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Realistic or Modern We Who Embody Fiction Discussion


Junior Member
A page for players from We Who Embody Fiction to freely discuss ideas and keep up to date with all current game events.
*Drops Post*

There you go ^.^
Zelmalic Zelmalic

I read the IC post but it led me to wondering : Did you make it 6 keys on purpose?

EDIT : Also, is this basically an event just to get us started, as in we just write a post with us getting a key or is this a major event where it will actually be a while before we actually get the keys.
Zelmalic Zelmalic

I read the IC post but it led me to wondering : Did you make it 6 keys on purpose?

EDIT : Also, is this basically an event just to get us started, as in we just write a post with us getting a key or is this a major event where it will actually be a while before we actually get the keys.

Yep, for two reasons. The first being that it will encourage at least two players to team up for a key and make an interesting clash/interaction. And as for your second question your first post will be trying to get the key, and my post will be the result. So instead of ending with 'and they get the key' it would be like 'Here is what my character is going to do in order to obtain it'
Yep, for two reasons. The first being that it will encourage at least two players to team up for a key and make an interesting clash/interaction. And as for your second question your first post will be trying to get the key, and my post will be the result. So instead of ending with 'and they get the key' it would be like 'Here is what my character is going to do in order to obtain it'

Okay. Question about the 2nd key location though. What exactly are the clues? Are they something easy to spot but hard to deduce like a riddle? Are they items hidden in the room in hard to spot locations, but once you find it it's easy to deduce? Is it a mixture of both? How many cluesare there? How long is the code? Etc Etc Etc?

And now that I think about it, where exactly is the room they are hidden in located and is it the same room as the safe?
Okay. Question about the 2nd key location though. What exactly are the clues? Are they something easy to spot but hard to deduce like a riddle? Are they items hidden in the room in hard to spot locations, but once you find it it's easy to deduce? Is it a mixture of both? How many cluesare there? How long is the code? Etc Etc Etc?

And now that I think about it, where exactly is the room they are hidden in located and is it the same room as the safe?

The clues and the location are up to the player/players to decide. They can be complex or easy just so long as they show off the skill of the character in relation to trying to solve the puzzle.
I think the last key (the one in the school grounds) would work nicely for Rain

I can see people fighting over it and she just goes
and they all offer it to her or something
Quick Question though. Your character wouldn't happen to play the guitar, piano, bass, organ, or violin, would they? It's fine as my character plays all of them but I have a good idea for a process that shows off our character's skills.
Zelmalic Zelmalic

Nother question, though this is a very important question.

Is this the first year of the school being open, as in this is the first class of students ever, or are there older students in the school as well.

EDIT : Nother question, though not as important
Will these rooms be co-ed? Because now that I think about it, if they will be then I wouldn't be able to join forces with animegirl20 animegirl20 after all
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Quick Question though. Your character wouldn't happen to play the guitar, piano, bass, organ, or violin, would they? It's fine as my character plays all of them but I have a good idea for a process that shows off our character's skills.
no she is more of a brain so she would be good at solving puzzles
Zelmalic Zelmalic

Nother question, though this is a very important question.

Is this the first year of the school being open, as in this is the first class of students ever, or are there older students in the school as well.

EDIT : Nother question, though not as important
Will these rooms be co-ed? Because now that I think about it, if they will be then I wouldn't be able to join forces with animegirl20 animegirl20 after all
hey if you don't want to be a pair I can pair up with kerberos kerberos and since my character is a bit bossy maybe she could get him to help her get the key.
-looks at cs- Oh! your the Delinquent! haha that's a nice clash actually. I could see her arguing with him and trying to drag him by the ear......lets do it! XD
I mean you can try, my character is really stubborn so at best you'd annoy him

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