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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern We See You (CS)


Ghostly Presence
Required Stuff
Full Name:
Age: (Should all be near the same age, going into their senior/junior year of highschool)
Looks: (realistic face claim please)
Personality: (traits or paragraph, whichever you prefer)
Whatever else you'd like to add, just make sure you have the basics down!

Things to know!
Setting: Boulder Creek, Oregon 1989 (Small town, small minds)

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    Vanessa Kirk

code by birth of venus.
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Danielle L. Burns





date of birth

20th December

place of birth

South Pasadena, CA


Upcoming Senior(Scroll for more)


other titles
”That quiet girl”, “Weirdo”, “Push-over”, “Nerd”


5 ft 5 in

125 lbs

Curly brown, has finally let it down from her ponytail after years of keeping it up.

Dark Brown

body type
Ectomorph - Never could keep much weight on her.

body mods
Some piercings.

face claim
Has some nasty scars on her scalp that can be seen coming down and behind her ear. A light scar on her chin and another just below her hairline.

personality type

Positive traits


Negative traits

Lacks Self-Confidence







Danny is undergoing a transformation!...or at least attempting to. For the last 3 years of her high school life, she has been that timid girl with a high ponytail, glasses, and her nose in a book. But no more! She’s going out of her way to come out of her shell. Equipped with a new hairstyle, contact lenses, and killer outfits she’s ready to be personable! Sorta…probably…maybe? She hasn’t really committed to it…But she’s still gonna try!

A good book, cute clothes, mixtapes and cassettes, the arcade, that new Nintendo Game Boy, dancing/singing, and MUSIC!!! But her favorite thing? Daydreaming. Wait! Daydreaming while listening to music! There’s something about just leaving the world behind that really lifts her spirits.

Monsters (duh). Being alone, people whispering(usually thinks, “are they talking about me?”), horror in general, standing out, failure, the popular kids, and generally anyone TOO rambunctious and in-her-face.

Fav Music
Elton John - I'm Still Standing, Go Insane - Lindsey Buckingham, and Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper

hidden talent
Dancing is something she’s pretty darn good at!

Breaking a mirror gives you 7 years bad luck…It’s real, don’t do it.


As a kid

Danny used to be a normal kid with a loving family back in California. She had friends, she was outgoing, and all was right in the world. That was until she was 7 years old…Her dad had apparently gotten into a big scandal that threatened his acting career and his marriage. With the stress of it all, he lashed out. From what Danny had been told, her parent’s fight had escalated and he’d swung a big mirror down at her mother. He'd missed and hit Danny over the head instead. Not that she remembered any of that or the fact that her dad ditched the second it looked like charges could be pressed against him. After all, Danny’s first memory was waking up in a hospital bed with her mom crying and hugging her, telling her how sorry she was…And how Danny had screamed when she saw the male doctor standing to the side with a horrible little monster hanging off his back.

It was the stress of the injury and fear of men from her father’s attack they’d said. And at first, that seemed to explain it all. But the monsters never did go away, even after her injury and fear of men did.

Growing up.

Don’t break mirrors, else you’ll get 7 years of bad luck…That little superstition became a mantra in Danny’s head throughout her time finishing elementary and middle school. Her bad luck? The monsters obviously. She just didn’t know how to NOT react to the monsters in her life. She’d scream, she’d cry, but she’d also drag other kids away from the monsters in order to protect them. What good that did. All it did was give her the title of “freak” and gain her quite a few bullies who misunderstood her saving some boys as her “flirting” with another girl’s boyfriend. But at least she’d kept a few friends around…That was until her mother broke the news that they were moving to Boulder Creek, Oregon to live with some family there. Her mother just couldn’t support their home, Danny’s monthly doctor visits, and her medicine. Oh, also let’s not forget that she didn’t want to/know how to deal with her daughter’s monster episodes. She’d let that one slip one night when she was too drunk to care and let's just say that was the nice version of what she said to Danny that night. But then again, Danny couldn’t find it in her to blame her mom. Her episodes were hard for even her to deal with and it wasn’t her mom’s fault she was crazy, hell, it wasn’t even Danny's fault. So, with hard feelings still between the two of them, they started their move to their new home and Danny made a promise to herself. No matter what, she’d find a way to not react to those monsters anymore.


No more screaming at monsters, no more saving the other kids from sludging through the worst things imaginable. No more looking up. Nose down, in a book, headset on, mixtapes always on hand. If she couldn’t NOT scream when face to face with a monster, then she’d never be face to face with one in public again. She’d be that weird quiet girl in the corner that people forgot was even there…And it worked for her freshmen, sophomore, and junior year. Her mother was relieved. No more screams in the night, no more incidents at school, no more expensive mysterious pills in a bottle that would “surely cure her once and for all”. Danny thought she could be content with that. Happy it worked out that way. But she wasn’t. She kept glancing at the others in her class who would happily chat each other up. Easily ignoring the monster in the corner staring at them just after lunchtime. She wanted that social life, and if she was ignoring the monsters anyways couldn't she do it with people around her? So she thought…fuck it, she’d have it! For her upcoming senior year, she got a haircut, switched to contacts, and ditched all her scrunchies. She was going to live her high school life how she’d always wanted to. If she screamed at a monster, she’d pretend to fall or say she saw a cockroach! If her mom gave her worried looks, then that was her problem. She’d finally put all this monster stuff behind her and live her life! At least, that’s what she thought until Jackson Pouluck ended up dead with a monster leaning over him in his picture. Maybe her days of protecting kids from monsters were justified after all, and maybe she could have done something to prevent that death if she had kept it up…One thing was for sure, she’d take the title “freak” a million times over if it meant she could save just one kid from those things. So that’s just what she’d do. No more cowering. It was time to change and be someone better than she originally was...Here's to hoping she could actually go through with it and not be the next victim on those monster's lists.

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