Welcome to System-Supported Play


Dialectical Hermeticist
We have a huge number of new members without experience of dice-based games. This thread will serve as a hub from which I will invite interested parties to give it a spin. Each game offered was written to serve a 3 hour real-life session, and the narrative is therefore short, structured, and to the point. Running them via forum gives more leeway for variation, however, and you should not find yourselves significantly more confined than in a freeform game. I would appreciate regular posting where possible - once every two days, at the slowest.

Note: The tools for forum gen are currently offline. This game will not begin until maintenance is complete.

August 17th, 2013

Seattle has had its share of tragedy and monsters - the disastrous WTO protests, the Mardi Gras Massacre, the Rainbow Killer. In this post-9/11 world fear of your neighbour, of the dark city streets, of the government allegedly sworn to protect you is rife, and we are understandably paranoid.

But no one was ready for John Whistler.

He took hostages at the Bank of America, and then he detonated a bomb, killing 89 people. Seattle is still reeling from the shock.

November 8th, 2013

You haven't slept for almost a week. After the bombing, you slept badly, sure - nightmares, restlessness, early rising. Now it's full-blown insomnia. You find yourself walking the rainy city streets by night, settling down for coffee in an all-night diner (sure, it won't help you sleep, but you weren't sleeping anyway - might as well stay alert, right?).

A few other lonely souls are in here, getting acquainted with the night. Maybe you're not the only one.

Hallucinations have begun to set in, so it'd be great not to be alone...

This is a game for five players.

It will be set in Onyx Path's World of Darkness, under the God-Machine Chronicle updates.

You do not require these books, nor any knowledge about them. Players without prior system experience are preferred.

This is a Horror game; there will be disturbing content - in particular self-harm, violence, and themes of domestic abuse.

I will be assigning characters to ease the transition, but you will have the choice to write your own character if you so desire and are free to expand or take liberties with the premade character you might be given. Note, however, that there will be minor restrictions on the types of characters welcome.

Our characters must have an artistic interest or outlet. There must be one police officer, one military veteran, and one librarian. They are ordinary humans with no knowledge of the supernatural beyond what they might have seen in fiction or read in mythology.

Presently interested are: @revo @Ashmorne @Krystael @Jiggly

If any other new members would be interested in future, please post here and I'll alert you when the next cycle begins. If you would like to learn more about systems, click here.
I'm fine with being a female civilian or a male police officer. Whatever you need more.
Oh you meant an rp, I thought you meant a game game. Sorry, I don't even know how to do this kind of thing.

It still sounds interesting though, so I might give it a try if you guys are willing to be patient with me
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Krystael said:
Oh you meant an rp, I thought you meant a game game. Sorry, I don't even know how to do this kind of thing. 
It still sounds interesting though, so I might give it a try if you guys are willing to be patient with me
I am a boundless font of patience and would be happy to help you through it, if you want to try.
I would definitely like to be a part of this. I'm also vastly inexperienced in this type of role play, so I will need much patience as well.
i'd be interested if more people join! i've never done a dice roleplay before so i want to learn more :)

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