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Realistic or Modern Welcome To Endurance Camp


Professional Trashcan

  • explore-forest-friends-happy-Favim.com-2159576.jpg

    There's a rule. It's unspoken, unwritten, but it's the first thing that you'll hear when you enter East Arctic High School. Forget about grades, parents, friends, because this law rules the school.

    The Jocks hate the Nerds. The Nerds, they hate the Jocks. The Jocks also hate the Skaters, who hate the Band Kids, who hate the Punks, who hate the Cheerleaders. The Cheerleaders, well they hate everybody (even each other)... except for the Jocks. And nobody likes the Preps, but that's not a problem to them; they're too busy loving themselves. This is the reigning rule over East Arctic High, and if you break it, well... you've basically just committed social suicide. Seriously. You'd rather walk all the way across the football field to get a ball than ask the nerd right next to it to throw it to you. You'd rather get hit in the face with a soccer ball than ask the team captain to move his practice away from you. You'd rather play yet another round of D&D, in your damp basement than ask your dream date out to prom. Yeah, really. This is a battleground at East Arctic, and it's never been worse.

    Unfortunately, the parents noticed.

    One year, around five years ago, there were no fieldtrips for the classes. No entertainment assemblies. Not even enough Snow-days to go around. That year, the PTA board shoved every useless penny of theirs into creating the infamous 'Endurance Camp', the final warning to the students to get over their differences, or else. Every summer, the worst of the worst got sent to this 'camp' and spend a month and a half with nobody but themselves. And they'd change. Tommy G., the Senior from last year who had every version of Pokemon known to man -- He went to Endurance Camp last year, and now he's going to College... And he's rooming with a Soccer Star. No one even knows how that's possible... But it happened, all because of the dreadful 'Endurance Camp.' Everyone at East Arctic cringes at the name, and everyone tries to at least be sneaky with their social antics.

    And you! You've been good this year, right? You're an Angel in the eyes of your guardian, right? You've got the whole summer ahead of you. Free sailing... right?

    Apparently, wrong.

    Apparently your mother overheard you smack-talking that nerdy girl over the phone one too many times... or your older brother apparently saw your football knock his friend's glasses clean off of his face. Whatever happened, you've got yourself a one-way ticket all the way into the Middle Of Nowhere, along with 11 other kids -- ten of which, you can't stand.

    This summer isn't going to be free sailing. Instead, you're gonna come out of it in one of many ways. By the end of the summer, what will you be like? Will you have enough hatred in your bones for a few more years at East Arctic, or will you end up like Tommy G.? Will you make... friends? Or take your chances to push your cabin mates into the lake at midnight? And who will you take to the Midsummer Fling? So many ways this summer can end, but you've got one goal: Survive.

    Welcome to Endurance Camp.

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