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Realistic or Modern We Were Dead Already { Zombie RP } [CURRENTLY CLOSED]


Procrastinating Perfectionist



We went through life like it made time for us

And only when it blew up did we realize

Our lives hadn't ended

Because we were dead already


Abrielle Shultz
, F, 27 (TheFlyingWriter)

Luke Shultz, M, 8 (TheFlyingWriter)

Nigel Canberton, M, 38 (Lady Stanhope)

Robert Andrews, M, 25 (CkSmalling)

Jack Smith, M, 23 (HollowForce)

James Mitchell, M, 23 (AidanCee)


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Abrielle Shultz watched her son, Luke, as he slept. She was laying on a dirty, ratty mattress, with the boy curled up against her, head rested on her torso. It was quiet outside, so that was good, and the sunlight was just beginning to peek through the slits of wood that boarded up the windows. She had been awake for about an hour or so now, but she hadn't really ever fallen asleep, unless you counted multiple intervals of about half an hour.

She sighed softly, turning her head away for a moment, before turning back and stroking Luke's wavy hair gently. He was a light sleeper, so it took ages for him to ever fall asleep, what with crazy flesh eating monsters banging outside your door all night. He tensed at the touch, but after a quiet, soothing "Shh, it's okay, baby. It's me; I gotcha," he relaxed again, leaning into her touch.

He blinked at her, sleepy eyes trying to adjust to the light. "Mhmm..." he mumbled, moving one of his small, dirty hands to rub at his tired, blue-green eyes. Abrielle smiled softly at him, and sat up after he did, rubbing his back.

"Morning, kiddo," she whispered, but he didn't respond. He moved to the bag on the floor beside them, and pulled out a meal bar. He handed it to her, she opened it, and then split it in half. "There you go, buddy; eat up," Abrielle sighed, and the two both ate their breakfast in silence.

(( @LadyStanhope @CkSmalling @AidanCee @HollowForce Hope that's a decent starter haha ^^ Also just wanted to reiterate that it's been about three years since the start of the apocalypse, to avoid cofusion ;D ))
Robert woke up with a pounding headache. He tried to recall what on earth he did to deserve such a rude awakening. He sat on his sleeping bad and burued his head in his hands. As he did so, a book fell from his body and to the floor. 'Oliver Twist' was the title of the book.

He stood up and stretched. He looked around and saw he was in the backroom of a run-down store. There was nothing..literally nothing so he just used it for shelter. He walked around to stretch and he heard noises coming from his bones. "Aaahhh thats the spot." He took a can of left over beans and finished it and threw the can away. He took small sips from a bottle of water he found a couple of nights before.

He rolled up his sleepibg bag and packed his novel. He looked at the store one last time to see what was left. He saw a stick of gum. "Wow!!!! Jackpot i guess?" He threw it into his mouth and walked out the backdoor and into the woods. Where was he going? He had literally had no clue.
As Jack woke up and he looked around the motel room he has been staying at for the past few days. He stands up and walks over to the window and peeks out and is relieved that the herd of zombies that have been their has dispersed. So he goes and grabs his backpack and checks on his food rations he sighs as he notices he only has a few left. So he grabs one and eats it as he does he pulls a map out and notices theirs some woods near by and decides to do some hunting their and after that he will start to head towards the next town in hopes of finding a group of survivors or supplies. So he gets dressed packs all his belongings and leaves the motel. As he uses the back streets and alleys to try and avoid the zombies he notices a small gathering in the direction he is going so Jack decides to shoot out to the main street to go around them and after about thirty minutes of navigating the streets he gets to the woods. He goes about a mile in and climbs a tree waiting to see if any wild life comes by.
Nie laid sleeplessly in the last few hours on the floor, silently counting names, trying to fall asleep again. He really couldn’t, which wasn’t exactly surprising, at least for him. They chose an abandoned house for the night, and the dentist hadn’t been exactly dealing well with enclosed spaces in the last three years. Darkness was another thing he couldn’t stand. He got a few hours of sleep each night, but lately it just didn’t feel enough.

‘Morgans. Bakers. Niederhausen. Hooges. Jolm. Caldwell. Smith.’

The quiet enumeration was his everyday mantra, every night, when he laid sleepless, he counted them. Counted the families that lost their lives because of his stupidity. Sometimes it helped him sleep, ensured that at least him won’t forget about them. The names burned into his memory when he read through the reports that day, flipping through the pages filled with the families once lived in Blood Springs. He couldn’t remember each person, the town had more than five thousand souls, but he remembered the families, and sometimes faces surfaced, marring his dreams with blood-drenched, familiar figures. Even with the nightmares, sometimes he was able to get a full night sleep.

This was not one of those nights the enumeration helped.

‘Wells. Nothers. Fields. Verhaiden.’

Maybe, if he could say it out loud, it would help, but now he had company, and even if he couldn’t sleep, the younger man could. So Nigel let him sleep, resigning himself for another tired day.

The morning appeared slowly, with creeping light, and the dentist greeted it with a silent smile, relieved that he shouldn’t pretend anymore. He sat up slowly against the wall, careful to not wake up his companion. He glanced at the sleeping Mitchell, then decided against waking him up yet. He just leaned to the wall, and pulled the blanket they found there further up. He was chilled still, and the pain in his bones just strengthened from the cold.

‘I guess it just shows I’m not young anymore...’

With the light, he felt more relaxed, even if a bit dizzy. He closed his eyes, tired and cold.

Maybe until the other wakes up, he still has some time...

Nie slowly dozed off in the morning light.
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Robert continued to walk through the unfamiliar forest, eyes darting from left to right, as we walked as silently as he can. He kept to the shadows when he can to avoid being spotted by potential enemy patrol and silent to avoid attracting the runners. He stopped at a stream and went to his knees and dipped his whole head into the water. "God i needed that." HE dipped his head a second time and a third like there was no tomorrow. He took the empty can of beans, washed it and used it as a cup to drink the water. He took the bottle of eater he had in his back and filled it to the brim. "I should find another bottle of water. And i should craft a bow and some few arrows. I really cannot live on water and beans alone. My farts will not be pleasing." He chuckled as he continued to drink the water.

He tried to remember how the Native Indians made their bows and arrows but he only remembered bits and pieces. "Guess that is a task for another time." He stood up and continued to travel, hoping that he met someone along the way, who will not shoot on sight.
I hear Nigel wake up so I stay still, like I'm asleep. I wait for the telltale sounds that he's asleep again and I get up and leave.

I'm walking. Through desolate streets. I'm alone. everyone I was with had gone.

Restless, I haven't slept in around 3 days and my brain has started to Hallucinate, but I can't sleep. So I kept myself active by walking around.

I wonder where the hell my brother is. He went out one day and just never returned. Now there was no way I could go back to that camp, I prayed that I'd find him again one day.

I readjusted my quiver on my back. The antique bow with it. Still in perfect condition for its age. It has a beautiful Paisley design going along it in beautiful dark wood.

I go to grab my water, but the bottle is empty. "No Nono no no" I panic. Without water I was sure to die.

I presume it's best to go back to Nigel now before he realises I'm gone.


(Sorry I didn't get notifications!!)
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Nie awoke with a start, jolting awake with pain. He couldn’t determine what startled him, even after the clouds cleared away from his mind, but the adrenaline coursing through his veins stayed.

The other’s sleeping place was empty.

Where did Mitchell go? The dentist panicked, he couldn’t believe he managed to sleep through when the younger left. Then again, the young man always moved so silently… Nigel stood up slowly, carefully, leaning on the wall. He still blacked out for a second, but managed to keep on his feet.

That’s it. Next time he will search the medicine cabinets more thoroughly. Someone must have left sleeping tablets… but deep inside, he knew that won’t be a real solution. Too much danger around them for that…

He looked around, trying to figure out where his companion was. Even if Mitchell could fight, going out there alone was a subtle mean of suicide…

The scarred man slowly gathered his belongings, ready to go out if needed. He always sucked at reading trails, but this wasn’t a large town…

LadyStanhope said:
Nie awoke with a start, jolting awake with pain. He couldn’t determine what startled him, even after the clouds cleared away from his mind, but the adrenaline coursing through his veins stayed.
The other’s sleeping place was empty.

Where did Mitchell go? The dentist panicked, he couldn’t believe he managed to sleep through when the younger left. Then again, the young man always moved so silently… Nigel stood up slowly, carefully, leaning on the wall. He still blacked out for a second, but managed to keep on his feet.

That’s it. Next time he will search the medicine cabinets more thoroughly. Someone must have left sleeping tablets… but deep inside, he knew that won’t be a real solution. Too much danger around them for that…

He looked around, trying to figure out where his companion was. Even if Mitchell could fight, going out there alone was a subtle mean of suicide…

The scarred man slowly gathered his belongings, ready to go out if needed. He always sucked at reading trails, but this wasn’t a large town…

I get back to see Nigel awake and startled. Im in trouble, I think.

"Hey, sorry, I still can't sleep" I say to him hoping that maybe all will be forgiven.

"Please tell me you have water?"
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Nie sighed, relieved. He was so glad the youngster was safe he wasn’t even mad, although he knew he should scold him. Going out alone was dangerous… but what bothered him more that Mitchell claimed he couldn’t sleep. Judging from this, they each played they were sleeping all night long… it was almost funny. Almost.

They will need those pills. Frack.

“All right. I was just worried” the dentist said, finally, and knelt down to reach into his backpack. “I still have two full pouches, but we need to get more. Here. Are you hungry? You should eat before we are taking off.”

He lifted the water pouch towards the youngster, with a slightly shaking hand.

LadyStanhope said:
Nie sighed, relieved. He was so glad the youngster was safe he wasn’t even mad, although he knew he should scold him. Going out alone was dangerous… but what bothered him more that Mitchell claimed he couldn’t sleep. Judging from this, they each played they were sleeping all night long… it was almost funny. Almost.
They will need those pills. Frack.

“All right. I was just worried” the dentist said, finally, and knelt down to reach into his backpack. “I still have two full pouches, but we need to get more. Here. Are you hungry? You should eat before we are taking off.”

He lifted the water pouch towards the youngster, with a slightly shaking hand.

"Thank you". I say as I take the water and throw it down my neck.

"I'm not sure if I'm hungry or tired. Nige, I've started seeing things."
“Okay, that’s not a good sign, in either way” the dentist sighed. He had to deal with hallucinations earlier, quite a lot in fact, and he knew from experience this could be caused by both. “Most likely, it is because you didn’t sleep. Still, it would be better if you sit back and eat something. You should rest for a while, too. I’m not going out there with you seeing things. Do you want spam or energy bars?”

He reached into his backpack, again, considering that he might has to give some vitamins to Mitchell, too. Even if he wasn’t in peak condition, the young man could fight, he would need it…
LadyStanhope said:
“Okay, that’s not a good sign, in either way” the dentist sighed. He had to deal with hallucinations earlier, quite a lot in fact, and he knew from experience this could be caused by both. “Most likely, it is because you didn’t sleep. Still, it would be better if you sit back and eat something. You should rest for a while, too. I’m not going out there with you seeing things. Do you want spam or energy bars?”
He reached into his backpack, again, considering that he might has to give some vitamins to Mitchell, too. Even if he wasn’t in peak condition, the young man could fight, he would need it…
I've begun to hate spam. I'd had it so much the idea made me sick

"Fine, energy bars" I replied. I didn't want nothing. I just felt awful constantly now. I was sick to he stomach worrying about my brother. Every time I slept I'd see him being tortured or I'd see his cold dead body. Or I'd see my own tortured body.

My hallucinations weren't fun. Ghosts spirits and monsters mainly. Sometimes it would be the people who torture me or my brother in my dreams, chasing me. The Biteys weren't that terrifying in comparison.
“Here. Sorry, only orange ones left” the dentist gave two bars to the youngster, gesturing toward the blankets. “Sit down and eat. Now. And here. You are better to take this, without any fuss, or I’ll nag you until you do.”

He hesitated, still holding out the vitamin tablets. Maybe he should add more. Their diet wasn’t exactly healthy, and this would show sooner or later, but after the End, in the last three years, getting normal food was harder by the day.

“Take it.” he said softly. “Please. And try to rest. Could you tell me a bit about your… hallucinations? Only if you want to do so.”

Maybe it would help. Maybe. Mitchell deserved rest.
LadyStanhope said:
“Here. Sorry, only orange ones left” the dentist gave two bars to the youngster, gesturing toward the blankets. “Sit down and eat. Now. And here. You are better to take this, without any fuss, or I’ll nag you until you do.”
He hesitated, still holding out the vitamin tablets. Maybe he should add more. Their diet wasn’t exactly healthy, and this would show sooner or later, but after the End, in the last three years, getting normal food was harder by the day.

“Take it.” he said softly. “Please. And try to rest. Could you tell me a bit about your… hallucinations? Only if you want to do so.”

Maybe it would help. Maybe. Mitchell deserved rest.
I take them reluctantly. Not unlike a child who was told to eat their broccoli. But i know I need to. The dentist had always looked after me. It was his caring nature. I began to wonder whether he had children. The pills feel like swallowing rocks. And they hurt on the way down.

"My hallucinations... I keep seeing ghosts and spirits. I keep seeing the corpse of my brother lying in the ground. I see the captors from my dreams chasing me. Sometimes they whisper "I'm going to get you" in my ear. I want them to stop, Nige. I need them to stop."
“You know you are not alone now, right?” Nie asked softly. “And judging from what you told me about your big brother, I doubt he would be dead. If you are alive, he surely managed to come out on top, whatever happened. We just need to search for him harder. Let’s make a deal, Mitchell. You go to sleep now, and I’ll take care of the ghosts and others; I won't let them get you.”

He tried and maybe even managed to smile, giving his other water flask to the youngster. He was half-joking when he told him:

“I knew a few things the elders said it would stop evil spirits. We might try them, giving it a chance.”
LadyStanhope said:
“You know you are not alone now, right?” Nie asked softly. “And judging from what you told me about your big brother, I doubt he would be dead. If you are alive, he surely managed to come out on top, whatever happened. We just need to search for him harder. Let’s make a deal, Mitchell. You go to sleep now, and I’ll take care of the ghosts and others; I won't let them get you.”
He tried and maybe even managed to smile, giving his other water flask to the youngster. He was half-joking when he told him:

“I knew a few things the elders said it would stop evil spirits. We might try them, giving it a chance.”
"Id try anything right now " I say as I lie down.

I drift off to sleep again. Within a few minutes I wake up screaming:


Heart racing I look at the dentist and shake my head

"This is going to kill me" I whimper. And I bury my head in my arms and give an exasperated shout.
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Nigel watched the sleeping youngster for a minute, then he looked around in the ruined room. He managed to find some wire, hanging from the wall, long since dead, and string from a chair’s torn seat, and there was even a ruined necklace made of fake pearls under a broken chair. The man murmured a silent prayer for the owners, again.

He sat back next to Mitchell, and taking out his multitool, he tried to make a circle from the wire. Maybe a dreamcatcher would help a little…

Before he could seal the circle, the youngster woke up screaming, and Nie dropped everything and leaned over, placing a hand on the other’s shoulder. He couldn’t do anything… just watched sadly, then he stroked the youngster’s head, like he would do this to a child.

“You know what? Maybe we should check the other houses” he said softly. “I bet we can find something that would give you a dreamless sleep. Maybe alcohol…”

He said the last word with a slightly disgusted face, but there was nothing else to try, if they won’t find medicine. He knew fully well that without sleep, how the other would end up, and he really didn’t wish this to Mitchell.
LadyStanhope said:
Nigel watched the sleeping youngster for a minute, then he looked around in the ruined room. He managed to find some wire, hanging from the wall, long since dead, and string from a chair’s torn seat, and there was even a ruined necklace made of fake pearls under a broken chair. The man murmured a silent prayer for the owners, again.
He sat back next to Mitchell, and taking out his multitool, he tried to make a circle from the wire. Maybe a dreamcatcher would help a little…

Before he could seal the circle, the youngster woke up screaming, and Nie dropped everything and leaned over, placing a hand on the other’s shoulder. He couldn’t do anything… just watched sadly, then he stroked the youngster’s head, like he would do this to a child.

“You know what? Maybe we should check the other houses” he said softly. “I bet we can find something that would give you a dreamless sleep. Maybe alcohol…”

He said the last word with a slightly disgusted face, but there was nothing else to try, if they won’t find medicine. He knew fully well that without sleep, how the other would end up, and he really didn’t wish this to Mitchell.
Sweat dripping off my forehead I look at Nigel with solemn eyes.

"Am I going to die through lack of sleep, of all bloody things?" I ask. I can't believe it. This is ridiculous. Starvation, dehydration, murder or a bite would make sense. Lack of sleep just seemed lame. I looked around the room it was bare and broken. I realise I was already dead from the life I knew all those years ago.

"Alcohol would be good" I say with a half grin.
“Not if I have a say in it” the older man said with a stern look. “And I’m only agreeing that you should drink alcohol in the case we won’t find any sleeping pills in the next few hours. And no, I won’t give you even a sip from my flask. That is way too concentrated for drinking any. I’ll mix a little into a tea for you, if we won’t find anything else, but not outright. I’m not so confident in my skills.”

Nie quickly packed up his belongings, stuffing the collected items into his pockets. Maybe he would really make the dreamcatcher later. Trying to find some solution comes first.

“Let’s look around” the dentist said, standing up carefully. He waited till his dizzy spell cleared, and smiled at his companion. “Sorry, but I don’t want to leave you alone…”
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LadyStanhope said:
“Not if I have a say in it” the older man said with a stern look. “And I’m only agreeing that you should drink alcohol in the case we won’t find any sleeping pills in the next few hours. And no, I won’t give you from my flask. That is way too concentrated for drinking any. I’ll mix a little into a tea for you, if we won’t find anything else, but not outright. I’m not so confident in my skills.”
Nie quickly packed up his belongings, stuffing the collected items into his pockets. Maybe he would really make the dreamcatcher later. Trying to find some solution comes first.

“Let’s look around” the dentist said, standing up carefully. He waited till his dizzy spell cleared, and smiled at his companion. “Sorry, but I don’t want to leave you alone…”
I try to make it look like my knees don't want to buckle underneath me as I smile and I nod.

"Let's go" I say faking a brave smile. I'd forgotten about his flask. And I honestly thought about taking a sip when I he wasn't looking.

This guy was like my dad though. Not that I remembered what having a Father was like anymore. Or a mother. Drunk bastards.

I put the bow and arrow on my back as well as my backpack. My boots were looking scuffed as I looked down

I looked wrecked
That smile didn’t look too convincing. Nie sighed, stepping closer to the youngster. If this place was entirely safe, maybe he would consider leaving Mitchell here, and going around by himself, but he wasn’t about to take risk. They didn’t check this house thoroughly, and the fact they weren’t attacked yet didn’t mean squat.

“Here. I’ll help” he offered softly, taking the other’s arm over his shoulders, if he let him. The dentist himself wasn’t too built, but maybe he could still take enough weight to make it easier for the boy… after all, he couldn’t be that much heavier than a full plate mail.

The older man almost smiled, looking at Mitchell. He really wanted to take care of the boy, even just to prove he is able to do something right, not just destroying…

“If we find a safe place with a nice bed, I’ll put you up” he promised with a clearing head, pressing the pain back. “We’ll manage it somehow.”
LadyStanhope said:
That smile didn’t look too convincing. Nie sighed, stepping closer to the youngster. If this place was entirely safe, maybe he would consider leaving Mitchell here, and going around by himself, but he wasn’t about to take risk. They didn’t check this house thoroughly, and the fact they weren’t attacked yet didn’t mean squat.
“Here. I’ll help” he offered softly, taking the other’s arm over his shoulders, if he let him. The dentist himself wasn’t too built, but maybe he could still take enough weight to make it easier for the boy… after all, he couldn’t be that much heavier than a full plate mail.

The older man almost smiled, looking at Mitchell. He really wanted to take care of the boy, even just to prove he is able to do something right, not just destroying…

“If we find a safe place with a nice bed, I’ll put you up” he promised with a clearing head, pressing the pain back. “We’ll manage it somehow.”
The man helped me up. Bunincouldnt ket him do it. Because I wasn't small. I had a fairly muscular built because of the years of fighting Darius.

"I just want to sleep. That's all I want. I'm just so scared. I'm sure it will pass. Nigel, what if these people are real? What if they are chasing me. I can't let them catch me. I think I could fight them off. But if my brother couldn't I certainly couldn't". I give a tired sigh. I'm certainly on edge.
Nie felt disgusted with himself when he realized he was thankful as Mitchell refused his help. He wouldn’t be able to support his weight for long, he only recognized this as he tried… that wasn’t good.

“I’ll let you sleep, and I’ll be taking the watch” the dentist promised softly. “Even if they are real, you are not alone. One of us can always keep guard, after all. We have to make sure you won’t be left alone, that’s all. Come on, kid. We’re better to start searching, if you want to sleep soon.”

It was still early enough. Maybe they will find a house intact enough to actually have a bed or something like that, and even if they won’t find any pills, the alcohol in his kit might be enough. And they will need to fill the water pouches; he still had some solution to clear it. God, how much he longed to take a bath and actually sleep in a warm bed… sweet dreams. Funny how desires can shrink.

“Come on, kid” he repeated at a low voice. “Get moving now.”
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