• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Waterlyn High Character Form (closed)


Sup. Just the form for your characters. 

Full Name: 


Age: & DOB



Appearance: you can do a description or and image (or both)


Brief History: 


Roleplay is here!

My forms will end up here.

I claim Queen Bee character (and also will post her brother but hes a lame art kid)
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I've got three character's I'd like to use.  One is an outgoing girl obsessed with theatre. This character may or may not be inspired by me.  The second is a bad boy with a secret side he shows no one and the third is a really shy bookworm transgirl. 
All of those sound great!

I was thinking of having everyone in grade 11 or both 11 & 12.
My nerdy lewd character is like a clingy little sister and a person who likes to ruin her brother's life.
Full Name: Elizibeth

Nickname(s): Emma/Lizzie

Age: 16

Gender: Girl

Sexuality: Straight



Personality: Stubborn/Sassy//Arrogant/Brave/Rude/Bad Student

Brief History: She lived  a normal average life. Except that she hides she LOVES anime, manga and vocaloid.

Other: Has a dog named Sniffles. 
Are siblings allowed between two roleplayers/would anyone be interested in that? I was going to make a guy. Everything else I'm open to discuss through PM. 

Full Name: Alexandra Sietta

Nickname(s): Alex, Xandra (used exclusively by very close friends)

Age: 16 (August 25)

Gender: F

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance: Standing at 5 foot even and weighing in at around 110 lbs dripping wet, Alex isn't really someone you'd expect to be the terror of the class. She manages to pull it off, though, with a permanent glare, a constant energy like she's about to do something, and muscles gained from sports, frequent visits to the gym, and slightly less frequent fights. Her wavy, bright red hair is chopped off a little below her chin, bangs falling into storm-could grey eyes when she doesn't bother to sweep them out of the way. She's also practically coated in freckles, owing to redhead-pale skin. With little to no curves at the age of 17, and a tendency towards harsher angles in her face, she looks as tomboyish and masculine as she acts.

Personality: One word describes Alex- Angry. Possibly in an attempt to make up for her tiny stature, there barely seems to be a moment when the redhead isn't seething with rage over something. Incredibly hotheaded, and with a bit of a tendency to take out her frustration on whoever's closest if the offending party isn't there, Alex is an absolute terror, with the only person ever really spared from her rages being her twin sister. She also has a bit of a superiority complex, which leads to her finding no issue with picking at other people's 'faults'. If you try and push back, though, she may snap- She's got a violent streak, and has no moral issue with shoving someone around for being in the way, or punching them out for making a comment she didn't like.

Brief History: Alex and Emiline's father died shortly after the twins were born, and while their mother tried to be there for them, she had to work nearly always in order to support herself and her girls. Alex was visibly frustrated by this, seeming to think her mother wasn't doing enough for them. They moved to Waterlyn in the middle of the school year when the girls were freshmen, owing to a new job opportunity for their mother, though there is evidence that it may have also been due to Alex facing expulsion from their previous school.

Other: -The only person who has any amount of ability to calm Alex down is Emi, any other people trying are more likely to just piss her off more.

-Despite her attitude towards school, which is generally that it's a waste of time, she's actually got a pretty decent class standing, if only because she's smart enough that she can relearn any material she missed on her own time if she decides it's worth it.

-She's also a decent artist, the only time she really seems calm is if she's drawing or painting.

-Needs glasses, but wears contacts.

-Skateboards when not in school or working at the bakery.



Full Name: Emiline Sietta

Nickname(s): Em, Emi

Age: 16 (August 25)

Gender: F

Sexuality: Biromantic Demisexual

Appearance: Due to the girls being fraternal twins, Emi looks incredibly different from her twin sister. She's got an inch on Alex, standing at 5'1, but a bit of a leaner build as well, and while her curves are by no means pronounced, it's at least obvious that she has some.  She, like her sister, is a ball of nervous energy, but as she's not nearly as active, it tends to manifest itself in constant fidgeting so that it has somewhere to go. Her own waves of hair are sandy blonde, cut off around the middle of her back, and somewhat neatly kept in a braid of a bun to try and keep it out of her face and grey-green eyes. Her features are also much more feminine, and a bit less freckled. All in all, she looks far softer than her sister does, but she also commands a lot less attention than her sister ever will.

Personality: Emiline is an absolute pushover, the only person she seems to be able to stand up to at all being her own sister. Incredibly shy and kinda anxious, she seems to think allowing other people to get their way over her own needs will mean they'll leave her alone. She actually prefers plants to people, and frequently spends her spare time working outside rather than talking to people. If you do get her talking, she's cautious, to say the least, but generally nice. She’s not exactly the most confident person around, not used to people actually trying to talk to her, and it takes her a while to get comfortable around you, but when she does you’ve got a friend for life.

Brief History: Alex and Emiline's father died shortly after the twins were born, and while their mother tried to be there for them, she had to work nearly always in order to support herself and her girls. Emiline was much more understanding out of the two, and tried her best to not make their mom's life more difficult, leading to a closer relationship between her and her mother. They moved to Waterlyn in the middle of the school year when the girls were freshmen, owing to a new job opportunity for their mother, though there is evidence that it may have also been due to Alex facing expulsion from their previous school.

Other: -Has a tendency to end up with fairly self-destructive crushes. This frustrates her twin to no end.

-works part time as a florist.


Full Name: Ariana Lee Collins

Nickname(s): Aria, Ari, Ria

Age: 17 (September 15)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual

Appearance: Aria stands at 5'5, with a mane of borderline curly, auburn hair that falls to her mid-back and covers the left half of a pale face dominated mostly by freckles and round blue eyes. It also happens to cover the scar running from her jaw to the lower corner of her lip, although mostly out of habit, as she covers the mark with makeup most days. Feminine and a bit on the slender side,  she looks a bit younger than she actually is, and doesn't really have the curves to convince you otherwise. She wears long sleeves almost religiously, although sometimes they're shoved up so she can doddle on her arms if there's not enough clear space on her notes.

Personality: Not so much 'shy' as terrified, Aria has a very high tendency to stick to herself. In complete honesty, she has far more interest spending time with animals than she does with people, probably owing to the fact that she doesn't believe any animal does anything with ill will. While she certainly doesn't act anything other than polite and kind to those who do make an effort to talk to her, she definitely doesn't let any of them get lose to her, either; It takes her a while to decide that someone is actually worth her trust, though if she does decide it's worth it, it can be pretty near impossible to break it. When frustrated, generally caused by people not understanding that it's not that she doesn't want to speak, but that she literally can't, her sense of humor turns fairly sarcastic, and can be a bit biting, but for the most part she tries very hard to be kind, and sees something good in almost everyone. She's also a fairly talented artist, although she'd never admit it if she wasn't comfortable with you.

Brief History: Born in the New York Bronx to Catholic parents, Aria was an accident. While her mother never said it to the girl's face, and did try her best to be at least some sort of parent, the fact that her parents only had her because their religion said abortion was akin to murder was more than enough to cause a rift in their relationship. As a result, when Aria was five and the fact that her father had not only had an affair, but another daughter, came out, it was essentially the last straw for her mother, who left that night following their screaming argument, leaving Aria alone with her father and the knowledge that she was part of the reason that her mother left. Her father, Edward Collins, rightfully blamed himself for this, and turned to alcohol, which had the other wonderful side effect of making him incredibly aggressive and more likely to act on violent tendencies. He was incredibly abusive towards Aria, who quickly grew to just bear it due to her own guilt on the matter, until she couldn't remember what it was like for him to not be this way. Edward's abuse of Aria was only found out when she was 15, and Aria was taken in by her Aunt Cass in Waterlyn, where she both renounced Catholicism and stopped talking altogether; after a year of homeschooling, Aria's therapist forced her to return to public schooling for her last two years of high school, as she was 'far too withdrawn for a teenager'.

Other: -Due to high levels of anxiety and trauma, Aria suffers from selective mutism and is only capable of speaking when there are only people she is very comfortable with nearby, or when alone.

-Also suffers from depression, multiple forms of anxiety disorders including PTSD, and claustrophobia.

-While she speaks ASL fluently, she carries around a notebook in order to communicate because more people don't. The only two permanent pages are ones that say 'I can not speak' and 'not so loud'

-Has a tendency to blame herself for anything bad that happens to her or someone she cares about.

-Very anxious about her grades. Very, very, very anxious about her grades.

-Due to spending her time with animals, she's learned to be weirdly good with them, probably because she has no issue speaking with animals.

-Has a one-eyes black cat named Lucky. She brought with her when she moved from New York; he was originally a stray.

-I'm so sorry.
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Lyle James Dubois




17, December 19th



[SIZE= 16px]Lyle is very cocky. He's arrogant and full of himself, but despite all that, people can't help but love him.  He's outgoing, but he'll only talk to you if he thinks you're worth his time. And if he does find you worth his time, he becomes fond of you very quickly and he is very over protective. He will fight anyone who crosses him or his friends. He's prone to violence and anger but only if he's provoked by others. Besides his bad boy "I don't give a shit" exterior, Lyle is extremely smart and does very well in school.  His favorite subjects in fact are math and science.  Not only that, but he is the biggest hopeless romantic.  He wouldn't tell anyone, but the only reason he dates so many girls is because he's trying to find "Mrs. Right".  (He's never even had sex.  He's saving himself for "the one"  [/SIZE]But you didn't hear that from me[SIZE= 16px].)  [/SIZE]
 Brief History:

Lyle was born in Le Mans, France to his mother Odette Dubois.  Lyle never knew his father because he was merely a one night stand his mother had.  His mother said that she had tried to find him but never did.  When Lyle was ten years old, he, his mother, and his grandmother Gizella Dubois, all moved to the united states.  At the age of 15, Lyle was contacted by his father who had been secretly e-mailing his mother for almost a year.  His father wanted to meet him; at first Lyle refused and didn't want anything to do with his father but his grandmother insisted that he give the man a chance.  So his father flew in from London, England and they spent an entire week together.  Lyle had enjoyed the time he'd spent with his father and when his father had to leave, he promised to keep in touch.  But once he left for London, Lyle didn't hear from him again.  A year later Lyle's grandmother died.  He was devastated; Lyle had been extremely close with his grandmother and her death left him in ruins.  To commemorate her memory, he got a tattoo of his grandmother's favorite flower, the iris, on his forearm. 

Lyle has a few piercings and this is what this tattoo looks like. 
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Full Name: 

Mykhalio Andreichyn Moreland





18, April 13








Mykhalio is idealistic and tends to be introverted. When he sets his mind on something it can rarely be changed. He prefers to be self-reliant and feels bad when others offer him help. Makes him feel as if he isn't doing a good enough job that the person feels they need to help. Mykhalio rarely showcases his anger towards things but he has a bad habit of clenching his fists when he is. He's a "yes" person to people he deeply cares for. He's highly self-indulgent and quite stubborn when his guard is let down. 

Brief History: 

Mykhalio is Ukrainian, but was born and raised in the United States for all his life. He had three younger siblings and a single mom. The mom was abusive, mentally and physically. Long story short, him and his siblings got into a car crash while trying to escape their mom at the age of 9. He was the only one that survived. Mom was thrown into prison, he was in the orphanage till he was 12 and was adopted by a African american named Sofia.


He is 5'7

Loves to cook and inspires to open his own restaurant one day.

He's very close to Sofia and if you talk ill of her or anyone he deeply cares about, Mykhalio will most certainly make sure you end up with broken body parts.
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Full Name: Carduus Matrem Terra

Nickname(s): Dus (for friends and family only)

Age: 15 (May 3rd) [Grade 11 because grade skipping]

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: Carduus has long, sandy blonde hair that falls straight to her waist, though the length is hardly obvious as she's prefers to keep it tied up, or braided. She is is thin, frail and delicate looking, and just barely as strong as she looks. Consisting mostly of legs and her short torso, Carduus isn’t very tall for her age, just reaching 5'1, but she has the beginnings of a womanly shape and a decently sized bust. Her skin is lightly tanned, and her eyes a cold, harsh violet. Her voice is high, and slightly nasally. Carduus' speech is usually modulated, words honeyed. Always about her neck is a fine silver chain supporting a small circular locket, engraved with a swirling thistle pattern. A lot of her jewellery is custom, silver decorated with the same patterning and accented with amethysts.

Personality: Carduus is a natural-born leader. Levelheaded and strong, she’s never been one to follow or go with the crowd. Carduus can be very loyal and kind to those she likes, but is generally unbelievably cruel to the people she doesn’t. She’s not very trusting of others, and when her trust is betrayed Carduus is utterly unforgiving. As she’s rather sadistic and manipulative toward people, it’s difficult for others to become close to her. Alternatively, she has a soft spot for animals. She takes great advantage of the fact that she is in such a high position in society, and revels in her status. Despite this, Carduus is secretly very lonely and quite insecure. Though Carduus is intelligent, she can be naïve and sometimes struggles to grasp simple concepts. Carduus tend to put on an act when dealing with people, becoming very flirtatious and ‘fake.’ It's rare that people get a glimpse of the person beneath the facade she puts forward, and that is only if you're brave enough to look her in the eyes.

Brief History: Carduus' parents are incredibly well off, and she spent most of her childhood in private schooling as a result. She skipped grade 8 and entered into high school a year early. After being expelled from that school during Freshman year, the result of a borderline violent argument with one teacher, she began attending Waterlyn High. The same school that her half brother James attended, their father hoped that it would help the siblings struggling relationship after his divorce to Carduus' mother and decision to adopt James' younger sister so as to have all the siblings related. Her primary guardian is Geoffrey, a man in his late sixties who acts as a live in housekeeper and was involved in Carduus' upbringing than either of her parents.

Other: Left-handed.

Has a large orange tabby tomcat, Mufasa, who she absolutely dotes on.

Like her brother she has Italian heritage, though they originate from the north of the country and her father has no contact with his parents.

Bitchy Queen Bee character. You can hate her, it's allowed.

Full Name: James Jonathan Stimson

Nickname(s): Jay, Jamesy

Age: 17 (August 9th) [Grade 12]

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual, Biromantic

Appearance: James is extremely tall, reaching the towering height of 6"10, though he doesn't look gangly or awkward thanks to his slightly muscular frame. He's slim, but isn't slender, and his skin has a dark olive tone. Shaggy describes his hair well- long, thick and unkempt locks of a light hazel brown with natural blonde highlights. His eyes are a warm chocolate brown, they have a kind, comforting gaze. Unfortunately, his bangs tend to cover his eyes. Due to this James has developed the habit of running his hand through his hair, originally to brush it off his face, but now more out of habit or discomfort. He has a thin face with soft features, but a strong jawline. His voice is slightly high-pitched, small, and soft-spoken.

Personality: James is quiet, so much so that one would think he was mute if he didn't answer questions. He generally gets along with people fairly well and doesn't take too long to get comfortable with them. He smiles constantly, and can talk with anyone. James is comfortable with silence, so it's rare that he'd start a conversation. He's actually very confident, but his predisposition to silence makes people think he's timid. He does, however, get shy and awkward when embarrassed or caught off guard. It's quite obvious when he is, as he tends to stutter and make mistakes when he tries to speak. James is pretty serious and sensitive; he takes what people say to heart. He suffers from serious depression, and refuses to take his medication for it.

Brief History: James is the result of an affair, but his father has always tried to stay involved in his sons life and keep up a relationship between James and Carduus. His step-father was a very abusive man, both to a young James and his mother (Maria), but left not long after she fell pregnant. Maria struggled with post-natal depression, and turned to alcoholism so a lot of baby Cassia's care became the responsibility of James and his Nonna before she returned to Italy. He took great care not to let people know he was related to Carduus when she began attending the school, as per her request, and has little interaction with her there.

Other: Barista at Little Song Bird Cafe.

As much as he has some serious issues with Carduus, he loves his sisters and is very protective.

Loner art kid. Kind of an emo.
I'm thinking that should be it for people joining. Post your characters whenever you've got time.

Roleplay will start on the first day of school.

@Kitty_Lover I hate saying this but I don't want you joining the roleplay.

Full Name: Olivia White

Nickname(s): Liv. Olive

Age: 16, 5th Feb

Gender: Female 

Sexuality: Lesbian

Appearance: Olivia is short, standing at 5'2", she had very pale hair and skin, and grey eyes. She has a very frail build, with very little bust and narrow shoulders and hips giving her an altogether boyish look. She wears very baggy shirts and skinny jeans almost every day. She has one pair of circle glasses that look so ancient, they must have belonged to her grandmother. She uses her glasses to read with because she is long sighted, so most of the time she isn't wearing them.Her nose looks a bit like it's been broken once of twice and is crooked. 

Personality: Liv is a reckless adrenaline junky, as well as a bit of an actually junky. She is a little bit of a rebel and can be quite obnoxious. She makes jokes at the expense of others a lot, and doesn't take any shit from anyone, always standing up for herself. She acts like she is carefree and cares about nothing an no one. She is extremely hard to get to know. If she has a problem she will deal with it alone unless she physically cannot. She flirts shamelessly with people and doesn't care who hears. Liv never cries in front of anyone else and will always shut down when sad until she is ready to come forward and talk. She has quite the anger issues and certain things trigger them: Jokes about her sexuality, about the fact that she is rather poor and wears the same things a lot, about anyone she is currently dating, about the fact that her father is a bit of a bad influence. She will get very loud an in your face when angry and caution flies out the window.

Brief History: Olivia's mother and father were teenagers when they had her. In high school, her father was the ‘bad boy’ that everyone wanted. But he was also stupid, and a bit of a player, that was until he moved into Liv’s mothers higschool in grade 12.  They decided to keep the baby, but due to the lack of money, the two didn't have a very healthy relationship. Still, they struggled on untill she was 14 years old before the worst happened. Her father and mother were yelling at one another again when she came home from school, and her mother was so angry pushed her father very hard, and he fell through a glass table. This was just a mistake of course but her father was hospitalized and her mother began to hate herself. Eventually she broke up with him and without much of a word, moved away leaving Liv with her father.

The man wasn't in the best shape himself, he often drunk, and rarely smoked pot. But he loved his daughter and tried to bring her up by himself. He even straightened himself out and started going to job interviews again. Liv had a tough time in her childhood. When she started highschool, she had a horrible anger problem, and ended up getting expelled for breaking a bullies arm. After some counseling she was forced into taking she was put into another school. This one, she hoped, she would enjoy a little more.


Works as a library assistant in the public library in town

Regularly feeds and walks a stray mutt she named Patch.
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Emily Ruth MacIntire 



Em or Emi

17, May 13th

Trans Female


Despite being your average looking Blondie, Emily is very shy and doesn't like to draw attention to herself. This is probably because she got teased so much as a child for being who she is, that she now uses being quiet as a defense mechanism. She's friendly and kind and she'll always be there if you need someone to talk to, but it'll take her awhile to trust you.  After all she's had a lot of important people let her down.
Brief History:

 Emily was born Emmett Reese MacIntire but her whole life she knew that she was different. She didn't like the same things the other boys did and she always loved the color pink. At first she just thought "Well I guess I'm gay" but that wasn't it. Sure boys could be cute but she wasn't attracted to them. And everything in her body was telling her something was wrong; something was missing. It wasn't until her sophomore high school did she finally find something that made sense. She was transgender. A weight lifted off her shoulders as she could finally put a name to the things she'd been feeling her whole life. But then the weight was returned as she realized that she now had to explain this to her family, her friends.  She was terrified.  And it wasn't until a year later, that she felt confident enough to come out to her family, which didn't go well. They called her a freak and told her she was wrong.  Scared and hurt, she ran to her older brother who had his own place not too far away.  Her brother had always been like a best friend to Emily and she felt the closest to him out of all of her family.  Elliot (Her brother) was nothing but supportive and took her in immediately.  Because of this, both Emily and Elliot were disowned from their family but Elliot didn't care.  All he cared was that his Emi was safe.  

- Emily is a fashionista and has a special love for Japanese Lolita Fashion.
- Pink is Emily's favorite color and she will make any excuse to buy or wear something if its pink.

PMed Energie @Gupi in case they wanted to be a half sibling of my character, but if not is it okay if I have a second character?

Full Name: Toby Victorson

Nickname(s): N/A for now

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Toby is tall, not overly fit but not unfit either, she stands at 6'. He has dark skin and dark brown eyes. He has a heart shaped face, hair cropped short and a little stubble cropped neatly around his jawline. He has a wide nose and very full lips. He is short sighted and is always wearing a pair of black frames. His right ear is pierced and he generally has some sort of stud in it.

Personality: Toby is kind of awkward and clumsy. He always tends to mean well but gets into awkward situations and messes things up. He isn't very confident, but tries his best to make friends and is generally kind of popular. He doesn't have a temper and it takes a lot of pushing usually to get him to speak up when he's mad. He doesn't enjoy public speaking or debates and avoids speeches in class as best he can. He is a romantic at heart, always trying to find that one person that will stay with him forever, but he does take a while to trust someone fully when in a relationship and has been known to be jealous too easily. Toby enjoys playing pool and darts, and he also enjoys writing fictional stories and has a creative mind.

Brief History: Toby grew up in a fairly normal middle class family. His mother owns a bar downtown and Toby grew up working there. His father was mostly a stay-at-home father and wrote articles for online news sites, and looked after Toby and his younger sister Rebecca. Toby enjoyed his mothers bar growing up. he was friends with a lot of the regulars as a kid. He used to show off his skills at pool and darts to all of the older customers who thought they were better than him. Things went smoothly at home for the most part, everyone loved one another, money was okay. Toby started dating when he was 15, but never had much luck, relationships didn't last long. His one long term relationship was about a year and a half, just ending before his 17th birthday when he discovered her cheating on him. He hasn't totally recovered since

Other: Likes the colour green the best

Extremely heavy sleeper

Dislikes tattoos 
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Full Name: 

Christian Davidson




Seventeen, April 23rd




Bisexual (Closeted) 


The product of professional parents with high expectations, Chris has always pushed himself beyond his limits in an effort to stand out among his peers. For as long as anyone can remember, he's always kept a planner by his side -- first as crayons and a sketchbook and now every appointment, meeting, and date is digitally stored in his phone. His on-the-go mentality leaves him with little patience for anything that isn't concise, relevant, and to-the-point. He's gained a strong sarcastic tongue over the years and a dismissive nature to what he sees as petty high school problems of others making him come across a bit harsh to those who don't know him. However to the few people that he makes the time for Chris can be invested and attentive even a source of a few laughs if caught in the right mood. 

Brief History: 

Chris knew what college he would attend and what he would study while most of his peers were still figuring out how to write in cursive. With strong visions of his future and a solid mindset of how to achieve those goals, Chris's every action for as long as he can remember has been working towards his goal of being successful. With his final year of high school underway and an early acceptance to the college of his dreams, Chris finally has time to let loose and give into some of the parts of himself that he's kept tucked away. 


- Fiercely protective of his sister, Charlie Davidson, though he often subjects her to his lectures of aligning her goals with his very conservative mindset of success.

- Frequented the party circuit following his college acceptance and has picked up a major taste for all things liberating.

- Has a general aversion to figures of authority, believing he could do their job better than them. 


Full Name: 

Tommie Rhodes (Mother's last name)


Rhodes, Tom


Sixteen, October 19th






Tommie was born to be a part of a group. To Tommie, appearance is everything and he makes sure that he's always in good standing with the people he sees as mattering. He eats what's trending on Instagram, dresses like they do in the magazines and rarely misses a chance to update his followers on what he's doing and who with. While, he lives his life for the public, he struggles with making decisions by himself never wanting to alienate himself from his friend group. He always comments but mostly defers actually answering any questions to the stronger personalities in any group setting. His low self-esteem often showcases itself when he feels his standing is being challenged; in these situations, he lashes out at others insecurities until he feels comfortable in his own skin again. 

Brief History: 

Growing up without his biological father was never something that Tommie felt was worth sharing as his mother provided for him well enough; however, he always knew that it bothered his mother more than him that she was left raising a son on her own. He never asked about his dad and his mother never shared. The man had such little relevance in his life until fate brought the bastard closer to home when Tommie began sharing the same classes as his half-sister. While, Tommie has made no attempt to reach out to him and avoids the topic around his mother, he does find a the sight of his half-sister a reminder of the different life he could have lived. 


- Half Brother of Olivia White - his interactions with her ranging from public distaste to private apologies and attempts to relate to her on a deeper level. 

- Works at a clothing store in the mall when he can remember to show up to work
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