Welcome to Ouran High School


Junior Member
Character sign up sheet.

Name: of said character


(Photo must be anime if at all possible)


and bio:

anyone is welcome to join.

I will be posting a character here in a moment.

We are doing our own version of Host Club. So we are going to introduce 5 new hosts :)
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I have been really busy lately and almost forgot all about this thread. I am still fairly new, so still trying to learn everything
Since this is the sign up sheet, I have just posted how to sign up with your character, I am assuming this is how it works.... I will post my character here in a little bit

Liliana Angelique Black




Lily is really shy, loves animals and is really kind and cheerful around her friends. However at school she puts up a front making others think she's confident and kinda mean





Lily grew up in England where she went to an all girl school, but that school had to close thanks to most of the teachers quitting. She moved close to Ouran and she was accepted there pretty quickly. Though thanks to her hating the girl uniform they have there she just wears the one she had from the other school seeing the headmaster said that was fine.


Her father is a famous doctor and her mother a famous writer


Subaru Ramino




Subaru is good at sports and is often seen doing just that when he has free time. He can be lazy when he wants to, but he's also a flirt, he will never leave someone alone who obviously needs help and is willing to listen and try to help them.




Subaru grew up in a wealthy family, his parents owning most of the cinema's in town has it's up and downs, he has a younger sister he loves and has an older brother who's going to take over his parents business, he joined the host club in year one seeing they asked him too.


Is the sporty type of host

(I added some things, is that alright?)
Name: Shigeru Kikuchi



Personality: Shigeru is a rather flirtatious and easy-going person. He can act a bit stuck up and snobbish at times but he means well. He can be very self conscious but hides it around other people. He enjoys sappy romance novels and rom coms, and often thinks that the way people fall in love in them is how people should fall in love in real life as well.

Bio: Shigeru was born to a very wealthy family that held twelve children other than him, who's one of the youngest. He was expected to become a big shot actor due to his looks and how it was extremely easy for go to take on a role however he didn't want to be involved in that career. Actually he wanted to become a romance novelist(shocker). His parents didn't exactly approve and decided it was just a phase, thinking he would get over it by the time he reached adulthood. His parents payed Ouran a large amount of cash to allow him to attend the place since they thought it might bring out his inner actor. He practically barged into the host club, deciding he would make it his goal to woo every student on campus while he was their and he, somehow, got in.

The outgoing type

(Tell me if I need to change anything)
Name: Aki Tachibana

Age: 16



Personality: Aki is an intelligent and kind girl that can be a bit awkward at times but makes up for it with her bubbly personality and enthusiasm. She comes from a middle class family so she mainly got in due to her grades. She loves tiny and cute things and is very friendly but can be lazy when things get physical and hates dirty things.

Bio: Aki lived a rather happy life, she always had a lot of friends due to her traits and got good grades overall but she was often stressed out about money for college and whatnot despite her parents constant reminders to not worry about it. She was allowed into Ouran High School due to her outstanding grade. This made it so that she had to leave most of her friends but she was still ecstatic about attending the school and getting to meet brand new people.
Name: Jadenalia "Jade" Xavier

age: 17

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/592d93002d04a9a869952febdef50576.jpg.495f15a0c8f7dd3be34956c1b9d36fe9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58506" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/592d93002d04a9a869952febdef50576.jpg.495f15a0c8f7dd3be34956c1b9d36fe9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: a shy and secluded girl who hides her feelings. She looks frail in the outside, but on the inside is the heart of a warrior due to going through a lot as a child. If she gets hurt she won't show it, if she cries, she cries when no one's looking or when it rains. Though she doesn't show emotion to others, she doesn't put up a cold and heartless facade. She instead, branches out from society and often where's pale colors to blend in.

and bio: Her mother died at a young age, and her father ran an internationally known electronics company. When her father signed a deal with Samsung to form an alliance and share new ideas, it gave her father too much work and not enough time to spend with his daughter. So Jade grew up socially akward and never went outside much leaving her pale and secluding her from society. When to much attention is directed to her she will often have a panic attack, her only escape from reality is when she makes music. She was given her first set of turn tables at age 7, and has been practicing her DJing skills since. She has been interviewed in a dubstep magazine and a popular DJ magazine. She has met Skrillex in person and has his autograph on her turn tables and laptop.



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Name: Umeko Himura








Umeko has short hair with dark plum eyes. She is 5'5 and gets cut a lot from running and climbing things. Though she does eat a lot more like a guy, she weighs about 119 lbs.

Age: 14

Year: First

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Curious...

Host type: "Hey, I could be one of I want, but I don't wanna be a girly man boy" {She would be The Troublemaker type}

Crush: None yet...


Personality: Umeko is tomboyish with her always trying to impress everybody although she is a commoner who just happens to have a inheritance from some of her family members. She is immature, and independent being raised with a "Nobody is going to save you but you" mentality, she has never thought of having relationships with guys or girls just her self though she gets crushes all the time. Umeko is quite the crybaby yet tends to fight the persons that is annoying or hurting her. Umeko tends to annoy and tease the Host club but then again sometimes is the jest there. When angry she can be cold and pessimistic with others and tends to cry a lot. She also doesn't trust the boys in the host club.

Bio: "Stop being so nosy, but then again I'm a Tsukuyomi"


She is cursed with Resting Cute Face syndrome

She is a Tsundere

She is a foodie

?Hobbies: Feeding Birds and Cats, Eating, Playing Sports, Parkour


She doesn't like to be touched by the opposite gender

She is a black belt in jdo and Aikido

She is Indian/Japanese

She knows how to dance very well.

She loves Electronic, Dubstep, and Hip Hop
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Name: of said character: Jake Osuma

age: 17

(Photo must be anime if at all possible):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Screenshot_2015-06-24-21-56-34.png.7a404c1a5f7c8a6d7b5be05dc3a2dd7a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58632" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Screenshot_2015-06-24-21-56-34.png.7a404c1a5f7c8a6d7b5be05dc3a2dd7a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Gentleman, but plays the silent, reserved boy. He tends to drink & smoke in hidden sight or off campus (so hardly ever) and is looking for a partner, but never acts like it. Has always appreciated people in general, but loves a good prank here and there.

bio: He has played violin as child and secretly loves the ukulele. He comes from a middle class family, but his connections to the headmaster led him to the school. (rest is unknown for now)



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Name: Juliet Rose

age: 17

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-27_16-6-7.png.70f9fe249e7e3d76fde998f4c73e571b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59117" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-27_16-6-7.png.70f9fe249e7e3d76fde998f4c73e571b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Very bubbly and happy, rarely sad. Smart but acts dim. Always up for a new challenge, comes up with crazy ideas that just might work. She loves animals, food, and boys, which is the reason she decided to hang around the Host Club. She's verycaring and often puts others before herself. Though she seems very happy and confident she often worries about others opinions on her.

Bio: Juliet was born and raised in America. She transferred to Ouran because her father's business moved him to a company branch in Japan. Her parents are incredibly in love, she looks up to them for that and hopes to love someone like they love each other one day. Juliet only has one sibling, a younger sister who playfully gags at the sight of her parents kissing at the dinner table. Juliet has been a loyal costumer of the Host Club since her first day when one of the hosts showed her around campus. She has a great admiration for each boy and is very fond of the club.

(This is my first attempt at RP, ever! So I hope this is okay! /.\)



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