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Fantasy We Are Not Heroes!

"I can try to make the walls brittle" Leo said, "but depending on what the wall is made of and how thick it is will determine the amount of time it takes to break. It will also be loud and slow, drawing them to us in a heartbeat. I am willing to do it if you think it beneficial." He was willing to do just about anything to get out at this point and was willing to be cooperative if that is what it took.
Jack kept his response concise, wishing to hurry, as Miss Mega could return at any moment, "Then it would be best if everyone with offensive abilities attacked it at the same time. Who has some sort of firepower here?"
Ken gave Jack a blank look when he asked that question. "....I have electricity...and you ask....*sigh* Yeah if you want offence and destructive attacks...I can handle them." He said as he right leg burst into electricity making him have to stand on one leg as he waited for it to go normal. "Though that power dampener will be a bit annoying if it turns on." He muttered as he let out a sigh.
"If we can find any sort of control center that would be great" Leo said. For one there would be a map and for another, well, it's a control center." This had to be the most he had talked all week. He still didn't trust the others, but he did trust them more than his creators.
Arron liked the plans that were forming. If they can fined a control center then they could maybe fined what turns the dampeners off for good or maybe use a radio. Contact the outside world and have someone come to help them out. "Okay so let's blast are way to the control room. We should fined it quickly if we use the maps." Arron walked off for a moments and returned with a map. "If we use this we can find it easy."

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