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One x One Welcome to Blackwater Creek



The Cuppycakecreep

Please include some form of character sheet below. Any additional characters that, later on, seem increasingly important to the plot may have a sheet here as well.

There is not a necessity for BBCode formatting as mine is, and you do not need to add excess information as I have. Make your character sheet as you are comfortable.
:) I'm happy with most anything.

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Victoria (Vic) Lev



Basic Information

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi-sexual

Height: 5 Feet 8 Inches

Weight: 135 Pounds

Body Composition: For the most part, people would describe Vic as being made of mostly legs. Her muscled limbs are hidden underneath a thin layer of fat. She is feline in form; a smaller waist meets wider hips and an average-sized bosom. Her feet are small for her height, and her shoulders lack the broadness that comes with some women.

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Species: Werecat











Bipedal Information

Height: 6 Feet 7 Inches

Weight: 245 Pounds

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Amber/Yellow

Body Composition: In her shifted form, Victoria grows much taller. Her muscle mass grows to more easily attack and handle the added weight of her frame. Her skin becomes slightly more resistant to bites, scratches, and damage as well as growing a thin layer of short, black fur. Her fingernails morph into that of claws, and her teeth elongate into sharper and stronger forms.




Quadrupedal Information

Height: 2 Feet 6 Inches

Weight: 175 Pounds

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Amber/Yellow

Body Composition: In her quadrupedal form, Vic matches that of a black panther with only slightly added strength and muscle deffinition


Transformation Information

Bipedal: For a single night out of the month, Victoria—as all were-beings do—must change into her bipedal form. Unlike the stereotypical myths of were-beings changing on the full moon of each month, each being has their own monthly cycle. Unfortunately for Victoria, hers is a little irregular so she must be careful for she doesn’t always know when she is going to change. Besides these specific times, Victoria has control over when she can change into her bipedal form. Sometimes, if she becomes too angry or emotional, the form will force itself upon her. She will, however, feel the changes before they happen, giving her time to get away if needed. Along these same lines, during her times of change, they begin slowly. Usually, it begins with her eyes, and from there her fingernails and teeth begin to change. The change isn’t instant if she doesn’t force it, but once it begins, she cannot stop it. Victoria can force her Bi-pedal form to change quickly, but it comes with immense amounts of pain. This pain only lasts for about half of the transformation, until the point where her more animalistic side takes over. Over the years, she’s gotten used to the pain, but it still comes at a price—after she reverts back to her human form, she is incredibly exhausted.

Quadrupedal: This form is more and of auxiliary form. Never is Victoria required to turn into this form, but sometimes it is much more useful (and much less painful) than her other form. It is a quick transformation, and she has complete control over changing back and forth quickly. She has the same ability with her bipedal form, but that form’s transportation is incredibly painful. This one is a little easier, and the added strength and speed is sometimes a better option compared to the cons of her bipedal form.
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Basic Information


Age: 28

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5 Feet 11 Inches

Weight: 180 Pounds

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Species: Human



Tormented by what little he cares to reveal of his military past, Marcus has developed an acute appreciation for life and has taken a vow in his heart to never again kill and to do everything within his power to protect innocent people from being killed. Despite this, however, he holds his own existence cheap and carries in his heart a grievous guilt that prevents him from becoming emotionally close to the people around him and compels him to a life of humble service and selfless personal sacrifice. Even with his prodigious skill as a prolific martial artist and marksman, Marcus refrains from wielding a weapon for his own sake, fighting for the well-being of others when words fail to appease. Though unwilling to simply be killed by unrelated attackers, Marcus freely accepts that any grudges against his past self are well-deserved; he remembers the face of every person he has wronged and will face their hatred or judgment without complaint, believing that he does not deserve the same happiness as others. Spending much of his alone time in quiet contemplation of his past misdeeds and future retribution, Marcus often ponders what the right path toward redemption is and laments each life lost due to his weakness. As such, he has a tendency toward trying to solve problems all by himself and alienating his would-be allies with secrecy so as to keep them from becoming involved in his risky endeavors. Having lived his own life carrying heavy regrets, Marcus is reluctant to judge others for their personal actions, beliefs or mistakes and always offers hopeful encouragement so that those who have stumbled onto the wrong path might redeem themselves in the future. However, when forced to fight against those who abuse their power and undervalue the lives of others, Marcus' calm temperament gives way to a marked intensity capable of intimidating even other skilled warriors and can go so far as to become a powerful fury, despite his compulsion toward diplomacy.

But when his strength is insufficient to defend against a particularly threatening foe, Marcus' restraint falters and his personality reverts to that of his days as someone he can't remember... or perhaps doesn't want to remember, He immediately abandons his serene humility, releasing the beast with in. Marcus' normally warm nature becomes cold and distant, allowing him to contemplate taking the life of his opponent and even make vicious, bloodthirsty threats. This side of his personality is one that Marcus struggles to suppress despite the fact that it keeps emerging when he is under great stress and in need of extra strength. His greatest fear is that, one day, he will return to his former self and become a killer once more.

As time passes, however, Marcus may learn to trust the people around him with the truth about himself as well as with some of the burden he bears, understanding that his life, too, is a human one and that his friends and allies would suffer greatly if he were to die.

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