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Unique Username

~"I Learned That From The Pizza Man"~
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  • <Human Form Picture>



    (Varies, Tales can be hundreds of years old)


    (Two-Four Paragraphs)

    <Fairy Tale Form>

    (Only if your character is originally something other than Human)


    (Tale or Human)

    What Fairy Tale



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Looks to be 18 but is really over a 120 years old


Ariel or maybe you know me as "The Little Mermaid". The rebellious teenage mermaid that wanted to become human to be with my true love. Where I met Eric my one and only. After missing my family and all my siblings, I decided to visit a good sea witch. She gave me the ability to turn into a mermaid when ever I touch the water. And of course it has it bugs like when it rains or when I need a bath of course.

Then she ended up here in Grimm which didn't effect her much since she had already had the human quality. Teaching her dad and the others was rather a drag. But she was happy being here on earth didn't seem so bad. She was ready to start her journey here, but she wanted to go beyond Grimm.



Tale ( Obviously)

What Fairy Tale

"The Little Mermaid"


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Adriel "Pied Piper"


Looks 18 but is really 929 years old


Adriel was the child of a poor farmer who's mother died when he was three leaving him her flute to remember her by. He was very skilled and always playing but one day a kind witch who needed shelter came to the farm. His father allowed her to stay and after hearing Adriel play She gave him a gift. Granting him the gift of immortality for as long as he played the flute and the ability to enchant others with his playing. Adriel was ecstatic but stayed at the farm until his father died of old age then he left.

After that He became well known as the villainous pied piper of Hamelin who kidnapped all but three of the towns children when he was not paid as promised. However what some do not know is that he did not kill the children and even returned most of them in return for payment. All but one. A young child who desired to stay with him. Dubbing this child with the name, Snapper, for their tendency to bite things Adriel and the child explored the world together and he was sad when the child died many years later of old age.

He continued to explore and discover the world but found his interest dwindling. Soon he decided if he found nothing worth keeping himself alive for within ten years he would stop playing and allow himself to live a normal human life. Soon after he found himself in Grim. It captured his interest but he now desires to go beyond Grim.

<Fairy Tale Form>

(Only if your character is originally something other than Human)



What Fairy Tale

The pied piper of Hamelin

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Roland.jpg.b2d93309c7abded2af701bd7c91ac625.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60173" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Roland.jpg.b2d93309c7abded2af701bd7c91ac625.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Yeah sorry, I'm not used to anything other than written descriptions)

Name: Roland

Age: looks 27; actually 203

History: Roland is your average guy, except for the fact that he's been cursed with immortality until he can remember the love that he forgot and that when he plays his fiddle all who hear the song are forced to dance. His predicament started many years ago when his lover came to him, asking to flee together. She had tricked her stepmother into killing her stepsister so that she could go on living, but it would surely mean the end of her anyway once the witch that was her stepmother found out. Roland agreed, and after his sweetheart stole the witches wand, they ran away.

Of course, any good fairy tale villain doesn't give up just because of that, so in order to escape her for good, the girl used the magic wand to turn herself into a flower and Roland into a musician. Using his magic song, he forced the witch to dance in a thorn bush until she was stripped of her flesh and died, but before they could turn back to what they once were, an enchantress cursed Roland to forget his love for the girl because she wanted him for herself.

Even after he forgot, he always knew something in his life wasn't quite right, and so refused to marry the enchantress, who then cursed him further to continue living alone until he could remember his first love. To this day, she exists in the spot that he left her as the most beautiful flower to come into creation, and Roland has settled in Grimm until he can remember what it was he has forgotten.

(BTW: The magic from the fiddle song works on any fiddle/violin as long as it's him playing, and he also has the seven-league boots that originally belonged to the witch)

Species: Tale

What Fairy Tale: Sweetheart Roland

“Then up he got with a light heart, free from all his troubles, and walked on till he reached his mother's house, and told her how very easy the road to good luck was.”

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c32a4a785_Lucas(Tinderbox).jpg.b8fce138f25ab1a9c91f2bfe98d3db84.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60179" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c32a4a785_Lucas(Tinderbox).jpg.b8fce138f25ab1a9c91f2bfe98d3db84.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Lucas

Age: Looks 22; Actually 184

History: He was an average guy, enlisted into the military as soon as he was of eligible age and sent to patrol the kingdom while there were no wars to be fought. During his travels, he came across an old woman who asked him for a favor. Lucas was supposed to enter the hollow of a tree and find a tinderbox which the old woman claimed to be her sisters. She told him that upon entering the tree, he would come across three rooms, the first filled with copper and guarded by a dog with eyes the size of teacups, the second filled with silver and guarded by a dog with eyes the size of mill-wheels, and the third room full of gold and guarded by a dog with eyes the size of towers. She gave him her blue apron and told him that if he spreads the apron over the ground and places the dog on top, it can't harm him.

After completing the task, he asked the woman what she wanted the tinderbox for, and when she refused the tell him, he killed her (because yes, he's got such a good heart). He kept the tinderbox for himself, and not long after discovered that if he struck it once, the first dog would appear and the second and third dogs could be summoned using the same method but with two and three strikes respectively. After settling in Grimm, he is cautious to never let anyone discover the true power of his tinderbox, for there are surely people there that wish to (and could) take it away from him.

Species: Tale

What Fairy Tale: The Tinderbox

“Then up he got with a light heart, free from all his troubles, and walked on till he reached his mother's house, and told her how very easy the road to good luck was.”



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    Lucas (Tinderbox).jpg
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Name: Mallory

Age: Looks, 19, Actual, 122


Mallory, known as Maleficent in the fairy tale world, grew up along side the mystical creatures of the Land Beyond the Woods. She was caring and kind, with wings and the power of the woods. As protector, she ensured that the king and his men never meddled or disturbed the peace. But as she matured, she grew to love a young prince, trusting him to visit her homeland as he please. But as his father fell ill, the only way to seize the throne was to bring the king the head of the protector of the Land Beyond the Woods. Torn, the prince toke the wings of Maleficent instead, proving her "death" to the king.

Betrayed she cursed the first born child of her former lover, spiraling into a dark twist of cruelty and vengeance. Her homeland, soon was contorted with shadows, turning the beasts around her evil as her own heart. Her story played out even worse for her, as the princess fell into a slumber, only to find her true loves kiss. Now alone in her own sorrows, she was to face the prince in a final battle before she found herself in the town she now resides. Her temper continued to flare though she has learn to control it, mostly.


Species: Tale

Fairy Tale: Sleeping Beauty

"On his brow a leaf of oaken,

Changeling child shall be his fate.

Understanding words strange spoken,

Chased by anger, fear, and hate."

-Fire Bringer
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Name: Elsa


(Looks 21, actually 171)


Elsa was born with powers where she can manipulate ice and snow. She loved her younger sister, Anna, very dearly. They are very close and always play around, especially with snow... until she almost killed Anna. Because of this, she concealed herself from her sister and the world to protect her sister and for her to learn to control it. On her coronation, Elsa runaway from Arendelle, as she almost killed the guests and Anna. She made her Ice castle in a mountain where she finally accepted herself. Anna followed her and helped her control her powers and they both happily live their life.

After everything that happened, Anna has married an iceman, Kristoff and they both lived in the palace to accompany Elsa. Kristoff hasn't stop his work, and sometimes, Anna even goes with him in the North Mountain, making Elsa alone in the palace. Yes, Olaf, the snowman that Elsa created while in exile, lives in the palace too, but he keeps visiting Elsa's ice castle where the giant snowman resides. They all think Olaf has grown to adore the giant snowman and Elsa, didn't stop Olaf. She even felt that Olaf has finally a friend... well, they were all friends but friends.. that he can't relate to.

And speaking of friends...

Elsa doesn't have one... Even though she already controlled her powers, no one, aside from Anna, Kristoff and Olaf, ever wanted to befriend her. Yes, they talk to her, but only when they need something. Plus, she's kind of sensitive, even though she already controlled her powers, sometimes, she can't really stop it. Especially when someone annoys her or she's in a bad mood, however, it's improving by the day.

Months have passed... and passed, she was quite getting bored-- and in need of companion. Anna and Kristoff barely comes home, and when they do, they are usually tired. Olaf is still goofy as ever but he keeps telling Elsa the day he had with the giant snowman. Elsa has decided to travel around the places she have interest in. It wasn't quite that hard since Hans, the person who tried to kill Anna and her, was locked away, and the other kingdoms are in good relationship with Arendelle.

The first place she decided to go is Grimm, it caught her interest since everyone in the town are very friendly and gets along well. She hoped she will find some friends here that can fully accept her.



What Fairy Tale

"The Snow Queen", "Frozen"

"Never trust a duck"

- Will Herondale, The Infernal Devices​




Bethany "Beth" Scarlet


Eh… She stopped paying attention after a while, so it's kind of unknown. She looks to be in her early 20's, however.


Everyone knows the story of Little Red. Granny was eaten, saved by a huntsmen, delivering cookies in the red hood, etc. But really, it's all simply rumour. A garbled truth to mask the real events, saturated with blood as they are.

The real story starts with a death. Her mother's, to be exact. Died of a bad illness, she did. Bethany was heartbroken, and went to go live with her only family, her grandmother, at her cottage deep in the woods. All was well with the two of them for a solid year, but...

Then the wolf arrived.

A brute of a man-beast with patchy fur and blood-shot eyes. He was angry- no, furious. He yelled about things she didn't understand, and lunged at her grandmother, who tried to reason with the creature. But he… He ate her. Killed her outright and swallowed her up. And he turned to Little Red and tried to do much of the same.

But he was woefully unprepared. Turns out a terrified little girl can do a lot if given the right tools and a well-timed mental snap.

A local hunter later found the girl standing blankly over the dead wolf, kitchen knife in her hand and tooth marks in her arm. He took her home and helped her recover, but she was never the same bouncy little girl as before. She became a hunter, like him. Keeping her village safe from any and all creatures that dared to cross her path.



What Fairy Tale

Little Red Riding Hood


"Erre es korakas Blinky! I will have your soul!"

Bell Trinket- "Tinkerbell"



Looks about 18 or 19, actually 113


"It was all about Wendy. That's all Peter would ever talk about! There was never anytime for me. So, I tried to get rid of her."

Fairies are portrayed as helpful, harmless creatures. They almost always are..right? Wrong. Some have firey attitudes and can become mad jealous; and that's exactly the way Bell is. She's a chatter box who cares very deeply for her friends and family (not that she really has any, anymore..). When she lived in Neverland, she only had one true friend. He was always there for her and she was always there for him. His name was Peter Pan. When Peter brought back the Lost Boys, Bell thought she had everything. Then one day Peter decided to bring this girl Wendy home to Neverland. Of course, wanting to be on his side, she tried to like Wendy, maybe even become her friend. But when it started to become all about Wendy, Bell didn't like that very much. So one night she tried to ...take Wendy out. Not necessarily kill her, but to hopefully scare her away. And when that didn't work, she kept trying and trying, but nothing happened, and Peter started to get frustrated.

She became fed up with the neglect from her good friend and didn't understand why Peter was so angry at her. He was so upset with her behavior, he banished her from Neverland, to a place called 'Grimm'. No matter how much she doesn't want to like it, she does. But she's just hoping this is temporary and that Peter will come crawling back to her some day.




What Fairy Tale:

Peter Pan (1902)

“You can obsess and obsess over how things ended—what you did wrong or could have done differently—but there's not much of a point. It's not like it'll change anything. So really, why worry?”

Jess Rothenberg, The Catastrophic History of You and Me
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[QUOTE="Lost Valentine]

Bell Trinket- "Tinkerbell"



Looks about 18 or 19, actually 113


"It was all about Wendy. That's all Peter would ever talk about! There was never anytime for me. So, I tried to get rid of her."

Fairies are portrayed as helpful, harmless creatures. They almost always are..right? Wrong. Some have firey attitudes and can become mad jealous; and that's exactly the way Bell is. She's a chatter box who cares very deeply for her friends and family (not that she really has any, anymore..). When she lived in Neverland, she only had one true friend. He was always there for her and she was always there for him. His name was Peter Pan. When Peter brought back the Lost Boys, Bell thought she had everything. Then one day Peter decided to bring this girl Wendy home to Neverland. Of course, wanting to be on his side, she tried to like Wendy, maybe even become her friend. But when it started to become all about Wendy, Bell didn't like that very much. So one night she tried to ...take Wendy out. Not necessarily kill her, but to hopefully scare her away. And when that didn't work, she kept trying and trying, but nothing happened, and Peter started to get frustrated.

She became fed up with the neglect from her good friend and didn't understand why Peter was so angry at her. He was so upset with her behavior, he banished her from Neverland, to a place called 'Grimm'. No matter how much she doesn't want to like it, she does. But she's just hoping this is temporary and that Peter will come crawling back to her some day.




What Fairy Tale:

Peter Pan (1902)

Second Character Option WORK IN PROGRESS

Please read the rules in the overview, otherwise it's a wonderfully made character.

[QUOTE="Unique Username]Please read the rules in the overview, otherwise it's a wonderfully made character.

I knew I forgot something...my apologies. It should be fixed now, unless I missed something else...
[QUOTE="Lost Valentine]I knew I forgot something...my apologies. It should be fixed now, unless I missed something else...

Thank you, you are accepted



Briar "Aurora" Rose


Appears 17 or 18, actually 126


Briar Rose was born as a princess with the name Aurora, she was given gifts by faries such as beauty, grace, etc. But then, the evil Malificent arrived and cursed her to die by touching a spinning wheel needle at the age of sixteen.

Though the faries could not completely wipe put the curse, they made a solution. At the age of sixteen she would indeed prick her finger on a spinning wheel, but she would not die. She and everyone else in the kingdom, would go into a deep sleep until Aurora woke up, by the kiss of her true love.

When Aurora was fifteen she was sent away to live with the faries in a small cottage in the woods. They raised and treated her well. They renamed her Briar Rose, so it would be harder to find her. One day, Briar met her true love, Phillip is the woods by the cottage. She knew she knew the boy but she didn't know where from, she later finds out he was at her party when she was a newborn.

Once Malificent finds her and tricks her into touching the spindle, her and the kingdom fall asleep. Well, all except Prince Phillip. After a year, he kissed her and they lived happily ever after.

Well, not exactly. A new evil-doer, disguised as Malificent, cursed Briar to forget everything. Even Phillip. The only thing the evil one told her was that her name was Briar Rose, she was 18 and she lived in Grimm.

Now she lives in a small cottage in the town of Grimm, she's a happy girl but feels as if shw doesn't know something she should.



What Fairy Tale:

Sleeping Beauty

"With everything so perfect, reality seemed somehow fragile, as if the slightest interruption could imperil her pretty future... all of it felt as tenuous as a soap bubble, shivering and empty." -Scott Westerfield, Pretties.

<Human Form Picture>


Name: Mitchel Vox

Age: A couple hundred and some odd, he lost count after the first two hundred years.


He was cursed by a witch. That was how it started anyway, cursed to be a fox until someone cut off his head. Unfortunately, no one seems to trust a talking fox. Actually most people try to shoot a fox as soon as he starts to speak. But he had more things to worry about, a sister who was a hopeless romantic, kingdoms who were on the brink of war, and a stupid innocent boy on a rediculous quest and couldn't listen to a single instruction from a helpful fox... Lucky boy though. Very very lucky to have the help of that generous fox. But it all worked out in the end. The boy completed the quest, his sister safely married the boy and that marraige ended the war between the kingdoms, and the boy eventually saved the fox from his curse.

Of course that was then.

It turns out the curse wasn't as simple as Mitchel had first thought it was. He was immortal. The whole cutting off his head this had enabled him to turn back into human, but now he couldn't die! And what was worse, he turned into a fox when his emotions ran too high. Fear, anger, sadness, and even if he got too happy, he would start feeling all tingly and then poof. Back into a fox until he calmed down or had his head chopped off again. Actually when he was forced to turn back into human he could feel any emotions he wanted for the next twenty four hours. But getting someone to do it was sort of... complicated... So it was just easier not to feel anything. And being imortal wasn't so bad, the deaths of his loved ones and the whole "not aging" thing had been hard for a while. Now he was okay though. He got use to it but then he heard about grimm, a place for people like him. People who had been touched by magic. So he came there. He had some money saved up, some assets he was able to put in place, he was always good at helping people and he became very good at helping people make money. He was not so good at keeping it himself though. So he lived in the lower class houses, not that he needed money, but just that he couldn't keep it for long. He didn't tell anyone he was a prince except Glinda. People were more likely to accept help from you when they didn't think you were a class above them.

<Fairy Tale Form>




What Fairy Tale: The Golden Bird


<Human Form Picture>


Name: Alyssa Hattington



Alyssa was just a normal girl, living a normal life, with nothing strange happening to her.

Well that was until she accidentally found wonderland. Or did wonderland find her? She was never sure, they did have an obsession with Alice's but... You know just falling into wonderland... It had to be a coincidence. She was very different from the original Alice. There was no way they would have wanted her, not if they had known how much trouble she was going to be.... Wonderland was no place for normal people. They broke the flow of crazy that kept the place running. And even though Alyssa followed her predecessors footsteps pretty closely she still managed to cause even more trouble than alice did!

When Alyssa had originally fallen she was very very normal. But Wonderland changed her to keep itself running. But she was still half normal and so much trouble for them. When she was finally too much trouble the queen of hearts kicked her out of wonderland and back to her world. But she didn't fit into her world anymore. But by some magical force of the universe (or a bus) She had found her way to Grimm (happened to get off on the right stop) And now she lived here. She had basically just got there and was renting an appartment, but she was currently looking for a job.



What Fairy Tale: Alice in Wonderland

Katerang said:
<Human Form Picture>

Name: Mitchel Vox

Age: A couple hundred and some odd, he lost count after the first two hundred years.


He was cursed by a witch. That was how it started anyway, cursed to be a fox until someone cut off his head. Unfortunately, no one seems to trust a talking fox. Actually most people try to shoot a fox as soon as he starts to speak. But he had more things to worry about, a sister who was a hopeless romantic, kingdoms who were on the brink of war, and a stupid innocent boy on a rediculous quest and couldn't listen to a single instruction from a helpful fox... Lucky boy though. Very very lucky to have the help of that generous fox. But it all worked out in the end. The boy completed the quest, his sister safely married the boy and that marraige ended the war between the kingdoms, and the boy eventually saved the fox from his curse.

Of course that was then.

It turns out the curse wasn't as simple as Mitchel had first thought it was. He was immortal. The whole cutting off his head this had enabled him to turn back into human, but now he couldn't die! And what was worse, he turned into a fox when his emotions ran too high. Fear, anger, sadness, and even if he got too happy, he would start feeling all tingly and then poof. Back into a fox until he calmed down or had his head chopped off again. Actually when he was forced to turn back into human he could feel any emotions he wanted for the next twenty four hours. But getting someone to do it was sort of... complicated... So it was just easier not to feel anything. And being imortal wasn't so bad, the deaths of his loved ones and the whole "not aging" thing had been hard for a while. Now he was okay though. He got use to it but then he heard about grimm, a place for people like him. People who had been touched by magic. So he came there. He had some money saved up, some assets he was able to put in place, he was always good at helping people and he became very good at helping people make money. He was not so good at keeping it himself though. So he lived in the lower class houses, not that he needed money, but just that he couldn't keep it for long. He didn't tell anyone he was a prince except Glinda. People were more likely to accept help from you when they didn't think you were a class above them.

<Fairy Tale Form>




What Fairy Tale: The Golden Bird


<Human Form Picture>


Name: Alyssa Hattington



Alyssa was just a normal girl, living a normal life, with nothing strange happening to her.

Well that was until she accidentally found wonderland. Or did wonderland find her? She was never sure, they did have an obsession with Alice's but... You know just falling into wonderland... It had to be a coincidence. She was very different from the original Alice. There was no way they would have wanted her, not if they had known how much trouble she was going to be.... Wonderland was no place for normal people. They broke the flow of crazy that kept the place running. And even though Alyssa followed her predecessors footsteps pretty closely she still managed to cause even more trouble than alice did!

When Alyssa had originally fallen she was very very normal. But Wonderland changed her to keep itself running. But she was still half normal and so much trouble for them. When she was finally too much trouble the queen of hearts kicked her out of wonderland and back to her world. But she didn't fit into her world anymore. But by some magical force of the universe (or a bus) She had found her way to Grimm (happened to get off on the right stop) And now she lived here. She had basically just got there and was renting an appartment, but she was currently looking for a job.



What Fairy Tale: Alice in Wonderland

Interesting, feel free to post at any time.



James Maroon


1,496+ years old


As a rich aristocrat, any girl would want him. He was also charming and suave, a complete gentleman. There was some sort of genetic defect or curse that gave him a blue beard, and so he was shunned by everyone, including his own parents. Those that did want him however, were gold digging harpies that pretended to love him and abuse his money. This all changed after Jessica. Jessica was a woman of the night who used her wiles and charm to get James to put a ring on her finger. Afterwards, she shed her kind girl act and turned into a venomous shrew. One day, he had it. She called him 'Bluebearded', and committed to an adulterous affair, which is where most of her money, his money, was spent on. He put her hands around her throat, and squeezed and squeezed.

He realized that with his murder came a kind of catharsis. That he was ridding the world of trash like her. And that no one . So then came his spree of secret marriages and killings. Becoming a deadly prince charming. When he came to the human world, he shaved his beard, and dyed it to be sure, and looked for more naughty girls to punish. In order to get more attention, he ran a suit chain where he worked as one of their models. The rest was history.




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gogojojo331 said:



James Maroon


1,496+ years old


As a rich aristocrat, any girl would want him. He was also charming and suave, a complete gentleman. There was some sort of genetic defect or curse that gave him a blue beard, and so he was shunned by everyone, including his own parents. Those that did want him however, were gold digging harpies that pretended to love him and abuse his money. This all changed after Jessica. Jessica was a woman of the night who used her wiles and charm to get James to put a ring on her finger. Afterwards, she shed her kind girl act and turned into a venomous shrew. One day, he had it. She called him 'Bluebearded', and committed to an adulterous affair, which is where most of her money, his money, was spent on. He put her hands around her throat, and squeezed and squeezed.

He realized that with his murder came a kind of catharsis. That he was ridding the world of trash like her. And that no one . So then came his spree of secret marriages and killings. Becoming a deadly prince charming. When he came to the human world, he shaved his beard, and dyed it to be sure, and looked for more naughty girls to punish. In order to get more attention, he ran a suit chain where he worked as one of their models. The rest was history.



Love it, but please read the rules in the overview!

"No one is youer than you."

-Dr. Seuss

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c339cf1e2_images(6).jpg.feaa1b904a56f75ca744baad09b73461.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60795" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c339cf1e2_images(6).jpg.feaa1b904a56f75ca744baad09b73461.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Allison "Alice" Vanderbloom


looks 17 actual age 75


Allison is very curious. She loves exploring the town and meeting new people. This wanderlust is a major aspect in all of her choices. If there isn't an adventure, it isn't worth doing. This has gotten her in trouble before.

Allison found herself in the town of Grimm after exploring wonderland for the last time. It was a completely new world for her. She lost contact with all of her family and friends. Her new mission is to find a group of people where she belongs.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/alice02.jpg.cfdb2020110da4e1d2eec52c721a168b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60642" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/alice02.jpg.cfdb2020110da4e1d2eec52c721a168b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



What Fairy Tale:

Alice in Wonderland



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