Welcome to Grenich School for the Arts

"Cory. you?" he asked. he got up and looked around. he readjusted the things in his backpack so that everything would fit. he was a bit surprised she was talking to him. most people just left him to his business.
"Ashlee, nice to meet you" She said looking to the school then him "Ah, I have to go, See you around?" she asked as she pushed her hair back and took one of her backpacks straps off of her shoulders and started to face the school
"sure" Cory shrugged. he took his leave and headed towards his drawing class.

Faith finally made it to school sat down in her music class, flute ready to play.
Ashlee sat down in her first class; drawing. She set her sketch book down on a table, the. Sat down. She looked to the teacher for what they were going to do that day

Mason walked to his music class; orchestra. He took his guitar and sat down, and waited for the class to begin

(should we wait for everyone else before we start school classes??))
(Shoot sorry guys..i was hardly online today...)

Ty pulled into the school parking lot still buttoning his shirt. He had slept in on his own behalf, due to his kid brother having kept him awake half the night and so had been late getting ready. To make matters worse he couldn't start the van, and so had to fix the damned thing before rushing to pick up Eli and then she hadn't been ready either. Something about working late on her assignment. As they climbed out of the van and dashed off to class he grabbed hold of her arm.

'Hold up El, you've got a bit of smudging on your nose.' He smiled at her half asleep, half panicked as she wiped at the lead. He lightly brushed his sleepve along the bridge of her nose.

'Seriously Kid, you gotta learn to look in the mirror on occasion. It might improve your chances.' He joked. She rolled her eyes.

'Whatever lunatic. I'm late for class.' She said, running towards the art block.

Eliade dashed into her visual arts class, bursting through the door and standing, panting, in the doorway for a few moments as their teacher looked up in surprise.

'Sorry sir..' He raised an eyebrow.

'Did you sleep in again Miss Rivenda?' He asked in a slightly mocking tone. She flashed him a half hearted smile.

'Yes sir.'

'This is becoming quite a habit of yours.' He mused and she bit her lip as he gestured for her to take her seat. 'Don't let it affect your studies.' She nodded and took her place at the back of the room again. 'We're working on the task I gave you all yesterday. Please take it out.' He said simply and she nodded, blushing nervously.

I ran up to the school, panting. I really needed to invest in a car. A fast car....with leather seats. I shook my head and leaned my hands on my knees to catch my breath. Once I was good enough to walk, I stumbled into my first period and pulled out my phone.

Hey, sorry. I overslept. Had to run to school :(

((Guys, I'm sorry but I'm not gonna be on at all for two days))
as Cory sat in his drawing class he flipped through his sketchbook. he saw the meadow picture he had give to ashlee earlier, well at least the rough sketch. he continued to flip, trying to decide on a a sketch ti use for his next painting.

Faith tuned her flute as she waited for music class to start. her rehersals were going to be very serious now since the concert was coming up. she was playing a solo, not to mention she wasnt going to be using sheet music. she would be playing for her heart as she always did.
Ashlee sat in her sketch class, she needed to start on a light sketch for one of her paintings. She started to draw a barn and a ranch, then a horse running with other horses.

Mason started to play is guitar and look to his teacher, he needed to get into his game before the rehearsals so he could do his best
Cory finally decided on a sketch he had made about a month ago. it was a ballroom sketch, he had made it while babysitting his little cousin. she was watching disney movies, and he thought he could make a nice painting for her. sure it was a little girly, but it was a gift so it didnt matter.

Faith cleaned her flute. the teacher was taking awhile. she really wanted to play. she hummed a light tune while she waited.
Ashlee her sketch and looked at it, she decided that she'd use a different sketch of hers for this project. She looked through her profolio until she found the right sketch; it was a backyard with a dence forest, with sunlight peaking though the trees

Mason waited for his orchestra teacher to finish instructing the rest of the false about their parts in the songs they were to play.
Grayson and Ryker pulled up to school literally about four minutes before the bell rang.

"Ugh!" Grayson yelled, clearly exasperated from being with her brother for more than five minutes, "You can't drive! No no! I don't even want your mouth the open. I swear, its like when you aren't driving like an old lady, you're driving like an old lady who can't stay in her lane. What the hell Ryker, what the actual hell!?"

She was walking as fast as she could inside the building, Ryker trailing behind her.

"But Gray! You don't understand, it's too early in the morning and it was foggy. I was trying to be safe," Ryker said behind her.

"Yeah yea save it loser and go to class," Grayson replied.

He saw Austin in the hallway and ran up behind him, flinging her arms around his waist and giving him the biggest hug.

"Oh it's so good to see you, you're best friend over there almost made me stroke out driving to school. Do you realize that he drives like an old person?"
Cory got out his paints, and found the canvas he needed. he lightly sketched the figures before he went to mix paints.

Faith waited as the teacher gave them instructions, then told anyone who was playing solos or duets to go practice. Faith picked up her things and went into a practice room.
Ashlee walked to the paint brushes and took a few fine tipped brushes and brought them to her table. next she went to get the paints that she needed; yellows, greens, blues, and a few oranges. Next she transferred her sketch to the canvas, and started to paint the trees

As Mason's teacher gave out the music sheets, Mason finally got his part; Viva la Vida by Cold Play. He would be playing the back up for the violins, cellos, and violas. He went to the room with them, and startedto play back up
Cory started out painting the backround. he brushed in a bright chandelier as though it were really the light for the painting.

Faith put her flute to her lips and began to play. no sheet music, just her heart. somehow, it felt odd today, that she didnt have an audience. she figured it was just because she had performed for Tyson and Eli the other day.

((awsome amount of communication going on right now.))
Ashlee looked up, and across the room, she saw Cory on the other side of the room, she smiled and continued to outline the trees with the yellowish green color.

Mason started to play the lower part of Viva la Vida, then he heard a flute; he contiued to play his lower part; making sure that his guitar was still a lower chord than the rest of the instruments

((There's a little bit of commuinication for us :P ))
Austin laughed and hugged her back. "I know, he's worse than my Grampa." He laughed and shook his head. "We better get to photography, or the teacher's gonna have a conniption or something."

Cory painted out ward from the chandelier and began to outline the two dancing figures.

Faith played and played, losing track of time just a little.
"You're right, let's go," Gray said, stuffing everything into her locker except her camera bag. She knew that today they would be actually doing some shoots which she was really excited about. She loved photography people actually doing things. She grabbed Austin's hand and began walking off to class before turning around and yelling to Ryker, "Have fun in class Gramps! Love you!"

Ryker gave her a smirk and waved at his sister and Austin before grabbing her drawing pad and fresh canvas for their art assignment and headed off to his class.

Once again he was late, but he didn't care all that much. Mr. Twilley gave him a unpleasant look as he took his place at his drawing table.

"Alright class!" Mr. Twilley began, "now that we have everyone present! I would like to once again explain to you your FIRST art assignment in my class, which will be due in three weeks time and the top four pieces will be displayed in our local art museum. So it would behoove you all to do your very best, and remember, BE CREATIVE!" Mr. Twilley gave the class a smile then turned to his board and began roughly sketch what looked like a couple of craters, then said boldly, "You must all create an obscure scene of some sort, whether it be a landscape, mental image, whatever. Use your imagination to depict this topsey turvey masterpiece. There are no limits to how far or detailed you want to take it, but you have three weeks, so I say, let's get to it!"

Ryker laughed to himself a bit and began roughly sketching his scene on a few pieces of blank paper.
Eliade went unnoticed at the back of the class again, as was the usual. She liked it at the back of the class. She knew no one could be jusging her without having to turn around to see her. She glanced at the scene she had worked on the night before, which resembled something like Salvador Dali's 'Persistance of Memory' combined with 'The Scream' with a little of Dr Suess thrown in on the side, a sigh forming from her lips. Nothing was going to work anyway, so why did she bother? Her mind was filled with ideas but none worked for her. She noticed Ryker enter late again, later than her even. She was going to say something but decided against it, biting her lip lightly. She was going to put him out of her mind, she thought firmly, keeping her eyes glued to the image in front of her.

(sorry, lack of internet made it difficult to reply xD )
Ryker busily added touches to his rough draft for his project. When he pulled away from the paper and was satisfied with what he saw, he took his lightest pencil and began lightly making his shapes for the piece. He looked up quickly to see how far along his fellow classmates were, and took note of Eliade's artwork. He nodded his head in satisfaction with her current work, although she couldn't see him do it. Pencil to work once again, he worked his way down the canvas, lightly sketching what he had drawn on paper.

I made my way to the Piano room and walked inside. I always came here in the morning first thing and stayed for two hours. Only one of those hours was I actually permitted to be in here...but I hardly cared. I set out my notebook and got to work on what I had been trying to write. I started from the beginning and played fine. When I got to the end, I started shaking my head. I wondered if I would ever get that part right. I grabbed my note book and looked at everything. I hesitated slightly and started writing. Not notes this time, but words. Lyrics. I tried a few keys here and there and then peeked around the room, double and triple checking that I was alone. Then I set the book down and started again. This time I started singing. Which I never do in public...ever.
Cory filled in the figures, painting the females dress his cousins favorite color. the prince character was standard, but he knew his cousin wouldnt mind. he took his timne on the clothing details.

Faith finished her practice and wandered around. after her practice the teacher always let her go since he knew she never skipped class.
Eliade studied her picture carefully, tapping the pencil lightly on her page. What was the point? She was just going to screw it up again, she thought before sketching a staircase to nowhere into the picture. It wasn't unusual for her to be blank for ideas, but she just didn't feel like being there. Art used to be her favourite subject, but lately she felt her enthusiasm for it lessening. It wasn't that she didn't like it anymore, it was that she didn't know how much longer she could stay in the class with Ryker and not burst into tears. She was struggling a lot. She wondered what Ty was doing. He was probably off under his tree again, playing out some tune while trying to find how he could possibly annoy her next. An overwhelming need for air filled her and she stood up, all but running out of the classroom, despite Mr Twilly calling out after her. She didn't care, the smell of paint and lead was getting to her and she felt like she was going to be sick.

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