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Realistic or Modern We Who Embody Fiction Characters


Junior Member
Real life is not a story, people can't be put into cliches or boxes that so perfectly describe them that you can say 'he is x' or 'she is y'. People are more complicated then that, but for a certain group of people the world has decided those rules simply do not apply. One day they wake up and find the people around them have begun to act as if a certain trait is their identity. The Popular Girl can sway people with a suggestion and a laugh, the Nerd receives awards and can make things work that shouldn't, and the Loner is avoided except for the odd glance of some classmates.

This is known as an Embodiment, when the world itself puts a person into a certain box and everyone around them accepts them as such, a blessing or curse depending on the exact Embodiment. However this power comes with a certain other ability, the power to craft Stories. Within certain limits a person can use their Embodiment to craft a Story that will change the world around them in a small way. Need to ace the exam in the morning? Have a heart to heart with a smart classmate after dicking them around for a bit and hit the books, and suddenly you are flying through the test the next day. Or maybe you set some music and hit the gym in order to boost your ability. A story can be as small or large as needed, but the more complicated the story becomes the easier it is to lose the flow and for something unexpected to happen.

Your character is just grasping how their ability works, as most Embodiments only awaken to this ability around thirteen or fourteen. However they are pulled into a story by a letter arriving and inviting them to a prestigious academy, along with a note just for them.

For those who the world has decided to label, come to my school and make a story worthy of your gift

Even if attempts are made to avoid it the 'story' crafted by this letter becomes like a black hole, pulling them in despite any attempt to escape. So the only question left is how will they make the story their own?

Character Sheet

  • Name:

  • Age: (15-16, high school freshmen age. 14 at lowest with reason)

  • Gender:

  • Embodiment: (The specific idea or 'trope' that your character embodies)

  • Embodiment Effect: (How your characters embodiment effects others or themselves)

  • Backstory:

  • Appearance:

Example Character Sheet

  • Name- Nikolai Maxis

  • Age- 41

  • Gender- Male

  • Embodiment- Headmaster of a Famous School

  • Embodiment Effect- This ability gives off an aura of wisdom and strength of character to all who interact with him, while having the added effect of being able to do almost any event within the school and getting most of the student body to interact with it in some way. This ranges from school festivals to mass water balloon fights. It also gives him the ability to modify an ongoing 'Story' so long as it has relation to the school. Due to experience this Embodiment usually trumps the ability of a students for most needed purposes.

  • Backstory- Nikolai lived a rather average life for one of the those who possess an Embodiment, because due to its nature no particular story could be crafted around him by the world until after university. The moment he graduated he was caught up in a certain event that lead to him being offered the possession of headmaster over a newly formed boarding school, a fate he had no interest in. Yet despite this his life was pulled toward the academy until he had no choice but to take the possession. He had long ago realized his own ability and despite the many ways he could misuse it he mostly just has some fun with it while keeping a certain level of sanity to the odd school he runs. Best described as friendly and wise by most students Nikolai is by no means a push over, and even if his particularly ability doesn't effect others with the power of Embodiment his 'Story' crafting abilities far exceed his new students and has no qualms about stepping in should a situation get out of control. His goals and desires are largely unknown.

  • Appearance [1]
Kliffton Beid Jr.

Age: 14, He was able to skip a grade because of his embodiment
Gender: Male
Sexuality : Homosexual (Just in case this comes into play. I mean, he is popular.)
Embodiment - "Even the Poor can be Aces"

Embodiment Effect - It has multiple effects on his life. For one, his family fits under the trope of Perpetual Poverty. They get everything they need but they rarely have any extra money laying around and when times are hard, it shows as it has a major impact on them. However, he also fits under the trope of Renaissance Man, due to his embodiment making him Talented but Trained. Anything he works hard at doing, he'll be able to overcome, but only if he consistently works at it nonstop. If he doesn't try to improve then he doesn't and if he stops for a period of time, his skill level declines faster than a normal person's. Fortunately for him, his embodiment makes it near impossible to do anything less than 100% (except maybe when he's sick. He probably does that at 95%). However, a side effect of the embodiment is that the more things he tries to train, the lower his maximum skill level in all areas become. For example, he can focus on 1 thing and become the best at it or focus on 100 things and be average at all of them. As such, it is literally impossible for him to become perfect at anything as he's not that type of person, in general. His embodiment also makes him the perfect person for Student Council President, especially when you realize that in a lot of fiction, they are pretty multi-talented.



As you'd expect, due to his embodiment, Kliff was born in perpetual poverty (see above for more info). With 8 kids and a single mom, there was just never any extra money in the house. As such, from a very young age, Kliff learned the importance of hard work. His mother taught him that if you worked hard enough, then everything would work out in the end.

So even before his embodiment fully awakened, Kliff was already no stranger to working hard. As the oldest, Kliff knew it was his responsibility to make sure they were well cared for while their mother was out making sure they had the money they needed. From age 7 and up, Kliff knew how to cook a delicious and filling meal with anything given to him. At age 9, Kliff could entertain and amaze most anyone with his talent in music and the arts. Fortunately enough for him, these just so happened to be the things Kliff grew up loving to do.

Of course, due to his embodiment, Kliff knew that he wanted to go to college. However, unfortunately, there was just not enough money in the house for him to even dream about it. So he started doing research into what would be his only hope into getting into college : scholarships ( If only he knew that due to his embodiment, he's basically guaranteed to go to college XD). Once he worked out which scholarships he could try to get,, Kliff started putting more and more effort in his school life in general.

Despite being slightly above average in elementary school, Kliff really shone once he started middle school, especially since due to the nature of it, his embodiment fully awakened at 12 instead of 13 (First year of middle school). Realizing that his dream of getting enough scholarships to cover college could come true as long as he made an effort to achieve it, Kliff spent every second becoming better. During the day, he'd learn everything he could in every class and during his free periods spend his time interacting with faculty and other students. In the afternoon, he'd take care of his siblings and hone his talents by cooking and entertaining them. In the evening, after cooking dinner, he'd exercise and practice sports. In the middle of the night, while everyone else was asleep, he'd do all of his homework and study. Then the next morning, he'd make sure all of his siblings were cared for and make sure his mother wasn't overstressing herself.

Due to his embodiment, all of the hard work literally paid off. Kliff tried out for baseball and volleyball and made both teams and Kliff was the top student academically in his year, even managing to skip his second year and go straight to his third year. Even his time spent making friends with students and teachers paid off, as he won the student council president election in a landslide and was paid for by the staff to be able to go on the End of Year trip for third years, although he himself would not have been able to afford it.

After middle school, Kliff spent his summer not only improving his skills, but expanding his horizons a bit. The first major event of his summer was recieving a letter to a prestigious school. Unfortunately, there was one problem : It was a boarding school. Fortunately enough for him, his mother encouraged him to go, telling him it would help him live his dreams and she reassured him that most of his siblings were old enough to knw enough to help each other out. Although, complacent enough to accept the invitation, Kliff was still worried so the second major event of his summer was him getting a job at a restaurant as both a chef and a performer, putting his two favorite activities/talents to good use for his family. He also, due to hormones, started exploring the romance scene although after many many many many many many many ma- (Oh you get the idea) failed dates with girls he felt no attraction to, Kliff realized that he was actually a homosexual.

After his event filled summer, Kliff looked forward to starting school back again. As it was a prestigious school, Kliff was positive that there would be a lot of people that would be able to rival him. However, the thing he was most excited about was the possibility to figure out exactly what the words he couldn't get out of his head meant : For those who the world has decided to label, come to my school and make a story worthy of your gift. Despite that, Kliff knew that his main goal for high school would be the same as it always was : to do well enough to get a full scholarship towards the college of his choice, and his first steps toward that goal were just as generic : Make good grade, do a lot of extracurriculars (including student council), be nice to everyone and make a lot of friends or allies in the very least, and most importantly, at the request of his mother, have fun.
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Antonio Brannon (Tony for short)





"The Quarterback" or "The Popular Jock"

Embodiment Effect:
It affects all of those around him either positively or negatively. It attracts the popular crowds (Cheerleaders, Pom Pom Girls, and Loveable Alpha Girls) both romantically and sexually, and repels or even inclines hatred from the introverts, although some nerds may fall head over heels for him. His effect also drags him into being friends with other jocks and bullies, although he isn't as mean as they may be. And because he is the quarterback, this makes him more of the "Nice Guy". This makes him seem unfavorable at first, but after time, he becomes a friend or ally to those he normally would repel. He gets along great with P.E. staff but does not bode well with teachers or principals.{/slide}[/accordion]

Antonio never really cared for sports at all in his life. He was never a great athlete and never joined any school teams. But at the age of 13, he received his letter in the mail stating his invitation to the academy and granting him his Embodiment. As he watched television, he slowly found interest in American Football and watched when it came on. He began watching games every Sunday and decided that it looked fun to play. He figured he might as well give it a shot. He began working out regularly to get himself into football shape and did footwork and passing drills with his dad. He didn't consider the Embodiment until soon before high school began when looking through supplies and finding the letter sitting in his book bag again. Realizing that it was his Embodiment that inclined him to play football, he quickly began noticing how much sense it all made. He tried to quit football, but his dad forced him to keep playing since he had already made such a commitment already. So he kept training and ended up as the Varsity football quarterback, instantly gaining popularity school wide. He ended up being good friends with other members of the team and the girls that cheered him on began to fall for him. Meanwhile without him noticing, the less popular loathed him. Or at least acted like they loathed him and creepily left notes in his locker anyway.
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the queen

Name: Victoria Raina Rosenfeld [RAIN]

Age: 15

Gender: female

Embodiment: The Mean Girl

Embodiment Effect:
First of all due to her embodiment being the Alpha Bitch, others would always flock over her no matter how horrible her personality is. Her embodiment makes mostly everyone treat her like a queen and she often attracts everyone's eyes and attention. The smaller percentage not included (especially those below the high school food chain) probably hates her. She also has the Girl Posse /s as her minions.

The effect of her embodiment on herself is vague due to the fact that she had always been that way ever since she was born. But it did make her more of a
Narcissist and an Attention Whore than she originally was.

Born and raised in wealth, Rain had always been spoiled ever since she was a kid. So figuring out that she has a special gift was certainly difficult for her. All her life she had always been a stuck-up pretty face. Always being the leader of her clique was nothing special for her. But the thing was that not everyone likes her and would do anything for her.

Until she hit the age of fourteen and suddenly finds everyone treating her like she's paying them to serve her. To say that Rain was pleased would be an understatement. And so she would say and do horrible things to some of her 'followers' that would originally put them off and make them hate her. Instead, they'd go ramble about it and say that they're lucky that she kicked them in the face. It was weird for the young girl but it was okay since she gets what she wants at the end of the day. .

code by dove
fc: hatsune miku cuz y not
she's a mythic bitch
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Roxanne Schultz


Ebodiment: Well-intentioned extremist

Embodiment effect: It loosens the tongues of those with problems because they trust her-- even above the school faculty-- as a force for good. Roxanne is no stranger to violence, but through her embodiment she gained the will to do anything as long as it meant helping others. Because of this--though Roxanne provides a meaningful service to many good people who are in need--she has trouble developing strong, intimate relationships because she has no limits, and thus she remains stoic, and apart.

Backstory: Roxanne grew up a policeman's daughter, and she idolized him. It wasn't the soft, kind hearted father, but the dark blues tainted with the crimson of derelict blood that drew her in. However, before the acquisition of her ability people didn't trust her enough to allow her to help them. And perhaps it was that Roxanne didn't quite believe in her strength until then. Her father had told her that what had kept him alive were the people dear to him at home and the cooperation of his partner; moreover, that she could cultivate herself as a person before trying to help the world.

With the onset of her embodiment she realized that he was wrong-- that the best way for her to help other students was to believe in her own strength, in her methods.



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~Abraham Vincent~




"The Baby of the Bunch"

Abraham is a happy, kind individual. With his easy smile and infectious laugh it is easy to relax around him. Despite his age, Abraham acts much like an innocent child; silly, naive, cheerful, and friendly beyond reason. Although his boundless kindness and innocence tends to come off as annoying towards others, Abraham has a heart of gold and always means well for others. A social creature, Abraham loves nothing more than to meet new people and make others happy, though he can get too overexcited at times and try to hug the people he's greeting, Regardless of whether or not he knows them. People can sometimes get frustrated or annoyed by him because of his overly happy and naive personality, but most of the time he is able to calm them down.

Embodiment Effect
Due to his Embodiment, Abraham carries an aura which induces happiness to others around him. Whether it be someone feeling angry, sad, depressed or worrisome, the bundle or joy that is Abraham will do everything in his power to make them feel better.

Born into a rather wealthy family, Abraham lived a good, yet highly sheltered, life. This was due to the fact that his family lived right smack in the middle of a crime and violence-riddled city, as well as because his parents wanted to keep him as innocent as they could, taking note of the unusual happiness they felt when they were around him. Fearing that he would lose this ability if he was to be exposed to the grim horrors of the world, Abraham was home schooled, and kept sheltered from the world. Even with the life he had, Abraham felt lonely; never really interacting with children his age. Finding solace in the impressive botanical gardens that surrounded his home, Abraham began to spend his time working to become an amazing gardener, his patience serving him well as he helped the main grounds keeper care for the large variety of flowers and fruit trees. Eventually, guilt would overtake hos parents as they then decided to move from the city and search not only for a safer home, but also a better educational environment.


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Cameron Reddings





Embodiment Effect:

His embodiment makes it so that teachers and authority figures have a harder time trusting him while making him seem intimidating to all who talk to him. Because of this, he has had bad experiences with people and prefers to be alone. He skips school a lot and smokes and drinks despite being underage.

Cameron was raised relatively poor. His parents owned a shabby bar on the bad side of town, and they sometimes had to make ends meet by performing odd jobs for various patrons of their bar. When he was thirteen, there was a shooting in his parents bar, and both of them were killed. He was blinded in the event and because of his embodiment, none of the local authorities would believe him when he tried to tell them what happened. From then on, he harbored a distrust for police and other such figures. After the affect started to effect the teachers at his school he started skipping, not having much hope for his future anyways. Talk started about how he got the scars on his back and how he seemed so much more intimidating, it escalated to the point where he moved schools completely.

As a result of his rough childhood and the effect of his embodiment, he harbors mistrust for many who speak with him. He is extremely stubborn and is unlikely to change his mind or admit he was wrong. He refuses to accept help from anyone and has a quick temper. He's quick to start fights and he won't hesitate to finish them either. Despite everything, he is actually quite intelligent, although a touch pessimistic and sarcastic. He has good reasoning skills and has a good heart.


Credit to my friend @cedarlight on Instagram, please don't use without permission


Currently under the care of his collage aged brother
Has a piercing on his left ear
He is not totally blind, he can still see smudges of color, but he can't make details out
((I can cross out the personality part if you want me to))​
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Clara Heart


Class President

Embodiment Effect:
She is the know it all super smart bossy and a perfectionist. She always follow the rules and has clean record. She always has to have the last say. She will tend to clash with those who tend to always break the rules. May not totally part of the popular crowd but she is popular enough to where she gets invited to the parties. Doesn't have many friends and tends to piss people off with her bossiness. Will be one of the few who talk back to jocks and delinquents.

Clara comes from a very rich family who expect nothing less from perfection which is why she the way she is. She always grew having to be the best in school and one day is expected to take over her father's law firm one day. Clara has always been the good girl and the perfect student.​

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