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Fantasy We Are Not Heroes!

You awake in a room, Laying on a cold metal floor. The room is the size of a class room and the lights are a bright white. Laying of the floor with you are 3 other people. On your body is a black suit with orange lines.

Arron woke up in a place he didn't remember being last. He knew what was most likely going on, Another scenario generated by the computer. Arron believe he was still in his bed back in the room(Cell). Arron looked around and found he was not alone but with 3 others. He then looked at himself and found he was wearing a bodysuit. Arron then set up and decided talk to the other people in the room with him.

He did wonder if they were programs, They most likely are but something was different about them...about the room also. Was this reality and if it was why was he with other people? "Hey!" He yelled to get there attention. He didn't sound threatening or even tough just relaxed. "Who are you humans, Is this another scenario concocted by the lab's computer?" Arron waited for there replies, If this was a scenario then they wouldn't even know anything about there being a scenario or the labs.
Leo was trying to sleep, but he knew it would end sooner or later. There was an unfamiliar voice leading him to assume he was in another virtual reality simulation. He heard one of them mention a computer scenario and his hopes of there being someone else there rose. 'But what if they programmed him to say such things?' He thought? There was only one way to find out and he finally opened his eyes. He found himself wearing a strange suit first. Next he realized how warm the room was and chilled his skin. 'Much better' he thought. He then stood up and looked at the one who must have been speaking. "I'm real, but are you?"
Jack sat in silence for a moment, looking the others over. He adjusted his tight fitting suit a bit, before inspecting the room. Upon hearing Leo talk, he replied, chuckling, "And I'm sure as hell not a computer program. It's been so long since I've talked to someone, I think I might tear up." Jack said, jokingly. "But seriously, where are we... And what are we wearing?" As he spoke, his eyes darted around the room, and he assessed those around him. He wondered if they truly are friends, or if they are enemies... For now, he can trust no one. He began to look around the room for something to use as a weapon, while keeping in eye on the others.
Cavan looked at he other members in the room with hidden curiosity. This was the first time that he had come across people who knew nothing, usually the doctors always knew what they were doing, even the new ones.

'For the first time, I don't know what to do either.' Cavan thought to himself, something which was true. The doctors had always told him where to go, what to do and sometimes even how to do it, but now, they weren't here to tell him.

"I don't know how, when or why I'm here either. But I have to say that it does feel good not knowing something for a change." If Cavan had any emotions, his voice probably would have been jubilant. But now, it was just as emotionless as he his.

The doctors sometimes told Cavan about how his powers were genetically modified for killing, he sure hoped that he wasn't here to kill these people. They all looked worthy in their own rights, and right now he didn't think he could take them all on.
"Speke for yourself" Leo said. "I want to know where I am and why." He started looking around the room for any sign of a way out. They got in here, so there had to be a way out.
Jack saw nothing of value as a weapon in the room, so he carefully ripped off his right sleeve, and began to take apart pieces of it, wrapping them around his fists. He placed the extra cloth in the pocket of his body suit for later usage. He then addressed the larger group, speaking in a commanding voice, "Listen up! The bastards who brought us here aren't just playing games. I don't know what is going to come through those doors, be it man... or monster. Grab a weapon, any sort you can. Fasten some cloth into knuckle guards. Anything." He showed his off to the crowd, "If they've decided to test us, I'm going to give them a hell of a show! Who's with me?" Jack asked staring down the others, both asking them to join him, and asserting his dominance.
Leo just snorted in reponse. "Assuming you're anything like me, I doubt they would be stupid enough to send anything in here after us. Unless they have created some monster to face us, but I find it unlikely they would waste materials on something they know will die." Other then speaking he didn't show any other signs of compliance. He just continued to inspect their chamber for any signs of escape.
Arron chuckled, Something he never did before. If these are programs they are some interesting ones. "Okay I am going to assume that we are all real here. For some reason they are lumping us all together to kill us or to have us do something. Let's think about it, They wouldn't put use in this gear to kill us." Arron explained calmly. "I know for a fact I was created to protect people, Be a superhero. Put my life on the line for people, People like my creators." He then stood up and addressed the vehement man in the room, It seemed he was trying to take control of the situation.

"So you, captain Loud. I don't think getting violent will help us much. I am sure the doors are lock and if we try to escape they will kill us."
He explained putting a figure gun to his head and shooting it. "I am assuming everyone might be like me...Hero grown in a lab. Does anyone remember being subjected to hero scenarios via virtual reality? Maybe having to stop a mugger, Save a bus of kids or take down a monster? I hope i wasn't the only one doing that repetitive crap all day."
Ken was sleeping rather peacefully, however much to his dismay some chattered began in the room and it wouldn't shut up. Meaning that his once peaceful sleep was now ruined. He figured it was just the scientist saying their observations out loud like they usually do, but after a bit he actually focused on what the others were saying.

After listening to them a bit he figured they weren't one of those annoying AIs he had been forced to face to train his powers, so he decided to introduce himself, also the floor was getting uncomfortable. He let out a yawn as he rubbed his eye and stood up. When he stood he did one of the most amazing stretches before walking over to the others. He saw they were all wearing the same suit and he almost busted out laughing at how ridiculous they looked, but saw he was wearing the same thing. "Damn it." He muttered as he stopped near one of them.

"Before you ask, no I'm not a damned AI. I'm the guys who sleep was sadly ruined by the noise that was coming out of your mouths." He said nonchalantly as he placed his hands in his pocket. "And yes. I had to do those virtual realties...and like you I'm from this annoying place." He muttered as he let out a sigh. "Anyway let's do whatever so I can go back to bed."
Jack looked over the sleeping man, and Aaron, and blinked. His face dawned a mix of shock, pity, and disgust. "What is wrong with you..." He muttered, but loud enough for them all to hear. "We have been given a golden opportunity to escape from this hell hole, and you want to sleep! To give up! To sit and wait for them to poke and prod and test us some more!" Jack laughed a little, disheartened, "What is wrong with you." He repeated once more, looking downtrodden. He then turned back towards Leo, "And what do you mean, anything like you? Do you have some sort of... Special ability? Or something?" Jack asked, purposefully pretending as if he knew nothing of the inhuman powers they likely possess.
Ken looked at the man as if he grew two heads or something, when the guy finally quit talking he let out a sigh and shook his head. "I really have to wonder if you heard what you just said. Ha, you say you want to get rid of all the poking, prodding, and testing, but you claim ignorance of our abilities? Obviously you have something done to you as well, my guess is that you were also created in this hell like me." He stated as he let out a yawn. "And what makes you think this is a golden opportunity? This could just be another virtual reality but this time they have us working together instead of separate." He said as he crossed his arms and looked around not really paying attention to them as he tried to figure out what was going to happen next.
This time Leo turned towards Jack. "I'm with grumpy on this one." He pressed his hand against the wall and sheets of ice spread away from the contact point. "You can't pretend to be suprised by that."
Jack sighed a little, and shook his head, "You're right, I can't. I had assumed that the scientists may have failed in the creation of human intellect, but it seems they have advanced it. My apologies, I meant no offense." Jack kneel down and touched the ice, indeed feeling the cold. He took note of that. "What else can you do? And the others? It would be best to know, for the sake of efficiency." He stood up, and wiped off the water forming on his hand, "As to the matter of escape, my before mentioned stance more or less stands. They have put us together for a reason unknown to me, but if you are all as powerful as you seem to be, it was a grave mistake on their part." He continued to inspect the ice while waiting for the other man's response, intrigued by what he had conjured.
Leo shrugged his shoulders. "I just create and manipulate ice. It's a simple concept really." For demonstration purposes he created just a shard of ice in his hand and let it hover a bit before having it rocket towards the celing. It shattered upon impact and a thin dust showered down. "It's easier for me to create it than control it. It is also easier if I am in contact with the ice I am manipulating. What about you? What do you do?"
Jack said nothing for a moment, and looked at his feet. He move his hand to the back of his head, and laughed a little, nervously, "Well... I... You know... I sort of..." He mumbled, "To be honest, I don't know enough about what normal humans do to know what I can do. I'm decently fast at running, but during the simulations not incredibly so. I'm stronger than most humans, but two or three would still easily take me down. I'm smarter then humans, but that isn't exactly difficult to do, considering how pathetic they are." He shrugged, "To be honest, I don't even know why I'm even here."
"I find that unusual" Leo replied. "I guess I don't have much of a basis to go off of, but I just sort of, knew what I could do. Anyway, arguing about it won't help anything. So, what next?"

(I'm good with going on)
Arron looked at Jack and deep down he knew he was right, Freedom was here and all they needed to do was take it. Jack also seem to be the type to play coy and has shown to be also impassioned, He wants it more then anyone of them Arron figured. He should keep a eye on him but not just him, it seems that everyone here was at least somewhat intelligent and not just a bunch of fools as he originally thought. As Leo showed off his powers of ice creation and Jack remained reserved on his powers he decided to show what he was capable. Well at least show what is possible with his powers. "Okay before we do anything wild like escaping..." He looked at Jack with a blank expression. "Now let's continue show and tell." Arron whips his hand around in the air and with his telekinesis he sent a gust of wind at everyone. "My power is to control the wind. What you just witness was a taste of my immense power." He said meaning to sound conceited but with the ever present sarcasm. "So who's next."

Unbeknownst to them they were under surveillance, Being watch by hidden camera that blended into the walls. Every word they uttered was heard and every movement and breath was seen. It all lead back to a room were doctors watched them. One person stood out, A oddly dressed woman who only shook her head when the talked of escaping.
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"Escape?" Ken asked before snickering a bit. "Yeah...no. I've tried...it's a waste of time." He muttered as he looked away from them his mussels tensed a bit before relaxing as he looked at them. "My po-" He was cut off when his right arm burst into electricity. He just stared at it blankly as he watched the electricity spark in every direction. He let out a sigh as he concentrated and soon his arm became physical. "I can create, absorb, and manipulate electricity. They tried to make me into pure electricity, but failed so now every now and then...well that happens." He said calmly as he let out a yawn.
Flora was asleep until she felt herself hit the ground. When she looked up all she could see was a trap door closing. The scientists had forgot to put her in the room with the rest. Flora stood up and looked at the group of males that greeted her blue eyes. She didn't no any of them so she decided to wait before joining the conversation and to be honest she didn't want to talk to a bunch of blabbering boy AIs.
Jack nodded as they all explained their powers, pleased that he had successfully deceived them into believing he had none. He enjoyed the gathering's company, but enjoyment does not equate to trust. As Flora entered the room, he blinked, looking up at the trap door close, much too high for any of them to feasibly reach. After a moment of thought, he turned to the girl, suspicious of the late arrival, "Good evening." He said simply, "You're one of us, right? Not some AI, or scientist, or something of the like?" His question was both to get an answer, to judge the girl's response, and to let her know that they were not AI.
"If I were a Scientist I would be able to do this" Flora said to the boy and in the moment the girl and her pink hair vanished from the boys vision and was now behind the male. "And from what I know I'm not an AI" She looked at the back of the boy's head and introduced herself. "The names Flora" Her body disappeared and reappeared in front of the group that had not met to greet her.
"How many do they plan on dropping in on us?" Leo asked. "What is the point of this? Are they planning on a mass execution? And hi."
Jack seemed very, very interested in Flora, "Wait... Hold on. Was that invisibility? Or teleportation?" He asked, looking the girl over slowly.

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