Welcome to Grenich School for the Arts

Faith was somewhat prepared for the hug this time, but her cheeks were still painted a light pink. "well, im glad you did." she smiled, "ive had a lot of fun today."
Tyson noticed the blush this time, and he smiled softly. She was quite pretty, and he was glad that she finally had a friend. He had not once ever seen her with the others at school, so he assumed she didn't have many.

'Us too, now come on. We've got a lot to discuss. Like how Eli is going to ever win her loverboy over with half of the school's population wanting him.' He grinned as Eliade punched him in the shoulder.

'For one, he is NOT my loverboy. And two, I'm thinking I ought to just give up. Before today he hardly even acknowledged my existance. I'm better off just staying with you guys and not bothering.' Tyson shook his head furiously, pushing her up the rest of the stairs.

'No! No negativity! No one likes a negative girl.' He said firmly.
"Oh my God!" Grayson said laughing, "THE KATIE HIGGINS! Haha, me and Taylor Grimbles would call her Katie Biggins...because well, she was...oh nevermind that was so long ago. She probably looks much better now." She finally saw Ryker and Heather off by the entrance of the theatre. She smiled at Austin and agreed, "But yes, I do believe we do need to prank him. Like the good old days."

She wiped Austin's cheek as well where Ryker had practically slobbered on him and patted Austin's cheek. "I'm going to have to keep a close eye on him, I can't have my brother just kissing on my boyfriend like this it's too weird!"


Ryker laughed and wiped his lips with the back of his hand and said the Heather, "You have yourself a deal! It was gross anyway."

He noticed his sister and Austin coming there way and waved them over.

"Come on guys!" He yelled.
"Easy for you to say, you didn't just get kissed by your girlfriend's brother, who happens to be your best friend." He grinned an kissed her softly, before turning to Ryker and yelling, "Keep calm and shut up!"
Grayson rolled her eyes and ran past Ryker and Heather and out the movie theatre to their cars. She waited for them all to follow and saw Ryker coming out first.

"Why the hell are you so excited to leave?" Ryker asked her boldly.

"Just try to get away from you tards," she replied laughing. "Just kidding."

She leaned against Austin's truck and stretched her arms up, looking at her watch. It was 6:00 and starting to get dark. She momentarily cursed the sun for setting so early this time of the year.

"So what are we doing now?" Ry asked.

"I don't know honestly, thats what we were trying to figure out," said Gray.

I was sure I was about to get labeled the nerd of the group, but I was fine with that. "It's a school night..." I mumbled, shrugging. "So we shouldn't stay out too late." I said. I hadn't gotten to practice piano at all or do any homework.
Faith laughed, "give her a break will you? a girls heart is not a toy you know" Faith gave a sympathetic look at Eli. "how do you deal with this guy?" she whispered loud on purpose.
Eli shrugged.

'Like this mostly.' She said and playfully pushed him to the ground. He glared mockingly at her before standing up and tackling her to her bed, tickling her furiously.

'Now now, no pushing a guy over unless you want to be tickled. i've told you this before.' He said, laughing with her. She reached out a hand for Faith.

'HELP! She called out, laughing. 'He's crushing me!'
Tyson let out a playful growl, wrapping his arms around Eliade so that she couldn't be rescued.

'NO! She belongs to meee!' he said in a deep voice, before he climbed off of her and dragged her to a far off corner of the bed, out of Faith's reach. 'I dare you to try and get her.' he teased, blocking Eli's escape with his body. Eliade was in stitches as she tried to escape but he caught her and put her back in the corner.

'Bad Eli! Now stay!' She poked her tongue out at him.

'Quick! Help!' She called to Faith from behind Tyson.
Faith was laughing so hard at this spectacle, she couldnt help. the laughter was making her weak in the knees so she just flopped onto the bed along with them. "i c-cant remember.......the last t-time i laughed like...." she couldnt even finish. she was laughing too hard to talk properly. "on your own Eli" she managed to blurt between laughs.
Eliade's eyes widened.

'What?! You're just gonna leave me!? O.M.G! SO UNCOOL!' She shouted as Tyson grinned and turned to attack again, tickling her again. She screamed and tried to crawl away but he caught her again, dragging her back to the corner and pinning her onto the bed. Suddenly the air seemed thick with tension and she lay still, her blue eyes meeting his brown. Then just as suddenly as it started, he tickled her again and the tension was gone.

'There is no hope for you!' he exclaimed, laughing wickedly. 'Even Faith has abandoned you!' He laughed as he realised the play on words before turning to the girl in question. 'And now it's HER TURN!' He boomed, tackling her and leaving Eliade to catch her breath.
Faith laughed till she was crying. She felt slightly awkard but its not like she could say anythin. She was in the process of being tikled! She tried to sputter out a few words, "n-no! Can't b-breath!" She continued to laugh.
"I agree with Heather," Austin said, catching up to them. "And my mom's expecting me to be home by 7 anyway cuz I have to babysit the neighbor's kids." He groaned. What self-respecting seventeen year old boy was a babysitter?
"Eh, you guys are right," Grayson said sighing. "And I need to hit the studio and rehearse Petit Morte or I'll fail miserably when performance week starts up."

She turned to Ryker, "And YOU, need to work on that art piece."

Ryker sighed and stuck his tongue out at his sister and said curtly, "You over achievers, I like my procrastinating skills. I'm a pro."

He opened up his Jeep door and nodded to Heather. "Come on beautiful, I need to take you home."

He went and gave Austin a hug, "I'll catch you later, have fun babysitting loser." He laughed and pushed Austin's shoulder a bit then hopped into her Jeep.
"We'll see who's the loser when I have a hundred bucks to spend on my girl and you don't." He unlocked his truck for Grayson and hopped in. "Am I taking you to your house or to the studio?"
Tyson grinned, not relenting.

'That's the point! I shall tickle you all to death!' He laughed wickedly, before picking her up and putting her in the corner with Eli. He then stretched, grinning still.

'Aha! Now I have two prisoners and no one to rescue them!' He would have continued to speak but the sound of footsteps outside the room silenced him and both he and Eli turned to see Eli's mum in the doorway.

'Eli? Have you been cooking?' She asked in a soft voice. Eliade's mother was a lot like her. She was softspoken and friendly, and often shy around new people. She noticed Faith and her mouth formed a slight 'O' of surprise. 'Oh, I didn't know you were inviting other people over today.' She looked to faith and Tyson, used to seeing the other teen there all the time.

'Will you both be staying for dinner?' Tyson looked at his watch, surprised to see it was nearly six.

'Oh.. Sorry, I can't tonight, Mrs Rivenda. I've got to look after Jack for mum and dad.' he turned to Faith.

'If you can't stay I can give you a lift home.' He offered.
Seeing Elis mom reminded her of her own, "i should probably get home too." she hated leaving her mom when she was ill. "oh, and i hope your family enjoys the rest of the bars i made." Faith smiled politely.
Eli returned her smile and her mother nodded politely and shyly before walking back downstairs.

'And you have now officially met Eliade's lovely, but incredibly shy mother. You can see where she gets it from now can't you?' Tyson joked, offering Faith a hand to help her off the bed.

'We'd best be going now anyway. I'll come by to pick you up at seven tomorrow, kay El?' Eli nodded, climbing off the bed herself to walk them to the door.

'Sure thing. I'll see you guys later I guess. And thanks for the bars Faith.'
"its no problem. see ya" she hesitated bashfully before taking Tysons hand. "and thank you for the ride." she got up and slipped her shoes back on.
Downstairs, Tyson held the door open for Faith, smiling at her as they walked outside. He then held the car door open for her.

'So did you enjoy yourself this afternoon?' He asked, flashing her a grin. He wondered if he made her nervous.
He smiled at her, starting the engine and backing out of the driveway carefully.

'Well that's good. I'm glad you enjoyed it.' He said, turning on to the road and pressing the horn as a farewell to Eliade's family. As they neared Faith's house he slowed down, turning to look at her.

'Well I guess I'll see you at school. Tell your mum we're sorry for keeping you so late.' He said, smiling at her and pulling up outside her home.
"i dont think she will mind. she- oh never mind. see you tomorrow." Faith hopped out, "thanks again!" she closed the door and walked up to her house. she waved before walking into her house. she went to her mother room and to check on her. her temperature went down but her cough was still really bad. with as sick as her mother got, sometimes Faith felt like she was the mom.
Tyson waved and drove home, wondering what was always eating away at her. Whenever her mother came into the conversation she went quiet and sad. He supposed she was just worried about her mum. He had meant to ask if she wanted a lift to school in the morning, but he'd forgotten. He'd just ask tomorrow.

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