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Realistic or Modern Welcome to New York City! (Slice of Life)

Orpheus Ester
Orpheus blushed lightly as he complimented his hair and smiled sheepishly. "Oh, thanks." He mumbled, looking down shyly. He stared at his feet for a bit before he asked for their names and he looked back up. "Oh, my name is Orpheus." He replied with a cute smile.



Alexander Ester

Alexander watched as Orpheus got flustered and rolled his eyes a little. Part of him wished Orpheus was as good as flirting as he was but then he remembered that Kane didn't seem too into that and shook his head. He didn't really try stepping out of the way though since Orpheus came in the way when he was clearly going somewhere with came. "I'm Alexander." He said contently as they continued walking.



Finnick Elliott Silverfox

He smiled at both their names and giggled quietly at how flustered the boy got "Well I'm Finnick....And this is Leo" he said as he pointed to the dog walking in front of them, they then passed a park and Leo stopped, looked into the park and whimpered softly causing Finnick to narrow his eyes and follow his gaze "Oh, Leo it's just a kid..." he said quietly though wondered what the hell a kid would be doing out there so late, then he noticed another guy and frowned little bit.

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Destery 'Des' Monroe

He'd ended up having a major fight with his sister over the phone when he found out she was going to be out all night hooking up with people, leaving him with his nephew Cade. He'd gotten so upset he had to get out of the house so he took the little boy, despite how late it was, to the park near their apartments and was sitting on a swing while Cade went down the slide over...and over... and over. He then looked up when he saw a dog and three men and frowned slightly, realizing how bad this looked just now.

@modest mouse



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Alexander Ester
Alexander nodded. "Wonderful to meet you" He said as he looked down at the dog and then over at where the boy was. He smiled at him a little and glanced over at Orpheus and Finnick. He decided it wouldn't hurt for him to talk to the boy a bit. He was annoyed with his brother and could tell he was annoyed too so getting out of his hair would probably be helpful for him. "Hey, I'll meet you at the hotel, okay?" He asked, looking over at Orpheus. When he got his okay he wandered over to the other male. He sat on the swing next to him and smiled a little. It was rare he was nice. But he felt being nice was probably the right thing as of now.



Orpheus Ester

Orpheus nodded in response to Finnick saying his name and then looked over at Alexander when he said he was gonna take off. He rolled his eyes a little and nodded. "Yeah, see you there." He said before continuing to walk with Finnick. He figured his brother was going off the flirt with that other boy since he couldn't get away with doing it with Finnick. Whatever, he didn't really care.



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Finnick Elliott Silverfox

He watched him go off and frowned a little but shrugged as he looked back over at Orpheus "You have a very unique name" he said as he started walking towards the hotel with him again and glanced up at the stars with a small smile on his face, this felt strangely nostalgic. Perhaps it reminded him of his ex for whatever reason though he recently moved out of state, he still missed talking to him.

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Destery 'Des' Monroe

He glanced up as he saw one of them leave the pack and approach him, he suddenly grew slightly nervous and looked away, rubbing at his red, tear-stained eyes while sniffling when the boy sat beside him, He wanted to think that the other male just wanted to sit at the park to and not have anything to do with him, yes that would be better. The blue haired boy looked over at Cade who was now happily drawing little things in the sand with his finger and sighed quietly

@modest mouse



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Orpheus Ester
Orpheus shrugged and stepped up the stairs. "I dunno." He mumbled sheepishly. He got out his room key and opened the door for the other quietly. "I decided to stay at a hotel until I can find an apartment or something. Alexander is a dick and I couldn't stand sharing an apartment with him." He said, rolling his eyes.



Alexander Ester

Alexander looked over at him and frowned. "Uh, I'm Alexander." He said quietly, not sure of what to do or say. Being a flirt wouldn't help the situation at all. And he couldn't just throw a compliment in at random. You had to do it with grace. Anyways, none of it really mattered anyways at the moment. He frowned and looked over at the child and released a sigh. He wandered over to the child and watched him draw. "Whatcha drawing?" He asked with a smile. He kinda hoped he didn't sound like a creep or anything. Not that he wasn't. He was one hell of a creep but in no way would it be appropriate to be a creep right now.



Finnick Elliott Silverfox

He smiled a little and shrugged "I think its cool" he said before blushing, realizing he was being invited in "A-Are you sure its okay?" he asked quietly, not wanting him to think he was some freak that just walked right into his house so he just sorta stood there awkwardly.

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Destery 'Des' Monroe

He frowned a little and just shrugged shyly as he watched him go over to Cade and caught himself glaring slightly, Cade looked up at the man and squeaked quietly before smiling a little "I draw Dessy" he said cutely as he continued making a very poor example of Destery in the sand, then got some blueish looking rocks and put them on the hair

@modest mouse



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Desmond "Lucky" F.

"Is that what I'm to call my small knight in uniform?" He yawned between his quiet chuckling. Grinning, he looked up at the signs noticing how blurred they were. He really needed to learn how to not lose himself in the act of drinking. Sighing softly, the giant tilted his head back and looked up at the stars shining faintly above the glistening streets lamps. He came back to what senses he had remaining as he was guided to their get-away vehicle and slowly slid inside, scooting himself across the seat and onto the other side. Buckling clumsily, he let his head rest against the back of the seat and rubbed at his face. "You may have the face of an angel but the words of a sailor.."

The ride didn't last more than ten minutes. Looking out the window as they arrived on the correct street, Desmond exited the vehicle, handing the driver a crumbled twenty he had somehow found in a pant's pocket. Once out he waited on the sidewalk for Pooh to join him. "Coffee awaits." He smiled and looked to the building where the fresh smell of brewing coffee emitted.



Winnie released a laugh,

"Thanks for the compliment."

She smiled cheekily in response to his comment about her potty mouth. The rest of the ride was silent except for the sounds of the city around them and the murmurs of the cab radio. Winnie looked down at the small television screen and watched the news report that popped on the screen up until their arrival at the shop.

When the vehicle came to a halt, the blue eyed cop in training opened her bag and pulled out her wallet only to be beat, by her new buddy, to paying the driver. She smiled and dropped her wallet back in her bag.

Winnie slid out the bright yellow taxi and stood next to the friendly giant.

"Thank you."

She told the man before linking arms with him and leading him into the small family owned diner/coffee shop. As the pair entered the scent of fresh brewed coffee, and pancakes filled the air while a short plump woman with her white hair pulled back in a silky ponytail told the two to follow her to a booth.

Taking a seat across the way from her new buddy Winnie thanked the woman for the menus before speaking once more the man,

"Pick anything you want off the
menu it's my treat. They have coffee, of course, but they also serve breakfast all day, and you can have dinner or dessert. I'm not sure what suits your taste but if you have a sweet tooth like I do, I'd recommend loaded waffles, strawberry shortcake sundae, any of their cheese cakes, and if your a chocolate lover then you'll love their chocolate volcano. But that chocolate volcano too much chocolate for me to handle, but you might like it. Now if your more into savory foods then their panni's are a must have alongside with all of their salads. I also must reccomend their steak and cheese omelettes.

She rambled on, prior to formally introducing herself.

"Also it's nice meeting you I'm Winnie Calloway, aka Winne the Pooh, Pooh Bear, or even Officer Pooh Bear."

Winnie states as she sets the menu back down on the table as her hand extends towards the man for him to shake hands with her.

@ShadedRose )
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Orpheus Ester
Orpheus blinked in confusion of his question before smiling sheepishly. "Oh, yeah, it's fine." He said. "I mean, unless you don't want to come in." He said, blushing awkwardly. Sometimes he really wished he was better at talking with people. He released a sigh before smiling again. He wasn't that weird, considering it wasn't even really his room and more the hotel's. That was until he could afford an apartment.



Alexander Ester

Alexander watched him and giggled a little at the boy's cuteness before nodding. "You're a real good artist." He said, shrugging. He drew a little stick figure in the sand. "My brother is better at drawing then me, but whatever." He said with a sheepish smile. He glanced at the other boy, who he assumed name was something along the lines of Dess. He felt like a creep though he really wasn't trying to be this time.



Finnick Elliott Silverfox

He nodded slightly as he stepped in and blushed "N-No it's okay I just didn't know if..." he shook his head "Nevermind" he said as he took off his shoes, as he was always taught it was rude because you could get the floor dirty even if it was just a hotel room "So uhm, What do you do?" he asked quietly, unsure of how to make conversation and suddenly felt how awkward this must've been

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/heart_border__blue_green_yellow__by_revpixy-d6a2mfa.gif.443d94f2a510ed5f104d0ba480b17d02.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142759" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/heart_border__blue_green_yellow__by_revpixy-d6a2mfa.gif.443d94f2a510ed5f104d0ba480b17d02.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Destery 'Des' Monroe

He looked up from his phone to make sure the man hadn't run off with him and sighed quietly with a shake of his head, smiling slightly at how happy Cade looked. Cade giggled quietly and shook his head "You good" he said cutely as he got up and looked over at Destery, not sure how much longer they'd be there "Push...swing?" he asked cutely, trying to tell him he wanted to be pushed on the swing. Destery frowned slightly and got up, walked over and took Cade's hand "Cade the man probably doesn't have time to push you on the swing" he said quietly, his voice coming out much more feminine than you'd probably think he'd sound and Cade frowned cutely "Sowwy" he said adorably

@modest mouse



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Desmond "Lucky" F.

All the different smells mingled inside of Desmond's nasal cavity only adding to the migraine that was beginning to form just behind his forehead. Frowning, he didn't mean to look so displeased but also couldn't help it much with all the scents mixing together. It was all because of the alcohol, however. Had he not spent most the night sitting on a bar stool drowning out all the common sense he had left from throughout the day, his brain wouldn't be so agitated. He watched silently as the small, plump woman led them to their booth and handed over the menus and nodded in her direction with a small smile. His eyes traveled across the table to where his newly made friend sat while beginning to speak to him.

He caught bits and pieces of what she was saying though kind of zoned in and out as she went on. Once again, it wasn't on purpose. Blinking as the pain went from behind his forehead to eyes, he pinched at the bridge of his nose in brief pain. When her voice quieted and he looked over to see that she'd finished talking, he smiled apologetically and let go of his face. "I don't guess there's any chance that you're carrying any pain pills, huh?" He realized shortly after that she had told him her name though luckily he'd caught that bit well.

"Officer Calloway, nice to meet you." He extended his own hand to reach hers and took it, "My name's Desmond, Desmond Foster (I forgot his actual last name) but some call me Lucky." After having gotten the introductions out of the way he looked to the menu again and this time opened it to begin scanning the items inside. It took him less than a minute to close it back and sit back into his seat knowing what he wanted already. "Omelets sound great...in fact, I have a very sweet tooth. I think I'm going to go with the loaded waffle, though."


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