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Fantasy Weaving the Winds

”Please don't be too disheartened Illwa, your father has absolute faith in your ability to find Nönja and would put his trust in no one else. It is the generous and brave that live the best lives; you are one of those.”

Silangir will have to wait... My own life? It can well wait as well. What matters is Nönja. Illwa sighed as she realised that the words of the Skald carried with them the wisdom Illwa didn't seem to posses at the time. She had doubts about staying, worries about the future – but what future could she possibly deserve if she didn't even find it in her heart to put aside such doubts and get out there and find Nönja even though Varg and Father left for Silangir? Sure, she'd miss out on a chance to visit the capital and she'd miss out on meeting potential suitors there, but then again, she would increase her chances later on in life if she only proved herself here and now. But most important of all: she would be saving someone else, someone whose life's trouble shouldn't even have reared its head yet. With the words of the Skald still echoing in her mind, some doubt started leaving her and some of her courage returned to her. It was more clear to her now; Silangir could wait, her own life could well wait a bit more! Now, all that mattered was that she was going to save poor Nönja! For if Lynn was watching, she would know that Illwa was following her example by risking herself to save those in need, and only then could she possibly hope to gain the favour of her diety and be blessed with a happy life.

Illwa nodded at Aldner, letting a faint smile replace the disheartened look on her face. “You're right Aldner. Let's find Nönja and bring her home safe.”

As the Skald then headed off, Illwa started for her horse – Fjalar. Patting him gently on the nose as she took a quick moment to admire his thick chestnut-coloured fur, Illwa noticed that something was off with him. He was nervous and on edge, as if he knew what was going on. Perhaps he can smell something? Illwa gracefully mounted her steed and stroke his mane gently. “You really know what is going on don't you?” She whispered, really more to herself than to the horse who she knew didn't well understand the words of humans. From the horseback Illwa could see the porch where Magnus had found the poor little fawn earlier this morning. It was still there, tied up and lying down in the tall green grass, surrounded by the flowers of spring. It was strange that no one had yet decided to release it, or capture it for that matter, roe deer was one of the main dishes served in Midhalpad after all.

However, Illwa let her attention shift from the fawn as something else appeared in the corner of her eye. A dense cloud of mist had started to emerge from behind some hay bales. A moment later she noticed how her friend, Merucla, darted towards the fields with such haste that he appeared only as a quick blur from this side of the mist cloud. What is going on?! Pushing Fjalar into a quick gallop she rode past the well and followed Merucla and whoever else had taken upon them to run out on the sunlit fields. By now Illwa could see a figure further out on the fields, running across the fallow with light and quick steps. She saw that it was a man, wearing a blue cloak that was giving off an enchanted gleam as the rays of the sun fell upon it. It surely was a person Illwa had never seen before; a stranger that she figured had to do with Nönja's disappearance! She leaned forward as Fjalar picked up speed in the open field, hoping to be able to intercept him before he reached the forest on the other side.
Annika wasn't entirely certain what she was expecting, but it was not exactly this.

The fog was sudden, and it held an... unnatural quality. It was as if it was hiding something, and her suspicions were confirmed when a man suddenly burst from behind the bales, running across the fields. Annika screamed a little, startled, and stumbled back a step. She bit her lip, hands gripping her skirt, as she tried to decide what to do. Her wide eyes took in all the activity- the young man with the horse and Ilwa setting off in pursuit, the people beginning to mutter and speculate. Annika herself was perfectly stunned; and her heart raced as she thanked the One and all the small gods that the suspicious individual had chosen to flee rather than fight. She regained her bearings quickly, though not quite as quickly as she would have liked.

Her mind raced, evaluating. The man clearly had something to hide; perhaps he had taken Nonja or knew of what had. Either way, he must be caught. The dogs had already torn off after him; which was excellent. He was fast, but so were they. Fafner was closing on him quickly; nearly close enough to nip at his heels. If he could get close enough, he would tackle the man; subduing him with his massive bulk and keeping him in place for the humans. Sigunn had looped to the side, attempting to overtake him and perhaps trip him from the front to assist Fafner. Between the two of them, Annika did not envy the fleeing man. Fafner was an intimidating creature, and Sigunn was almost more so. Fafner, at least, looked like a flesh-and-blood dog. Sigunn, with her silvery fur and fluid grace, seemed more like a spirit. She doubted that the cloaked man would be able to escape.

She turned at the sound of her sister's voice. Kristina's eyes were wide, confused. "What's happening?"

Annika shook her head. "I don't know. I can follow them, try to see..."

"Yes, do. Your horse-"

"Already? Thank you-"

"You will take care-"

"And tell you everything, of course-"

"Good girl, and-"

"Yes, I'm going."

The horse had been brought out, and Annika had gotten on him, through the course of her typically fragmented conversation with her sister. He was a lovely bay gelding, gentle enough for a lady to ride. He was not, strictly speaking, Annika's horse- he had simply been in Magnus' stables and had not been claimed by anyone else, so she was using him for the duration of her visit. He had never been officially named, though she'd taken to calling him Fasolt. She clasped hands with Kristina, briefly, before guiding Fasolt to canter after the others.
Her silence was unnerving. Aldner squinted his eyes taking in her form as a whole, then; another chime. No, she had nothing to do with this. While her presence was unwarranted, or more likely just ill timed; she didn't pose a threatening nature. However, that wouldn't matter to everyone.

"Please, leave. This isn't the best time to be helping strangers." Aldner warned.

Straining his head he looked around as the others were minding themselves in preparation. Hakan had wandered off and was sitting a fair distance away, his face seemingly annoyed and waiting for things to finally get started. He gave the woman another glance, before heading back to the main group. Everyone seemed prepared to head out and Aldner was about to call out to one of the servants to ready them some horses when a state of panic ensued. Smoke. What was happening? Straining his eyes, he could see it was the stranger's companion that was being pursued, it seems that he was a wind weaver.

"Illwa! Merucla!" His voice didn't reach them.

"Damn it, we're wasting time." Doubting his ability to reach them in time, he instead decided ready two horses from Magnus' stable. One of the servants had thought ahead and were waiting for him before he lead them to where Hakan had been sitting.

"Let's get those kids and head out." The horse next to Hakan stirred a bit and motioned more towards Aldner almost squishing him between the other horse. "Whoa whoa! Shhh Relax" Calming the horse with a few brushes to it's skin, he stayed silent and mounted his own horse. Something new had just occurred. Perhaps it was just a chill.

"I'll be right back." Riding off at a fair pace he spent some time considering what they would be doing for the next unknown amount of time. Midsummer was approaching and a troll had fancied a human girl. Perhaps a Galdravaad... He would have to maintain an eye for signs during their trek.

Finally within ear shot Aldner slowed as they had reached the edge of the forest, "Illwa! The Wind Weaver isn't our target. They're just strangers."

"We don't have time to be pursuing someone who hides their face and doesn't seem to be able to read the atmosphere. Show yourself and speak, if not then take your companion and leave; now!" Scanning the forest, he motioned to other two with a few hand gestures. "Illwa, get everyone going."

He paced the horse slowly a bit closer to the edge, but turned around after a few moments. "Let's get going, I spoke with the other stranger they mean us no harm." Whatever their reasoning was if they wanted to help, then they best speak up and confront them face to face.

Making his way back to the farm he noted Annika and trotted towards her. "Annika, let's get your dog to smell the edge of the wood and get us going. He has to pick up a scent at some point." Looking at the well for a second, he considered something. "Actually, see if he can get a scent off of the lamb and bring it along with us too." Smiling at the younger girl, he made his way to Hakan.

The man looked a bit off at the moment. "Just for second opinions. Do you think all of this has to do with Midsummer approaching? I hear trolls and other creatures get unruly during this time." He didn't look directly at Hakan and stared blankly at the edge of the forest, "I've heard stories that some creatures even go against their nature or become more resistant to whatever makes them falter. Ever heard of anything like that? It's the first time I've seen something like this happen directly." Finally looking at his companion he shook his head in disapproval to the situation.
An uneasy silence, broken only by the sound of Aldner's approach. Maybe it was resting, Hakan could only guess. He turned to the sound of Aldner's voice. "Finally rea-....dy?" He stood up abruptly, startled by the horses. "You expect me to ride this thing? I've never ridden a horse in my life Aldner." Hakan shook his head in disbelief as Aldner left to chase after the others. Looking at the horse warily, he reached with trembling hands to try and calm it. The spirit's presence, although faint, was still enough to spook the poor thing, and his chill touch did little to soothe her. "Shh. It's okay, I won't hurt you." It took a while, but by the time Aldner returned the horse was sufficiently calmed down, with Hakan awkwardly astride it.

"Just for second opinons...." Hakan peered at his companion from the peripherals of his eyes. Did the bard suspect him? He wouldn't be surprised, the older man had a canny intuition after all. "That's the first I've heard of anything like that." It was true. Hakan had little experience with...other supernatural entities. He did notice that midsummer made his other companion a little bolder, but nothing significant had happened up until now. "Shall we get going? I'll leave you behind." He dismissed Aldner's concerns with a flippant tone of voice. "You worry too much old man, it's probably a bunch of idiot bandits trying to get a ransom. I wouldn't be surprised." He urged the horse into a trot, clumsily hanging onto the saddle with his legs. "Damn. How do you ride these things?" He swore under his breath in frustration. He'd rather fight a gang of bandits than deal with a troll. Hell, he'd rather fight a troll than suffer riding a horse for days on end.

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