Welcome to Grenich School for the Arts

after checking up on her mother, she made a few things for snacks tomorrow, since her new friends seemed to like her cooking.she packaged each in cute bags and headed off to bed.

(will wait for everyone to catch up)
(me too.. let us wait for the time skip @Gabrielle Sanford @TheJoker [MENTION=2893]XxRainyDaysxX[/MENTION] .. Oh, do you want something for Cory to do Star? I was thinking that maybe Eli starts talking to him and he helps her get over Ryker or something)
(ah true, I never said they had to be a couple though lol xD just good friends. I could be really lame and boring and make Ty and Eli end up being a couple if I wanted too)
(boooo. cory got ditched so i was gonna try and make another male character. thing is i dont have any usable ones for an RP like this.))
(booing your boringness. im terrible at making new characters. the ones i have are based off the people in my novels. three guys and three girls. Cory is kind of edited tho. if i used him as he is, he would be a super jerk. the other one is too gentlman for a current day setting as is the knight like guy.))
(lol hence why i wasn't gonna be boring. hmmm my characters are all either based off what i'm like or what I want to be like.)
Ashlee sat on her bed, was she doing something wrong? No one was talking to her. She took her computer out and went on her Facebook. She turned her computer off and started to fall asleep.

Mason had just finished listening to some tunes when he realized what time it was. He headed to his bed to figure what to do the next day; his second day to be exact. He didn't talk to anyone on his first day, but maybe he would his second day.
((HOLY CRAP, OKAY SO I MISSED THE WHOLE SHE-BANG LOL. So, so that Coedy can post and be social and whatnot we shall skip ahead to the next day.

Austin took Grayson home and she went dance he went babysit fun fun fun, Ryker took Heather home, night came yadadda Eli and Tyson and all the other lovely people slept and now it's morning...time warp WEEEE!!!

So now, it is new day, school time guys and gals. Enter all.))

Grayson woke up feeling much more tired than she did awake, and heard the sound of Ryker making noise in the kitchen. She quickly changed into her clothes for the day: a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, a light pink colored leotard with a peach lace top from Charlotte Russe over it, and a pair of light brown leather ankle boots. She tossed her hair up into a messy bun and put on some light makeup then headed down to greet her brother.

Ryker was already sitting at the counter eating a bowl of trix cereal. He wore a light blue button down dress shirt, with black skinny jeans rolled up mid ankle, black suspenders, and his favorite charcoal grey Toms Botas.

"Wanna ride with me today," Ryker said through a mouthful of cereal, "Since I'm 'ahead of the game' and all?"

Grayson laughed and stuffed a fresh pair of pointe shoes into her dance bag and then grabbed a bowl of fruit she had sliced the night before and ate it quickly, then took a chocolate protein shake out of the fridge and nodded her head.

"Sure Ry-Ry," she said with a shrug of her shoulders.

Before they headed out the door she sent a text to Austin,

Hey baby. Hope you slept well, and had fun babysitting. See you soon.


At the same time, Ryker was sending Heather a text.

Hey gorgeous, cant wait to see you! Hope you slept great!


They both headed outside and piled their things into the back of Ryker's Jeep, then headed off to school.

I woke up with a groan to the sound of a my phone beeping. I had a text. Who was texting me and this time of night? I read it and it only made me more confused. Why was Ryker texting me so early? I looked up and glanced at the time. Gasping, I threw my self out of bed. I was late...very late. No-time-for-a-shower late... I threw my hair into a ponytail and brushed my teeth at the same time. I bounced around my room, looking for my other shoe. It couldn't be lost...I had both when I came in last night!

When I was finally ready, I grabbed my book bag and ran out the door. I didn't have a car, so hopefully if I ran, I would be on time.
Ashlee woke up, she changed into her orange short sleeved shirt from Delia's, and blue jean shorts. She applied a little bit of make up and walked to the kitchen, she made herself a bagel with cream cheese. she finished her breakfast, brushed her teeth and started to walk to her car to drive to school

Mason stood in front of his closet, and took out his grey, black, and blue striped v-neck, Then he put his black Nike basketball shorts on; Mason walked to his kitchen and poured himself a bowl of frosted flakes. As he finished them, he walked back to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. After he'd brushed his teeth, he got into his car and started to drive to school

(Thank you Gabbi!! :) )
Faith woke up easily. She got dressed, brought her mom some food and got ready for school. She brushed her long blond hair and put it up into a pony, putting her long bangs to the side in a hair clip.

Cory pulled up to the school, early as usual. He took his art supplies out and sat under his favorite tree in the courtyard. He started working on a painting of a meadow, one ear bud in to help him consentrate.
Austin woke up too early. It was around 5:45 when he awoke. He tossed and turned for fifteen minutes then gave up. He had a quick shower then pulled on jeans. He pulled on a white tshirt and tossed over it a blue and green short sleeved button up. He left it unbuttoned and pulled on his red Osiris high-tops.

Downstairs, he poured a bowl of cereal and took his time eating it. Once finished, he went back upstairs to brush his teeth. He stuffed his wallet and phone into his back pockets and grabbed his keys off the counter. Slinging his backpack per one shoulder, he pulled out his phone and saw a message from Grayson. Grinning, he replied Slept well, dreaming of you ;) . See you soon. He jumped in his truck and began driving to school.
Ashlee sat in the school parking lot. She saw a boy unde a tree painting, she smiled to her self and got out of her car, and walked to a bench and sat down. She took out her sketch book, and started to draw a field with a sunset. She got some led on the side of her hand "Dang it!" she said softly
Corys focus was intense as the white paper began to take color and come to life. he had gotten paint on his outfit, be he didnt care. almost all his clothes looked like smocks now.
Austin pulled up at school. He saw that Grayson and Ryker weren't there yet, so he jumped out of his truck. His backpack already slung over his shoulder, he noticed both a boy and a girl drawing or painting. He didn't know the boy, but he knew who the girl was. Her name was Ashlee. He wandered over to her and sat down next to her on the bench. "Hey, you're Ashlee, right?"
Ashlee looked up "Yep, I'm Ashlee" she said with a chuckle "And your Austin" she said as she pushed her hair into a neat ponytail and se her sketch pad down, the tried to run the led off of her hand, she shook her head quickly and looked at her hand.
Mason stood outside of his car, he saw Austin, Ashlee, and.. Cory?? He thought to himself, he shrugged andoraned up against the outside wall of the school. He tilted his head back and looked at the sky

Ashlee smiled "Oh, just the uh led from my drawing" she said "I probably ran the side of my hand over it trying to perfect something" she added with a chuckle. She set her sketch pad on her lap "yep, I did, right there" she said pointing to a smear in the sky.
Cory finished up ghis painting and stood with a triumphant, "Yes!" he he managed to splatter his paint all over, including his face. he cursed under his breathcarefully set his painting back down and packed up his paint materials.
Ashlee looked at Cory, and stood up "excuse me" she said to Austin; Ashlee walked over to Cory and said "Hey, I couldn't help but notice that you did an amazing painting" she said as she bent down and picked up some of his paints and handed them to him with a smile "here" she said giving him the paints
"oh, uh thanks." Cory put the last of the paint tubes away. "you can have it if you want. i have tons of paintings at home" he sad motioning to the painting. the canvas was covered in flowers and grass as a meadow filled out each corner. he staopped and looked for a moment, and smiled. every painting was an accomplishment for him. he didnt talk much, but his expression in art was immense.
"Really? Cool, thanks" Ashlee said studying the painting that Cory had just given her, she ran her finger along on of the blades of grass that he'd painted. She could tell that he probably didn't talk much, but his talking was done for him by his expression in his paintings. She smiled softly "I'm Ashlee, I'm sorry but I never caught your name" she asked as she cocked her head to the side. She took her backpack and placed her sketch pad in the front pocket.

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