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Fantasy Welcome to Hell [«CS»]


sax mom
Here's a basic template, but feel free to use bbcode or change it to your liking.




Gender/ Sexuality [Optional]:

Height/ Weight:

Piercings/ Tattoos [Optional]:


Reason for damnation:


Name: Josette "Ryder" St. Jereaux

Age: 21

Gender/ Sexuality [Optional]: Female, Heterosexual

Height/ Weight: 5'1 ...190?

Piercings/ Tattoos [Optional]: tongue, left nostril, and cartilages pierced. Spine tatt of the moon phases

Sin: Lust

Reason for damnation: Adultry and Knowingly destroying evidence of guilty offenders

Bio: Josette "Ryder" St. Jereaux is a sassy and flirty senior at NOLA University. An only child and spoiled beyond belief, she takes her Daddy issues and puts them to work in the work place.

When she's not at the bar, the club, a house party, or passed out in the quad, she can be found either at the sorority house sobering up or in the bed of various lucky men. The only thing keeping her motivated to pass is the fear of her daddy cutting her off financially and losing her internship with the criminal defense attorney's office, "Givens, Robicheuax, and Wilson". She makes Attorney Laurent Robicheuax's little defendant rise anytime she's in the courtroom. The issue? The court reporter just happens to be his wife.

After the arraignment of an elaborate bank heist, the bailiff finds Josette in a pool of her blood amongst paperwork with the judge's gavel protruding from her jugular.

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Mars Moore
"My fears, they permeate the walls I made, with my hate / It's getting harder to sleep"
Real Name: Philippa Khvarti

Age: Twenty Three

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual
Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 140lbs

Tattoos: Located on the inside of her left forearm, reads "we are all in the gutter but some of us are looking up at the stars". She also has a five point star on her right arm and three black tear drops underneath her left eye.

Piercings: N/A
Sin: Wrath

Reason for damnation: Murder


Biography: Born into poverty, Mars has never had it easy, from the moment she was born. Her family always struggled for money, which meant their household and relationships were always very strained. Her parents often fought, from when she was very young up until she left the house, (and as she got older, she would start to fight with her parents too). Despite this, Mars was a fairly happy child; she liked playing with her friends and was a quite bright child. She was always one of the brighter kids in her class in elementary school and always worked hard, especially since her parents pushed her to do so. Additionally, Mars was a friendly and charming child, who got along well with other kids and could wrap adults around her little finger. Aside from her parents, that is. She always got the impression they didn't like her very much.

Mars was raised in a poor area with high levels of crime. It wasn't uncommon to witness small crimes from petty theft and mugging up to gang behaviour and Mars was taught from a young age to lock the doors and not let anyone in when she was home alone. It was when she was thirteen that the first of two major traumas struck; Mars was raped, when she was walking home from a friend's house late at night. It deeply affected her, especially because she never told anyone about it and therefore was never able to get any help dealing with it. After that, she wasn't a happy little girl anymore. She struggled with PTSD: Mars was very jumpy and easily startled, she struggled to sleep at night, she was easily irritable and as she got older, she started getting into trouble more and more. Not just at school but with her parents and getting into fights around her neighbourhood and getting mixed up with the wrong people. Mars started earning a reputation for herself locally and flunked high school.

It was the summer after she finished high school that the second of the two traumas occured: Mars experienced a miscarriage. She had never intended to get pregnant in the first place, just the result of a brief fling with an older male friend, but the miscarriage itself was incredibly traumatising for her. Her PTSD worsened and her behaviour became even more reckless, self destructive, and aggressive. Mars moved away from her parents and moved into a small apartment with some mutual friends, far away from where she used to live. She elected to go by Mars Moore, killing her old name and old life, but she couldn't leave her problems behind. The wrath that she carried with her made it impossible and she found herself having angry outbursts frequently, often scaring the people around her. Sometimes, she could turn violent. Mars found herself stuck, not wanting to be like this but not knowing how to change, and in the end she decided it was easiest if she gave in to her anger.

Mars did actually end up wind up in a gang, despite being warned away from them since childhood and she joked about coming full-circle. She moved again to live with another gang member, after she was kicked out of her last apartment. They were a gang that dealt with drugs, committed petty theft, kept others off their turf, and it wasn't long before she found somewhere to direct her anger and aggressive behaviour. Sometimes, if somebody couldn't pay back their debts or proved to be a problem for them, Mars would step in and end them. She also was frequently involved with turf wars with their rivals, which often ended in bloodshed. It was easier because she could justify it to herself- the people she hurt were assholes and scum, she convinced herself, really she was doing the world a favour. After a while, it became a second nature. They were commonly written off as gang crimes by the police and not looked much further into. Nobody cares about them, about her. Mars ended up dying in a turf fight; she was shot fatally in the side and thus ended a short but very bloody life. The last thing she saw were the stars above her.

code by spookie spookie

Luke Miller


Gender/ Sexuality [Optional]:
Male, and far too arrogant to let himself be defiled by someone else.

Height/ Weight:
6'2, 190 pounds

Piercings/ Tattoos [Optional]:
And blemish his skin?

Pride, obviously.

Reason for damnation:
Ruining at least three people's lives with concentrated effort.

Once upon a time, Luke was born. This was bad. His parents were haughty in and of themselves at the best of times, each being new money and quite wealthy. They weren't the kind of people to stick to their roots. He grew up in a mansion. With housecleaners. He was the kind of rich person that they made cartoons about.

But, he was far from Richie Rich. For starters, from a young age he enjoyed messing with the servants. Yelling at them for making messes that he'd made moments ago, only to reveal the ruse with a laugh, completely stripping apart his bed each morning to make their jobs more difficult, really sociopathic things. And by all metrics, Luke was certainly a sociopath, if not a psychopath. He never killed animals for fun - not least of which because he didn't want to get his hands dirty - but he certainly had few qualms about it. In school, he was not much different. He did not suffer insult very well. Not well at all. He was popular all through high school, but no one really liked him. They feared him. That served Luke just fine.

One day in middle school, a classmate got a higher score than he did on his test. This was not excusable. Luke took his textbook, and painstakingly recreated it, editing information to make it completely incorrect. He looked forward to bits of text that they'd have to read in the future. He changed all this, and then returned it, smiling, as said student failed the rest of the year, forced to repeat it, even. Suffice it to say, Luke graduated top of his class from every school he went to.

Another day, he had the captain of the chess club beat him in a chess match. This was not excusable. Luke found the nearest chess tournament, and replaced every member of this usually reather low intensity game with the most vicious international masters he could find, the ones that mocked and laughed at their opponents, bribed by an impressive lack of respect as to who his parents' money really belonged to. The captain left the chess club the following day, having been absolutely humiliated.

The next time, his teacher took off points for having an "incomplete" analysis of Lord of the Flies. This was not excusable. Luke did research, dug deep into the internet and archives, and found that an e-mail the teacher had associated with their facebook once signed up for a post for recovering alcoholics. Convenient. He convinced, through events that would be difficult to believe, the principal of the school to take said teacher to the bar, coercing him to drink simply by societal expectation of being in a bar with your boss. He got blackout drunk, and came to school the next morning, clearly hungover. Suffice it to say, this teacher was fired.

He went to college. Of course he did. He got in on a full scholarship, to Harvard, just for optimal stories. Majoring in political science, learning a few languages on the side, doing what he must. By the time he was twenty, he had already been up to his old tricks, increasing his social capital, making enemies, though all feared him too much to do anything. Aside from, evidently, one. A young man who he had made unpopular due to daring to express a different opinion in front of people, happened to slit his throat one day while walking from class. Unfortunately, no amount of influence could stem his blood, and he died before an ambulance even arrived, much to everyone's relief.

Name: Eta Wilfried

Age: 19

Height/ Weight: Height 6′ 1″, Weight 143 lbs

Sin: Gluttony

Reason for damnation: Mass murder

Bio: Eta grew up in a troubled family, his father was a policeman who was respected and admired by countless. He was that one piece on the bottom that held up the family but he was a careless and kind man who worried his family every time he left the house. He would never turn a blind eye to anyone who needed his help this was to be the end of him. The head of the Wilfried family died protecting a woman from two armed men he died that night and the woman never showed up to help testify against the criminals. Despite how much Eta's mother tired no one would help or even think to say how much this man helped us even when we didn't ask.

Life wasn't easy for Eta either he suffered much during his school years and earned many rivals once his father passed. Eta grew up as an outgoing boy much like his father but of course, that didn't stop the others from bullying him seeing him as an easy target. Of course, he had friends surprisingly he used to be one of the popular because of his outstanding grades, charming looks, lovable personality, and of course his father. When his father died people saw it as an opening his friends merely used him to get things like alcohol, weed he was a walking VIP card and when the card expired they could get rid of it maybe that would have been merciful. Only they didn't get rid of him they used him as an amusement and his closest friends were either users or afraid that they might end up like him.

Maybe it was the shock of losing his father or the countless beatings he had to go through that got to his head. Eta finally snapped he completely blacked out it was as if he was dreaming. His first blackout he killed one of this bullies, the second blackout he killed one of the girls who always harassed him into doing her homework. Every day a student would go missing when the police came to the school to investigate they questioned each student and made them take a polygraph. All students passed with a 91% or higher and at the top of the list was Eta not knowing of his own killings attended his 'friends' funerals shedding many tears.

Other: "What kind of person am I?"
  • Death: suicide- reason= police found about his blackouts from the security camera. Eta's first attempted murder was stepping in front a train but it didn't end his life the police took him to the hospital where he hung himself after they told his mother and brothers will come and see him.
  • Eta can't sense danger and doesn't read people very well or their emotions
  • Occupation; went to law
  • Eats when he's sad
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Name: Christa Knowles

Age: 23

Gender/Sexuality: Female/ Pansexual

Height/Weight: 5'8/132

Piercings/ Tattoos: Common lobe piercings + chamomile flower on the left side of her ribcage

Sin: Sloth

Reason for damnation: Adultery, Lying

Bio: What's better than having one sugar daddy? Multiple, obviously.
And what's a better way of getting out of having a job? You guessed it. Having multiple fructose fathers. Christa has almost successfully avoided taxes along with obtaining an inheritance. Only one thing went wrong. She tried to murder one of the men by poisoning his drink, only she forgot which one had the poison. An unlucky choice led to her death by unintentional suicide.

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