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{Additional Character RP}

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In the absence of light, darkness prevails.

Mellow jazz music droned in the background as Noah reclined in an office chair. His feet were kicked up on a metal table as he held two long thin wood sticks in his left hand, and a green ceramic bowl in his right. He dipped the chopsticks down into the bowl and used them to pull out some noodles. Noah ate the noodles with a quiet slurping noise, his eyes focused on a television screen in front of him. It was playing some archaic movie from before the city was functioning. Noah had one eye focused on it. Watching it. The other was watching something only he could see, on his implant. It was a news broadcast about some murder that had happened earlier in the day. The victim had been a cop under investigation for corruption charges.

The report on the tv said that they'd found the cop's body in an alley way, missing vital organs and implants - they thought that he'd been stripped by scavengers. Human cockroaches. That they'd caught the cop off guard and taken everything off of him to be sold on the black market for profit. Noah laughed, whether from something funny on the television or from the news report, no one but him would know. Not that anyone was around to hear him laugh as it was. His office was empty, and it had been all day. He didn't see much traffic on the typical day, so he wasn't too concerned.

Noah was a medtech, a sort of back-alley doctor that operated out of the slums while maintaining a residence in the middle districts. He had enough money from his own family to buy a condemned medical facility in the slums and use it as his base of operations. The windows were all boarded up and blacked out. The door was always locked and a sign designating the office as "CLOSED" hung on the door, as well as an official notice from the offices of public safety that the building was condemned. The only real way into the building was to be invited in by the owner, Noah, during his designated work hours, which could be found on the BlackNet under Medical Services. He was known on the BlackNet as "Doctor E", and so the only way to contact him was through the BlackNet, unless you were a repeat patient, in which case you'd most likely have his personal contact information.

For a "bustling" business, the outside of the private practices were nothing to look at but the insides were cleaned up and very well kept. It was clear this was a medical facility and was used as such. It was also clear that Noah cared deeply about his offices and how they looked. He slurped some more noodles down and kept watching his movie and the news. He enjoyed a good day off.
Emma waited by the backdoor of the Closed off clinic. It was slightly gloomy in the alleyway where the entrance was located in, and not a lot of light from the more visible street came through to the shady area of the clinic's backdoor.

Emma couldn't exactly wait for her appointment out the front of the place, it was in the middle of the slums and the place had a condemned sign out the front, so waiting out the front would mean bringing attention to the clinic, and Doctor E didn't want any authorities coming 'round to his place in the slums, that much Emma had gathered from her last couple visits here.

Though Devins had been waiting at the back door for a little too long, and had a sinking suspicion that the good old doctor may have forgotten their arranged meeting for today. She wouldn't put it past him, she hadn't bothered to check out his life with her special skills, but she assumed the guy was busy doing whatever a doctor like him did.

Emma brought up her contacts, and sent a ping to Doctor E. Maybe it would act like a little reminder, since the pain she was feeling at her hip was being a very good reminder currently, and she needed her bones sorted out.
A small icon began flashing in the corner of Noah's eyesight and he stopped moving. His index finger of the hand holding the chopsticks moved on its own and an invisible cursor moved and highlighted the notice icon. A gentle tap of his finger on the empty space below it selected the icon and brought up the notification. Someone had pinged him. Noah's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He was used to surprise guests, but he wasn't used to forgetting things. His feet hit the floor as the notification fell away and the icon vanished. Noah hoisted himself up from the chair and headed towards the backdoor. He continued to eat his noodles as he moved. He wasn't in a rush, and since this was an appointment - neither was she. Most likely. Why was she here again?

Noah made it to the door and set the chopsticks inside his bowl. He reached out with his free hand and opened the door lazily with a greeting, "When the Devil knocks, I do like to appease."

Noah moved away from the door and returned to his noodles, motioning for the woman to follow him into the office. Because the front door no longer opened, for security purposes, he'd put money into changing the layout of his offices, which also helped with why it looked so well kept. He'd changed it so that the back of the offices acted as the waiting room, and the front was now where he performed his operations. The main doctor's office was still the doctor's office, of course. Using his index finger, while still eating his noodles, Noah selected a file and shot it over to Devins. Once she crossed the threshold of the door the office's localnet would automatically connect to her wetware and she'd instantly receive the file. It was a simple patient form that acted as her agreement to allow him to work on her and she'd have to pay him no matter the results. Repeat customers got only the best care, of course, so it was only a formality.

"What seems to be the problem, Devil?" He asked, looking back at her with another round of noodles going into his mouth.
Emma followed the doctor through his clinic, grateful for him leading since she always seemed to forget the layout of the place. It wasn't like she needed to remember that many building layouts anyway, really her own home was the one where she needed to know, and that was only for her grandma's sake.

Though of course, she was slower than usual, since she was having to use the wall as a support for every step just so she didn't collapse in the middle of the corridor, and she had her over hand gripping at her leg-to-hip connection in order to keep the pain at a reasonable level. She didn't say a word to the Doctor either while he talked to her, she was sure she could have had somesort of comeback for that suave comment he made, but Emma was just in a little too much pain to care.

The Waiver form that popped up in front of her didn't surprise her though, she knew that was standard procedure with him, and really Devins wasn't going to go about and questions him about it. Though Emma let her A.I Jeremy deal with actually filling out the paperwork, getting it all done in under a second and sent back to the Doc before she even sat down.

"Okay, I don't know what exactly has happened, or what I've done, but my pain levels are through the roof. I don't think it's a hardware/software problem on my leg's part, cause then I would've fixed it, but for some reason the connection between cybernetic limb and my good old blood and bone seems to be completely off. It's painful to walk and sometimes I can't do it at all cause the subconscious commands aren't getting to my leg properly, I haven't been able to eat meat or like any of that stuff that is apparently hard for your stomach to digest, like if I eat it I throw it all up, or it comes out the other end looking like it never went through my system at all. Also, serious pains in the stomach area, it's leaving me doubled over most of the time, and the actual area where my leg meets my limb doesn't look too good either."

Emma had pointed out where she was getting the stomach pains while she talked, and while she didn't actually point to her stomach, but more to the side of that certain organ, and pretty much everywhere else than where the stomach was placed. Really she wasn't in a good spot, and she knew that she should have gotten to the medical man before this point, she really just hadn't had the chance to make it to the clinic.
Noah smiled when the file was sent back to him. It was auto filed away and he sat his bowl down with the chopsticks. He clapped his hands together and turned to face her, a wicked grin on his face. "Well, Devins! Get comfortable. Expose the parts of you that need a looking at, and I'll see what I can do." He said. Noah headed over to a sink and turned it on, plunging his hands under the water. It was cold, but it was starting to warm up. He poured soap on his hands and began cleaning them. "I think I have an idea of what's troubling you. I should be able to help." He rinsed his hands and turned off the water before drying them off.

He walked over to a remote and switched off the television that was running, and his other hand was at working switching off the news on his HUD. "I think you have an exposed wire that's come loose and is rubbing up on your insides," He explained as he walked over to her, "and that's not good - clearly. We'll need to fix that, though we should also figure out what caused it so you can stop doing that." Noah reached down under a table and pulled out a tablet device and switched it on.

"Now, show me where it hurts the most." He said holding up the x-ray tablet to look at her.
Emma got up from her sitting position to take off her pants, 'cause really there was no way she was going to get away from not doing so. Her leg had been blown pretty cleanly off, right at her hip bone junction, and she barely even had a stub to show off the fact that she used to have a leg there, but because her leg had been blown off so high, Emma had to take off the entirety of her pants in order to look and check up on it.

Emma sat back down once she got her pants off, and cringed when she saw her own stump and her flesh around it. It was red and pink, and the colour deepened the closer it was to the connection that was implanted ages ago, right in the middle of the stump. The veins in her leg though, they were easily seen through her flesh, and most of them were a very dark, almost black, blue colour. The veins didn't lose their darkness the further they went up her body though, and Emma moved her jacket and shirt a little so the Doctor could see the dark lines branching off onto her belly.

"Ah hey, do you want me to get rid of my leg? So you can, you know, take a look at my flesh part?"

Emma didn't really know what she was saying, 'Flesh part'? She knew that didn't sound at all professional, but she had no clue as to what to actually call her small stump, and really looking at her leg just made her nervous. The lines of dark crossing along her skin didn't leave a good feeling in her stomach, and she felt a little sick again.

Though, Emma did suddenly realise about what the Doc had said about wiring, and then her stomach dropped a little more. Other than the small amount of wiring contained in her implant in her stump, Emma didn't have any other wires inside of her. It was a cheap cybernetic implant, all that her grandma could afford when she was young, and it certainly didn't have the fancy wiring stuff that connected to her head in anyway.

"And, ah Doc, don't know if you know this already. But, um, I don't have any wiring going through my body or anything. All the wires kind of fit into the implant thing, I do everything with my head and HUD. It's a cheap implant you know? It's nothing compared to what everyone else has these days."
Noah laughed and nodded saying, "Yes, yes. No wires, that's fine. Please, disengage your prosthetic."

He moved closer and looked at her leg. His implant increasing his visuals. He frowned and made a noise, "Mm."

It looked like blood poisoning to him, and it was possible. He considered the possible causes for it, and reached down to her leg where the prosthetic connected. He moved down to look at that area, at the connection. It was possible something had indeed come loose, if not a wire - the implant itself. The coupling. There was a number of things that could have gone wrong. He touched her leg lightly as he thought about it, tracing the veins he could see the possible infection in. "Worrying, miss Devins." He said softly.

Out of nowhere he produced a syringe of fluid and grinned up at the girl, "I'm afraid I'm going to need to give you a shot."

He plunged it in quickly at the base of her stump, injecting the fluid. It was antibiotics and would help clear up the infection - if that's what it was. If it wasn't, it wouldn't hurt her. It was simply a precaution. He used his tablet to x-ray her leg, seeing what was what. He made another noise, "Mm." He didn't think he'd need to perform surgery. He was certain it was a simple poisoning, he just needed to find the cause. Bacteria had to have entered some how, some where. It had to be from her connection between her body and the prosthetic.

"What have you been doing lately?" He asked, trying to find a cause.

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