Welcome to Grenich School for the Arts


I kept playing the song i had been working of for days now. it was getting to a part where I hadn't really gotten to yet and I slowed down, testing out the keys. It didn't sound right. I was missing something here. I part of me wished I could put words to the melody but I didn't sing in front of people. I stopped my when fingers slipped. The sharp sound made me freeze a little and I sighed. I turned around on the bench to see Ryker. I blushed a little. "Uh...Hi." I said. "Sorry...I thought I was alone." I said. "I didn't mean to take over the room here." I said. I pushed some hair out of my face.
((sorry bout the super short reply got really lazy >.< ))

Cory put his pencils in his and picked up his canvas, he had gotten a lot accomplished and hoped to start painting soon. he merely sketched out a few details before turned such a drawing into a painting. he carefully covered the canvas before heading to his locker. he stored the canvas and headed off for his next class. he prefered that such a large painting project be done in his art class to prevent it getting ruined in hauling it around with him.
Ryker smiled and walked over to her her, setting his drawing on her keys. "No it's fine, that sounded beautiful. You're amazing. Was that an original?" He took a seat next to her and leaned his elbow on the keyboard, making a terrible loud sound of mushed notes. He jumped up, startled, "Ooops, sorry, I kind of forgot what I was leaning on."

I nodded and smiled when he leaned on the keys. "Yeah...it's just something I've been working on." I told him, shrugging like it was no bid deal . I ran my fingers over his drawing. "Did your teacher like it?" I asked, looking over at him.
(Hey can anyone come and audtion soon?)

Ann put out a flier for audtions and sat at her desk. She did the drama club every year, even if people didn't join. If people didn't join, she would get a standing ovation for best solo act at the drama festievl. Ann sighed and took out a notebook and began drawing step by step dance moves.
"Yeah, he actually was pretty excited about it. But now I have this assignment due in three weeks to create an obscure scene of some sort, using whatever I want. I was thinking of doing like an upside down word, kind of like a Dr. Seuss book, but instead of it being all bright and happy I want it to be dark. With things all bend and melting and chaotic. I don't know yet though for sure, I have it all in my head it just takes a while for the thought to reach my fingers."

He pushed a piece of hair from Heather's face back behind her ear.

"But anyway, tell me about what you've been working on before class starts up."

I listened to him talk about his art and his assignment and smiled, impressed when he told me his idea. He was passionate about it. It was nice to see someone so real and inspired with doing what they love. When he pushed the hair out of my face I bit my lip. I'd never given much thought to the boys in school...or boys in general really. I never had time to crush on someone. And I was really too shy to act on anything, so I just didn't bother. But Ryker... I smiled at him and looked at the keys. "It's just something that's been in my head for a few days now. I'm in the middle of writing it." I said. "So it's not perfect or anything...I'm still working." I said, quietly.
"Well, I'm sure it won't take you long to figure it all out. You're brilliant."

More students piled into the room and so did the instructor.

Mr. Randolf A. Hilliard was a burly man with a passion for piano. He had worked with Yo-Yo Ma, John Williams, David Garrett, Elton John and other brilliant musicians around the world.

Ryker had no idea what possessed him to teach, but you could tel he loved his job!

"Hello everyone!" He said cheerfully, "I hope you all are have a pleasant day, now lets get to work warming up those fingers shall we!?"

I smiled and got a little red at his compliment. The teacher walked in so I turned to the keys to do my normal warm up exercise. His drawing was still there however so I picked it up and turned to him again. "Hey, don't forget this." I said, holding it out.
"Ewwww, she dresses like one too." Lydia made a face as she gazed at the elderly, stern faced woman in Gray's camera. She tried to picture herself like that as she walked back to the desk, getting her things, shuddering at the thought that she could possible look like that a in just a few years. Shaking the thought away, she walked towards the the door.*"Well girl, I think we both agree we need to catch up pretty soon. Just let me know when, I'll be available." Lydia smiled a bit as she nudged her gently before heading towards the hall.*
Cory sat down in his next class, which was a 3d visual arts class. he prefered paints and chalk, but would really just take any art class he could. art was his passion and he knew he would never stop creating works and art peices.
Eli walked to her next class in a daze, the small piece of paper gripped in her hand. Maybe she did have a chance after all... No. No it wouldn't do to get her hopes up. She was better off to just be happy that they could maybe be friends. But still, the hope was there, clinging to the back of her mind like a song that wouldn't get out of her head as she made her way to her next class, creative writing. As she walked she caught sight of Tyson sitting outside the block, talking to a girl she vaguely recognised. SHe ran over to him waving a hand in the air.

'HEY TY! I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU!' She exclaimed, slowing to a halt as she tried to catch her breath. Tyson grinned at her.

'Sup Eli? What's got you totally excited?' He asked, glad to see his friend smiling for the first time in ages. She held up a hand to signal that she was getting there while she caught her breath, doubled over.

'He- he gave me his number.. and invited me to sit with him at lunch...' She panted, a smile still on her normally expressionless features. Tyson grinned at her again, pulling her into a hug.

'Eli, that's awesome! See, you have a ton of stuff to look forward to, no need to be so glum all the time.' He teased. She rolled her eyes, pushing her dark bangs out of her face. She looked over at Faith, biting her lip.

'I'm so sorry.. it was rude of me to intrude. I'm Eli.' She said, introducing herself.

"im Faith, nice to meet you" she smiled. "congrats too. im not much of a talker so i cant easily imagine getting a guys number, let along some i like, as seems to be your case."
Eliade blushed furiously as she realised that she would have heard everything she had babbled out. She bit her lip again, staring at the ground as Tyson pulled his friend into a casual hug.

'Don't worry about Eli, she's just totally hopeless. She's liked this guy for ages but doesn't have the guts to tell him how she feels. She gets a little overwhelmed by fear.' He grinned, poking the dark haired girl in the temple lightly. 'She's just gotta man up a little, isn't that right Eliade?' Eli glared at him, but she knew he was just teasing her to help ease the embarrassment for her. She just hoped that Faith didn't ask who it was.
"courage is something i lack as well. but im just o shy to approach people all together. although when people approach me its not so bad." Faith stared up at the clouds. she could feel musioc spinning inside her, she was urged to sing again. "would you mind showing me the recording studios Tyson? i havent seen them, despite how long ive been here." she asked, hoping Eli wouldnt mind being dragged along.
Tyson shrugged. 'I'm actually meant to be in class right now, but oh well. I doubt Miss would mind me being a little late though.' He said, grinning, turning to look at Eli.

'You don't mind do you El?' He asked. The girl shrugged, going back into her shy shell again
Austin watched the girl. He hadn't gotten the chance to answer her before the bell rang. He picked up his books and turned to Grayson. "What's your next class? Mine's creative writing." He realized he didn't know much about the older, wiser, prettier Grayson. Stop thinking like that! he commanded himself. She's Ryker's sister and you know that.
"I have a studyhall" Faith said, "and my teacher already knows i have a habit of disappearing to practice my flute or sing." she chuckled, "im like a walking music box."

Cory sat around in his 3D arts class, thinking of what he should do today, clay, pottery wheel, or maybe a balsa foam carving?

(sorry if any of you dont know what balsa foam is. its a favorite medium of mine.....))
"Ballet. I wish you could could watch me. I've improved times a thousand since we were fourteen."

She slipped her arm under his. She didn't care anymore if Ryker knew. She'd tell him if he asked anything.

"Will you walk me to class Austin?"

she faced him and looked into his eyes, and she tried to find an answer in them.


Ryker pushed the drawing back to Heather and smiled. "NO NO. you keep it. A Ryker Benson original. I want you to have it."

He took a seat at the piano next to her and stretched his fingers, then went over his scales quickly.

I smiled and watched as he sat next to me. Did he even realize that he was the only person who really talked to me? Granted, I never talked much to anyone either... I set the drawing down next to me. "Thanks." I said softly, not really sure he could hear me. I turned to face the keys
Tyson flashed her a grin again. 'Well come on then. Off to the music block we go.' He said, picking up his guitar case and leading the way, Eliade in tow.
Austin smiled into her eyes. "Sure. Mrs. Kepler wouldn't mind me being late. Sometimes she encourages it." He chuckled, shaking his head. It didn't escape him that she had linked their arms. For now, Ryker was forgotten. For now, it was just Austin with his middle school crush. "I don't see how you could've gotten better," he told her while walking, "weren't you second in the state when we fourteen?"
Faith picked up the small black case that held her flute and followed them. she was eager to have one of her songs recorded.

Cory grabbed a hunk of clay and headed towards the pottery wheels shortly after the bell rang. he grabbed a bowl of water and sat at one of the wheels, patting the clay into a ball. he dropped the clay heavily onto the wheel, making sure it was centered and stayed place.he thoroughly wet the clay and turned on the machine, letting the clay spin in his hands.
Ryker began playing a piano composition called "Going to School" by Lang Lang. He felt the music but slipped on a few notes. Piano wasn't his best, but he still enjoyed it very much. He looked over at Heather and grimaced at his mistake. Had she noticed. He really couldn't tell. He continued playing and watched her at the same time.

He loved the way her body moved as she played. It was like she was the music.


"True, but if I competed now I'd definitely be first." They had almost made it to the studio and he looked up into Austin's eyes. She always remembered being much taller then him, but that had certainly changed. He must have been at least six feet, towering over her 5'4 frame. "Well, here we are." She smiled up at him and touched his face.

A couple girls were already warming up but she didn't pull away from Austin. Instead she inched her face a little closer to his.

"I just want to say, and this may be blunt, but you know that's just how I am, that before I left, I was going to tell you I loved you. Seriously. you may be my brother's best friend. But you were always there for me and I never told you that before and I regret that. I still feel that way and um..."

She kissed his cheek.

"I hope you do too."

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