Welcome to Grenich School for the Arts

Austin smiled, breathing in Grayson's natural scent, she hardly ever wore perfume. He didn't want to let go, it was the first real, warm, and meaningful hug since his mother had passed away at the end of sophomore year. He woulnd't have let go, except for the bell. "Crap. As much as I'd like to stay here and hug you forever, Gray, I have photography. See you at lunch." He gave her a soft kiss on the cheek and headed down the hall to photography, Arguing with himself.

She's gorgeous.

She's also Ryker's sister.

So? Ryker would want me to be happy!

Not with his sister!


I followed him. Not like I really had a choice as he was practically pulling me along. I giggled a little at him. "Woah take a breath there...she probably just likes you." I said, holding my notebook tightly. I held up the pencil he gave me. "Thank you again...I always forget pencils." I said, slowing down just a little bit because I was still extremely tired. In fact, I yawned again and turned my face away from him. "So you were drawing for a while...what were you drawing?" I asked. I'd really never talked to him before...but I also needed to head to my locker and ours were pretty close to each others...
The bell had rung but Ryker had visual art first and they wouldn't mind if he was a bit late. He pulled out the rolled canvas inside his art bag and handed it to her, "If you want, I can bring it to piano or something, you can have it if you like it. For saving me from the CRAZY CHICK. Besides, I just want to show it to my teacher, it wasn't an assignment or anything."

Ryker pulled a couple more pencils out his locker and handed those to her as well. "You can also have these. I have plenty." He pulled out his paint brushes and put them in his bag.

I smiled gratefully at the pencils and shoved them into my bad. I unrolled the canvas and looked at it. "Wow...this is really good." I said. I'd never seen anything he drew. We only had piano together and I was no artist. "I mean...this is amazing." I told him. "Who is it of?" I asked, handing it back to him so he could show his teacher. I was late to class but I couldn't really find it in me to care. And I was feeling more awake now after talking to him.

Grayson smiled to herself, she also had photography first period. She ran to her locker to pull out her camera bag, containing a brand new Nikon D3S and two telephoto lenses and a wide angle lens. The Vaganova Academy had given it to her as a gift for achievement. She headed to the classroom to see Austin sitting towards the front. There was an open seat next to him and she smiled.

"Surprised to see me?" She asked, laying down her camera bag infront of her.


Ryker shrugged, "I don't know, but um, figuratively it could be you."

He realized how crazy that sounded.

"I mean, when I got the idea I was looking at you writing. You inspired me so I just went from there."
Cory sketched away in his sketchbook as he waited for his art class to start. he wasnt really a social butterfly so he didnt bother to greet anyone.

Faith grabbed her flute case, her flute and her tuner and headed out of the tiny practice room and into her music class.
Ryker heard his phone buzz in his pocket and took it out. It was Austin.

'Hey man, sorry, I was out drawing. But thats cool man! I almost forgot you haven't seen her since she moved back two weeks ago. Well, lets meet after next hour for lunch! I have so much to tell you bro.'

I felt myself blushing a little. Sure, the picture wasn't actually of me...but I inspired him? I bit my lip with a small smile and brushed some hair out of my face. "Oh...well it's really great, I'm sure your teacher will be impressed." I said. I smiled at him and took a step back. "I'll see you in Piano next period okay?" I said, turning around with a with a wave and went to class.
Austin was pulling out his cameras, and glanced over to see Grayson. "I didn't know you were into photography! I wouldn't have dashed off like that, sorry." he wondered why she was a photographer, when she could easily be the one photographed.
Grayson smiled and pulled out her giant camera. "I know, it's okay. You figured I'd be strictly in the dance program, but I had to do something else while I was in Russia."

She pulled out of of her lenses as well. "I realized I had an eye when I was attempting to hike with some of the girls in my Drama class there. I don't know, I just really like it. It's different, and I get to capture moments, like the look on your face right now."

She lifted the camera to her eye and snapped a photo.

"Yeah, that one is going to be good."


Ryker strolled into art class, late of course. He recognized a few people.

"Hey Cory!" He said taking a seat next to him and unrolling his drawing.

The art professor, Mr. Twilley walked up to his desk and sighed.

"I hope you were being productive in the alloted time that you were late Mr. Benson."

Ry handed him his drawing, "Oh I was," he replied with a smirk
Eliade sighed softly as she made her way to visual arts. She hadn't slept well the night before so dark circles had formed under her eyes, which she had hastily tried to cover by stealing some of her sister's foundation. It wasn't like the girl would notice a bit of her endless make up supply missing. She found her seat at the back of the room and began to unpack her art things, pulling her small sketchbook from her backpack, along with a small black pencil case. She wondered what they would be doing today. Her stormy blue eyes trailed around the classroom. She was one of the late ones today, unusual for her, but considering the night she'd had it didn't surprise her. She apologised quietly to the teacher, keeping her gaze downcast.

Tyson strolled into the school, whistling a soft tune to himself. he didn't care that he was a little late. he didn't have any classes until later anyway. he normally used his free periods to find somewhere quiet and practise his bass guitar. Some days he'd try and steal Eli from her classrooms, but she often refused. He smirked, remembering the last time he'd tried. She'd thrown a pot of glue at his head and he'd had to go home and get changed. He laughed softly to himself. Should he risk it again today? Na, better not. He thought to himself, making his way towards a secluded area of the school where he could play for a while.
Austin snapped a sneaky picture when Grayson wasn't looking. He had to, the sun hitting her face, her hair spilling down her shoulders, a happy little smile on her face. "Ilike that," he murmured.

By the time I got to my first period class I was pretty late. The teacher gave me a bit of a glare but didn't say anything and for that I was grateful. I sat in the back and continued writing in my notebook, using the pencil that Ryker gave me
"hi" Cory replied, he didnt particularly have many friends, but he found Ryker easy to get along with. Cory picked up the canvas that had been propped against his desk and sketched out th the scene he had drafted in his sketch book. sceneries where his favorite, he could take pictures of the places he had been, but he would much rather recreate them with his own hands.

Faith sat in her music class, humming a quiet melody.she zoned out, envisioning the notes as they danced in her head. music was like a beautiful living thing to her, she saw the ups and downs and each emotion that affected the way she played and sang.
As class went on for Grayson, she found herself laughing at loud at times. She loved the teachers here, especially Mrs. Hoiller, who was enthusiastically discussing light and shadows. The teachers back in Russia were so cold and distant. It was gratifying having someone who actually wanted to chat with their students.


Ryker noticed Eli walk into the room and he smiled brightly. She looked really tired though, and he wondered if she had had a rough night.

Mr. Twilley smiled and handed the canvas back to Ry, nodding and clapping his hands.

"Well done Benson well done."

He walked back the the front of the room, talking about the expansion of visual art.
Lydia looked up as she finished putting her camera together as she spied familiar blond hair in from of her, sitting to a guy, Austin was his name? Turning back to the blond, she shook her head. "Naw that can't be, she's not into Photography." she said, biting her lip curiously, she gets up and looks at the girl from up front. "Gray? You're In this class?? That's awesome! I'm sorry if I'm interrupting by the way." She says smiling a bit, , l, suddenly remembering about something in her locker. "Good to see you! But hey, remember that sweater you let me^ borrow last year? Well it's in my locker if you wanna go pick it up after class."

((sorry, had writer's block, but hope you don't mind if they're good friends?"
((Grayson just moved back home from Russia after four years, so they can be friends already, but I don't think she would have a sweater from Grayson lol))

Gray turned around to see Lydia. She looked so much different now. It was amazing to her how much people changed. "Hey girl! No no, you aren't interrupting," she said, smiling softly at Austin, "um yeah, I picked up photography a couple years ago. I really like! How have you been!?"

She kept glancing at Austin and scolded herself each time she did. She just couldn't help but look at him. His hair was so different, he was taller, more muscular, his face looked older. It was so weird seeing the much more grown up version of Austin.
Eliade caught Ryker's smile from the corner of her eye and she wondered who it was to. It wasn't likely to be her, she thought in a downcast manner. It then dawned on her that everyone else was doing their work, so it had to be to her, didn't it? The possibility both thrilled and frightened her. She'd had a crush on him for a long time but didn't see how on earth she could ever have a chance with someone like him. She sighed softly to herself beginning to sketch faint lines in her book. She had no idea what she was trying to draw, but in her mind it didn't matter. She knew it would either work or it wouldn't. She knew she should be listening to Mr Twilley but she couldn't focus. gradually her hand movements slowed and she fell into a soft sleep, her head on the desk. nnnnbv

Tyson grew bored with his practise after a few minutes, and he put his bass back into the case with a frustrated sigh. he hated when he had nothing to do. Time always went so slowly. he supposed he could try and write some lyrics to one of his recent songs, but what was the point in that if he had no inspiration? He let out a frustrated groan, leaning against the trunk of the tree.

'What to do, what to do..' He muttered to himself drumming his fingers against the lid of his guitar case.

I actually fell asleep on my desk. I had never fallen asleep in school. When I was woken up by my teacher a few people laughed and I groaned to myself. I needed to go to sleep early tonight, only i knew that wouldn't happen because I still wasn't done with my song. There was too many kinks to work out and no time to do it. She left class early to take a walk around campus
Faiths teacher allowed a bit of free time to work on peices or practice, as was usual. Faith decided to step outside for a bit. she leaned against the wall of the school and began singing the tune she had spun in her head only a few moments ago. the words and melody flowed and soared high above the building, and floated away with the clouds.

Cory continued sketchy, deep in concentration. his pencil flowed over the canvas as he formed waves, some small some large. he was so far into his work he completely shut out the lesson.
((Hah oh ok, my bad ;p ))

Lydia Smiled as she crossed her arms, leaning against a desk. "I've been good, same old same old." She simply shrugged as she gave Grayson a nod. "And how about you Missy? Anything interesting happen since the last time we saw each other?" She couldn't help but roll her eyes playfully as she noticed how much Grayson was glancing at the person sitting next to her.*

"You're Austin right? I think I've heard of you before, just don't ask me where." she smiled.
Ryker looked at his phone, and was shocked that there was still 20 minutes left of class. It felt like her had been sitting for hours.

He looked over a Eli again, who seemed to be sleeping.

why does everyone look so tired He thought.

He started doodling on one of the pages in his sketch pad. He was drawing small pictures a girl, a girl who looked a lot like Heather.


Next period I had Piano so, since I left the other class early I just sat outside the door and waited for the bell. I needed to sit at a piano. Writing, wasn't cutting it. So I did what I was doing out by the tree. I set my notebook on my lap, closed my eyes and danced my fingers along the paper, humming the notes as my fingers tapped away at nothing.
Eliade woke up with a start as her arm slipped, jolting her out of her slumber. She gazed about the room slightly bleary eyed, not sure where she was for a moment or two. She looked over to where Ryker sat, sketching. She wondered what he was drawing. As her eyes grew clear again she caught herself studying his form. She shook her head to clear it. No.. he's not for you. Get over it already. She told herself firmly, but she couldn't help a wistful sigh.
Ryker looked back up to see Eli staring at him. He smiled again and moved his things closer to her. "Hey Eli, nice nap?"

He folded his small sketches under his pad and started writing up ideas for their first assignment, which was to create a landscape of a world gone "topsy-turvy."

He had a vision of everything being larger than life and almost upside down, with buildings painfully askew and bent trees, with the world almost looking as if it was melting. It was almost a Dr. Seuss type vision, except much darker.

He wrote that idea down.

((I'm about to hit the hay you guys, but I'll be on tomorrow to post!))

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