Welcome to Rose Hell

Primordial Primrose

A pegasister with a touch of shotguns
Primordial Primrose submitted a new role play. @Primordial Primrose, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Name Carnation

Gender Male

Grade 8

Focus Music

Crush None, he hates everyone equally



Bio He is a bitter and closed kid who espouses strong morals, but has a hard time comminication, hating almost everyone for no apparent reason. He is often alone with his ntruments and his books. He loves antagonizing people, and often has such a dry sense of humor that the sahara starts sweating. If anyone even remotely offers friendship, he becomes uncomfortable. He is out of his depth when people show interist in him, and will try to avoid people.
Name: Eren Grey

Grade: 8

Gender: Female

Focus: Writing

Crush: None... Yet

Picture: Has Heterochromia. One eye is sky blue, one is grass green.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/cce9d28e9698d60e3b4ddb816d16f1a4.jpg.7557465d2859cb2115e0ce513ec214e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18635" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/cce9d28e9698d60e3b4ddb816d16f1a4.jpg.7557465d2859cb2115e0ce513ec214e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Eren tends to stay in the shadows minding her own business, not drawing attention to herself, and almost constantly wears a hoodie. Very conservative, at least clothing wise, and is easily flustered by physical contact, closeness, or when she makes a mistake or messes up. She's surprisingly good at sports, or really anything physical, and loves mind games and riddles. Anyone that can manage to get close to her, she grows extremely attached to, and even sometimes affectionate, but rarely. She tried to be friendly at the beginning of the school year, but after a few tries gave up and decided people her own age are a lost cause. Was teased mercilessly as a child for having two different coloured eyes, and is now extremely self conscious about them.



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Name: James

Grade: 8

Gender: Male

Focus: Performance (special effects)

Crush: If anything about him is a secret, it is this.



Bio: His family accepted the fact that James was weird, and tried their best to get him to stop causing random explosions, but by the time he was 13, they were done. So when Rose Hill offered services for special children, they leapt at the chance. Quickly becoming involved in the school play, drama club, and chemistry, James is known for being out-going and cheerful, along with not even trying to hide his power.
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No to the changeling part, you simply can diguise yourself quickly. Sorry, wolf. 
We will need an author focus, to start the game.
I believe so. What kind of magic would they work though?

But I can still use explosions and special effects, right?
Name: Lapis Carona


Gender: Female

Focus: Vocals (drabbles a bit in piano)

Crush: None Yet


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-21_19-17-11.jpeg.ae159c80d8daa3caeae875f2a35dea72.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18745" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-21_19-17-11.jpeg.ae159c80d8daa3caeae875f2a35dea72.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Doesn't like people getting close to her. She is extremely cautious when it comes to new people. She has a habit of being unintentionally mean to people. But on the inside, Lapis is anything but shy. She sings to herself, cackles at any small joke and is very childish. She could never show that to anyone but her very close friends. She was cunning as a child, brave and strong. Later, she was subject of bullying due to her snow white hair. She closed up and protected herself and her close friends. She never again trusted anyone at first sight.



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Name Katherine Kay

Grade 8

Gender Female

Focus Dance

Crush Nope



Bio Katherine is a fun girl to be around, but has a habit of speaking her mind and being way too honest. Kay gets along with everyone but she wont hesitate to do some damage if you talk bad about anything she likes -especially dance.
Well I'll say Performance

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