Welcome to Grenich School for the Arts

Gabrielle Sanford

Senior Member
Hello everyone and welcome to Grenich, where expression, personality, and creativity make the A's.

Grenich is a private school, but it isn't a boarding school, and isn't all about the rules. At Grenich the faculty is open and pushes for individuality and personal expression. The campus is quite large, with two auditoriums, several studios, a large quad, and a large art and music hall. It is located right outside Colorado City so it stays pretty chilly year round.

Please use this link and form for character creations:



Lets keep gender ratios even lovelies.

Keep one liners at a minimum, but I understand sometimes you can't help it.

Use OOC: or () when talking out of character.

Have lots of fun!

By the time Ryker James Benson had rolled out of bed, his sister Grayson was already ready to go. He sat up and stretched furiously, his shaggy hair sticking up in every direction. Ryker had a way of making bedhead look attractive. He stood up and walked into the bathroom, adjoined to his sister's room, and washed his face, brushed his teeth and began to dress. His current choice of clothing for the day was a white V-neck shirt, charcoal grey cardigan, and red skinny jeans cuffed at the bottom.

Ryker shook the sleep away and walked back into his room, slipping on a pair of toms and grabbing his backpack and artcase then headed downstairs.


"GOODMORNING SUNSHINE! I MADE BREAKFAST!!!" Grayson was so excited for school. It was only the second day, but she hadn't been to a normal school since her freshmen year at the Vaganova Ballet Academy in Russia. Frankly, Grayson didn't much enjoy learning Trigonometry or History from an old, grumpy, Russian professor. She was happy to finally socialize with people who spoke english for a change. Grayson pushed a bowl of fruit loops to her brother, and finished off her own bowl on plain Special K cereal. Grayson was prepared for her day wearing waist high thermal black leggings from Urbanoutfitters, over a zipper styled pink and sea green Yumiko leotard. And over that she wore a simple black cardigan like her brother and black knit Uggs. Her hair twisted up into a upside down french braid bun, she was ready for her first real day of dance classes. '

"Well, since you'll be late you aren't riding with me today," Gray said grabbing the keys to her blue Kia Soul, "Love you Ry."

Grayson kissed her brother on the cheek and skipped out of the house, turned the ignition, and sped off the school.


Ryker, on the other hand was going to take his sweet time getting to school. He didn't much care for rushing. After eating another bowl of cereal, he picked up the keys to his Jeep and also headed out the door, but, unlike his overjoyed sibling, he took his time and still managed to get there early.

At some point last night I realized that it was no longer night and instead, early morning. I had stayed up way to late on the piano and lost track of time. So I was working on about two and half hours of sleep now. I grabbed myself and Apple and walked to school. I was a bit early because I didn't really put my thought into how I looked this morning. I was simply too tired. And when I got home, I knew I'd be on the piano again. I had a song inside me and I needed to get it all down on paper. But it was impossible to work out the melody in one night. It needed to be perfect. I went to my locker and got a few things out
Grayson was at her locker, which was just across from Heather's. She would never tell her that she had listened to her play the day before, and that her compositions where incredible. Grayson had even found herself dancing to Heather's music. She pulled out her dance bag as well as her english and biochemistry books, stuffing them into her booksack.


Ryker strolled into school casually. The only people he had seen so far were a few early freshmen and of course his sister and Heather. They took piano together. He waved to her and smiled before tapped Grayson on the shoulder and giving her a giant hug. "That's for being too cheerful this morning Gray. I swear your energy almost made me vomit this morning." He laughed as she rolled her eyes at him.

"Anyway, I'm going out to the quad, you can join me later of whatever. See ya sis!"

Ryker walked to his locker down the hall and grabbed a few more of his supplies, before walking outside.

I smiled at them both. I didn't know them too well but the siblings were nice to pretty much everyone. I rubbed my eyes and then tapped my fingers against my locker. I was still early too early so I went outside and sat myself on a bench. I took out a notebook and began writing a few notes down. I yawned and rubbed my eyes again. They were too itchy from being open all night.
(If you would use my charry from the last one... would that work, I'm sorry soo tired...)
Ryker had all of his supplies set out across the picnic table in the quad. He could see Heather on the opposite side of the quad, and Gray sitting across from him on a bench with her nose in a book. She was laying out across the bench, with one leg stretched up by her head and resting on the backrest of the bench. Ryker laughed at how she could be doing anything and she would still somehow manage to be doing SOMETHING related to dancing. The wind danced across the quad space and he looked out towards where Heather was sitting. He could faintly make out her features, but she was still to far away to draw. Instead he focused on drawing his crazy bunhead sister. He took out his best pencils and began sketching her.

My pencil was starting to feel extremely heavy in my hand and my eye lids were dropping. I sat up and shook my head, trying to clear out the fuzziness. I looked around, taking notice of Grayson. No matter what that girl was doing, it was always graceful. Sometimes, just the way she walked looked like she was dancing. I wonder if she would ever dance to one of my songs. I smiled a little and kept looking around, seeing her brother drawing sometime and a few freshman playing with a cell phone. I stood up and streched, adjusting my glasses on my nose. I hadn't even put my contacts in today. Tomorrow I would make more of an effort. If I ever fell asleep that is.
Grayson had her nose planted in Sophie Flack's Bunheads. When she was reading a good book, most of the world was dead to her. But she was getting the feeling that someone was watching her. She glanced up from her book to see Ryker staring right at her and drawing.

"Oh my freaking God, Ry!!! You better not be drawing me! That is so creepy you weirdo!" Grayson got up and walked over to him, to see that he WAS in fact drawing her.

"Ugh you're unnerving I hope you know that. I'm getting away from you."

Grayson walked back to her bags and picked them up over her shoulder, before jogging off past Heather and through the Dance building.


Ryker sighed and crumpled up the sketch he had. He could have finished it, but out of respect for his sister he decided not to. He didn't understand why she thought it was so weird. He drew tons of photos of her dancing, and even a couple portraits as they grew up. But I guess she'd changed a bit while she was in Russia, and he'd have to get used to that. Once again he looked around for something interesting to draw. He watched Heather for a bit, but still she was too far. "I bet she's composing," he said to himself. And at once Ryker put his pencil to the drawing pad and started working.

((I can go ahead and do it for you))


I yawned again and sighed to myself. We still had a while before class and if I didn't do something, I would fall asleep. I didn't know anyone here so it wasn't like i could just go up to a friend and start a conversation. And everyone was busy anyway. I walked a little bit till I was under a tree and sat again with my note book. Only this time, I didn't write anything. I just closed my eyes and moved my fingers, imagining my piano and the sounds it would make with each stroke of my finger. I started lightly humming without even realizing.
(([MENTION=3126]Gabrielle Sanford[/MENTION] did I post a charrie? I meant to, but my internet was being spazzy so idk if I did or not.))
(( @TheJoker Nuh-uh, you didn't. Please do though! ))

Ryker was on a roll, he pulled out different pencils and shaded the corners of the pages he was drawing. It was chaotic, but beautiful. The scene he was drawing was a single girl, sitting in the middle of room, with hundreds of sheet music scattered around her. Some were crumpled and others weren't, some had scratch marks and circles. It was all very different. The aerial perspective of the photo gave whoever was looking at it a chance to decide for themselves the mood of it. Ry started finishing up the drawing, add a few details here and there.


Grayson had made her way back into the main building and was standing infront of the snack machines. Her breakfast hadn't done much justice and she was ready for more food. She selected two protein bars and a water from the drink machine.
Aria redish hair whipped around as she pounced on top of Ry. "Hey!" She grinned, blue eyes sparkling. She hadn't seen Ryker in three months and let's just say that she missed him a lot. She chuckled and looked at the sketch in his hand. She hit her lip and pondered what she thought before picking her Kodak camera that hung on on a panda bear covered strap. She backed up and snapped shots of him and then flicked through picking the best. She smiled and let the black camera go and watched as it bumped against her chest. She pulled just slightly on her grey beanie before sitting next to him. "I missed you." She giggled, "In case you didn't already figure that out."
Austin rolled out of bed and groaned when he saw he would be late. Again. He leaped out of bed and into the shower. After showering and toweling off, he got dressed in gray skinny jeans, an L.A Lakers shirt, and white high tops. Not bothering with breakfast, Austin stuffed his notebook in his backpack, packed away his three cameras, and hopped in his chevy pickup truck. He sped to school and arrived with ten minutes to spare before class.

More people started arriving so I glanced at my phone to see that I did still have around ten minutes before class. I yawned again and stood, running a hand through my hair. I started walking, slowly with my notebook in my hands, still playing the piano on my head. I started writing a few more notes down.
Ryker jolted as Aria practically made him ruin his drawing. He smeared the small mistake she had caused and then set his things down.

God she is such a pain in the ass. Ryker thought to himself as he forced a smile across his face.

"Yeah. Haha, I'm sure you did Aria. Ehemm, how..are..you?"

He looked around, hoping to find a damn escape.

Sophomore year he had wondered about her ability to be a total crazy girl, but after last year he was sure of it.

Aria, was nuts.
"How many stupid red light can there be?!?" Lydia scowled as she stopped, yet again. Envying the cars passing in front of her, she got even more frustrated, knowing she was supposed to have woken up a half hour earlier than she did. She didn't blame herself though, those stupid old musical movies got to her every time. Finally at a green light, she sped to school, grabbing the bag holding her camera in it and racing off towards her first class. :Photography. Her hair going all over the place as she ran. She managed to take a seat right before the bell rang and not a moment later. "Never waking up late ever again..." Lydia said as she tried to smooth her hair over.
Austin noticed Grayson sitting on a bench, writing and sat next to her. She was really pretty, the kind of girl he'd date if she wasn't his best friend's sister. "Hey, Grayson. How was your summer?"
Grayson noticed Austin walk into school. She had always had a small thing for him back in 8th grade before she moved, but she tried not to let on. He and Ryker were best buds since they were little, but things may be different now, after all, she had grown up quite a bit in four years, and so did he. She walked over to him, trying not to smile but it was impossible. Her face brightened just seeing him.

"Hey A." She said.

((Woah lol, TheJoker, we just totally posted two different things to the same people. Grayson was inside the building haha.))
Faith sat in one of the music practice rooms, notes bouncing out of her flute and swirling about in the tiny room. she didnt really use sheet music much, she just prefered to play whatever came from her heart, which often ended up being spectacular songs. she so loved the uniqueness of these songs that she prefered not to write them down.

Cory sat in class, early as usual in order to avoid getting stuck in the noisy crowded halls when the bell rang. his sketchbook was open in front if him, an ocean scenery half finished on the top page. this was a draft of a large painting he was planning.

I kept walking, so lost in my notes and the music that I actually gasped when my pencil tip broke. I pouted and looked around, noticing Ryker. He was an artist...he had to have a spare pencil. I quickly walked over, seeing him with Aria and not really wanting to disturb their conversation. "Hi...sorry to be annoying, but would you happen to have an extra pencil?" I asked, holding up the broken one. I used a finger to fix my glasses again and realized why I hated them so much.
((I guess I'll change mine.))

Austin turned around when he heard Grayson's voice. His face broke out into a grin. He hadn't seen Ryker's sister since eighth grade. She was pretty then, but now she was straight-out gorgeous. "Grayson! Wow, long time, no see, eh? You look great! How was Russia?" Austin remembered his crush on her in eighth grade, and knew those feelings were still inside of him. But she was Ryker's sister, and he and Ry had been friends for forever.
Ryker practically leaped to hand Heather a pencil. "NO NO NOT being annoying at all." He motioned his eyes back to Aria who was practically clinging to him. "Actually I'm sure I'll need to grab some more from my locker. Heck I'll walk with you." Ryker quickly put his belongings in his bag as neatly as he could and tugged Heather's shirt gently.

"Sorry Aria, class and such, can't be late, bye!"

He walked briskly, hoping she wouldn't follow.

He glanced over at Heather, "Sorry, I have to get away from her, she's nuts. And for the record, I'm not using you as an excuse. I just really need to get to class as well."


"Well," Grayson said, "Cold, bland, full of Russians." She pulled him in for a hug that could have lasted forever. "She breathed in his cologne and whispered, "You don't look so bad yourself." She wasn't even going to think about letting go first. This hug was the first warm human contact she had with anyone who truly mattered to her in years, except for Ryker of course, but he didn't count.

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