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Building Character Since 1993

NPC Character Sheet: Ollie Sterling Auerbach


    • Full Birth Name: Ollie Sterling Auerbach

    • Conversational Name: Olly

    • Citizen ID Number: 7992 - 98 - 2332

    • Alias: Sigma - 2362


    Ollie has always worked for SkyNet, just as his father before him. Pampered and prepared for this moment his whole life. No doubt Ollie was among the brightes SkyNet had ever seen.

    However, just before he became of age to inherit his fathers business, Eric Auerbach was taken hostage during negotiations with BlackNet. Ollie's father wasn't a very popular man among the Criminal elements and Eric figured that he could use that power to fuel his campaign, frequently he called them out into the spot light for political power.

    CloudNet played the last moments or Eric's life over the network, fading to black just before the gun fired. One of CloudCities most important men had been murdered, and everyone saw it.

    Social feeds began blowing up with the news.

    The following day's news paper read "The city has lost another great".

    Fueled by hatred Ollie Vowed for vengeance. Soon Ollie dedicated his life to MercNet.

    • Network(s):
    • SkyNet
    • CloudNet
    • MercNet

NPC Character Sheet: Ross Samuel Howard


    • Full Birth Name: Ross Samuel Howard

    • Conversational Name: Ross

    • Citizen ID Number: 5448-52-9935


    Ross had always been great with people. As far back as Ross can remember his grandparents had spent their time in the “Virtual Simulations”. Tubes ran through their bodies to feed them and remove waste. Every moment he could Ross would connect to the VS using his Smart Gear.

    He loved spending time with his grandparents. Overtime Ross learned how to care for them in the physical realm as well as cutting costs on keeping them alive and to keep them enjoying life, until the day he had to pull the plug.

    Ross’s instructors noticed his attention to medical detail and before long offered Ross a full time job as a paramedic. Ross soon became one of the greatest first responders Eden has ever seen.

    • Network(s):
    • CloudNet
    • MDNet
    • ControlNet

NPC Character Sheet: Authoria The Android


    • Full Birth Name: Authoria

    • Conversational Name: Thoria.

    • Citizen ID Number: Unknown


    Authoria was designed as the official AI for CloudCity. Authoria AI is connected to CloudNet, simply asking her to do or search something and she will get it done automatically.

    She is owned by SkyNet and resides somewhere within CloudCity.

    • Network(s):
    • CloudNet

NPC Character Sheet: DAOS The Artificial Intelligence


    • Full Program Name: Data Assessment & Operations Security

    • Conversational Name: D.A.O.S


    D.A.O.S was designed as the official MercNet AI. The only Network D.A.O.S has access to is MercNet, he communicates with other AI and delivers missions to Agents.

    • Network(s):
    • MercNet

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