogue on some things.

    P L A C E O F D E A T H:

    Earth, France.

    C O M B A T S K I L L S:

    Run and gun. He likes to shoot things, see how they react, and then flee. Jun has become quick on his feet. He prefers faster shooting guns, like semi-automatics.
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  • N A M E:
    Juniper (Jun) Auclair

    A G E:

    P R O N O U N S:

    S E X U A L I T Y:

    R O L E:

    Homesteader (Ventures out on occasion) / Researcher / Bit of a rogue on some things.

    P L A C E O F D E A T H:

    Earth, France.

    C O M B A T S K I L L S:

    Run and gun. He likes to shoot things, see how they react, and then flee. Jun has become quick on his feet. He prefers faster shooting guns, like semi-automatics.
I Finally had enough caffeine to remember how to read so - He looks fabulous, in every sense of the word. Welcome to the Afterlife, Jun! :)
Character Name
main rp | characters | ooc

Name: Arian Ramsey
Age: 27
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Undetermined
Role: Homesteader {Devotion to Farming/ Food Management}
Place of Death: Earth {London}
Combat Skills: Nothing to help him in the face of death.
◉Stamina: Though he wasn't a bodybuilder in the past, the kid was some sort of heavy-lifter. He can easily tote around heavy items and is slow to tire.
◉Busy Worker: Arian does not dawdle in the less bit, darting from one task at hand to another. Rest is for the dead- Oops. Well, in his case he doesn't have the room to take a break, wishing to stay ahead of the game.
◉ Cooking Know-How: Where he lacks in combatant skills, Arian is no stranger to the kitchen tools. Given what he can grow in the base, combined with what anyone might bring him, he is sure to whip up something for those that might seek the taste of life.
◉ Cowardice: Arian lacks the bravery to be of any use in combat, finding his place outside of it. Upon this discovery, he cannot and will not bring himself to ever press forward, content to live out his existence in the same routine for eternity.
◉ Push-over: Not the most out-spoken, this soft-toned male can be easily manipulated into handing over more than someone's fair share of rations or talked into bearing some of the other's weight in work.
◉ Combat Inexperience: Do not, under any circumstances, take Arian with you into battle. He will most definitely get you and himself killed. Fighting is not his specialty (in any way), and will result in him more than likely pissing himself before leaving you on your own.
Personality: 6 bullet points minimum
◉Curious: Despite his desire to remain in the homestead, Arian is overly curious as to what his life was before death. Knowing that he will never be able to bring down an angel, he can be seen occasionally testing out different skills of sorts to see if anything strikes him as familiar.
◉ Silence is Best: Arian is not a man that speaks out his own opinion or desires, preferring to keep those to himself least he ruffle up some of the other Afterlifers. He'd rather not pick a fight with anyone, instead choosing to channel his frustration out on his task at hand.
◉ Humble: He knows what he does is of some importance, hence the reason he likes to do the best he can at keeping everyone fed and satisfied. No appreciation or praise is needed to keep him running.
◉ Kind Heart: Kin to the cowardly lion, Arian has a big heart behind that curtain of shyness. He wishes to show that through incorporating things the other might like into the meals. Between what he can grow, and what he is given, he likes to take into account what makes the others happy. Though it might be vary rare, he will attempt to plan something they like to try and keep their hopes up. It's the least he can do.
◉ Lurker: Nosey to say the least. You have news, gossip, talking trash about one of the others? Arian's ears are that of a hound, taking in even the smallest tidbit of conversation to keep himself entertained.
◉ Hoarder: If any trinkets or treasures (or junk) brought in from outside are up for grabs or inspection, he is soon to find out and slink his way to the pile, darting back to his chambers to add it to the room. Perhaps it's a comfort? Maybe he is curious? Fill a void?

Relationships: TBD
Enemies: TBD
Memories Regained: If any history has been recalled, mention it here.
◉ None, due to his fear
Angel Kill Count: Attempt Failed {0}

code by cychotic



(it hurts.)

Looking For

⊙ Friends

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Character Name
main rp | characters | ooc

Name: Rosencrantz Caius
Age: 30
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Closet Homosexual
Role: Militant/Medic
Place of Death: Earth {London}
Combat Skills: A bit clunky with guns, but manageable. Prefers weapons more of the blade category, heavy or light doesn't matter. He's open to training of other weapons.
◉ Steady Heads: Precise hands able to delicately manipulate human flesh, Rosencrantz can pull even those with the worse wounds back to better health. He is very fine with his strokes of tools, like that of an artist with an oh so fragile canvas before him.
◉ Natural Healer: The man, though not a very kind one, is a magnificent healer. Whether it be herbs, medication, or piecing together of the flesh, you can rely on him to stick to saving you, no matter how hopeless the situation may seem. If it came down to it, Mercy is swift.
◉ Silver Tongue: Manipulation is a weakness of men, whether it be peer pressure or media influence, it will always call out the inner desires of man-kinds' hearts. Intuitive of what might force one's hand, he can slip into the thought processes of those whom are unstable enough not to give in to a snake's whisper.
◉ Quick-Label: Upon introduction, his cold amber eyes will cut you down into a few, short defining words and will stick with them unless you prove otherwise. Exposed flesh? You're a whore. Constantly up on the front lines with a smile? Try-hard. It is some what difficult to get on his good side with these mental labels you all run around with on your foreheads.
◉ Honest: Honest to a fault, he will tell you how it is, without even the slightest drop of honey or sugar coating. If you come to him for advice, he wont beat around the bush but give it to you straight with his own opinions and observations guiding his words, only to kick you out the door. Take it or leave it; get your feathers ruffled or take in consideration a blunt asshole's words.
◉ Respect: Limited as it comes, Rose's respect goes more willingly towards men. In the presence of a woman demanding him, his words will become vile, poisoned daggers aimed at their mental well being.
Personality: 6 bullet points minimum
◉ No Empathy: Rose is cold, easy to turn a blind eye to other's feelings. Your pain, suffering, anger, frustration, despair, none of that matters to him. The man will even admit it with a cool smirk, he isn't ashamed either. Oh, he'll heal you, but it wont be under any anesthetic. Best hope tis but a flesh wound.
◉ Reclusive: Outside of missions, he can be found in his work space instead of milling about with his associates. He lacks the need for camaraderie, only needing the Afterlifers at his side to combat the angels. Comrades, not companions.
◉ Pristine: A mess is a no go, and needs to be picked up as soon as possible. Tools, workspace, common area, your own chambers, and most certainly your body. He absolutely despises a filthy environment and will get in a tizzy if he has to be, or handle filth.
◉ Determined: Strong-willed, Rose will do anything to escape this world they are bound to. Whether the others remain or fight along with him is their own choice, but he promises one day he will leave this place.
◉ Self-Confident: Rose doesn't need a crutch in life to get him through. His own confidence radiates from every pore of his body, quelling any self doubt most run into through out life. Panic and anxiety attacks are rare events for this self-reliable man.
◉ Competitive: Given the motivation to do so, or a rival worth his effort, Rose will try his damndest to better them in every form and fashion.
Relationships: TBD
Enemies: TBD
Memories Regained: If any history has been recalled, mention it here.

Angel Kill Count:

code by cychotic



(it hurts.)

Looking For

⊙ Enemies/Rivals
⊙ Comrades
Last edited:
Character Name
main rp | characters | ooc

Name: Rosencrantz Caius
Age: 30
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Closet Homosexual
Role: Militant/Medic
Place of Death: Earth {London}
Combat Skills: if any


Personality: 6 bullet points minimum

Relationships: [Claimable]
Enemies: [Claimable]
Memories Regained: If any history has been recalled, mention it here.

Angel Kill Count:

code by cychotic



(it hurts.)

Looking For

⊙ Specify what relationships you are looking for, e.g. rivals, field partners, comrades, lover(s), friend(s) etc. for other players toplay

Character Name
main rp | characters | ooc

Name: Arian Ramsey
Age: 27
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Homosexual
Role: Homesteader {Devotion to Farming/ Food Management}
Place of Death: Earth {London}
Combat Skills: Nothing to help him in the face of death.
◉Stamina: Though he wasn't a bodybuilder in the past, the kid was some sort of heavy-lifter. He can easily tote around heavy items and is slow to tire.
◉Busy Worker: Arian does not dawdle in the less bit, darting from one task at hand to another. Rest is for the dead- Oops. Well, in his case he doesn't have the room to take a break, wishing to stay ahead of the game.
◉ Cooking Know-How: Where he lacks in combatant skills, Arian is no stranger to the kitchen tools. Given what he can grow in the base, combined with what anyone might bring him, he is sure to whip up something for those that might seek the taste of life.
◉ Cowardice: Arian lacks the bravery to be of any use in combat, finding his place outside of it. Upon this discovery, he cannot and will not bring himself to ever press forward, content to live out his existence in the same routine for eternity.
◉ Push-over: Not the most out-spoken, this soft-toned male can be easily manipulated into handing over more than someone's fair share of rations or talked into bearing some of the other's weight in work.
◉ Combat Inexperience: Do not, under any circumstances, take Arian with you into battle. He will most definitely get you and himself killed. Fighting is not his specialty (in any way), and will result in him more than likely pissing himself before leaving you on your own.
Personality: 6 bullet points minimum
◉Curious: Despite his desire to remain in the homestead, Arian is overly curious as to what his life was before death. Knowing that he will never be able to bring down an angel, he can be seen occasionally testing out different skills of sorts to see if anything strikes him as familiar.
◉ Silence is Best: Arian is not a man that speaks out his own opinion or desires, preferring to keep those to himself least he ruffle up some of the other Afterlifers. He'd rather not pick a fight with anyone, instead choosing to channel his frustration out on his task at hand.
◉ Humble: He knows what he does is of some importance, hence the reason he likes to do the best he can at keeping everyone fed and satisfied. No appreciation or praise is needed to keep him running.
◉ Kind Heart: Kin to the cowardly lion, Arian has a big heart behind that curtain of shyness. He wishes to show that through incorporating things the other might like into the meals. Between what he can grow, and what he is given, he likes to take into account what makes the others happy. Though it might be vary rare, he will attempt to plan something they like to try and keep their hopes up. It's the least he can do.
◉ Lurker: Nosey to say the least. You have news, gossip, talking trash about one of the others? Arian's ears are that of a hound, taking in even the smallest tidbit of conversation to keep himself entertained.
◉ Hoarder: If any trinkets or treasures (or junk) brought in from outside are up for grabs or inspection, he is soon to find out and slink his way to the pile, darting back to his chambers to add it to the room. Perhaps it's a comfort? Maybe he is curious? Fill a void?

Relationships: TBD
Enemies: TBD
Memories Regained: If any history has been recalled, mention it here.
◉ None, due to his fear
Angel Kill Count: Attempt Failed {0}

code by cychotic



(it hurts.)

Looking For

⊙ Friends

Apparently this is the Gay(TM) Afterlife, which ya know, suits me just fine :P They look fab, and I love how varied they are. Welcome to the Afterlife, Rosen and Arian!
I thought we may have needed a female in the mix. ;)


Elizabeth Jackson Cole (Goes by Jackson)




Militant, with some dabbling in Scout position

Place of Death:
Earth, United States


Combat Skills:
Skilled in hand-to-hand combat (Not really helpful with angels, but good all the same), limited sniper training, proficient gun handling

+ Physical Strength: Jackson is a tough girl. She is tall and muscular. She actively works to stay in shape and to stay strong. This enables her to be able to lift heavier things and move quicker. Her body remains in peak condition so that physical barriers are unable to stop her.
+ Stamina: With the physical strength, Jackson also focuses on stamina. She can run for long periods of time and does not tire easily.
+ Intelligence and Resourcefulness: Jackson is just smart. She is an extremely quick learner and loves it. She can figure out how to fix almost anything and is quick about it. She can use almost anything to her advantage and can build very simple things.
+ “Gut”: Jackson has a very trustworthy “gut instinct” that is almost never wrong about situations or people. She can read people well.
+ Organization and Planning: Jackson is a purposeful and organized individual. She doesn’t like not having a plan. She feels plans are necessary for success and she is happy to organize all the plans she can. She is a good leader in this way.


- Brazen: Jackson can sometimes come across the wrong way. She says what she’s thinking without wondering if it could come across the wrong way to others. She is unafraid to tell it like it is and holds nothing back, lacking a mental filter.
- Temper: Jackson tries to avoid confrontation with allies, because she knows she has a hard to control temper. Once her temper is triggered, it is hard to calm her down.
- Impatience: Jackson works on her impatience. This is part of the reason she only has limited sniper training; her impatience makes it difficult. She has little to no patience for stupidity or ignorance, especially while above ground.
- Non-spontaneous: Though she can quickly change plans, she tries not to. She is uncomfortable in situations that she does not have a plan for and does not like to engage in them if she has the chance.
- Risky: Jackson has a need to save everyone but herself; this leads to her make risky decisions, sometimes putting herself in harm’s way. Though she can handle herself in dangerous situations, this can cause some issues with the people she may work with.

Tomboy: With Jackson’s strength, height, conformation, and skills, she tends to intimidate other females. This leads to Jackson mostly hanging out with males and picking up some “male-ish” traits.
Imaginative: Jackson has an incredible imagination. This helps with planning, allowing her to imagine every possible scenario and makes a plan for it if it occurs. This also can cause her to get lost in her own thoughts and distracted easily when underground.
Determined: Jackson does not easily give up on things. She is determined to do her best in everything she does (a little perfectionism) and usually does not give up until it is her best. She does not like to quit jobs until they are completely finished and can be rather crazy about this.
Inquisitive: Jackson loves to learn. She will pick up things from everywhere. She will read when she gets the chance, but tries to participate in anything she can to learn and get experience. She learns everything she can, even things people may think she has to no use for.
Calculating: Jackson thinks in a lot of details. She notices the small things other people might miss. She is cunning and thinks quick on her feet. This helps with her planning, but it can make people think she is cold when she studies them and she can use the details to be slightly manipulative.
Trustworthy and Honest: Jackson is a person you can depend on: whether it is to kill and angel or keep a secret. She is great at giving advice because she’s honest.



Memories Regained:

Being a newer addition to the Afterlife, she hasn’t recovered many memories and a lot of her memories are just voices. However, she can remember having a small cat that she enjoyed and practicing hand to hand combat with many different people in uniforms.

Angel Kill Count:
Aegis Roark
main rp | characters | ooc

Name: Aegis Roark
Age: 19
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Demisexual--homoromantic. Aegis has a problem with emotional intimacy but also really needs that closeness before he can be with somebody.
Role: Militant--A warrior. Surely killing Angels is the only way to regain his memories and survive.
Place of Death:Space
Combat Skills:
Aegis moves on reflex. His hands can load a gun before he has time to think about it. Aegis is proficient in close quarters or long range combat. He's infuriatingly deadly to the point where he resents himself and the past he can't remember. Weapons are empty but it's the only skill he has.

Aegis is uncomfortable around explosives. The sound of them makes him itchy.

◉ Combat and athleticism: Aegis has fast reaction times to the point he has pulled a knife on comrades when they surprised him or touched him without announcing themselves first. Aegis can load a gun before some people can even close their mouths and stop gawking at the Angel threat. He's agile with toned arms and legs. It's weird. Without many memories of his past life, its like he's inhabiting someone else's body. Someone who was really physically fit and engineered for violence.

◉Steady: When Aegis commits to something, he's going to pull through with stubborn tenacity. This can be a weakness. He can get a singular focus and stick to it through hell or high water.

◉PTSD: Aegis feels the weight of his missing memories on his chest. They hurt. How can something you can't remember hurt you? Sometimes Aegis gets scared for no reason. He hyperventilates. It doesn't happen when he's fighting, only in the period of rest between confrontations when he has time to think.

◉Self-doubt: Aegis doesn't see himself as someone who belongs around smart, intelligent people. The ones who are geniuses at computers. All he's good for is carving up Angels and getting carved up in return. Aegis regards himself as cannon fodder. He's good at what he does and takes pride in his combat skill, but ultimately, it's empty.

◉Looking for guidance: Aegis looks for a mentor figure in all the wrong places.

Personality: 6 bullet points minimum
◉Soldier: Aegis can't root out this part of his personality no matter how much he wants to. It is his most valuable skill and the thing he that frustrates him most about himself.
◉Scared of closeness: His instincts fire off when he gets too emotionally attached to someone. Aegis's head tells him he should put distance between himself and the other person. It's strange. Aegis has a degree of objectively due to his missing memories. He wonders why his body behaves like other people are a threat. He tries to hide or ignore the feeling, but it's there.
◉Loyal: Aegis places a lot of importance on honoring his bonds and promises.
◉Emotional: He uses his feelings to make decisions rather than his head. He can be guided by his morals and react drastically when they're violated.
◉Introverted: Aegis relaxes and gains energy from being alone. This doesn't mean he's anti-social or shy. Being alone or with a select few friends is just his preferred method of destressing. This might give the impression that he's stoic or aloof but he's actually fine with casually hanging out.
◉ Dorky: Depending on who you ask, Aegis blurting out things can be charming or awkward. Subtlety isn't a skill he possesses when it comes to social situations.
Relationships: [Claimable]
Enemies: [Claimable]
Memories Regained:
◉ The smell of peppermint is inexplicably calming.

◉He attended some kind of military academy.

◉Aegis had a disease when he was a kid. His parents gave him up due to not being able to handle the medical expenses or the stress of raising a physically handicapped child. The government paid for him to undergo an experimental surgery. After Aegis regained the use of his limbs, his parents tried to get custody of him again. A ten-year-old, he was really happy to see them again. His love turned to resentment as he aged. Aegis had been abandoned. He couldn't stomach the betrayal even if he had ultimately been saved because of it. He chose to enter military service to escape that household.

◉Thinking of the academy hurts his head. The experiences he had attending there must have been bad.

Angel Kill Count: 22

code by cychotic




(it hurts.)

Looking For


I thought we may have needed a female in the mix. ;)


Elizabeth Jackson Cole (Goes by Jackson)




Militant, with some dabbling in Scout position

Place of Death:
Earth, United States


Combat Skills:
Skilled in hand-to-hand combat (Not really helpful with angels, but good all the same), limited sniper training, proficient gun handling

+ Physical Strength: Jackson is a tough girl. She is tall and muscular. She actively works to stay in shape and to stay strong. This enables her to be able to lift heavier things and move quicker. Her body remains in peak condition so that physical barriers are unable to stop her.
+ Stamina: With the physical strength, Jackson also focuses on stamina. She can run for long periods of time and does not tire easily.
+ Intelligence and Resourcefulness: Jackson is just smart. She is an extremely quick learner and loves it. She can figure out how to fix almost anything and is quick about it. She can use almost anything to her advantage and can build very simple things.
+ “Gut”: Jackson has a very trustworthy “gut instinct” that is almost never wrong about situations or people. She can read people well.
+ Organization and Planning: Jackson is a purposeful and organized individual. She doesn’t like not having a plan. She feels plans are necessary for success and she is happy to organize all the plans she can. She is a good leader in this way.


- Brazen: Jackson can sometimes come across the wrong way. She says what she’s thinking without wondering if it could come across the wrong way to others. She is unafraid to tell it like it is and holds nothing back, lacking a mental filter.
- Temper: Jackson tries to avoid confrontation with allies, because she knows she has a hard to control temper. Once her temper is triggered, it is hard to calm her down.
- Impatience: Jackson works on her impatience. This is part of the reason she only has limited sniper training; her impatience makes it difficult. She has little to no patience for stupidity or ignorance, especially while above ground.
- Non-spontaneous: Though she can quickly change plans, she tries not to. She is uncomfortable in situations that she does not have a plan for and does not like to engage in them if she has the chance.
- Risky: Jackson has a need to save everyone but herself; this leads to her make risky decisions, sometimes putting herself in harm’s way. Though she can handle herself in dangerous situations, this can cause some issues with the people she may work with.

Tomboy: With Jackson’s strength, height, conformation, and skills, she tends to intimidate other females. This leads to Jackson mostly hanging out with males and picking up some “male-ish” traits.
Imaginative: Jackson has an incredible imagination. This helps with planning, allowing her to imagine every possible scenario and makes a plan for it if it occurs. This also can cause her to get lost in her own thoughts and distracted easily when underground.
Determined: Jackson does not easily give up on things. She is determined to do her best in everything she does (a little perfectionism) and usually does not give up until it is her best. She does not like to quit jobs until they are completely finished and can be rather crazy about this.
Inquisitive: Jackson loves to learn. She will pick up things from everywhere. She will read when she gets the chance, but tries to participate in anything she can to learn and get experience. She learns everything she can, even things people may think she has to no use for.
Calculating: Jackson thinks in a lot of details. She notices the small things other people might miss. She is cunning and thinks quick on her feet. This helps with her planning, but it can make people think she is cold when she studies them and she can use the details to be slightly manipulative.
Trustworthy and Honest: Jackson is a person you can depend on: whether it is to kill and angel or keep a secret. She is great at giving advice because she’s honest.



Memories Regained:

Being a newer addition to the Afterlife, she hasn’t recovered many memories and a lot of her memories are just voices. However, she can remember having a small cat that she enjoyed and practicing hand to hand combat with many different people in uniforms.

Angel Kill Count:

Accepted - and yes, we were pretty dude-heavy up in here :P Welcome to the Afterlife, Jackson!
Aegis Roark
main rp | characters | ooc

Name: Aegis Roark
Age: 19
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Demisexual--homoromantic. Aegis has a problem with emotional intimacy but also really needs that closeness before he can be with somebody.
Role: Militant--A warrior. Surely killing Angels is the only way to regain his memories and survive.
Place of Death:Space
Combat Skills:
Aegis moves on reflex. His hands can load a gun before he has time to think about it. Aegis is proficient in close quarters or long range combat. He's infuriatingly deadly to the point where he resents himself and the past he can't remember. Weapons are empty but it's the only skill he has.

Aegis is uncomfortable around explosives. The sound of them makes him itchy.

◉ Combat and athleticism: Aegis has fast reaction times to the point he has pulled a knife on comrades when they surprised him or touched him without announcing themselves first. Aegis can load a gun before some people can even close their mouths and stop gawking at the Angel threat. He's agile with toned arms and legs. It's weird. Without many memories of his past life, its like he's inhabiting someone else's body. Someone who was really physically fit and engineered for violence.

◉Steady: When Aegis commits to something, he's going to pull through with stubborn tenacity. This can be a weakness. He can get a singular focus and stick to it through hell or high water.

◉PTSD: Aegis feels the weight of his missing memories on his chest. They hurt. How can something you can't remember hurt you? Sometimes Aegis gets scared for no reason. He hyperventilates. It doesn't happen when he's fighting, only in the period of rest between confrontations when he has time to think.

◉Self-doubt: Aegis doesn't see himself as someone who belongs around smart, intelligent people. The ones who are geniuses at computers. All he's good for is carving up Angels and getting carved up in return. Aegis regards himself as cannon fodder. He's good at what he does and takes pride in his combat skill, but ultimately, it's empty.

◉Looking for guidance: Aegis looks for a mentor figure in all the wrong places.

Personality: 6 bullet points minimum
◉Soldier: Aegis can't root out this part of his personality no matter how much he wants to. It is his most valuable skill and the thing he that frustrates him most about himself.
◉Scared of closeness: His instincts fire off when he gets too emotionally attached to someone. Aegis's head tells him he should put distance between himself and the other person. It's strange. Aegis has a degree of objectively due to his missing memories. He wonders why his body behaves like other people are a threat. He tries to hide or ignore the feeling, but it's there.
◉Loyal: Aegis places a lot of importance on honoring his bonds and promises.
◉Emotional: He uses his feelings to make decisions rather than his head. He can be guided by his morals and react drastically when they're violated.
◉Introverted: Aegis relaxes and gains energy from being alone. This doesn't mean he's anti-social or shy. Being alone or with a select few friends is just his preferred method of destressing. This might give the impression that he's stoic or aloof but he's actually fine with casually hanging out.
◉ Dorky: Depending on who you ask, Aegis blurting out things can be charming or awkward. Subtlety isn't a skill he possesses when it comes to social situations.
Relationships: [Claimable]
Enemies: [Claimable]
Memories Regained:
◉ The smell of peppermint is inexplicably calming.

◉He attended some kind of military academy.

◉Aegis had a disease when he was a kid. His parents gave him up due to not being able to handle the medical expenses or the stress of raising a physically handicapped child. The government paid for him to undergo an experimental surgery. After Aegis regained the use of his limbs, his parents tried to get custody of him again. A ten-year-old, he was really happy to see them again. His love turned to resentment as he aged. Aegis had been abandoned. He couldn't stomach the betrayal even if he had ultimately been saved because of it. He chose to enter military service to escape that household.

◉Thinking of the academy hurts his head. The experiences he had attending there must have been bad.

Angel Kill Count: 22

code by cychotic




(it hurts.)

Looking For


Ah, a fellow militant for Thomas. Accepted - Welcome to the Afterlife, Aegis!
Character Name
main rp | characters | ooc

Name: Jinx
Age: 21
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: Militant- Warrior, Recon
Place of Death: New York City Streets, Earth
Combat Skills: Knives. Knives everywhere. Big butcher knives, throwing knives, you name it. She has them strapped to her at all times and hidden in her hair and every piece of gear she wears. Blitz is relatively young compared to the rest of the group, and built small but surprisingly strong. She makes up for her size with deadly accuracy with a blade. Unfortunately for such a small person, blades require relatively close range to an angel in a fight. Stealthy, Jinx can hide easily and sneak up on opponents, often making her a prime choice for recon where she can go undetected. She has been known to jump onto an angel's back once to slice and dice. But that was a one time thing... and no one is really sure if they saw it happen. Either way, she is not to be underestimated.
◉ Knives
◉ Stealth
◉ Undaunted
◉ Self Preservation
◉ Small
◉ Always Hungry
◉ Struggles with Taking Directions
◉ Blunt
◉ Sarcastic
◉ Selfish
◉ Not a team player, every man for himself attitude
◉ Fearless
◉ Emotionally numb
Relationships: [Claimable]
Enemies: [Claimable]
Memories Regained: Jinx has been dead for a long time. She's killed a lot of angels, and in turn has unfortunately received memories from her horrific death. Every time she makes another kill, that's always the worse part. The memories that come in return. She is all too aware of how she died, and what the dimly lit alleyway looked like, and every line of that man's face in disgusting detail. But she tells no one.
Angel Kill Count: 48

code by cychotic



(it hurts.)

Looking For

⊙ Specify what relationships you are looking for, e.g. rivals, field partners, comrades, lover(s), friend(s) etc. for other players toplay

Last edited:
Character Name
main rp | characters | ooc

Name: Jinx
Age: 21
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: Militant- Warrior, Recon
Place of Death: New York City Streets, Earth
Combat Skills: Knives. Knives everywhere. Big butcher knives, throwing knives, you name it. She has them strapped to her at all times and hidden in her hair and every piece of gear she wears. Blitz is relatively young compared to the rest of the group, and built small but surprisingly strong. She makes up for her size with deadly accuracy with a blade. Unfortunately for such a small person, blades require relatively close range to an angel in a fight. Stealthy, Jinx can hide easily and sneak up on opponents, often making her a prime choice for recon where she can go undetected. She has been known to jump onto an angel's back once to slice and dice. But that was a one time thing... and no one is really sure if they saw it happen. Either way, she is not to be underestimated.
◉ Knives
◉ Stealth
◉ Undaunted
◉ Self Preservation
◉ Small
◉ Always Hungry
◉ Struggles with Taking Directions
◉ Blunt
◉ Sarcastic
◉ Selfish
◉ Not a team player, every man for himself attitude
◉ Fearless
◉ Emotionally numb
Relationships: [Claimable]
Enemies: [Claimable]
Memories Regained: Jinx has been dead for a long time. She's killed a lot of angels, and in turn has unfortunately received memories from her horrific death. Every time she makes another kill, that's always the worse part. The memories that come in return. She is all too aware of how she died, and what the dimly lit alleyway looked like, and every line of that man's face in disgusting detail. But she tells no one.
Angel Kill Count: Who even knows.

code by cychotic



(it hurts.)

Looking For

⊙ Specify what relationships you are looking for, e.g. rivals, field partners, comrades, lover(s), friend(s) etc. for other players toplay

'always hungry' omg it's me.

We're upping the lady count here - sounds like she'll be great help to the Militants. Welcome to the Afterlife, Jinx.
Tomas Bartosz
main rp | characters | ooc

Name: Tomas Bartosz.
Age: 51.
Pronouns: He/Him.
Sexuality: Heterossexual.
Role: Rogue, ocasional Homesteader.
Place of Death: Earth.
Combat Skills: Excellent at using revolvers and shotguns; close range is his field of expertise.
◉ Independent: Tomas can work brilliantly alone. He doesn't need orders or morale to be doing his job excellently. He motivates himself.
◉ Tough skin: He's seen some shit, so it's not the first degeneracy that will put him down. Resilient in the face of adversity.
◉ Reliable: If he commits to doing something, it will get done. Sooner rather than later.
◉ Cold: He's not good at forming bonds, and has quite a hard time making friends.
◉ Collected: Not the best with manners, and oftentimes scares people away by sounding like an asshole.
◉ Pessimistic: He usually expects the worst. Though that doesn't affect him (to some degree it even encourages him), to other people that's usually not good for morale.
◉ Thoughtful: Tomas enjoys spending time alone, reflecting on his life or afterlife.
◉ Not-so-interested: It seems that nothing can really shake Tomas. He just waits, listens, comments, propposes a line of action.
◉ Strategic: Tomas likes to plan things ahead of time, rather than improvise. So everytime before fighting he does a bit of preparing; a bit of being sure he can win.
◉ Everyone's Dad: Likes to comment and give input on a lot of moral choices people make, it being welcome or not.
◉ Worried: Though he likes to work alone, when on a group, the well being of others much concern him. He might express that wrong, but truly he wants no one to get hurt.
◉ Big Picture Guy: Maybe sacrifices will be needed. Maybe some people will be left behind. Think of the greater good, though. Always.
Relationships: Helena Bartosz (daughter), Julie de Carvalho (mother of Helena).
Enemies: TBD
Memories Regained:
◉ Tomas knows he has a daughter.
◉ Tomas knows he never got married.
◉ Tomas knows he killed a man while alive.
◉ Tomas knows he caused the death of his daughter.
Angel Kill Count: 65.

code by cychotic


Fuck off.

Looking For

⊙ Whatever.

Quinn Morrison
main rp | characters | ooc

Name: Quinn Morrison
Age: 19
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Homosexual
Role: Scout (Currently providing for both pacifists and militants)
Place of Death: Earth, UK
Combat Skills: Good at screaming for help. Currently learning how to properly utilize a handgun.
◉Fleet-Footed: Quinn's fighting capabilities are below average at best, but luckily his fast footwork compensates for it. If necessary, Quinn can run at surprisingly high speeds which makes him great at getting away from danger as soon as possible.
◉Agile: Combined with being a good runner, Quinn's agility makes him quite a hard target to get to. Feats such as jumping, climbing and badass backflips can be quickly performed if needed.
◉Responsive: He is rather quick to react, allowing him to make decisions in the heat of battle without giving it much thought.
◉Combat: Quinn is pretty damn awful at anything to do with combat. He lacks physical strength as well as any knowledge regarding firearms or other weapons, so he prefers to just run away.
◉Pushover: Partially caused by his Insecurity, Quinn has quite a tough time saying no to others and denying requests. This causes him to sometimes get himself into situations that he doesn't actually want to be in.
◉Dependent: If forced into a situation where everyone had to take care of themselves, Quinn would be one of the first to die. His survival skills are most definitely lacking, causing him to rely on others to keep him safe and fed.
◉Optimistic: despite the situation not looking extremely well, Quinn is known to maintain a positive outlook on (after)life. He's constantly busy reassuring himself and others that everything's gonna be alright!
◉Hard-working: Though he is many things, Quinn cannot be called lazy. He will do his very best to successfully complete any tasks given to him for the sake of being useful.
◉Too Inquisitive: He is very curious for knowledge and loves to learn as much as it can make him feel more useful. Being too inquisitive, however, is more of a flaw than a virtue though since Quinn is also known to show a bit too much curiosity towards other people's private affairs and details. As a result, he can often come off as too nosy and annoying, despite that not being his goal at all.
◉Insecure: Quinn doesn't think very highly of himself, often believing that he is more of a nuisance than a good addition to the group. Though this is definitely a flaw, it does encourage him to work harder to eventually achieve a sense of belonging.
◉Soft-hearted: Quinn is definitely a kind and caring soul that worries about the wellbeing of others.
◉Forgetful: Though he doesn't forget important tasks, Quinn does sometimes have a bit of a hard time remembering smaller details which can still be quite troubling. It's not very uncommon for the younger individual to not remember everything if lots of information is given at once.
Relationships: [Claimable]
Enemies: [Claimable]
Memories Regained:
◉None yet
Angel Kill Count: 0

code by cychotic



(it hurts.)

Looking For

⊙ Anything is welcome

Tomas Bartosz
main rp | characters | ooc

Name: Tomas Bartosz.
Age: 51.
Pronouns: He/Him.
Sexuality: Heterossexual.
Role: Rogue, ocasional Homesteader.
Place of Death: Earth.
Combat Skills: Excellent at using revolvers and shotguns; close range is his field of expertise.
◉ Independent: Tomas can work brilliantly alone. He doesn't need orders or morale to be doing his job excellently. He motivates himself.
◉ Tough skin: He's seen some shit, so it's not the first degeneracy that will put him down. Resilient in the face of adversity.
◉ Reliable: If he commits to doing something, it will get done. Sooner rather than later.
◉ Cold: He's not good at forming bonds, and has quite a hard time making friends.
◉ Collected: Not the best with manners, and oftentimes scares people away by sounding like an asshole.
◉ Pessimistic: He usually expects the worst. Though that doesn't affect him (to some degree it even encourages him), to other people that's usually not good for morale.
◉ Thoughtful: Tomas enjoys spending time alone, reflecting on his life or afterlife.
◉ Not-so-interested: It seems that nothing can really shake Tomas. He just waits, listens, comments, propposes a line of action.
◉ Strategic: Tomas likes to plan things ahead of time, rather than improvise. So everytime before fighting he does a bit of preparing; a bit of being sure he can win.
◉ Everyone's Dad: Likes to comment and give input on a lot of moral choices people make, it being welcome or not.
◉ Worried: Though he likes to work alone, when on a group, the well being of others much concern him. He might express that wrong, but truly he wants no one to get hurt.
◉ Big Picture Guy: Maybe sacrifices will be needed. Maybe some people will be left behind. Think of the greater good, though. Always.
Relationships: Helena Bartosz (daughter), Julie de Carvalho (mother of Helena).
Enemies: TBD
Memories Regained:
◉ Tomas knows he has a daughter.
◉ Tomas knows he never got married.
◉ Tomas knows he killed a man while alive.
◉ Tomas knows he caused the death of his daughter.
Angel Kill Count: 65.

code by cychotic


Fuck off.

Looking For

⊙ Whatever.

Oooh, A rogue, fantastic, not to mention the group Dad friend :P Accepted - Welcome to the Afterlife, Tomas.
Quinn Morrison
main rp | characters | ooc

Name: Quinn Morrison
Age: 19
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Homosexual
Role: Scout (Currently providing for both pacifists and militants)
Place of Death: Earth, UK
Combat Skills: Good at screaming for help. Currently learning how to properly utilize a handgun.
◉Fleet-Footed: Quinn's fighting capabilities are below average at best, but luckily his fast footwork compensates for it. If necessary, Quinn can run at surprisingly high speeds which makes him great at getting away from danger as soon as possible.
◉Agile: Combined with being a good runner, Quinn's agility makes him quite a hard target to get to. Feats such as jumping, climbing and badass backflips can be quickly performed if needed.
◉Responsive: He is rather quick to react, allowing him to make decisions in the heat of battle without giving it much thought.
◉Combat: Quinn is pretty damn awful at anything to do with combat. He lacks physical strength as well as any knowledge regarding firearms or other weapons, so he prefers to just run away.
◉Pushover: Partially caused by his Insecurity, Quinn has quite a tough time saying no to others and denying requests. This causes him to sometimes get himself into situations that he doesn't actually want to be in.
◉Dependent: If forced into a situation where everyone had to take care of themselves, Quinn would be one of the first to die. His survival skills are most definitely lacking, causing him to rely on others to keep him safe and fed.
◉Optimistic: despite the situation not looking extremely well, Quinn is known to maintain a positive outlook on (after)life. He's constantly busy reassuring himself and others that everything's gonna be alright!
◉Hard-working: Though he is many things, Quinn cannot be called lazy. He will do his very best to successfully complete any tasks given to him for the sake of being useful.
◉Too Inquisitive: He is very curious for knowledge and loves to learn as much as it can make him feel more useful. Being too inquisitive, however, is more of a flaw than a virtue though since Quinn is also known to show a bit too much curiosity towards other people's private affairs and details. As a result, he can often come off as too nosy and annoying, despite that not being his goal at all.
◉Insecure: Quinn doesn't think very highly of himself, often believing that he is more of a nuisance than a good addition to the group. Though this is definitely a flaw, it does encourage him to work harder to eventually achieve a sense of belonging.
◉Soft-hearted: Quinn is definitely a kind and caring soul that worries about the wellbeing of others.
◉Forgetful: Though he doesn't forget important tasks, Quinn does sometimes have a bit of a hard time remembering smaller details which can still be quite troubling. It's not very uncommon for the younger individual to not remember everything if lots of information is given at once.
Relationships: [Claimable]
Enemies: [Claimable]
Memories Regained:
◉None yet
Angel Kill Count: 0

code by cychotic



(it hurts.)

Looking For

⊙ Anything is welcome

Screaming for help in an underestimated life skill. He sounds fab. Accepted - Welcome to the Afterlife, Quinn!
Jeanette Dushkova
main rp | characters | ooc

Name: Jeanette Dushkova
Age: 28
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: Scout, works for both Militants and Pacifists but prefers Pacifists
Place of Death: Earth, Russia
Combat Skills: Marksman, Ambush expert. Also capable of basic medical attention.
◉ Marksman: Jeanette is a great shot with a rifle, but not the best. She can't land any million-dollar shots, but she'll reliably nail an Angel in the head from 100 meters. 300 meters with a scope.
◉ Good Eye: Jeanette has a knack for observation, being able to pick out targets and identify objects from quite a distance away.
◉ Homecoming Planner: The girl specialized in traps; booby traps, lure traps, false traps, psychological traps, you name it, and she's probably got one or two on her at all times. If she wanted to hole up in a cave somewhere, then it's guaranteed that she'll stay holed up there for an entire week, even longer if she wanted to.
◉ Fast Mover: She moves quick for someone of her age and posture. Jeanette shines the most in cramped spaces, her lithe physique somehow squeezing through unimaginably tight crevices, almost like an octopus would. But just like an octopus, she can't squeeze herself out of everywhere.
◉ Trust Me, I'm a Doctor!: Picking up medical knowledge here and there, Jeanette has proven to be quite the apprentice when it comes to medical issues. She can patch up infections, broken limbs, wounds, maybe cook up some herbs to cure headaches, fever, and all sorts of other miscellaneous nuisances in daily life. She's useless when it comes to anything other than that, though. Quite the apprentice, but still just an apprentice.
◉ Overspecialized: She is so good at setting traps and firing rifles, that she is utterly average at everything else, save for medical capabilities. If she pushes herself, then maybe she can cook a barely edible omelette. Automatic weapons scare her, with how many bullets they fire at once. Jeanette's completely useless with a melee weapon, as her only tactic is to swing wildly and hope she hits something important.
◉ Overconfident: Jeanette has the nice tendency of having contingency plans, especially when it comes to her traps, but she usually indulges in a sense of overconfidence, and arrogance. As such, anyone or anything that manages to outwit her will catch her off-guard, and will either make her angry or confused.
◉ Dependency: For someone who's supposed to be a Scout, she is surprisingly incompetent by herself. Aside from her skills with a rifle and a band-aid, she has nothing. She needs food, supplies, and more, although lacking in the abilities to find those things herself.
Personality: 6 bullet points minimum
◉ Boredom Enthusiast: For some odd reason, Jeanette seems to be the most joyful when there's nothing to do. Boredom is like a friend to her, as it gives her a sense of achievement, that all her debts have been momentarily paid off. She does mind-numbingly repetitive tasks as a hobby, and talks with a passion.
◉ Food-motivated: Do you have food? Can it be eaten by humans without dying? Will you share it? If you said yes to all those questions, then Jeanette would more than happily be your friend (and maybe even more).
◉ Smart Mouth: She talks a lot, but in a nice way. She likes to indulge in productive conversations, trading knowledge or giving out random trivia about something she knows, and she tries her best to motivate and uplift the people around her, sometimes at the cost of her own psyche. She knows how to shut up when she needs to shut up, so that's also a plus.
◉ Conceal, Don't Feel: Jeanette hides a lot of her true emotions. Self-doubt, guilt, regret, etc. all pile up inside her mind, a result of her incompetence through overspecialization, or the way some of her friends see her and treat her. She never explicitly tells anyone about these feelings, but look hard enough, and you will always find it there within her, gnawing at her mind.
◉ Twitchy: Jeanette always wants to do something physically, even if it makes no sense. Tapping on a table, tiptoeing around at random, and even just pacing back and forth in an empty or crowded room. It soothes her, she says.
◉ Considerate: Jeanette cares about the people around her, even if they might not care about her. She tries her best to remember their "birthdays", listen to them attentively about any story they might have to tell, boring or not, and always tries to cheer them up whenever they're feeling down, even if they won't listen to her.
Relationships: [Claimable]
Enemies: [Claimable]
Memories Regained:
◉ She was a warrior of some kind. Not official military service, but a fighter in a war. A rebel, perhaps?
◉ Jeanette was born of a French mother, and a Russian father.
◉ She was born and raised in Russia, where something went wrong at some point in her life. A conflict. Civil war? Maybe.
◉ She placed a lot of traps. Killed a lot of wild animals. She was kind-of popular with people, since she brought them wild meat ready to be cleaned, then cooked.
◉ Most of the memories she's regained contain trivial moments from when she lived, strolling down a sidewalk, kicking some pebbles, holding someone's hand while lying comfortably in a bed, eating deliciously cooked omelettes that her father made. No useful information gained, but she holds them dear.
Angel Kill Count: 34

code by cychotic



(it hurts.)

Looking For

⊙ Comrades, friends, lovers, mentors

Alexei Olsen
main rp | characters | ooc

Name: Alexei Olsen
Age: 29
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: Homesteader / Scout - While not being overly enthusiastic about bleeding himself to get a couple angels down, Alex is a capable gunner if he's needed to pick up the rifle to defend home base. He also enjoys running errands and possibly even head outside at times for a bit of exercise.
Place of Death: Helsingborg, Sweden.
Combat Skills: Skilled in hand-to-hand / melee combat; Thorough fire-arm training.
◉Alex Stronk! - Alex's tall and muscular build gives a natural advantage in most fist fights. His punch crushes bones. But since angels don't usually fist fight humans, this trait helps him in other fields, such as lifting heavy objects or turning a terribly rusty valve. Either way, it is certainly a useful trait, especially in repair works, construction and maintenance of the base.
◉Alex Fix! - The man is unusually skilled around things-that-need-fixed. He enjoys playing around with trinkets and putting together things from scavenged scraps. He helps keeping the light on and the water running. Just hand over the tools!
◉Reliable - Alex appears to handle himself just fine, and he gets the job done. Even when it's something a bit out of his usual profession, you can still count on him!
◉A Knack for Little Trinkets - He knows what he need. He knows what you need. And he knows where to find them. After all, a wide range of materials are needed for repair and maintenance of the base, and the base is in disrepair as ever.
◉Attached - If he gets attached to a group or person, he'll carry them on his shoulders no matter what happens. He simply cannot leave anyone behind, even in the most dire situation.
◉Brick Wall - He's strong - that is true. But he is slow. Damn near immobile in face of an agile opponent, for he won't have time to even finish digesting the situation before being tackled flat onto the ground.
◉Self-sacrificing - You're all cornered. Now, Alex won't hesitate jumping out there alone just to lure danger away from his friend (Or pull off some equally stupid maneauver). If you still wanna keep him around, you best think of an escape plan!
◉You Before Me - Alex puts others' problems and afflictions before himself, whilst being extremely bad at conveying his emotions; leaving them bottled up until the last possible minute.
◉Hard-Working - He gets the job done with maximum dedication and focus.
◉Self-Proclaimed Collector - He enjoys scavenging things. Anything. Bullet casings from from near the elevator; Shattered glass; A three-legged chair. You'll be surprised to see what he has in his inventory.
◉Desperate Measures - When there's nothing left to do, Alex wanders around the base, chatting up anyone and everyone, to escape his eternal foe: Boredom. Sometimes it gets him more jobs to do, sometimes it doesn't. He personally prefers the former.
◉Closet Homophobic - He won't openly or willingly express his discomfort regarding the topic of homosexual.
◉Tough Sleeper - He doesn't sleep much, but it's not like he doesn't want to. He just can't catch sleep easily, and he thinks the memory loss has something to do with that.
Relationships: [Claimable]
Enemies: [Claimable]
Memories Regained:
◉Alex knows he was a fire-fighter.
◉Alex remembers the heat and stress of being surrounded by the flame.
◉In his recent dreams, Alex can vaguely make up a face of a young woman, although he has no memory about who it belongs to.
Angel Kill Count: 29

code by cychotic



(it hurts.)

Looking For

⊙ Friends, field-partners, comrades.

Jeanette Dushkova
main rp | characters | ooc

Name: Jeanette Dushkova
Age: 28
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: Scout, works for both Militants and Pacifists but prefers Pacifists
Place of Death: Earth, Russia
Combat Skills: Marksman, Ambush expert. Also capable of basic medical attention.
◉ Marksman: Jeanette is a great shot with a rifle, but not the best. She can't land any million-dollar shots, but she'll reliably nail an Angel in the head from 100 meters. 300 meters with a scope.
◉ Good Eye: Jeanette has a knack for observation, being able to pick out targets and identify objects from quite a distance away.
◉ Homecoming Planner: The girl specialized in traps; booby traps, lure traps, false traps, psychological traps, you name it, and she's probably got one or two on her at all times. If she wanted to hole up in a cave somewhere, then it's guaranteed that she'll stay holed up there for an entire week, even longer if she wanted to.
◉ Fast Mover: She moves quick for someone of her age and posture. Jeanette shines the most in cramped spaces, her lithe physique somehow squeezing through unimaginably tight crevices, almost like an octopus would. But just like an octopus, she can't squeeze herself out of everywhere.
◉ Trust Me, I'm a Doctor!: Picking up medical knowledge here and there, Jeanette has proven to be quite the apprentice when it comes to medical issues. She can patch up infections, broken limbs, wounds, maybe cook up some herbs to cure headaches, fever, and all sorts of other miscellaneous nuisances in daily life. She's useless when it comes to anything other than that, though. Quite the apprentice, but still just an apprentice.
◉ Overspecialized: She is so good at setting traps and firing rifles, that she is utterly average at everything else, save for medical capabilities. If she pushes herself, then maybe she can cook a barely edible omelette. Automatic weapons scare her, with how many bullets they fire at once. Jeanette's completely useless with a melee weapon, as her only tactic is to swing wildly and hope she hits something important.
◉ Overconfident: Jeanette has the nice tendency of having contingency plans, especially when it comes to her traps, but she usually indulges in a sense of overconfidence, and arrogance. As such, anyone or anything that manages to outwit her will catch her off-guard, and will either make her angry or confused.
◉ Dependency: For someone who's supposed to be a Scout, she is surprisingly incompetent by herself. Aside from her skills with a rifle and a band-aid, she has nothing. She needs food, supplies, and more, although lacking in the abilities to find those things herself.
Personality: 6 bullet points minimum
◉ Boredom Enthusiast: For some odd reason, Jeanette seems to be the most joyful when there's nothing to do. Boredom is like a friend to her, as it gives her a sense of achievement, that all her debts have been momentarily paid off. She does mind-numbingly repetitive tasks as a hobby, and talks with a passion.
◉ Food-motivated: Do you have food? Can it be eaten by humans without dying? Will you share it? If you said yes to all those questions, then Jeanette would more than happily be your friend (and maybe even more).
◉ Smart Mouth: She talks a lot, but in a nice way. She likes to indulge in productive conversations, trading knowledge or giving out random trivia about something she knows, and she tries her best to motivate and uplift the people around her, sometimes at the cost of her own psyche. She knows how to shut up when she needs to shut up, so that's also a plus.
◉ Conceal, Don't Feel: Jeanette hides a lot of her true emotions. Self-doubt, guilt, regret, etc. all pile up inside her mind, a result of her incompetence through overspecialization, or the way some of her friends see her and treat her. She never explicitly tells anyone about these feelings, but look hard enough, and you will always find it there within her, gnawing at her mind.
◉ Twitchy: Jeanette always wants to do something physically, even if it makes no sense. Tapping on a table, tiptoeing around at random, and even just pacing back and forth in an empty or crowded room. It soothes her, she says.
◉ Considerate: Jeanette cares about the people around her, even if they might not care about her. She tries her best to remember their "birthdays", listen to them attentively about any story they might have to tell, boring or not, and always tries to cheer them up whenever they're feeling down, even if they won't listen to her.
Relationships: [Claimable]
Enemies: [Claimable]
Memories Regained:
◉ She was a warrior of some kind. Not official military service, but a fighter in a war. A rebel, perhaps?
◉ Jeanette was born of a French mother, and a Russian father.
◉ She was born and raised in Russia, where something went wrong at some point in her life. A conflict. Civil war? Maybe.
◉ She placed a lot of traps. Killed a lot of wild animals. She was kind-of popular with people, since she brought them wild meat ready to be cleaned, then cooked.
◉ Most of the memories she's regained contain trivial moments from when she lived, strolling down a sidewalk, kicking some pebbles, holding someone's hand while lying comfortably in a bed, eating deliciously cooked omelettes that her father made. No useful information gained, but she holds them dear.
Angel Kill Count: 34

code by cychotic



(it hurts.)

Looking For

⊙ Comrades, friends, lovers, mentors

Looking good, especially empathetic towards food motivations - Accepted. Welcome to the Afterlife, Jeanette!
Alexei Olsen
main rp | characters | ooc

Name: Alexei Olsen
Age: 29
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: Homesteader / Scout - While not being overly enthusiastic about bleeding himself to get a couple angels down, Alex is a capable gunner if he's needed to pick up the rifle to defend home base. He also enjoys running errands and possibly even head outside at times for a bit of exercise.
Place of Death: Helsingborg, Sweden.
Combat Skills: Skilled in hand-to-hand / melee combat; Thorough fire-arm training.
◉Alex Stronk! - Alex's tall and muscular build gives a natural advantage in most fist fights. His punch crushes bones. But since angels don't usually fist fight humans, this trait helps him in other fields, such as lifting heavy objects or turning a terribly rusty valve. Either way, it is certainly a useful trait, especially in repair works, construction and maintenance of the base.
◉Alex Fix! - The man is unusually skilled around things-that-need-fixed. He enjoys playing around with trinkets and putting together things from scavenged scraps. He helps keeping the light on and the water running. Just hand over the tools!
◉Reliable - Alex appears to handle himself just fine, and he gets the job done. Even when it's something a bit out of his usual profession, you can still count on him!
◉A Knack for Little Trinkets - He knows what he need. He knows what you need. And he knows where to find them. After all, a wide range of materials are needed for repair and maintenance of the base, and the base is in disrepair as ever.
◉Attached - If he gets attached to a group or person, he'll carry them on his shoulders no matter what happens. He simply cannot leave anyone behind, even in the most dire situation.
◉Brick Wall - He's strong - that is true. But he is slow. Damn near immobile in face of an agile opponent, for he won't have time to even finish digesting the situation before being tackled flat onto the ground.
◉Self-sacrificing - You're all cornered. Now, Alex won't hesitate jumping out there alone just to lure danger away from his friend (Or pull off some equally stupid maneauver). If you still wanna keep him around, you best think of an escape plan!
◉You Before Me - Alex puts others' problems and afflictions before himself, whilst being extremely bad at conveying his emotions; leaving them bottled up until the last possible minute.
◉Hard-Working - He gets the job done with maximum dedication and focus.
◉Self-Proclaimed Collector - He enjoys scavenging things. Anything. Bullet casings from from near the elevator; Shattered glass; A three-legged chair. You'll be surprised to see what he has in his inventory.
◉Desperate Measures - When there's nothing left to do, Alex wanders around the base, chatting up anyone and everyone, to escape his eternal foe: Boredom. Sometimes it gets him more jobs to do, sometimes it doesn't. He personally prefers the former.
◉Closet Homophobic - He won't openly or willingly express his discomfort regarding the topic of homosexual.
◉Tough Sleeper - He doesn't sleep much, but it's not like he doesn't want to. He just can't catch sleep easily, and he thinks the memory loss has something to do with that.
Relationships: [Claimable]
Enemies: [Claimable]
Memories Regained:
◉Alex knows he was a fire-fighter.
◉Alex remembers the heat and stress of being surrounded by the flame.
◉In his recent dreams, Alex can vaguely make up a face of a young woman, although he has no memory about who it belongs to.
Angel Kill Count: 29

code by cychotic



(it hurts.)

Looking For

⊙ Friends, field-partners, comrades.

Good to have a new Scout aboard - Accepted. Welcome to the Afterlife, Alexei!
Character Name
main rp | characters | ooc

Name:Addison Kendall
Role: Engineer
Place of Death:Earth, Canada
Combat Skills:
Pyrotechnician: As long as it goes *BOOM* or burns brightly, Addison is a master of it. She exceels at making intricate and flashy traps, there’s nothing she enjoys more than seeing her enemies burn until there’s nothing left but their ashes. She even manages to impress herself sometimes with the sheer complexity and ingenuity of her creations. On the other hand, the traps she develops tend to be rather „inefficient “. The poor thing that gets in there will surely die, but in a very slow and painful manner. Unless she is specifically told otherwise, her inventions are going to be overly complex and borderline sadistic, but at least they do their job well.

◉Engineering: Addison is really gifted when it comes to fixing/building things. Everything ranging from electronics to plumbing and woodwork is most likely going to be in her field of specialisation.
◉Pyrotechnic: She is madly obsessed with anything bright or sparkly, be it bombs or flames, Addison is an undoubted master when it comes to such things. Her obsession can sometimes go too far, however. (Michael Bay would be proud!)

◉Poor fighter: Addison is a really poor fighter and an even poorer marksman. She handles her flames and explosions pretty well, but when she has run out of traps or fuel for her flamethrower… she’s pretty much done for. That’s why she prefers to stay back and let the others do the dirty work. Should she ever find herself in grave danger , however, Addison will fight like a cornered rat: she will bite, scratch and scream until either her or her adversary has dropped.
◉Poor physique: Addison’s body is small and frail. She lacks strength and will often need
someone to help her carry the more heavy materials for her.
◉Rebellious: Whether it is open, brazen acts or quiet, unsaid ones– Addison always finds a way to resist the commandment of those above her. She hates beeing bossed around and will refuse all orders delivered in an authoritarian tone, even if it is for her own good. Despite all of this, she is easy to manipulate. If one plays the right cards, Addison is hilariously easy to trick into doing something. Communication is key.

Personality: 6 bullet points minimum
◉Workaholic: Adisson really enjoys her work and the concept of „break“ is alien to her. Unless she is very tired or hungry (which rarely happens), she won’t stop until she has finished her work. If there really is nothing to do, she will enter in a state of extreme desperation and boredom. If this happens, she is usually willing to compromise on almost anything as long as she gets something to do.
◉Emotionally Unstable: Addison is unpredictable, she can go from intense sadness to uncontrollable enthusiasm in a matter of seconds. She is very expressive and straightforward when it comes to her feelings, but is oblivious to all but the most straightforward messages. Subtlety is not her thing.
◉Weird-ish: You don’t have to know her for a long time to know something’s wrong. Be it the way she stares at people or objects, her verbal tics or the way she twitches when she hears the words „fire“ , „explosions“ or anything related: Her presence can be a bit unsettling to those who don’t know her very well.
◉Fanatical Loyalty: If she actually gets attached to someone, she will defend that person with excessive zealotry. Once she has claimed she likes someone, it will be very hard to change her mind.
◉Mechanic: She is practical and realistic, not sentimental.
◉Resilience: She just won’t quit after she has set her mind on doing something. No matter what’s in her way, she won’t stop until she has reached her goal (or has dropped dead.). She often bites more than she can chew.
Relationships: [Claimable]
Enemies: [Claimable]
Memories Regained: If any history has been recalled, mention it here.
◉She can only remember the way she died and her line of work. She’s sure she was an industrial engineer in life, but most of her memories are still fuzzy. The only thing she can remember clearly is the way she died: a slow and painful death in a house fire. (Fire she most likely started.)

Angel Kill Count: 12

code by cychotic



(it hurts.)

Looking For

⊙ Friends, Rivals and Bombs (ò_ó)


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