Welcome to Rose Hell [Inactive]

Almost everything was quiet in rose hill. Well, rose hell by the students opinions. Carnation pulled out a bow, (an actual recurve longbow) and began to play his enormous string instrument. He knowingly allowed himself a ghost of a smile, the first since he had released 3 tarrantulas into the principles bed. He knew how mortifying this was for the teachers, as they knew not who could be the troublemaker. In fact, this half of him barely existed in school. He grinned. Thinking quietly, "This is the real me. Not that angelic little carnation. This is who I am, and who I can be. I will be... the Thunder Song!" He continued playing, now adding a deep humming harmony. He was heard to be playing Phantom of the opera.
Eren sat in the corner of an empty classroom, 6-or-so books piled around her. The one she was currently reading was bigger than her head, and about as thick as her arm, if not more. Her eyes flew up and down through the pages, clouds of dust making her cough when she turned particular pages. "I don't understand how nobody's read some of these yet..." She muttered, casting a glance at the dusty pile.

Reaching beside her on the floor, she picked up a notebook and pencil, writing a few quick things down before returning to her book.

The book had a dark brown cover, with the word "All" Printed in fancy lettering on it.

After a while of reading, Eren sighed and closed the book. Her eyes were starting to hurt, her throat was dry, and looking at the clock she realized she had been reading for almost 4 hours straight.

Rubbing her temples, she carefully put the books away, her hand lingering on "All" for a moment, then walked out of the classroom and into the quiet hallway.
Lapis looked around causiouly, making sure no one was around the corner. When she had made sure the coast was clear, she quietly sliped into the abandoned room. She walked over to the corner of the room and pulled out her key board and plugged in her headphones. She opens her bag, grabbing a blue folder out of the bag. She pushed her bag off to the side and opened the folder. She grabbed a packet of music from the folder titled "Thousand Years" and set it on the stand. She opened the cover of the piano and began to play.
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James smiled. Maybe a little too wide. The teacher looked at him suspiciously. "James..." she warned. He perked up. "Yes?" The teacher frowned. "I know you're planning something. Don't even try it." James laughed. "But Mrs. Falyoun, I've already tried it." She narrowed her eyes suspicously. "And would you like to divulge more information, or are you going to stop interrupting the class?" James 's smile grew even wider. "I just did." Mrs. Falyoun glowered at him. "Well then, stop disrupting the learning process and remove yourself to the principal's office if you feel the need to tell him as well." She moved onto teaching the class. The special class, for those who were so far behind, or got in so much trouble, they needed more teaching.
Amethist in the art room painting something really colorful and humming 
(sorry she not in the art room cause there's no art room sorry)
Katherine couldn't keep the scowl off her face if she tried. The teacher had been droning on incessantly practically the whole class and Kat felt like she was going to explode if she didn't get out of there soon. She hated Rose Hell with a passion just like all the other students here. Her parents didn't even take the time to look into the history of the school like they tend to do with any other academy Kat was to enroll in. But they didn't do that this time, they were instantly sold by a pretty picture and full scholarship for dance. Ha, those lying bastards. What did they want with all these kids anyway? She thought in irritation tapping her foot to a rhythm underneath her desk to control the feeling of deprivation for not being able to dance.
After sending the last notes through the air, Carnation sighed, and got out of his pit. He crawled out from behind his calender, where the hole was hidden, and prepared his act. Half shutting his eyes, he placed his headache bag on, and assumed a false limp. He walked over to the classroom, stumbling in. Mrs. HorseWhinney raised an eyebrow, saying "Mr. Field? But I thought you where too sick to join us today?" Carnation blushed at his last name, and says, "My dad sent me some Alieve. Besides. It isn't like I could just skip school!" he sits between Katherine and the artist, and noting both behaviors. He hides a grin at the teachers gullibility. After all, he didn't even have a father.
Katherine felt the presence of Carnation sitting down in his seat, she didn't have to turn around to know that. Carnation just had this air- aura to him that was unlike anyone else at Rose Hell, and she slightly envied him for it. She gave a quick nod in his direction before turning back towards Mrs. HorseWhinny She wasn't paying attention at all, but she knew to make it look like her attention was solely focused on a person while she daydreamed or zoned out.
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Carnation, feeling the gaze of Katherine, uncomfortably shifts in his chair. He eventually continues his work, still blushing. He holds in a sneeze, but when it comes out, bangs his head and falls to the ground, cradling it in both arms. The teacher ignores him, simply continuing the lesson.
Kat was quick to come out of Lala Land dropping down next to Carnation and putting a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, are you all right? You hit your head pretty hard there.." She said with an awkward laugh tugging on the sleeves of her sweater.
He blinks and looks up, one pupil slightly larger than the other. "Umm..." is all he can say, in a mumbled daze. "What?" his eyes widen as he remembers, and he struggles to get up. The teacher, seeing now Kat on the floor, commanded her to return to her desk.
Kat sighed in exasperation at how bogus the teacher was being, but complied slowly standing up and brushing her skirt off. "Here" She offered her hand to him. "I don't think you want to be on that revolting floor any longer than you have to be." She said quietly wrinkling her nose in a smile.
He took the hand, getting up slowly. He then sits back down, trying and failing to pretend that everything was normal. (He failed) He grins, and then falls unconscious on the desk.

(I have to go eat dinner, about 1/2 hour.)
James smiled, letting the completely non-musical sound echo through the hallway as he walked. Finally reaching his next class, he simply walked in, despite being half an hour late. Seeing the teacher's horrified and disgusted look, he stopped playing the kazoo. James grinned at the teacher. "Evenin' Mrs. HorseWhinny." He walked over to his desk, which as always, sat directly in the front. At least, that was how his desk always started out. There were only half-way through the first quater, so the teachers were stilll hoping for a fresh start. How they would be dissappointed....

Mrs. HorseWhinny was talking. Something about a 'Revolution'. That got James's mind working in strange ways. A revolution, such as the rotation of a planet. That one science experiment with the planets on little sticks. Lollipops....Mrs. HorseWhinny slapped a hand on his desk. James looked up, still holding the cotton candy. "Yes?" The teacher glared at him, and then grabbed the treat. "No food in class, mister."
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