
eyebrow queen

  • Use the OOC to reserve. I hold reserves for 24 hours.

    (( Make it look pretty :3 ))


    Appearance: (Gif)


    Age: (18-24)



    Job or Income:

    Traits: +___, ___, ___; -___, ___, ___

    Personality: (1+ paragraph)

    Background: (1+ paragraph)


My Character


"If you must."

Kyle Copeland


"Stop staring creep."



"She had good style."

Luanna Perez


"Don't worry, I'm legal."



"Have you never seen a girl before?"



"I only swing one way."


Job or Income:

"Are you gonna stalk me?"

Dance Instructor & Stipper


+Honest, Caring, Dependable

-Reckless, Insecure, Blunt


"You'll find out soon enough."

Kyle likes to cover things up and likes to never let people in. Every morning she puts a big smile on her face and

acts as if her life is perfect. She hides all her insecurities and worries underneath piles of metaphorical
crap. She

has a laid back, easy going attitude about her, nothing seems to ever bother her. Seems to that is. Deep down

incidents and comments eat away at her until she can't hold it anymore. Causing her to have an explosive and

quite volatile outburst, which normally ends with a few broken items or a broken heart. She is almost never

serious,but when she is, you know she means it. She also tends to care to much for others and never lets them

care for her.


"One word. Shitty."

Kyle grew up in The Projects with 6 younger siblings and her mother. She doesn't know who her father is,

seeing as she was a product of a high school hook up gone wrong. Her mother jumped around from boyfriend

to boyfriend, popping out kids every couple years. After awhile seeing random guys leaving her mothers room

didn't phase her anymore. Until one day when everything changed. They guy her mother brought home, stayed.

He stayed for 6 months, long enough to feed her mothers addiction various medications. After he left her

mother, her mothers addiction grew even stronger. Not only a month later her mother died of a drug over dose.

Kyle didn't shed a tear when she found out. If anything it made her hate her mother even more. Her siblings

and her were all sent into different foster homes, and since that day, Kyle hasn't seen her siblings.

The adjustment into a foster home wasn't easy for Kyle. She began to develop abandonment issues causing her

to never trust anyone or let them in. She lets all her emotions build up inside; eating away at her. In high

school she started to self harm and engage in reckless actions. She didn't care what happened to her. As she

got older she started to get attention for boys, and she liked it. Almost every Friday night you could find

her at a party, drinking her problems away and looking for any form of love in all the wrong places.

Kyle has trouble finding solace in people and things, but dancing is the one thing that does still bring her that.


Rose tattoo on her wrist that covers up scars from self harm.

Numerous scars on her thighs as well.

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Damian Rogers




Stephan Schneider







Job or Income:



Humorous__, __affectionate_, _clever__;

Pessimistic_, _lazy__, __unlucky_


Damian is a weird boy, calm yet excited at the same time. He's often seen lazing around but he always seems to be an active part of any conversation whether he's being heard or not. He likes to act like he knows everything, from what the weather will be like next week to what's going on in someone life. Occasionally he's right about these things, but other times it leads to embarrassment he prefers to cover up with humour. Damian is one of the people who can take a situation and turn it from something bad to something good (or the other way around) by thinking things through and talking up a storm. When things go bad, Damian is good at making it look worse than it really is. He's not the one to be asking when you want to know how worried you should be.


Damian was one of those kids adopted into a broken family. It's still a tricky and sensitive subject for him, but the story is short and simple. His birth parents gave him away at the age of ten after they had neglected him for a year or two like a child does with an old toy. His adoptive parents weren't much better, they had lied their way through the adoption forms, pretending like they were a lonely young couple in love but really they just wanted the money from Child Tax Credit. Soon Damian realized that his new parents were nothing but college drop-outs doing anything for another hit of whatever drug they could find. Like most kids who grew up in this type of environment, he did not care enough about high school in order to graduate, and he also developed a bad heroin addiction. It took two years and three near over doses for him to smarten up. Now he still finds it difficult to stay away from any type of drugs but he's managing, smoking more than a pack of cigarettes a day to keep his mind off other things.


It's not pretty but it's home

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| Faceclaim |

"You know, that guy from Glee."

Jacob Artist

| Age |


| Gender |

"It's not like you need to check."


| Sexuality |

"The only person who knows this is AJ...everyone else thinks I like girls."


| Job or Income |

"It's not the most respecting job but it gets food on the table so.."

Busboy at a local diner called 'Munchers'

| Traits |

+ Easygoing, Reliable, Witty; - Stubborn, Insecure, Loud-Mouthed

| Personality |

Chance is rather smart and gentle in his approach to life. He wouldn't leave you behind and wouldn't hurt you. He also won't avoid cracking a smile or being friendly. Chance never loved school though he never disliked it as he knew it was an important thing and that he was very privileged to go to a school at all. Chance will speak his mind even if it isn't always what people want or expect to hear but he tries to "sugar coat" the news a bit. Chance is not a very judemental person but once he has his opinions, they very rarely change. Chance craves approval from his peers even if that means lying about himself. He tries to be seen as the person who can do everything and anything like his mother believes him to be. Chance is there for people when they need him and will always try to be as strong and capable as he can to protect people.

| Background |

Chance Porter was born on the back of a pick-up truck with the help of a lovely married couple that found his mother, Beatrice, on the side of the road minutes away from going into labor. His nine months pregnant mother ended up on the side of the road in the middle of night because her car was stolen while she was working a night shift. Chance grew up not knowing his father and it never bothered him because all he needed was his loving mother, Beatrice. Beatrice worked day and night, she did whatever she could to support her beloved son and she depended on no man. Chance was taught wrong and right by his mother and he always tried to play by the rules like his mother expected him too. It was only at the age of fifteen he truly first disappointed his mother by breaking and entering a house with a couple of his friends. In Chance's defense he was unaware that it wasn't his friends house but that didn't fly with the cops. He was passed off with a warning seeing as no one got hurt and he was a first time offender but still Chance loathed the displeased deep brown hues his mother wore on her oval sepia-skinned face that day the cops came knocking on her apartment door. Entering high school, Chance was that kid who loved sports and who was pushed into the inner circle of popularity though none of this type of stuff matter to him. He only cared for grades which his mother had made sure to notify the utmost importance of school to her child.

It was only at the age of seventeen did Chance discover his attractions to guys rather than girls. Well he has always known but part of him avoided that side of him and just put up with the gay bashing many of his friends joked about. Chance did work up the courage to tell his mother though she had already said it before he could say it himself. Beatrice was fine with her sons sexuality but she warned him that most people in the neighborhood they lived in wouldn't like it. So Chance kept dating girls then breaking up with them after awhile when things got to clingy and touchy. Graduating, he moved out into an apartment and shares the rent with his roommate, AJ. Though he still lives in the street he was raised in and can drop by his moms whenever he wants to. Chance is saving up money to go to college and his mother has been saving up as well but their is still a long way to go.

| Other |

"It's not pretty but it's home."

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/30212c7ab67e353b6d1bbc86002aa02d.png.418f7e9be49f5bbf208a2eaa51f29ff6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20700" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/30212c7ab67e353b6d1bbc86002aa02d.png.418f7e9be49f5bbf208a2eaa51f29ff6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Alexander Jey / AJ



"You Don't Know Me.."









Job or Income:

Works at Hot Topic


+Risk taker,Honest,Open minded; -Short tempered,Blunt,Emotionless(most of the time)


Aj isn't a wild,crazy,serial killer but,he also isn't the guy that you can just push and throw around like a rag doll.

He doesn't take all that fake crap and people who just want to F up his life "I don't need that.". When you see him,he

can look as if he's going to kill someone sometimes but,that's not true..you probably just caught him in a mad mood or

on a Monday.Aj smokes to calm his nerves and drink when there's a party,nothing more than that and nothing less so,don't

ask him all kinds of different questions about why he smokes and drinks because he will get irritated if you ask him

questions pertaining to the same thing more than once.If you call him out of his name,he doesn't pay attention to you,

if you try and start a fight with him,he doesn't pay attention to you...but,if you lay a hand on him...then he's

quick to do something about it "Don't touch me..".He's sick and tired of people telling him how to live his life..it's

his,not yours."I don't tell you how to live your life so,you don't tell me how to live mines."




"This town is d*mn sure not pretty...but, hell..it's home."

~"My Sister Aly...Got a problem?"





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"Come dance in the rain with me."



Gemma "Gem" Harrison

"You can call me the Gemster."



"Smiles and kisses."


Barbara Palvin

"Some people say I look like that-that girl person."



"Old enough to leave and drive away."



"I hope I'm a girl-I mean-woman."



"Straight as uncooked spaghetti."

Job or Income:


"Wait till I get promoted."


Caring, Logical, Comforting; -Trust issues, Vengeful, Facade of innocence

"The short version."


Anyone's first impression of Gemma would be sweet and naive. Although sweet and caring, she is certainly not naive. She may act innocent or childish at times, but she has a rational and logical way of thinking. She's observant and cautious, though may act carefree and reckless. She has trust issues and is actually very calculating. The world is black and white to her, with very little grey. She has built herself up so that no one can truly hurt her. She puts up a facade of innocence so that her colder, stronger side won't be as prominent. She dislikes being so logical and wishes that in her perfect world she were as sweet and cute as she wants to be. If betrayed, her strategic and cold side will likely come out. Although she may act huffy or childlike when lightly angry, she is silent and mean when she's truly upset. She can be sarcastic and feisty if provoked, though doesn't usually lash out when really mad. She dislikes drama and will try to stop fights from happening within their friend group with her logic and calming nature.

However, despite her darker interior, she genuinely cares for her friends and has a softer, maternal side. She tries to be fun and supportive. She can be very empathetic and comforting, often seeing the good sides to things. She's good with people and has a charming air about her. She's witty and clever, with a proneness to puns. She's patient and rarely gets flustered. Although she tries to avoid and deny it, she's a hopeless romantic and shipper. Her trust issues extend into her love life. She dislikes being ignored or abandoned, though is used to being disappointed that expects little.

"Don't mess with me."


Gemma was born into a poor family, the first and only child. Both her parents were alcoholics and didn't really care or want this child. She was brought up on TV, books, and fast food. Her parents knew that they were addicted and attempted to create a normal family setting. They already had a child, so why not care for her? A couple times they tried to quit, whether it was both or just one parent. However, after a few clean weeks, someone would come into the house drunk and flushed. It became evident that this lifestyle could not be abandoned by either parent, and the girl's needs were becoming more and more neglected. She began to work a little in case her parents would not be home or sober enough to take care of her. And then it happened: her dad was drunk driving and was involved in a car crash. He died within two days. Her mom, seeing no reason to stay in the town of the tragedy, left two weeks later. Gem was fifteen, and was sent to a foster family. Her foster family was decent, but treated her like she was an alien. They often left her at home or sent her somewhere else while they were out having fun. Still, she couldn't complain because they provided for her and gave her plenty of resources.

"Such sad stories are there..."


it's not pretty, but it's home

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"Got rhythm?"

Valentina "Mija" Arielle Bandido


Faceclaim: "Convenient, hm?" Chachi Gonzales

Age: "Old." 18

Gender: "Niña." Female

Sexuality: "Not sure." Bicurious

Job or Income: "You've seen me." Street dancer, and part-time drug dealer

Traits: "A taste." +Saucy, Clever, Fun-Loving; -Reckless, Abrasive, Daunting

Personality: "You'd want to know."

Mija is a girl that most would want to get to know for two reasons. For her intimidating power around the neighborhood, and for her fun-loving personality. Mija is abrasive towards strangers, not giving them the benefit of the doubt. She is very reckless, and will push herself to do things a person with a brain unlike hers would do. She is daunting, and intimidating to others because of her power around the neighborhood, but she doesn't let that get in the way of her personality. Mija is also saucy and bold, and very lively. The girl has cleverness up her sleeve and in her brain, and places you just can't explain. She loves to have fun and will always take up and opportunity to have fun.


Background: "Beat it."

Valentina Arielle Bandido was born on a humid, bustling summer day on the border of Mexico and Texas. She was born on American turf, and was snuck into the United States with her parents and four elder brothers and sisters. They then rushed to New York for work, Valentina still in her infancy. They had found a small apartment in a slum area of New York.

Her mother went out to work in college as a doctor, only twenty-seven, her father the same age. Her oldest child was her brother, named Miguel, aged eleven. He had a fraternal twin sister named Maria, who was also eleven. There was three other siblings. Luna, eight years of age, Chris, seven years of age, and Anderson six years of age. Valentina was the runt of them all.

She was often taken care of by Maria and Miguel. Her mom went out day and night for college, while her father worked as a full time gangster of a Mexican gang. They got powerful and dangerous as Valentina and her siblings grew up, and they soon moved out of their cruddy apartment once Valentina was three years old into a bigger apartment.

Once she was four, she was put into the same school as her siblings, and her English was better than her siblings', though she also spoke Spanish fluidly. Once Valentina hit late elementary, and early middle school, signs of puberty were shown on her. Curves, a more mature face, excelling height. The works. She was now known as Mija, since she would wander the neighborhood with her siblings.

But, enough of appearance. If you ask her about her most vivid childhood memory, it was her often running around the streets and getting into trouble. Her life wasn't all about being taken care of by her elders. She would vandalize things, steal, kill rats, and most of all, dance. At the age of thirteen, she learned how to shoot a gun by her father.

Her father was home more often since the gang was getting bigger and stronger, and could handle itself. Neighborhoods were claimed, and under the underground control of the Bandidos. Since she was older, she was more of a threat. And since she was a threat, people kissed her Mexican a**. She liked it that way, but she could handle herself without the crutch of her father's gang.

She proved that to people by starting to go off to the streets for money. First, she started off fist-fighting in alleys or tone squares while people placed bets and all the money raked into her. Then, she started to street dance. Money would be thrown into her jar, and she would come home with good income for a young girl.

She then hit high school, and endured all of the drama and ignorance it had. Once she finished with good, honorary grades, she graduated and then went off to street dancing. She had no money for college, even though her mother worked as a nurse. She would be going into the family business of the gang since Miguel would be taking over the Bandidos after her father's death.

After saving up enough money, she got into an apartment, which was good for a person who was living along with a dog. She gets good pay as a street dancer in many cities and areas, and also as a part time drug dealer if she is really struggling financially.

Other: "It's not pretty, but it's home."

-She has a
pitbull named Rocko.

-Her nickname is Mija because around the neighborhood

when she was little, everyone considered her as a daughter.

-Her father is a major part of a gang, and owns big parts of the 'hood.

-Often daydreams, and remembers childhood memories.

-Often forgets little things.

-People recognize her a lot in her neighborhood.

-She can play a few chords on an acoustic.

-She has broken her left foot four times, and walks with a small limp.

-Has only been in one serious relationships.

-She will be the most loyal person you'd ever meet.

-Fluently speaks Spanish and Portuguese.


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"I'm crazy, and always will be."


V i n c e n t G o o d r i d g e


Old enough to drink, thank you.

Age: 22

Straight as the pole you danced on last night.

Sexuality: Straight

Are these legit questions, yeah?

Gender: Male

I like to believe I've saved the universe. Twice.

Job or Income: That one guy who serves coffee and stuff. Expertise: Craziness

Just don't call me in the morning, afternoon, or even at night.

You know what, never call me. I sleep a lot.

Traits: (+)Humorous, Caring , Honest

(-)Sarcastic, Stubborn, Reckless.

Did I mention how awesome I am? No? Well, hello there. I'm Vincent.

You can just call me Mr. Awesome. We're friends now.

Personality: Most of the people who've "met" Vince would usually say: "Yeah, he kinda fits in a coffee shop. All that upbeat craziness and all." To this, Vince would proudly say: "Well, screw you all." Vincent Goodridge is the type of person who appreciates the little things in life. For example, he appreciates his small job at this small coffee shop that nobody cares about to even know it's name. The once bright-red letters had faded over the years, and the owner didn't even care at all to replace it. It's known as "That One Coffee Shop" ever since. Back on topic, Vince appreciates his small job at That One Coffee Shop. He actually has a love-hate relationship with it. He hates working the very fast-paced, tiring shift, and serving the fast-paced, busy people that goes in it. But, he does love the way his boss would grudgingly hand out his pay, being too cheap and all. See? It's the little things. Vincent also loves to joke around in his spare time. He hands jokes out like one of those free fliers on the street. Unwanted, and unnecessary. Behind all his crazily sunny, and slapstick attitude however, hides a very serious young man. He cares a lot especially when it comes to friends, and he's typically honest around them, letting them know what's what even if they don't want to hear it. Not because he wants to, but because it's the best thing to do.

With that being said, there are some negative parts about his personality. Vincent, as those who are very close to him might now know, is a very, very stubborn and sarcastic idiot. Not only that, but he's a tad too reckless as well. There is no knowing what might happen next with Vince. Top that with his bat-shiz crazy personality, and we might have a pretty good explanation for the destruction of human kind.

I know what you're thinking. Screw you.

Background: Vincent may not admit it, but he's a guy born practically on the streets. He may tell you that he has a jet pack, or that he'd been to Hawaii, but he never had, or had been to, any of those things or places. Well, he did build a jet pack once, but that only brought him an ugly bruise on his head. Vincent is a by-product of a lead singer of a loser band, and a desperate, hormone-filled teenage girl. As you can now see, he really is a by-product. Something that wasn't supposed to be there, something that's akin to trash. And Vince knows this fact all too well. When he was born, neither mom, nor dad ever wanted to answer to custody. So, little Vince was dropped off to a doorstep of an alcoholic. [ The teen mom doesn't know about this of course, but she should have used her brain for once and dropped him off somewhere nice and cozy. - Vince Goodridge ] Well, life isn't always a fairy tale, so that was that. Vincent grew up with an alcoholic as a father, but it wasn't that bad. He's given a room, even if it's too tiny for a person to live in, and food, even if it's too little to live off of. See? It's the little things. When he started earning money, he immediately decided to live on his own, renting a small apartment that's good enough for one.

Other: "Pretty? Far from it. But, it's home, I guess."
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"Shut up and enjoy the music."



Evelyn {Eve | Evie} Lovlins


Valerie Poxleitner


"The perfect number, I'd say."



"This- what the hell kind of a question- ?"



"I love 'em both."


Job or Income:

"Music, music, music!"

Plays as an entertainer in various bars/coffee shops/etc. by singing and playing guitar.


"Dear Lord, this is sure to be fun."

+ |




- |



Brutally Honest


"Have a bit of fun, eh?"

Eve has a well-known reputation in the small community she so lovingly entertains. With a playful, humorous streak, she loves to make beautifully dry jokes or stupid-ass puns that everybody seems to laugh at, no matter how bad they are. She has this tendency to put a smile on other peoples' faces with her own; her attitudes seem pretty infectious. Despite being a crack-up, she's actually quite sensible and smart. Not book smart so much as people and street smart. She knows the way of the land and knows exactly how to deal with it. Her advice goes beyond sugar-coated, empty promises. She's extremely down-to-earth, and sometimes harshly honest with the way she speaks to people going through a tough time. Her regard for others' reactions to her advice is nonexistent. If they dislike the truthful, and usually the best, way of dealing with their problem, then fine. They can dig their own graves. She is capable of turning extremely spiteful, which can lead to a string of insults that always manage to hit somewhere below the belt. She doesn't think about the consequences of the words, she just says them without a filter. She is called impulsive because of this, unaware or just simply uncaring of what her words or actions will lead to. But, even with this unpleasant line of traits, she's normally pretty lovable, and has a place, no matter how small, in the hearts of many in the neighborhood.


"No, f*** you. The f*** do you think you are, askin' me something like that. Go f*** yourself."

Eve has always seemed very sensitive about her past, mostly because when she starts talking about it, she gets all soul-searchy and deep. Eve never even had a glance at her biological parents. She was the product of a one-night-stand that the mother didn't want. Even though Eve's biological mom didn't want her, she couldn't bear the guilt of getting an abortion. So, she birthed her, and left her in the care of the hospital, to soon be sent to an orphanage to be cared for. But before that happened, somebody stepped in to take Eve and raise her - one of the greatest people Eve could have ever had the chance to be raised by.

His name was Jason Lovlins, and he took Eve in only a couple of hours after she was born. Eve couldn't have imagined a better father, even though their lives were among the shittiest. Though they struggled to retain a good, steady stream of finances, they always kept a strong relationship with each other, throughout her childhood and forward. That was something that would never change. They fought for dinner every night, and worked their asses off for shelter, for a home, but that couldn't sever the connection the two had.

They survived into her teenage years, and she began working more and more as she grew older and more fit to legitimately work. Her adopted father taught her all about music and guitars from an early age, and she grew to love it. She's among the best musicians in town, with a natural knack for singing and a slowly, progressively developed talent for acoustic guitar. She used her talents to her advantage, offering her skills for entertainment at many local establishments to earn a very impressive pool of income for them to use. She grew to be loved in the community, along with her hard-working adopted father. But something went wrong, and so quickly.

Her father was coming home late one night, but never made it home. Confronted by men willing to kill for his green paper, he refused to comply, and was murdered in cold blood. She found out through a phone call from the local hospital. It was devastating. She thought she'd never get over it. As only a teenager of 17, she noticeably fractured for a long, long time. She worked, but the soul she put into her playing was gone. She wasn't herself for a long time, but instead only a projection of every negative trait within her magnified times twenty. And for a while, she was pitied secretly.

But eventually, after a year of this mourning stage, she began to realize what she was doing with herself, and picked herself back up, got herself back on track. She has a motivation to continue working now, one that has kept her hands steady as she plucks the strings of her guitar and that has rekindled the spirit in her body -
"Do it for Dad." She keeps going, to this day and onward, for him, for her father. Her real father. Her only father. Nothing stops her, and she continues learning new music, living in her own apartment that may be small, but is always cozy, earning money to thrive, grasping at straws in times of need, and keeping bonded with her close friends. It's all for him.

But don't ask her about it. She'll get really defensive.


"It's not pretty, but it's home."

She has a silver ring piercing on her left nostril.

She owns her own special acoustic guitar {she'll murder you if you even
think about touching it without her consent}.




"Is it imperative that you know?"

Eva Cassidy

Face Claim

"I wish I had a life like that."

Grace Phipps


"You know it's not polite to ask a lady her name."



"You stupid or something?"



"I'm a bit too straight, oh well."


Job or Income

"Yeah, it's called the Wolf Moon!"

Waitress/Bartender at a Bar and Grill


"Sneak peaks are always fun~"

+Affectionate, Faithful, Loving

-Clingy, Sensitive, Silly


"Hrm...Well I'm silly!"

Eva has a kind heart despite the area she lives in. She's affectionate with her friends, always showing that she loves them in her own special way. She's faithful and will never leave them alone unless she has too. She hates the idea of betrayal, and doesn't want any of her friends to get hurt. While this is all good, she can also come off as clingy and at times, a bit too sensitive. Sometimes she is these things, but it's just in her nature to give comfort and affection, and hope for it in return. She's silly and wants to make everyone laugh. While these things are all nice, it also means she's hurt fairly easily. Anything badly said could possibly hit her like a bullet, depending on the words and situation.



"Well....Just don't tell anyone, kay?"

When Eva was born, her father was drugged up and passed out on the couch at home. Her mother, who was normally drunk, was actually good throughout the pregnancy, staying sober as often as possible. Eva was born without any defects, which her mother was thankful for. They wouldn't be worried about any money.

Eva grew up normally for someone in her neighborhood, until her father got so messed up and he pushed her mother down the stairs, ending up killing her when she was four. Nothing ever happened to her father, leaving Eva in his care. Because he still got high often, he ended up taking out any rage or other pent up emotions on Eva, though he never did anything sexual towards her.

Between the ages four and fourteen, Eva was beat at east once a week, and was slightly scarred by the sight of her father having sexual relations with a hooker in the living room when she got home one day when she was seven.

Because of her father, who she still lives with, she's become very sensitive and fairly clingy to those she's close to.

When she became eighteen she got her job at the Wolf Moon, lying about her age. She told them she was 20 when they hired her, and when she turned nineteen, they thought she was turning twenty-one and they changed her shift slightly so that she also occasionally worked as the bartender.


"Well, it sure as hell ain't pretty, but it's home."

Small faint thin scars scattered around her arms and legs

Tattoo on left side of stomach.

Tattoo on right bicep.



"Try not to forget"

Scott Evans




"That guy from weeds, at least we got one thing in common"

Hunter Parrish


"Time to party"



"Gee, I wonder what parts I have?"



"I'm pretty open"


Job or Income

"They go hand and hand"

Works at a skate shop and sells pot

Traits: +Positive, Humerous, Mellow; -Stubborned, Flighty, Blunt


Your typical 'stoner' rarely sober always high. Never did street drugs except weed, but boy does he smoke it a lot. When sober he's still mellow giving off the high affect, still a fun loving guy. Always making sarcastic and dumb remarks about anything.Need weed? He's your man, service with a smile.


Growing up and born in Hermosa beach, Scott learned to surf and skate at a young age. As the boy aged his brother who taught him everything, passed away in a surf accident drowning him. After that, the Evans family packed up and left for good to the east. His father started drinking and later left. The only way he hasn't gotten pounded at school is by selling pot.


"Well it isn't pretty but it's home"

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