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Realistic or Modern (We Hit The) Jackpot Circus!


night of the living punk

...........I do expect this roleplay to be between Casual and Detailed.

.............This roleplay is heavily inspired by "Jackpot" by Block-B. It is in Korean, being K-Pop -- but even if K-Pop isn't your "thing", I still very very much recommend giving the video a watch. While, my character is based off of the members of the group, in the video - the video has the entire atmosphere and style that I would like the roleplay to follow. Most people expect a "Cirque Du Freak" or "American Horror Story: Freak Show" style of roleplay whenever they hear of a circus roleplay - that is not the style I want to take. Wild, wacky, Alice In Wonderland, is more of what I'm expecting. Make it weird, even make it a little bit creepy - but don't make anything that belongs in a horror movie. Pretty please.



.....................................................Oh, and please join!]



(Spots are still available everywhere.)

Jackpot Circus Members

Zico Jiho // Ringleader // @Geek with Me

// Fortune Teller // @HollyLeafForever

Hunter Stars
// Lion Tamer // @HesitationOblivion

Jongin Kim
// Pyromaniac // @ERRORPatch


Tyler Joseph // @Crookie

Kim Sae-Ron
// @HollyLeafForever

Heidy Juliett Ackerman
// @Lost Valentine


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The evening was growing colder with every step he took.

Tyler was trudging along down the sidewalks of the downtown city. Bundled up in jacket and hoodie, the inhaling darkness of the boulevard of shops made the entire area feel even bitingly colder. Deep red and orange leaves were crumpled against the bottom edges of the buildings and stores, a solemn reminder that autumn only lasted for so long, until furious winter crashed down and engulfed the town.

This town, being Tyler's hometown - it's nothing special. It consisted of two simple components - the downtown city, which had two long parallel stretches of family-owned businesses, bookstores, clothing boutiques, costumes shops, a fudgery, and one strange make-your-own-candle store ran by an equally strange old woman. Outside of the downtown, fanning out and dissolving into the countryside, were the suburbs and cul-de-sacs, filled with soccer moms and barbecue dads. The whole location only had one elementary school, and two rivaling highschools. There was a skatepark, a memorial centre, city hall, and one big shopping mall. Despite it being nothing much, it was home.

Only, Tyler sometimes wished it wasn't his home.

Twenty-one and only growing older, he was detached from his parents and their own beautiful farmhome. He was barely hanging onto a thread on his own, rolling up his jeans to wade around in his debt. He owned a dingy, one-room-one-bath apartment above one of the stores downtown, having being the cheapest thing he could find. Feasting on ramen packets and crackers for dinner, and storing water in litre jugs in paranoia that one day his landlord will cease her pity on him and take away his water and electricity.

He doesn't have a job - he makes his money by walking up and down and back again on the stretch of downtown sidewalks, carrying around his tiny ukulele, lifting it to his chest and quickly strumming out a tune and a few lyrics whenever people passed by him, voice squeaking, begging for people to give him change through song.

He did, however, manage to sing out one whole song to a couple sitting outside the drugstore, and in exchange, they handed him a Canadian two-dollar coin.

None of the American stores here took toonies. Staring down at the silver-and-gold coin in his pale hand, and the design of a polar bear looking back up at him, he had to fish his sunglasses out of his pocket as the couple walked away - tears of absolute confusion brimming his eyes. He's never been to Canada before.

That truly being the highlight of his day, Tyler was making his way back to his tiny apartment - calling it a night for tonight, while it was only 6 or 7PM. He had enough of this day, and prayed that tomorrow was goi---

A sudden flash of gold caught the corner of his eye.

He stopped in mid-step, slowly turning his head to look down the alleyway he was infront of. Down the damp and dark alley, shimmering right back at him, was a circus tent. Propped up to a point and with billowing sides, pinstriped gold and purple, it was cartoonishly large and shining with glitter. It was so out of place, bright and glowing at the end of this alleyway, where dumpsters and drug addicts and stray cats should be. Not a freakin' circus tent.

Naturally, curious and scared shitless out of his mind, Tyler walked towards it. The closer he got to the glimmering tent, he could hear a faint tune of a record player, playing the classic big-top tune. He hesitated for a moment, tossing a glance over his shoulder to see if anyone was watching him or following him, before grabbing a handful of the fabric of the tent, and lifting.



"Aaaaiieeeee - yeah!"

Zico was standing upon center-stage, jewelry-decorated hands on his hips.

His voice echoed around the empty concert hall, bouncing off the walls until it dispersed and melted into the silence. He was testing the room in a way - simply yelling into the void of the theater, watching his voice bang around everywhere. The dark wood panels of the walls were in prime shape, the red billowing banner above the stage was exquisite, and the slightly crooked, falling apart sign that read the circus' title crowning the stage looked gorgeous. He suddenly jumped, listening to his booted feet thump loudly across the stage, sighing in pleasure. Everything was

Without even having to speak to the residential fortune teller, Zico had a feeling in his chest that something was going to happen today. Something
special. What he had been hoping for ever since the Jackpot Circus had landed down in this tiny country town - some new customers.

He assumed that the others, mulling around the circus like bored ghosts, shared his same feeling. He knew it was a terrible idea, being tucked away into the corner of a gross alleyway, in a city of about three thousand - but yet, on the other hand, their mysterious tent could hook and reel in only the most curious of people, and hopefully some worthwhile characters. Zico simply drank up people who actually put up a fight - screaming and fainting middle-aged women grew old real fast. The whole circus was in need of something

"And new is exactly what we're going to get."


@Geek with Me @HesitationOblivion @HollyLeafForever @ERRORPatch @Lost Valentine
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Tonight was gray. The sky was overcast and cloudy, the buildings were dark and dule, the climate was colder than ice and Heidy was, well, gray. It was the only color her eyes could see and the only feeling she could feel. Tonight was just another one of those nights. She had woken up with a headache and a killer hangover at 3 pm but couldn't bare to pull herself out of bed and be productive. Not that she had to today; she was off from work and wasn't needed at the family pastry shop. But, she figured that 3 hours later she might as well wake up and do something - anything.

She got dressed, in jeans and a washed up, worn out hoodie, did her hair and makeup, maybe a little too much, for no one other than herself. She had no one to impress and wanted to impress no one. She was just living her life for herself now, trying to make it by, one cold, dreary night at a time. But living her life for herself meant getting out of bed and going to the only place she loved; the only worthy local bookstore, as she calls it. It was a small building toward the middle of the downtown area, next to a fudgery and the odd yet charming candle shop she also enjoyed, though it's aura was rather lonely, unlike the bookstore. It was a regular gathering place of hers for it was quiet and warm and had a pretty heavily stocked vending machine, from which she bought a lot of her meals from, being the broke young lady she was. But realizing she had staled enough, she left her apartment and with heavy, partically aware steps started walking down the sidewalk. She wrapped her arms around herself after throwing up the hood of her sweatshirt. It felt like it had grown colder just as she walked out the door, not that she knew what the previous outside temperatures were.

She passed a few people on the way to her destination, trying to cover her face so they hopefully wouldn't talk to her. She kicked a few crunchy and colorful leaves as she made her way and smiled at the noise; surprisingly they made her happy. It was just one of the things that did give her joy, aside from music and hot chocolate and rain and a whole bunch of other things. And as she was in her own little world, her thoughts were broken by one of those things, coincidently. A puny stranger was walking the opposite way of her, and propped a tiny ukulele on his chest,strumming on the strings as she passed her. She smirked and let out a small laugh, shaking her head at the lyrics. That's some, slightly honest, way of making a living.

As she approached the bookstore, she let out another sigh, though this one was of defeat. The sign read closed and the door was firmly locked. She banged her head on it before turning around and continuing to walk the way she was going. She was about to give up when she heard a loud cough from an assumed someone. She turned her head to look around her but saw no one, but she did see
something. Down the alleyway that was adjacent from her side of the street sat a large, gaudy, purple and gold circus tent. She raised her eyebrows and looked around again. Not a soul in sight.

Can't be a damn hallucination...not now..not here.." She thought to herself as she crossed the road, not caring to look either way. She walked down the alley, slowly and quickly,and cautiously, somehow all at the same time. As she approached it, she chuckled, "This has got to be a prank.." She said quietly, almost inaudibly. But, she pressed on and peered though the fabric.
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Ria left the Chinese restaurant with two boxes filled with chicken and noodles. Her phone vibrated in her bag. She slipped her phone out and answered it "Hello?" She asked and a girlish voice replied back, it was her sister "Hey Ebony" She smiled then looked up at the night sky, it grey and cloudy as usual. She mentally chuckled as her sister complained that it's taking her forever to bring home dinner. She sighed then ran her fingers through her long hair "Look, I'm coming now just keep watching CSI and tell me what happens. Love you" She replied then hung up and slipped her phone back in it's place

Aurelia continued to walk, saying hi to her neighbors that lived in the same building as her. She smiled as she caught a golden glint in her eye as she headed down an alleyway. She stopped then turned on her heels. She spotted a sign saying 'Circus' in bold writing. Being the curious person she is, she headed towards the glamorous big top, her grip tightening on the Chinese takeaway, her eyes shimmered at the majestic sight in front of her. She saw two people slip in and decided to go in herself but in the back of her mind was nagging her not to go in but it was too late. She looked around and saw the others. She noticed Tyler, one of her neighbours in there as well. She went up to him "Do you know what is going on?" Aurelia asked in curiousity

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lounged around the tent on the benches, playing around with the flash paper he had bought at their last location and was having fun lighting it on paper. It produced no smoke, and burnt in it's entirely. The bright orange heat held his gaze until that last second when the fire flickered out.

"Yah, Zico why do we keep getting wood stages set up? As much as I'd love to, the entire place will be up in flames by my turn at this rate."

The teen dragged a match along the ground before moving to light a baton he held in one hand before dropping the match and pulling a small bottle of clear fluid from the small backpack he had placed beside him. The lit baton held in one hand while he stood, and pulled the bottle up to his lips and pouring some of the fluid into his mouth. He held the flame carefully before 'breathing fire' and proceeding to tap the lit edge of the baton on the palm of his hand. He was always curious about fire since he was a small child. His mother had told him that at one point he just stared at the fireplace in their home for hours on end. She had thought he was a normal child. That was until she had found Kai in the backyard with a lighter in his hand, burning the fallen leaves and catching them while still burning. He had built a resistance to the heat to the point where it brought him warmth, but didn’t find it to hurt. It would still burn him, but he didn’t find it painful. She was not nearly as curious with the fire and began to lock away the lighters, away from Jongin’s knowledge. He despised not having any control over his fire, which he loved so much. He left his home and mad his way to the circus so he could play with his lovely flame all day long to the entertainment of others. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he saw to different people enter the tent. He put the flame in his mouth before ‘swallowing’ the baton fire in his attempt to put it out before pulling out the now edge of the extinguished baton.

“Why hello there.”

He smiled before making his way slightly closer to their new guests.

“Now tell me, how does a lovely lady and handsome gentleman like you two get to our quaint little circus?”

He smirked before tilting his head slightly as he spoke before re-lighting the end of another baton to hold it in his hand.



https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6774-crookie/ and

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17653-lost-valentine/@Lost Valentine

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17653-lost-valentine/ ]

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Kiri stood at the opening to the tent, "Today is gonna be... special..." The pauses in her words no longer surprising any of the carnies she was around when she walked in through the front of the tent. Quietly turning and walking into a random door in the circus itself she whispered some small words and came out of thin air behind Zico.

Quietly she closed the door and touched his shoulder, "Have you felt it yet? It-" She paused momentarily and spaced out a bit, then quickly snapping her head forward she grabbed his arm, and yanked him just that tiny bit closer to him, and she wore a bright white toothy smile, "Shes coming Zico, the girl in my dreams, shes coming to see us, just you and me." Something inside her head started spinning as her blue eyes became huge, her grin much like the cheshire cats as she sat on the edge of the stage kicking her feet back in forth "Shes coming, shes coming, were gonna see her again." The small girl chanted in an extremely childish voice, giggling at the echos she made in the quiet tent.


Kim had gotten off the plane about an hour ago, she had just been in Canada for the week, scouting voice actors in Toronto. "Im finally back South Korea! Aren't you happy, cause i am! I absolutely love you all!" It was about an hour drive to the small town/village she lived in, and boy was she ever excited to go back home. As she got into the small smart car that was being driven by her "Babysitter" she opened a bag of Cotton Candy that she bought on the plane, "Would you like some Mr.Jackson?" She asked in a small voice, the elderly man just simply shook his head and kept his eyes on the road. As soon as they parked in front of the house, a flyer flew onto the window of Kims side of the car, all that she read was Carnival. She didn't notice the beware signs on it, or the fact that it was indeed a scary looking poster, she just saw the word carnival and thought of him. "Mr.Jackson, I am going to this carnival, down the dark slimy ally to the left of that store thingy, that place where i wrecked my favorite dress aha!" Her voice went up a bit in excitement as the man nodded his head, and she turned around and began walking forward to the main street, then turned right to the small alley, just to see this huge tent, nobody was there yet, so she stood at the edge of the ally watching the tent sway in the wind. Then she began to cry, just one tear tough, as she remembered all the fun she had here, even though she wrecked her dress, with the strange boy she called Zico.
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Tyler stared at the circus tent fabric in his hand, squeezing his fist tighter until his nails dug into his palm - mind racing with do it and don't do it thoughts.

He suddenly jumped in surprise by a voice floating over his shoulder, his body instantly contracting and twisting into a defensive pose, him grabbing onto his ukulele's neck and holding it up like a baseball bat, pointing it at his attacker --- until he dropped his shoulders, melting back into a much less tense self.

"I -- I'm not sure," he said, sharing a glance between the circus tent and Aurelia. More widely known as Ria, he antiquated with the effortlessly beautiful girl, that lived a floor above him. He recalled seeing her, and her sister - maybe best friend, he wasn't sure - enter and leave the building a lot, usually with food or shopping bags. One memory stuck in his mind - when he was hunched sitting on the apartment building's steps, guitar in hand, she had tossed him a kind smile and a pat on the head. A little sign lit up in his head, knowing that Ria was nice.

Jolting back to reality, he pulled a weak smile and a shrug, looking back to the tent.

"Might as well... Go ahead?" His voice rose at the end of the sentence, asking the kinda-question more into the air than to his friend behind. With one last quick glance to the world, he lifted the flap covering the entrance, and ducked inside.

It was blinding bright at first - like glitter was spilled behind his eyelids - before it gently faded away, a world blooming all around him. Many other circus tents grew in front of him, a cobblestone path underfoot stretching off in all directions, and the night sky unfolded above him, the stars he didn't realize were there shining down like little white wishes.

He barely had time to hang his mouth open in awe at the whole magical scene - since he was suddenly staring at a very fiery person. Literally.

Flames still escaping the corner of their mouth, the stranger greeted Aurelia and Tyler eerily kindly for someone casually exhaling fire. 'Quaint little circus....' so this isn't a drug-trip?

Tyler rose his hand to his face, gently flipping his sunglasses atop his head, suddenly looking a percentage less douchey. Sunglasses always made him look like a douche for how much he wasn't.

"We -- uh -- kinda stumbled upon this place? Totally not suspicious, or anything, having a huge circus tent in the middle of a gross alleyway. Just - casual Ohio, right?" He burst out in nervous, high-pitched laughter, feeling himself cringe inside-out with his wan smile.

You're going to die, Joseph. You watched like 20 minutes of American Horror Story. You know what happens in circuses.


The Ring Leader flashed a toothy, almost sarcastic-toned smile to miss Harley as she made her grand entrance, bouncing around like the mad white rabbit she was. The perfect partner in crime.

"No, no - I'm perfectly fine,
dearie. Just testing the acoustics before our guests are to arrive," he recited, talking with grand hand movements and taking a few steps across the stage to get his point across.

After watching the girl execute a few aerial moves, she had sauntered her way up to his ear, where she whispered her worries. He tilted his chin down, looking at the girl through his lashes, the look melting into a sarcastically sympathetic expression.

"It'll be absolutely
grand, Quinny. Don't you worry about a thing." He managed to whisper back his reply before the girl was distracted once again - bouncing off after Jackpot's first customer for the night.

He let Harley to her mischievous bidding with introducing the newcomer, as he looked back out into the empty crowd - spotting the dear Jongin just as he spoke.

Zico let out a
pfff! and gave the fire boy a wave of his jewel-covered hand, tossing away Jongin's own concerns.

"Nonsense-! This stage has
never been burned down before -- and I expect it to stay that way!"

Zico lowered his arms as he watched Jongin demonstrate his signature dragon-breath move, and without a reply, disappeared out of the theater in thin air, to welcome even
more newcomers.

If things couldn't be anymore
perfect - he almost jumped from being startled by the little pop! behind him, and a sudden breathy whisper was inside his ear. He froze, either in fright or shock - until his arm was yanked, and he stumbled down with it, hunching over to grab his balance - and looked up at the teeny Kiri, her dazzling ocean eyes wide.

"Ye-aa-h, I got that much, Kiri-dearie." He threw the little fortune-teller an uncomfortable smile, straightening himself back up, and patting her head. "Any idea who this
she is? Do you know her - do I know her?"

Hopefully, whatever him and the Jackpot Circus had in store, wasn't



Ria squealed then covered her head with her arms "Tyler! It's just me!" She reassured him then sighed as he lowered his ukulele as he knew it was his neighbor. "Jesus! You sacred me" She huffed. She continued to look at the tent then at Tyler, seeing him opening the flap "Wait!" She squeaked then raced behind him him. She winced and shielded her eyes at the blinding light then the light started to dim down. She fluttered her eyes then sighed. She heard Tyler starting to worry and it made her think logical "Look Tyler.. Just because it's this random circus doesn't mean we're going to die right?" She asked, smiling uneasily

Ria saw another girl getting taken away from a circus girl with a coy smile on her face "Look... We got to stay~" Her voice trailed off as she yelled, a man decorated in jewelry jumped in front of them. She clinged onto Tyler in fear. Now, Ria isn't a gullible girl but she's currently in a unknown circus with out her sister knowing where she is "Whatever happens.. Do not split up" She whispered into Tyler's ears. Her dark brown hues staying on the stranger that confronted them. Then a man who had a baton came towards them as well

(@Crookie & @ERRORPatch )
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let his typical pearly white smile creep up on his lips. "That seems to be the case for most of our guests. If you're meant to be here, you'll find our circus." He smirked before holding up the lit baton in front of the male who stood in front of him before turning his attention to the other lady who was now clinging to the man he was just speaking to. "Believe me darling, there is nothing here to be afraid of." At this statement, he began twirling the baton in his hand with complete control. He had practiced this several times over before attempting it with the lit baton. He had a burn on his arm from an incident where it spun out of control and landed on his skin. He twirled the baton closer to the guests, as it was always a trick that froze them in place...ironically enough. The teen backed up before walking around to stand behind their guests and in an attempt to get them to move forward, he spoke up. "Zico, I think these guests are a bit on edge. They don't seem quite ready to have fun. Should we help them loosen up a little bit?" Jongin suggested happily with that signature smile on his lips, turning into a smirk while he waited for the ring leader's response. In and interest of boredom, he tossed the baton into the air and catching it repeatedly. The height increasing each time he tossed it back into the air.

[TAGS: @Geek with Me]


"You know her all to well, once a dear friend but never a foe. Quite weird is she, but so are we, Kiris giggled as she looked up to the top of the tent. A giggle like a child is what shes known for and as for what she knows, well as much as you and I, an obsession that was caused by a loved one lost is why we might find her in our hands." Her bright blue eyes and head full of colorless hair whipped around as the "normie" spoke, quietly she walked towards the girl, "Your so right my dear," she said through a smile, "You have to stay, this place is full of wonders, but only if you look at it that way." She skipped two steps over to Kai and hugged his arm, "Dear fire boy, dear fire boy, wont you share your smile with these wonderful new guests. Is it time to tell them, or will the clock speak for itself?" Her deep blue eyes were fixed on Kais head and nothing but, as she hung off the arm of her fellow carnie. Then she stopped, and took two steps sideways looking towards the door of the tent, "Shes right there, outside the path, shes found us dear Zico, but she might not come back." She quietly said too Zico, "Would you like me to see if i can bring the dear girl to us now, or should we wait and never see the girl who resides in your brain and the closed and locked doors of your surprisingly large heart dear Zico?" Her huge blue eyes were filled with wonder and laughter as she turned to hear Zicos answer.

[ @Geek with Me

@Crookie @ERRORPatch ]


Slowly Kim wiped away the single tear, and she paced down alleyway, but not too quickly, she could see inside the tent, but only a tiny bit. The lights the illuminated the inside gave her a small view from the long distance she was. She was unable to see faces or hear voices, but she could still tell there were people in there, not very meany though. She was about to giggle and run up to the tent, but something in her mind telling her that going into that tent was a bad idea, that there was someone she wouldn't want to see, the voice sounded like a small girl, but that could just be here going nuts. Kim laughed to herself, "I think im starting to go insane in the brain." She said to herself as she leaned against the wall, and snacked on the cotton candy she brought with her, the smell of the circus had began to get with her, she decided it was time to make her decision, but maybe she would ask for some help from her guardian.
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Ria pulled a confident face at the strange looking girl. She had to get out of their "And who you may be?" She asked loudly to the fire boy and the doll looking girl "I'm Aurelia and this Tyler... What is this place?" She asked, looking around "Tyler think of something..." She thought to herself, trying to signal him with her body actions. To be truthful she was terrified as her sister still didn't get her dinner and she was by herself "Well!" She clapped her hands and gave an uneasy laugh "Tyler and I must be going" She said, grabbing his hand and leading him away "Nice to meet you and goodbye" She waved then tried to open the entrance flap. Using all her strength, she tried pulling it "It's stuck" She murmured

"What do we do?" She asked Tyler, her eyes widening in fear "I have to get back to my sister' She pleaded then turned around to face the carnies in a swift motion.There was a awkward silence as Ria tried to think of something "So.. What do you do here?" She blurted, standing in front of Tyler "Think of something while I'll distract" She whispered to Tyler. She fiddled with her fingers behind her back, placing her bag down next to her

@Crookie @ERRORPatch @HollyLeafForever )

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