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Fantasy weird fantasy world ocs


mother of sorrows

𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑠𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑚.
here is the thread for character sheets! click this magic link for the main thread!
before we jump into the good stuff, some thing to keep in mind when making your character;;
  • fantasy names are preferred, just because a dude named 'josh smith' might feel out of place xD but this isn't a rule, so it's up to you!
  • your character can be pretty much anything; a noble, soldier, merchant, priest, spy, teacher, etc! however, they should have skills that would prove to be userful to the group (intelligence, strength, charm, and so on)
  • while i love anime faceclaims, i kinda feel like realistic ones would fit this rp more, so those are preferred! ^^

with that out of the way, here's the CS;;
name;; (last names aren't necessary!)
(are they the leader, second in command, etc.)
career;; (are they a priest, noble, etc.?)
appearance;; (description or photo)
(iconoclast, creed believer or none?)
(fighting, medicine, highly educated, persuasive,...)
other;; (anything else you want to add!)
name;; Leone
age;; 23
gender;; Male
role;; Member
career;; Iconoclast scholar
appearance;; click!
personality;; Leone is perhaps the opposite of what a priest is expected to be like; he is arrogant, blunt and dramatic. He seems to see others as inferior, uneducated idiots and he says so rather loudly. There aren't many that he sees as worthy of respect, which is something that often lands him in arguments and fights. Despite his mocking and callous attitude, he genuinely wants the best for the empire; Leone is a bit suspicous of northerners and creed believers, but is willing to put that aside to help the group gain peace. He also bears terrible guilt over his past, struggling to become a better person than he is, altrough he sometimes falls back on his old habits.
beliefs;; Strong iconoclasm believer
background;; Leone was born in city on the south of Plaed Clia, where he spend most of his youth. Altrough his parents pushed him towards learning the family trade, he didn't care much for it at that time, instead preferring to spend his time haning out with his friends. His friends quickly proved to be a bad influence, pushing him towards stealing, gambling and fighting. As he grew up into an aggressive, angry teen, Leone left his home to join a group of highway men; he killed, stole, cheated his way across the south of Plaed Clia, leaving a trail of blood behind. However, after a few years of doing so, his deeds finally caught up to him. Perhaps it was his consience finally winning out or him growing up, but he realised this life wasn't what he wanted. Inspired by a iconoclast who helped him, Leone decided to become an iconoclast scholar himself. When the war started, Leone was deeply shook by how people turned into complete animals, killing their neighbours just for being a northerner. After seeing just how cruel people became, he decided to take part in helping to restore order.
skills;; perceptive - It would take a skillful person to manipulate Leone; he was a smooth talker himself in his youth, after all. Altrough it isn't impossible, Leone can tell fairly easily if somebody is trying to manipulate or lie to him.
tactics - As a result of a leg injury, Leone himself can't fight that well; however, he is able to direct others when in combat and he is pretty good at it, too. He is a tactician at heart and prefers to organise things from the side lines, such as the next move in securing peace, which people are they should gain support from, and so on.
intelligence - while he's not highly educated, Leone has a good head on his shoulders. He isn't easy to fool and quickly understands new concepts, while also quick on the uptake.
  • he is bisexual!
  • has a strong fear of chickens
  • always wants to fight everybody, but gets his ass kicked
  • laughs at his own jokes when nobody else is laughing
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name- Elsbet
age- 22
gender- female
role- leader
career- historian/timekeeper of a noble house
personality- Elsbet cannot be summed up in many words, as her moods are ever changing as the tides. Generally, she comes off as aloof and serious, never paying much attention to certain squabbling or general disorder of the group, though if she believes that only she can fix a problem, she will step in and do what is needed. Her travels have provided her with eoms of knowledge, and to many her wisdom is vast, but Elsbet knows that she is merely a blip in the waves of time. She is often caught up in her own plans of learning and teaching, but has of course devoted herself wholeheartedly to bringing peace to the land. She seems rather witchy, as she is skilled with herbs though is not a match to the medic. Many find her annoying, as her speaking patterns come across as riddle-like or quite odd, almost as if she has a secret, and knows you cannot figure it out.
beliefs- none. as a historian, she has been exposed to a number of beliefs and their origins, giving her nothing to believe in other than the world around her.
background- Elsbet was born into the high house of the al’Veres. The Master of the house, Lan al’Vere, was her own uncle. He was benevolent and kind, always setting his children and young nephews and nieces straight but never forgetting a smile. Elsbet’s father, Lan’s brother, was also a historian, though he was old and his memory was failing him. When Elsbet came of age, she inherited her father’s work.

He had documented the history of both sides of Plaed Clia. Elsbet would have been satisfied had she not caught the underlying traces of questions in her father’s work. An old senile man, he could barely remember his name, so Elsbet took it upon herself to answer his questions. She traveled far, seeking out the ones she believed could answer her questions. In the span of a year, she had visited almost every tribe north of her home, documenting traditions and history as much as possible.

Elsbet spent her 20th birthday on the road, with nothing but her provisions, books, and her faithful steed, Ru. It was then that she herself was approached by the elusive Ais Sedai. They were the shadowy clan of witch-seers who sneakily roamed along the furthest reaches of Plaed Clia. Elsbet lived with them for 9 moon cycles, and was adopted as a sister to them. She was taught their ways, and eventually assimilated back into the bustling cities of civilization, or so it was called. Then she learned of the divide between ‘north’ and ‘south’. Elsbet made it her task to bring peace throughout, as she had not learned so much only to let it go to waste.
intelligent, she has learned an enormous amount. neither old nor young, but her wisdom amounts to more than the toothless grandmothers of her companions.

patient, not much can break her infinite patience. she can keep her head in any situation.

indifferent, she allows nothing to sway her. she cannot be tricked easily.
-her favorite food is honey
-she has a ‘pet’ raven, named Susa
-also bisexual, cares more about the character of her partner rather than the gender
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name- Elsbet
age- 22
gender- female
role- second in command (or leader if spot isn’t claimed)
career- historian/timekeeper of a noble house
personality- Elsbet cannot be summed up in many words, as her moods are ever changing as the tides. Generally, she comes off as aloof and serious, never paying much attention to certain squabbling or general disorder of the group, though if she believes that only she can fix a problem, she will step in and do what is needed. Her travels have provided her with eoms of knowledge, and to many her wisdom is vast, but Elsbet knows that she is merely a blip in the waves of time. She is often caught up in her own plans of learning and teaching, but has of course devoted herself wholeheartedly to bringing peace to the land. She seems rather witchy, as she is skilled with herbs though is not a match to the medic. Many find her annoying, as her speaking patterns come across as riddle-like or quite odd, almost as if she has a secret, and knows you cannot figure it out.
beliefs- none. as a historian, she has been exposed to a number of beliefs and their origins, giving her nothing to believe in other than the world around her.
background- Elsbet was born into the high house of the al’Veres. The Master of the house, Lan al’Vere, was her own uncle. He was benevolent and kind, always setting his children and young nephews and nieces straight but never forgetting a smile. Elsbet’s father, Lan’s brother, was also a historian, though he was old and his memory was failing him. When Elsbet came of age, she inherited her father’s work.

He had documented the history of both sides of Plaed Clia. Elsbet would have been satisfied had she not caught the underlying traces of questions in her father’s work. An old senile man, he could barely remember his name, so Elsbet took it upon herself to answer his questions. She traveled far, seeking out the ones she believed could answer her questions. In the span of a year, she had visited almost every tribe north of her home, documenting traditions and history as much as possible.

Elsbet spent her 20th birthday on the road, with nothing but her provisions, books, and her faithful steed, Ru. It was then that she herself was approached by the elusive Ais Sedai. They were the shadowy clan of witch-seers who sneakily roamed along the furthest reaches of Plaed Clia. Elsbet lived with them for 9 moon cycles, and was adopted as a sister to them. She was taught their ways, and eventually assimilated back into the bustling cities of civilization, or so it was called. Then she learned of the divide between ‘north’ and ‘south’. Elsbet made it her task to bring peace throughout, as she had not learned so much only to let it go to waste.
intelligent, she has learned an enormous amount. neither old nor young, but her wisdom amounts to more than the toothless grandmothers of her companions.

patient, not much can break her infinite patience. she can keep her head in any situation.

indifferent, she allows nothing to sway her. she cannot be tricked easily.
-her favorite food is honey
-she has a ‘pet’ raven, named Susa
-also bisexual, cares more about the character of her partner rather than the gender
oooh i love her already! she seems really interesting 00: and the leader role is still open, so i'll claim it for you! ^^
Name - Ronan
Age - 25
Gender - Male
Role -
Second in command
Career - Smuggler/ Informant
Appearance -
Personality -
Cocky, sarcastic, witty, although he knows where to draw the line and become serious in certain situations. He often comes off to most people as ignorant, when he's really smarter than he looks. Mind you not that smart, more like street smarts. He does not trust most people due to his line of work, but he puts up a facade to not show his distrust until he decides they have proven themselves to him. This is his way of giving people the benefit of the doubt. In contrast to his occupation he does want to do something more meaningful in life, something good to be remembered by.
Beliefs - None, but he believes in the supernatural. Traveling as much as he has, he has heard too many tales for such things not to be somewhat true. He is merely awaiting something divine to occur in his to sway his belief a certain direction. Until then he has a mask of his own like some priests do to ward off anything malevolent.
Background - He was raised by a family that was poor in the south; a mother, a father, an older brother, and an older sister. With so many mouths to feed he saw how his parents fought to provide for them while at the same time assuring them that everything was alright. Though Ronan could see through it, he wanted to help and this resulted in him stealing. When he first started coming home with food and/or money his parents questioned him as to where he got it, so he lied saying they were given by various people. As this happened a few more times the family caught on and from there each member at some point warned him of these actions coming with consequences until he finally was spotted stealing as an early teen. He knew that the authorities of the south did not take kindly to thieves even if he was just a kid. Taking this into account, he ran. He did not want to cause any possibly harm to his family therefore he had to leave town. From this point since he was already on the run he took his talents underground by smuggling. Every now and then he will sneak into his hometown leaving notes or presents for his family members to let their minds be at ease of his existence. To North and the South lands there were always resources one had that the other did not and buyer constantly needing said things even if it meant illegally trading. Because of his travels between the two factions he ends up having contacts, hearing rumors, and becomes an informant as a side job as well. His information goes to the highest bidder... or to a certain group he is unknowingly about to be part of.
Skills - Valuable information and contacts (This of course will be limited to what the host will allow. I will not abuse this skill)

Pick-pocketing/ lockpicking

Other - On occasion he does have his down moments because when you know as much people as he does, it can actually get kind of lonely.
He enjoys drinking liquor
Does not like it when people touch his mask because of his superstitious beliefs.
Name - Ronan
Age - 25
Gender - Male
Role -
Second in command
Career - Smuggler/ Informant
Appearance - Personality - Cocky, sarcastic, witty, although he knows where to draw the line and become serious in certain situations. He often comes off to most people as ignorant, when he's really smarter than he looks. Mind you not that smart, more like street smarts. He does not trust most people due to his line of work, but he puts up a facade to not show his distrust until he decides they have proven themselves to him. This is his way of giving people the benefit of the doubt. In contrast to his occupation he does want to do something more meaningful in life, something good to be remembered by.
Beliefs - None, but he believes in the supernatural. Traveling as much as he has, he has heard too many tales for such things not to be somewhat true. He is merely awaiting something divine to occur in his to sway his belief a certain direction. Until then he has a mask of his own like some priests do to ward off anything malevolent.
Background - He was raised by a family that was poor in the south; a mother, a father, an older brother, and an older sister. With so many mouths to feed he saw how his parents fought to provide for them while at the same time assuring them that everything was alright. Though Ronan could see through it, he wanted to help and this resulted in him stealing. When he first started coming home with food and/or money his parents questioned him as to where he got it, so he lied saying they were given by various people. As this happened a few more times the family caught on and from there each member at some point warned him of these actions coming with consequences until he finally was spotted stealing as an early teen. He knew that the authorities of the south did not take kindly to thieves even if he was just a kid. Taking this into account, he ran. He did not want to cause any possibly harm to his family therefore he had to leave town. From this point since he was already on the run he took his talents underground by smuggling. Every now and then he will sneak into his hometown leaving notes or presents for his family members to let their minds be at ease of his existence. To North and the South lands there were always resources one had that the other did not and buyer constantly needing said things even if it meant illegally trading. Because of his travels between the two factions he ends up having contacts, hearing rumors, and becomes an informant as a side job as well. His information goes to the highest bidder... or to a certain group he is unknowingly about to be part of.
Skills - Valuable information and contacts (This of course will be limited to what the host will allow. I will not abuse this skill)

Pick-pocketing/ lockpicking

Other - On occasion he does have his down moments because when you know as much people as he does, it can actually get kind of lonely.
He enjoys drinking liquor
Does not like it when people touch his mask because of his superstitious beliefs.
ah ronan seems pretty fun! i have a soft spot for sarcastic and witty characters xD i'll claim the second in command role for you!
Meet Maci, her background does contain some murdering, but, I didn’t go in detail about it. Also sorry if I am ranting at points, I hope she a good character. I absolutly love her:-).

Name: Maci
Age: 18, looks like 14/15 or even younger. Mostly because of her length.
Gender: female
Role: medic
Career: refugee

Maci is small about 1.5m (4’11) and has a slender body build. With her small stature and round face she looks adorable and much younger then she actually is. She has lots of black curly hair that poofs up around her face. She looks a bit like Mady from everything, everything played by Amandla Stenberg. She wears very run down clothes that are most of the time ripped and dirty.


Maci is mostly a very bright and positive person. This is oftentimes is a mask. When she is focused on treating a patient, she gets way more serious, almost another person. In a situation like she can be really practical. Over the years she learned some tricks to help to keep everyone calm while she can focus on her job. This, however, is mostly when she has one patient on hand. If there is more then one she finds it hard to prioritise. At moments like that she would need someone to tell her where to start. This usually goes for other tasks as well, if she is focused on one particular thing she does amazing but, planning, prioritising and multitasking is just not her thing.

She really impulsive, acting before, she thinks. If she is really passionate about something she can really focus on it and she won’t be easily talked out to it anymore. How dumb or impossible the idea might be. She calls it determined others call it stubborn.

However, she does let herself talk into things easily but, only if it doesn’t go against what she believes in. Often times she ends up with too many projects on hand, in her mission to save the whole world. This most of the time leaves her in chaos not knowing where to start, bouncing off from project to project.
Even though she is small she would make very clear people notice her. She has a relatively loud voice and talks a lot. Especially when she is enthusiastic or nervous.

She believes everyone has something good in them and she is willing to fight to find it. She does often times pass over the fact that everyone does also have a bad side.

Although she usually isn’t really angry often but, when someone hurts another person especially when that person is weaker then them she will get really mad. She will yell at them and throw with stuff. (yes, I picture her looking really cute when doing that) After that she will ignore you for a while. If someone of the team she likely sees it as her duty to lead that people to the good path. Yes, even if they don’t want to.
beliefs: Creed believer

Macy grew up in the south in a relatively large city as the daughter of one of the few creed believers in the town. She lived in a small, house together with her parents and her two older brothers. Her mother was a healer and learned Maci as well. Being creed believers their methods of healing were more traditional than those around them. Life was tough and much to their despise her father and brother needed to work in the factories in order to get enough food on the table and keep their roof above their heads.

Most people in the south wouldn’t want to be treated by her mother. Or at least not openly, there were still a couple desperate enough to come in the middle of the night to be helped in secrecy, when the other healers had failed to cure them. Even some iconoclast priests, from time to time.
Their situation, however, got worse after the murder of the royal couple. It got more and more dangerous to come outside. On one day a group of southerners stormed inside their house. Her mother managed to hide Maci underneath a small space under the floor. The last thing that she said to her daughter was “don’t let them take away your light.”

Under the floor she saw through the floor planks but mostly heard how her mother made an end to one of the man’s life as he was crying begging for mercy, calling for his friends but, they had come too late to save him. She hated herself furious for staying under the floor instead of helping her mother that then got attacked by the friends of the other man whose life she stole.

After everyone was gone she hadn’t dared to move for hours. At night when she was certain they were all gone, she got out of her shelter, got her mother’s medicine bag and the book about plants and sneaked outside of the town. She sneaked on a boat to get as far away as possible from home. Trying to get in peace with herself and make an end to the war that had cost the lives of her family.

Much more fighting against the bad influence by theao, then actually against people themselves. After all her mother was the purest person she knew and she had killed. Maybe the others weren’t as evil either.

For her age, she is a very skilled healer. She does miss the experience of an older healer but makes up for it with her talent to spot injuries quickly, great memory and passion. She especially good when able to focus on one patient.

Maci has a passion for plants and their use as medicine.

Due to her small size, she isn’t really strong but she is quick on her feet. Enabling her to quickly climb in trees and wiggle her way through small passageways, others wouldn’t be able to go. She also can run relative fast but, mostly that are relative in shape would still be able to run around the same speed. Due to the fact that she has small legs. Her flexibility and ability to change direction very quickly would make up to it and would especially work in her advantage when being chased in busy streets or forests or something.

Intelligence: She has a great memory.

-Maci is frustrated with her small size and people often times treating her like a child because of that.

-She carries around a backpack with some common herbs, first aid tools, a big book about plants and their use in medicine and a notebook. The book about plants is actually a bit too heavy to carry around but, Macy still stubbornly carries it around. Even though she knows most of it out of her head. Mostly because the book used to be of her mother. Same for the bag.

-she often times struggles with nightmares, reliving that one day her family got slaughter over and over.
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Meet Maci, her background does contain some murdering, but, I didn’t go in detail about it. Also sorry if I am ranting at points, I hope she a good character. I absolutly love her:-).

Name: Maci
Age: 18, looks like 14/15 or even younger. Mostly because of her length.
Gender: female
Role: medic
Career: refugee

Maci is small about 1.5m (4’11) and has a slender body build. With her small stature and round face she looks adorable and much younger then she actually is. She has lots of black curly hair that poofs up around her face. She looks a bit like Mady from everything, everything played by Amandla Stenberg. She wears very run down clothes that are most of the time ripped and dirty.


Maci is mostly a very bright and positive person. This is oftentimes is a mask. When she is focused on treating a patient, she gets way more serious, almost another person. In a situation like she can be really practical. Over the years she learned some tricks to help to keep everyone calm while she can focus on her job. This, however, is mostly when she has one patient on hand. If there is more then one she finds it hard to prioritise. At moments like that she would need someone to tell her where to start. This usually goes for other tasks as well, if she is focused on one particular thing she does amazing but, planning, prioritising and multitasking is just not her thing.

She really impulsive, acting before, she thinks. If she is really passionate about something she can really focus on it and she won’t be easily talked out to it anymore. How dumb or impossible the idea might be. She calls it determined others call it stubborn.

However, she does let herself talk into things easily but, only if it doesn’t go against what she believes in. Often times she ends up with too many projects on hand, in her mission to save the whole world. This most of the time leaves her in chaos not knowing where to start, bouncing off from project to project.
Even though she is small she would make very clear people notice her. She has a relatively loud voice and talks a lot. Especially when she is enthusiastic or nervous.

She believes everyone has something good in them and she is willing to fight to find it. She does often times pass over the fact that everyone does also have a bad side.

Although she usually isn’t really angry often but, when someone hurts another person especially when that person is weaker then them she will get really mad. She will yell at them and throw with stuff. (yes, I picture her looking really cute when doing that) After that she will ignore you for a while. If someone of the team she likely sees it as her duty to lead that people to the good path. Yes, even if they don’t want to.
beliefs: Creed believer

Macy grew up in the south in a relatively large city as the daughter of one of the few creed believers in the town. She lived in a small, house together with her parents and her two older brothers. Her mother was a healer and learned Maci as well. Being creed believers their methods of healing were more traditional than those around them. Life was tough and much to their despise her father and brother needed to work in the factories in order to get enough food on the table and keep their roof above their heads.

Most people in the south wouldn’t want to be treated by her mother. Or at least not openly, there were still a couple desperate enough to come in the middle of the night to be helped in secrecy, when the other healers had failed to cure them. Even some iconoclast priests, from time to time.
Their situation, however, got worse after the murder of the royal couple. It got more and more dangerous to come outside. On one day a group of southerners stormed inside their house. Her mother managed to hide Maci underneath a small space under the floor. The last thing that she said to her daughter was “don’t let them take away your light.”

Under the floor she saw through the floor planks but mostly heard how her mother made an end to one of the man’s life as he was crying begging for mercy, calling for his friends but, they had come too late to save him. She hated herself furious for staying under the floor instead of helping her mother that then got attacked by the friends of the other man whose life she stole.

After everyone was gone she hadn’t dared to move for hours. At night when she was certain they were all gone, she got out of her shelter, got her mother’s medicine bag and the book about plants and sneaked outside of the town. She sneaked on a boat to get as far away as possible from home. Trying to get in peace with herself and make an end to the war that had cost the lives of her family.

Much more fighting against the bad influence by theao, then actually against people themselves. After all her mother was the purest person she knew and she had killed. Maybe the others weren’t as evil either.

For her age, she is a very skilled healer. She does miss the experience of an older healer but makes up for it with her talent to spot injuries quickly, great memory and passion. She especially good when able to focus on one patient.

Maci has a passion for plants and their use as medicine.

Due to her small size, she isn’t really strong but she is quick on her feet. Enabling her to quickly climb in trees and wiggle her way through small passageways, others wouldn’t be able to go. She also can run relative fast but, mostly that are relative in shape would still be able to run around the same speed. Due to the fact that she has small legs. Her flexibility and ability to change direction very quickly would make up to it and would especially work in her advantage when being chased in busy streets or forests or something.

Intelligence: She has a great memory.

-Maci is frustrated with her small size and people often times treating her like a child because of that.

-She carries around a backpack with some common herbs, first aid tools, a big book about plants and their use in medicine and a notebook. The book about plants is actually a bit too heavy to carry around but, Macy still stubbornly carries it around. Even though she knows most of it out of her head. Mostly because the book used to be of her mother. Same for the bag.

-she often times struggles with nightmares, reliving that one day her family got slaughter over and over.
aww, she sounds really lovable!! ^^ and now i'm just imagining a tiny little girl throwing things at people, trying to be intimidating xD
Name: Norwyn

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Role: Member

Career: Mercenary


Personality: Norwyn is a self centered person, always worrying about himself before others. He tends to joke around a lot with others and messing with them makes his day enjoyable at the expense of others. He can be very insensitive at times and don't expect to get an apology from him, he's not one to be apologetic. Norwyn is quite the conversationalist, having the ability to talk up a storm in a jiffy. Norwyn always has a lot of energy no matter what time of day it is, always doing something productive. He gets rather impatient very quickly if he's sitting idle and that's usually when he is most annoying. If you earn his trust he can be a good friend and he be a decent person at times.

Beliefs: Norwyn isn't a very firm believer in anything but if he had to make a choice, he would lean towards the Creed since his parents and the people around him believed in it.

Background: Norwyn was born and raised in the north in a small irrelevant town. His parents weren't well off, getting most of their income from what fish they could sell from a nearby lake. Norwyn was determined to help his family so he taught himself how to use a bow and hunted quite often, selling or bringing home the game that he caught. When he was 16, a mercenary group caught his eye and he decided to join up with them since there wasn't much for him in the town. He said his goodbyes to his family and went off on a journey through the Empire and did various jobs whether they'd be legal or not. He was caught up in the mercenary lifestyle for a while til the emperor along with the empress was killed. His group met many hostilities in the south so they fled up North where the people seemed to tolerate them. Soon his unit began to fight with the north til his unit was destroyed in a battle, Norwyn fled for his life knowing that his pursuers certainly had no good intentions. Soon, he was determined to bring an end to this civil war by any means and through the help others, he might be able to do it though time isn't a commodity that they have.

Archery: He has been using a bow for many years and is rather adept at it.

Hunting: He knows the ins and outs of how to track and kill an animal. The same could be applied to a human.

Agility: Norwyn is very agile though he doesn't have the stamina.

Other: Norwyn tends to smoke a lot which could be a minor nuisance to some. He has a few scars on his body from the several conflicts he's been in.
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Name: Norwyn

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Role: Member

Career: Mercenary


Personality: Norwyn is a self centered person, always worrying about himself before others. He tends to joke around a lot with others and messing with them makes his day enjoyable at the expense of others. He can be very insensitive at times and don't expect to get an apology from him, he's not one to be apologetic. Norwyn is quite the conversationalist, having the ability to talk up a storm in a jiffy. Norwyn always has a lot of energy no matter what time of day it is, always doing something productive. He gets rather impatient very quickly with he's sitting idle and that's usually when he is most annoying. If you earn his trust he can be a good friend and he be a decent person at times.

Beliefs: Norwyn isn't a very firm believer in anything but if he had to make a choice, he would lean towards the Creed since his parents and the people around him believed in it.

Background: Norwyn was born and raised in the north in a small irrelevant town. His parents weren't well off, getting most of their income from what fish they could sell from a nearby lake. Norwyn was determined to help his family so he taught himself how to use a bow and hunted quite often, selling or bringing home the game that he caught. When he was 16, a mercenary group caught his eye and he decided to join up with them since there wasn't much for him in the town. He said his goodbyes to his family and went off on a journey through the Empire and did various jobs whether they'd be legal or not. He was caught up in the mercenary lifestyle for a while til the emperor along with the empress was killed. His group met many hostilities in the south so they fled up North where the people seemed to tolerate them. Soon his unit began to fight to the north til his unit was destroyed in a battle, Norwyn fled for his life knowing that his pursuers certainly had no good intentions. Soon, he was determined to bring an end to this civil war by any means and through the help others, he might be able to do it though time isn't a commodity that they have.

Archery: He has been using a bow for many years and is rather adept at it.

Hunting: He knows the ins and outs of how to track and kill an animal. The same could be applied to a human.

Agility: Norwyn is very agile though he doesn't have the stamina.

Other: Norwyn tends to smoke a lot which could be a minor nuisance to some. He has a few scars on his body from the several conflicts he's been in.
oooh an acher, i like it!! he sounds sneaky xD i'm looking forward to seeing how these charas will interact! ^^




I.e. Her main task is to receive and send confidential messages/packages, as well as spy and gather information and/or items from a clients target.


Alice presents herself incapable of being serious or having any ounce of maturity in any sort of situation. Her sarcasm and sly smirk is her best defense against anyone attempting to see past the masked personality she holds. Her manipulative behavior is what fuels herself and her job, and blesses her with relief from forming too personal of relationships. Between the cracks in her smile holds someone unable to show her true feelings and her true nature. However, slyness isn't the only trait Alice holds. She can be a real hothead if someone knows how to push her buttons, and when she's hot-she doesn't hold back.

Alice may be sarcastic and overall silly, but that doesn't mean she isn't prone to fail keeping up her wall. If she is at fault for a situation that leads to someones life ending, or someones life being in danger- she numbs over completely. Her attitude and behavior completely focus on fixing the situation she caused, despite any risks that may be involved. If and when she survives those situations, the numbing aftermath is prolonged. She tends to shut herself up for weeks until she is able to feel again, and refuses any attention from anyone.

Alice is known for wearing a small mask at night and during her numb episodes, one specifically given to her by a small priest in order to fend off spirits looking to take advantage of her weak soul.

Alice had an overall normal childhood up until she was in her young adulthood. She and her family happily lived in a little island just outside of a vast city one island over. They made a decent amount of money with her father as a professor and her mother as a nurse. However, when the news struck and the royals were savagely murdered, her father volunteered his aid in the North.
Alice never saw her father again.
Slowly her mothers original kind and cheery attitude shattered and was consumed by sorrow, and when she found herself about to strike her own child-it was apparent she could no longer take care of Alice.
Alice was sent to live with her aunt and uncle who resided within the large city. Her unchecked rage and sadness piled up, causing rebellious behavior and thievery among her family. Her uncle, a former solider in the royal guard, quickly taught her to keep to the shadows and hide her emotions, and punish
herself if she acted out. He also taught her a majority of her silent combat, but her natural skill of manipulation was majorly hers. After she graduated, her thieving nature finally got her into some trouble-but also got her a job. After persuading a local guard to show her around a large mansion during ball season, she somehow managed to steal three diamond necklaces, and get out of the building before anyone noticed. However, she wasn't the only sly eye there, and was quickly caught by security- but not before being offered a deal. Send a letter to a local southern politician without being seen. She did, and rather quickly too. Since then, she's always seems to have a busy schedule delivering messages and packages (or taking some too, but mainly collecting and giving information).
When she heard about the group forming to end the ongoing war between the North and South, Alice immediately remembered her father, and all pushed back sorrows resurfaced. To hell if she wasn't going to join the group and avenge the life she once had.

Due to the dangers that affiliate with her job, she is also averagely skilled in silent combat and a small amount of archery.
She is also fairly educated and manipulative, her ability to persuade and trick others is her most frequent form of 'attack'. She also briefly knows how to make certain poisons, however nothing fatal. Probably things that'd just give you the turds.

Very fidgety. Enjoys activities involving her hands, so she doodles and draws frequently.
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I.e. Her main task is to receive and send confidential messages/packages, as well as spy and gather information and/or items from a clients target.


Alice presents herself incapable of being serious or having any ounce of maturity in any sort of situation. Her sarcasm and sly smirk is her best defense against anyone attempting to see past the masked personality she holds. Her manipulative behavior is what fuels herself and her job, and blesses her with relief from forming too personal of relationships. Between the cracks in her smile holds someone unable to show her true feelings and her true nature. However, slyness isn't the only trait Alice holds. She can be a real hothead if someone knows how to push her buttons, and when she's hot-she doesn't hold back.

Alice may be sarcastic and overall silly, but that doesn't mean she isn't prone to fail keeping up her wall. If she is at fault for a situation that leads to someones life ending, or someones life being in danger- she numbs over completely. Her attitude and behavior completely focus on fixing the situation she caused, despite any risks that may be involved. If and when she survives those situations, the numbing aftermath is prolonged. She tends to shut herself up for weeks until she is able to feel again, and refuses any attention from anyone.

Alice is known for wearing a small mask at night and during her numb episodes, one specifically given to her by a small priest in order to fend off spirits looking to take advantage of her weak soul.

Alice had an overall normal childhood up until she was in her young adulthood. She and her family happily lived in a little island just outside of a vast city one island over. They made a decent amount of money with her father as a professor and her mother as a nurse. However, when the news struck and the royals were savagely murdered, her father volunteered his aid in the North.
Alice never saw her father again.
Slowly her mothers original kind and cheery attitude shattered and was consumed by sorrow, and when she found herself about to strike her own child-it was apparent she could no longer take care of Alice.
Alice was sent to live with her aunt and uncle who resided within the large city. Her unchecked rage and sadness piled up, causing rebellious behavior and thievery among her family. Her uncle, a former solider in the royal guard, quickly taught her to keep to the shadows and hide her emotions, and punish
herself if she acted out. He also taught her a majority of her silent combat, but her natural skill of manipulation was majorly hers. After she graduated, her thieving nature finally got her into some trouble-but also got her a job. After persuading a local guard to show her around a large mansion during ball season, she somehow managed to steal three diamond necklaces, and get out of the building before anyone noticed. However, she wasn't the only sly eye there, and was quickly caught by security- but not before being offered a deal. Send a letter to a local southern politician without being seen. She did, and rather quickly too. Since then, she's always seems to have a busy schedule delivering messages and packages (or taking some too, but mainly collecting and giving information).
When she heard about the group forming to end the ongoing war between the North and South, Alice immediately remembered her father, and all pushed back sorrows resurfaced. To hell if she wasn't going to join the group and avenge the life she once had.

Due to the dangers that affiliate with her job, she is also averagely skilled in silent combat and a small amount of archery.
She is also fairly educated and manipulative, her ability to persuade and trick others is her most frequent form of 'attack'. She also briefly knows how to make certain poisons, however nothing fatal. Probably things that'd just give you the turds.

Very fidgety. Enjoys activities involving her hands, so she doodles and draws frequently.
oh god so many sarcastic charas, i wonder what will happen if an argument breaks out :"D
name;; Iser
age;; 21
career;; criminal, thief, scam artist. he steals the things he needs, and he gambles in pubs and cheats everytime
appearance;; light olive toned skin. messy, medium lengthed, straight, dark brown hair. wide, brown eyes, seem permanently fixed in an unnerved expression, a somewhat large aquiline nose, five o clock shadow, sometimes a bit more, a bit shorter than the average man, but about the height of a slightly tall woman. average build, but with somewhat broad shoulders
personality;; charming when he wants to be, liar, assertive and dominating to peers and those that he sees as lesser than him, but submissive towards people in positions of power or people who have something he wants, proud, selfish, bad with commitment, doesn't bother with manners and prefers to be straightforward, a bit rebellious, lazy, apathetic, clever, a little wild and unpredictable, a severe lack of morals, ambitious
beliefs;; not religious and is judgemental of those that are, preaches about being his own boss
background;; He had a rather privileged early childhood. he was raised by noble parents, he was given anything he wanted, except their attention and care. he was very spoiled and stubborn, if he wanted something, he absolutely HAD to have it and he didn't take no for an answer. he took what he wanted and didn't care who he had to step on to get it. adults believed he was the most well behaved little gentleman in the world, he charmed his parents, he charmed his tutor, he charmed every adult he came across, but he was an absolute devil to other kids. later in his childhood, his father began gambling and running out of money and started heavily drinking, his mother tried her best to keep up with her husband's duties, but the stress was wearing her down. she eventually collapsed dead from what anyone could guess was sheer stress. when he found his mother dead, he left with nothing and never looked back, he chose to suppress his feelings and to not think about his family. he began living in a new place each day, he would sleep in a hotel if he could cheat people out of enough money, or he would sleep in a girl's house. it was never hard for him to find a girl who would take him home, he was attractive and could charm almost anyone. he would cheat, he would steal, he would lie, this is how he got by for years.
skills;; clever, educated, charming, resourceful
other;; -He secretly struggles with anxiety and feels frightened in a lot of situations, even just being alone in the dark can be too scary for him, but he tries his best to not let anyone know
-he refuses to feel sad and his sadness instead comes out as anger
-his sexuality would most accurately be described as bisexual, but he has never explored and would identify himself as straight
-his romantic orientation would most accurately described as demiromantic, he rarely experiences romantic attraction, but he would never identify this way, he would say he is straight and that would be the end of it.
name;; Iser
age;; 21
role;; member
career;; criminal, thief, scam artist. he steals the things he needs, and he gambles in pubs and cheats everytime
appearance;; light olive toned skin. messy, medium lengthed, straight, dark brown hair. wide, brown eyes, seem permanently fixed in an unnerved expression, a somewhat large aquiline nose, five o clock shadow, sometimes a bit more, a bit shorter than the average man, but about the height of a slightly tall woman. average build, but with somewhat broad shoulders
personality;; charming when he wants to be, liar, assertive and dominating to peers and those that he sees as lesser than him, but submissive towards people in positions of power or people who have something he wants, proud, selfish, bad with commitment, doesn't bother with manners and prefers to be straightforward, a bit rebellious, lazy, apathetic, clever, a little wild and unpredictable, a severe lack of morals, ambitious
beliefs;; not religious and is judgemental of those that are, preaches about being his own boss
background;; He had a rather privileged early childhood. he was raised by noble parents, he was given anything he wanted, except their attention and care. he was very spoiled and stubborn, if he wanted something, he absolutely HAD to have it and he didn't take no for an answer. he took what he wanted and didn't care who he had to step on to get it. adults believed he was the most well behaved little gentleman in the world, he charmed his parents, he charmed his tutor, he charmed every adult he came across, but he was an absolute devil to other kids. later in his childhood, his father began gambling and running out of money and started heavily drinking, his mother tried her best to keep up with her husband's duties, but the stress was wearing her down. she eventually collapsed dead from what anyone could guess was sheer stress. when he found his mother dead, he left with nothing and never looked back, he chose to suppress his feelings and to not think about his family. he began living in a new place each day, he would sleep in a hotel if he could cheat people out of enough money, or he would sleep in a girl's house. it was never hard for him to find a girl who would take him home, he was attractive and could charm almost anyone. he would cheat, he would steal, he would lie, this is how he got by for years.
skills;; clever, educated, charming, resourceful
other;; -He secretly struggles with anxiety and feels frightened in a lot of situations, even just being alone in the dark can be too scary for him, but he tries his best to not let anyone know
-he refuses to feel sad and his sadness instead comes out as anger
-his sexuality would most accurately be described as bisexual, but he has never explored and would identify himself as straight
-his romantic orientation would most accurately described as demiromantic, he rarely experiences romantic attraction, but he would never identify this way, he would say he is straight and that would be the end of it.
aah iser seems really interesting so far! i'm excited to see how he will interact with the other charas! cx
Name: gilmark antoth
Age: 31
gender: male probably could be female
Role: member
Career: trader (the provider of poisons and potions) part time “bounty hunter” ,pickpocket
Appearance: since his line of work is... less then exactly honest gilmark ops to wear black leather armor with a hood and face mask to cover his body entirely so no one will know what he looks like he is however of a slim build and roughly 6,5 and carries two revolver and about 6 dagger around his waist
Personally: he is a bit of a charmer, and even in his armor is rather charismatic, he’s always looking for possible allies or profit or both, and quickly changes his tune if it’s better for him in the long run,
beliefs: none really but whatever will suit his situation at the time
background: being form a well of trading family, gilmark quickly learned that to turn a profit one must be as quick on the deal as they are on the trigger. Getting into the poisonings scen after realises that selling the antidote as well as the toxin was far far far more profitable, and using them on people for a price also was good money provided one didn’t get caught. And of course he and his family play both side of the war because.... clearly it’s more profitable and if postions of power fall into there laps so be it
Skill: swindling people, revolver shooting lockpicking, poison brewing

other: he tends to put the charms on anyone taking advantage of his gender ambiguity of course there is always alteria motives or his just having a bit of fun trolling them is see how they react

He has been caught only once during a “bounty hunt” all guard where apparently killed due to heart attacks....

owns cart filled with his products and a horse

Has a pet lizard that can be equated to a Komodo dragon in appearance and nature his name is galth
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name;; Tori

age;; 25

gender;; Female

role;; Member

career;; Stagecoach driver

appearance;; Slightly shorter than average, she keeps her brown hair cut short and wears a newsboy cap. She tends to dress like a boy in loose fitting pants, long sleeved cotton shirt, and a vest. In bad or cold weather, she has a long coat that she wears as well.

personality;; She’s a personable type, easy to talk to. Willing to join in on an adventure, she can sometimes jump in before thinking.

beliefs;; A weak believer of Creed gods

background;; Tori grew up in a large, happy family in the countryside in the North. When she was 14 she realized she wanted more from life than finding a husband to marry and bearing children. So a plan was made and she set out for the capital city seeking adventure. She’s held many jobs from waitressing, bartending, seamstress, to selling goods on the street. Currently, she taxis people around the city. For all the adventures she’s had in the city, she’s starting to get a bit antsy.

skills;; Tori is handy with a switchblade, a skill necessitated by the need to protect herself. Her disarming personality often puts people at ease. And she can either mascaraed as a woman or a boy depending on the situation.

other;; Tori’s parents are firm believers in the Creed gods and, while she doesn’t act like she takes them seriously, deep down Tori believes in the gods as well. She has found that dressing as a boy and sometimes pretending to be one made certain situations easier. She often befriends stray animals.
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Name: gilmark antoth
Age: 31
gender: male probably could be female
Role: member
Career: trader (the provider of poisons and potions) part time “bounty hunter” ,pickpocket
Appearance: since his line of work is... less then exactly honest gilmark ops to wear black leather armor with a hood and face mask to cover his body entirely so no one will know what he looks like he is however of a slim build and roughly 6,5 and carries two revolver and about 6 dagger around his waist
Personally: he is a bit of a charmer, and even in his armor is rather charismatic, he’s always looking for possible allies or profit or both, and quickly changes his tune if it’s better for him in the long run,
beliefs: none really but whatever will suit his situation at the time
background: being form a well of trading family, gilmark quickly learned that to turn a profit one must be as quick on the deal as they are on the trigger. Getting into the poisonings scen after realises that selling the antidote as well as the toxin was far far far more profitable, and using them on people for a price also was good money provided one didn’t get caught. And of course he and his family play both side of the war because.... clearly it’s more profitable and if postions of power fall into there laps so be it
Skill: swindling people, revolver shooting lockpicking, poison brewing

other: he tends to put the charms on anyone taking advantage of his gender ambiguity of course there is always alteria motives or his just having a bit of fun trolling them is see how they react

He has been caught only once during a “bounty hunt” all guard where apparently killed due to heart attacks....

owns cart filled with his products and a horse

Has a pet lizard that can be equated to a Komodo dragon in appearance and nature his name is galth
oooh a poison seller seems pretty interesting! plus, a komodo dragon-esque lizard sounds awesome ^^ feel free to jump in!

name;; Tori

age;; 25

gender;; Female

role;; Member

career;; Taxi driver

appearance;; Slightly shorter than average, she keeps her brown hair cut short and wears a newsboy cap. She tends to dress like a boy in loose fitting pants, long sleeved cotton shirt, and a vest. In bad or cold weather, she has a long coat that she wears as well.

personality;; She’s a personable type, easy to talk to. Willing to join in on an adventure, she can sometimes jump in before thinking.

beliefs;; A weak believer of Creed gods

background;; Tori grew up in a large, happy family in the countryside in the North. When she was 14 she realized she wanted more from life than finding a husband to marry and bearing children. So a plan was made and she set out for the capital city seeking adventure. She’s held many jobs from waitressing, bartending, seamstress, to selling goods on the street. Currently, she taxis people around the city. For all the adventures she’s had in the city, she’s starting to get a bit antsy.

skills;; Tori is handy with a switchblade, a skill necessitated by the need to protect herself. Her disarming personality often puts people at ease. And she can either mascaraed as a woman or a boy depending on the situation.

other;; Tori’s parents are firm believers in the Creed gods and, while she doesn’t act like she takes them seriously, deep down Tori believes in the gods as well. She has found that dressing as a boy and sometimes pretending to be one made certain situations easier. She often befriends stray animals.
hmm when you say she's a taxi driver, do you mean coaches? ^^ cars don't really exist yet, if that's what you're referring to! just asking so i'm not confused xD but feel free to jump in!
"hmm when you say she's a taxi driver, do you mean coaches? ^^ cars don't really exist yet, if that's what you're referring to! just asking so i'm not confused xD but feel free to jump in!"

I wasn't sure since you said there were steam engines, but my character can roll as a coach driver. I just wanted her as a driver of some sort of transport in the city. :closed eyes open smile:
"hmm when you say she's a taxi driver, do you mean coaches? ^^ cars don't really exist yet, if that's what you're referring to! just asking so i'm not confused xD but feel free to jump in!"

I wasn't sure since you said there were steam engines, but my character can roll as a coach driver. I just wanted her as a driver of some sort of transport in the city. :closed eyes open smile:
the technology is similar to early 19th century england, so no cars yet :^D but a coach is completely fine! ^^

Name: Briar
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Role: Member
Career: Alchemist (if that’s okay)
Personality: WIP
Beliefs: “I wouldn’t say I have a preference.” None
Background: WIP
- Medicine
- Alchemy
Other: Lives in a cottage located in a forest near the entrance
Name: Feliah
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Role: Archer
Career: cooking (if it's okay)
Appearance:Angelina.jpg Personality: Happy, Mysterious, Intelligent.
Beliefs: "I don't quite have any beliefs..." None
Background: a wide open lush feild, with beautiful flowers sprouting everywhere.
- Archery
- Healing
- Chemistry
- Sword Art
Other: lives with her father in the village near a feild.
Her father always used to take her for walks before our mother died.
The only thing she left for us was a blue necklace.
Pets: a small little Corgi with a feisty adittude.
Name: Feliah
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Role: Archer
Career: cooking (if it's okay)
Appearance:View attachment 557159 Personality: Happy, Mysterious, Intelligent.
Beliefs: "I don't quite have any beliefs..." None
Background: a wide open lush feild, with beautiful flowers sprouting everywhere.
- Archery
- Healing
- Chemistry
- Sword Art
Other: lives with her father in the village near a feild.
Her father always used to take her for walks before our mother died.
The only thing she left for us was a blue necklace.
Pets: a small little Corgi with a feisty adittude.
Background means history, like what she does/did until now, just so you know.
Background means history, like what she does/did until now, just so you know.
Oof okay lets try this again.

When she was seven years old her mother Itachi had made a terrible bet up until now no one knows how she died.
Her daughter Feliah only knew how to cook at this time so when mother didn't come home her father assumed she was attacked.
In fear her father trained her how to protect herself, and he succeeded.
But her daughter up until now is afraid that she'll end up just like her mother.

(Okay is this good?)

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