Welcome to Eden | Science Fiction | ☭ Noir ☭ [Now Open]


Building Character Since 1993


The last thing you remember is the cold burn of the steel table underneath you. A mans voice fading out and becoming distorted as he counted backwards, "9.. 8.. 7.. That's it, slowly now-" the low hiss of gas being released from some form of chemical tanks can be heard from somewhere behind you. Medical latex gloves and the stale state of plastics can be smelled. Your eye lids became heavy and slowly you slipped into darkness.

A blue light begins a slow strobe within your room, you open your eyes to great the darkness. As you take a moment to let your eyes adjust the room begins to fill in with rough but familiar shapes, you lay upon a bed, your own you are certain. It is unclear how you got here, but you are in your home.

The blue light begins to strobe again. As you look around to identify the source, it takes only but a moment to realize that it is you who is giving off this strange light. The blue strobes of illumination are coming from a dime sized point flashing just under the skin of your wrist.

You touch it lightly. After a brief moment an electronic chime is heard followed by a series of red texts scrolling in front of your eyes reading...

"Initializing human structure...

Welcome To CloudNet....

Queuing File. T132.St.Cled.Avi ..."

as the text fades a video begins to play...

"Welcome to Eden, Citizen!

You are among the very few who have been privileged to live within the safe haven of Cloud City!

Constructed in 2094 by a privately owned corporation named SkyNet, each and every member within Cloud City has been hand selected to ensure the survival of the Human race. Only the best minds and genomes were permitted within the Compound.


You have been selected"

The video fades. A new text appears...

"Personalizing H.U.D"

The program begins running you through the basics of understanding the Heads up display. Teaching you how to use it and connect to CloudNet, A public "internet" for all the people of Eden. Connecting everyone and everything within Cloud City at all times.




In Cloud City there are multiple networks that an individual with the proper wetware implants can connect to. Depending on the receiver brain implants that you have you will have access to different networks, usually cheaper wetware implants having access to only CloudNet, and other more expensive, hacked, or specialized wetware implants have access to others.

Imagine a world without cellphones, laptops, tablets, or desktop computers. None of these things exist anymore because they aren't needed. Everything is now in your built in wetware implants, existing in virtual space. Receiving a call? A window with a caller ID and location pops up in your periphery, waiting your acknowledgement. Did he send you a video or a picture? The video is transfered to your 50TB SSD almost instantly. You use the tactile response implants in your fingertips to summon up a virtual desktop and quickly navigate to your downloads folder. You select the file with a touch and flick it off the virtual screen into the air beside it. The file vanishes from view, and in its wake a new window forms, waiting for you to interact with it. You resize it by grasping diagonal corners and stretching it out to the size you desire, and begin watching the video. Personal computers are antiquated.

CloudNet - The general network that is broadcast throughout Cloud City, that everyone with basic wetware have access to. This is network has an overlay that displays storefront ads, access to taxis anywhere, addresses, store names, store reviews, anything. You can look at a nearby restaurant, bring up it’s profile, look at it’s reviews, and share it to a friend through an IM. As you walk by a store their storefront window displays an ad that is personalized to you, like google ads work today.

TradeNet - This network is a general network given access to and used by merchants and small time business owners, as well as normal citizens.. Some businesses use it to allow laymen to broadcast the fact that they are offering items for sale, like todays ebay and craigslist, except it shows that they are looking to trade or sell over the sellers head to any viewer, as well as creating a general index that people can search through for items to buy or sell.

ControlNet - This network is a private network given access to and used by detectives, police officers, firemen and other enforcer type classes. Access to most wanted listings, city cameras, and dispatches.

MedNet - This network is an open network used by Medical Personal. Paramedics, doctors and other first response units use these channels to dispatch professionals to different locations.

CorpNet - Network used by corporations to communicate with each other and themselves. Usually a corporation will have it’s employees connected to their private CorpNet.

BlackNet - Black market criminal networks. There are multiple of them across the city, each usually controlled by one criminal syndicate or another. They are used for black market sales of illegal or restricted goods.

MercNet - Mercenary network designed freelance mercenaries. It is used to distribute information in two different ways; anonymously to mercenaries so that the corporation, crime syndicate, or individual may remain anonymous if they choose to, and to hire mercenaries as corporate security or for corporate jobs. Those connected to the network are put into an index from which potential customers may contact and hire a mercenary or group of mercenaries for a job. It is essentially a networked job hiring board. Mercenaries on the MercNet are also given access to programs and software that only run off of MercNet (legally) that give mercenaries information relevant to their trade, i.e. view angles from windows, integrated range finder, distances between areas, time to run to a particular area at the users average sprint speed, etc. Only registered mercenaries have access to this software, usually.

News Networks ------






More Histoy


During the second cold war, SkyNet's CEO Jaxon Waltzki issued for the initiation of Project Eden. Lifting Cloud City into the sky, allowing it to gyrate stably in the high atmosphere. Soon after the construction of Project Eden, SkyNet began the filling its community as planned.

As the firsts nuclear strikes began, SkyNet sent transport relief ships to earths surface to collect refugees. Soon Eden became over populated. The six hundred thousand population limit stretched to a booming Two Million. Construction drones worked night and day for years to collect any resources they could salvage from the planets surface. Eden soon became a complex towering city with 8 layers, segregating the city by class. Each layer representing a different group of wealth and power, the lowest class on bottom and the highest on the top. Each layer of Eden has its own government, though all of which are associated with the executive branch. The executive branch consists of a CorpNet controlled government that acts as "Federal Government".

Welcome to 2420!

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