✖ WASTED ✖ [Inactive]


"Yes!" she laughed lightly. "Stop by and save me from my boredom. It's awkward working the bar on a Saturday night!" she told Gemma before wincing when she caught sight of the clock. "I'll probably head back here in four hours. I gotta go. Bye guys!" she grinned and waved before hurrying out the door. She really didn't want to be late and the Bar and Grill was a good 15-20 minutes away from the coffee shop. And with Eva's luck her shift started in ten minutes.

"Sweet, so everyone's down on the Rooftop yeah?" Vincent asked with a smile. Maybe this day isn't so bad after all.

He watched Eve smile at his stupid joke before he tossed a couple of quarters to her. Well if no one's tipping, maybe he should be the first to go. Man these people are cheap. He glanced over at the cashier lady, only to see her still glaring at him. Yup, she probably cursed that coffee. Moments later, his attention was pulled back to Eve when he heard her stumble over her notes. Was it the quarter?! Is he cursed?! "No problem," Vince replied with a nervous chuckle. "Like I said, I have nowhere else to go, besides, I don't think I'll get bored," he added with a smile. He got up to grab a wad of paper towels, while glancing occasionally at the cashier and sat back down to rub vigorously at the stain mark. He hated to see his favorite shirt ruined, but then again, what else about him isn't already stained and crappy? "Bye," he replied back to Eva, just as she got up and left.

Vin tossed a quarter or two towards her, and she had to stop her music quickly to catch them. Luckily, she got them both, and wouldn't have to get out of her seat to find them on the ground. She did a playful smirk as she dropped them into her tip jar with two clinks, and readjusted herself to then start playing again. He responded to her reminder, with a slight edge to the chuckle in between of nervousness. That was a bit odd. She rarely heard his voice get that nervous quality, but she dismissed it, not wanting to think on it for too long. Everybody began to accept the offer for the Rooftop, and she began pondering when she'd be off of work for the day. The shop closed at around 8:00 PM, so if any of them were up late, she might've been able to.

Deciding to throw in her two cents, she said,
"If any of you decide to stay awake into the night, I'm chill with the Rooftop, or someplace else, if you like. My shift ends at 8:00 tonight, when the store closes." She stopped her strumming momentarily to push her fingers together and out, making a cracking noise as she cracked the stiffness from her fingers. She took the pause to take a sip of her black coffee, hoping to hear something from someone about staying up late.
"I'm down staying up late, I may not be sober but I'll be up" he spoke standing up taking the skate board. "Any one can stop by the shack and try out the new boards were getting today" Scott cracked his knukles and looked around sticking the joint between his lips and lit it. Life was good, he ruffled Kyle's hair same with Vince. The lady looked angry and she might call the fuzz. "I gotta book it, see ya later at the rooftop kiddos" and he was out.
♣Gemma Harrison♣

Eight? That wasn't late at all compared to a few of Gem's escapades at ten, eleven, or twelve o'clock in the morning. Heck, she'd even been up at one thirty in the morning and was scared to death walking home alone. Luckily, she was sober enough to make it home without any problems. Gem smiled warmly at Eve and winked. "I'll definitely be staying up late tonight as well." She watched Scott leave and took another sip of coffee before looking at the guitarist again. "And I may come back for the evening shift, so I might be with you when the shop closes."
Kyle stuck her tongue out at Scott as he ruffled her hair around, "Jerk!" She yelled out as he walked out the door. She looked around the table at their shrinking party. Two people had already left and she was sure more still had to go to work, but she was happy that she wasn't one of those people. Glancing over at Gemma and Vince, she sighed a bit before talking. "Every night is a late night for me. If I'm lucky tonight will be an early one." The average time that Kyle would get home was anywhere from one to two. It always depended on how long she hung out at the bar after her night shift.


The Mexican girl woke up to the loud screams and crying of the lady next door through paper thin walls. A gunshot was heard, and then sirens rang out through the night. Mija was very, very used to this. Gunshots were like fireworks that could kill to her. It was about three in the morning when she had been disrupted from her slumber. She stayed laying in her bed, waiting until the hoopla of the shooting blew over. The cops, to be frank, didn't give a flying piece of sh*t. It angered her, but cops were the least of her problems. It lasted until eight in the morning, and them went on for a bit. She was tired, grumpy, and hungry. She got up, and pulled on some clothes, since she was working today.

Groggily, she swallowed down some orange juice and pulled on her maroon Vans, walking outside after setting the cup she had used in the sink. She didn't bother to wash the thing. Mija groaned loudly, and them walked back inside of her house, picking up her small
boombox that made more noise than needed. Finally, she then headed out. She carried the stereo over her slightly broad shoulders, and walked around the neighborhood. Or 'hood, I should say. She had finally made her way over to the coffee shop hangout. She bumped into someone walking, and she scuffed back, scowling. "Watch where you're going, cabron!" Mija cursed. The Mexican girl then smiled as she saw it was Vince, and waved.

Valentina walked inside, brushing past him to get through the door, and then smiled at everyone as she sat down, setting the boombox on the counter. It was obvious that Mija was tired, but she still pulled a lazy smile on her face. The things she did for her friends, it was unusual how loyal she was.
"Buenos dias." Mija greeted. Mija was the youngest of the whole group, only eighteen, but could still crack a punch like anyone. When she was younger, they showed her the ropes, and still do, but here she is today. Mija ran a hand through her blondish hair and took a look outside. Not many were roaming, so no money would come to her if she danced at the moment.
"See ya weedy. Try not to get killed or I'll cry about it!"


"I'm staying up late as well," Vince replied, returning Eve's playful smirk. "There's enough of me to go around ladies," he added jokingly, before turning back to rubbing the coffee stain which seemed to make it worse. Vince stopped for a moment and wondered what the cashier would do if he took off his shirt. He shook his head at the idea, convinced that she'll do something horrible, considering she's now a voodoo witch. After a moment, the hot, sticky fabric finally got to him, and he started lifting the bottom of his shirt slowly, avoiding the cashier's deathly eye contact. "So... what's up guys?" He asked awkwardly at the quiet table.

She began receiving lots of positive replies, which did lift her spirits. She should've expected most of them to respond with a yes. Knowing this friend group, and everyone in it, staying up late was a normal thing. She set down her coffee cup, relishing the bitter taste, and gave a thumbs up with a smile before going back to her guitar. She just then seemed to realize that the strap of her camisole was hanging down on her shoulder, so she irritably pulled it back up, shaking her deep black hair out.

As she began to play again, someone walked in whom Eve loved to see around, Val - or who she had started to call 'Mija', since that's what she preferred. She loved to watch the girl dance; she just found it really awesome whenever she did. When she greeted the group, Eve responded enthusiastically,
"Eeeeey, Mija's here!" She shifted her feet on the stool and smiled. Her and Eve were, in a way, alike; utilizing their talents to earn pay. It was cool to her. She glanced to Vin when he asked in a slightly awkward tone 'what's up', and said in a sarcastic voice, "Jeesh, was that all you could come up with, Vinny?" She began idly strumming the strings again in song as she spoke, glancing down at the guitar with another playful smile. "You're really the master at breaking awkward silences."
Vince watched as Mija sat down on the empty chair in their table. He remembered bumping into her this morning on his way to the shop. It was his fault for wearing a damned paper bag over his head with slits for eye holes. Why was he wearing that thing anyway? He searched around for the bag and found that it was gone. "Hey," he nudged Mija softly with his elbow. "It was nice bumping into you this morning. Made me feel wonderful and worth like a million dollars," he said with a smile, remembering what she had called him. "Had a rough day?" He knows she was always greeting everyone in the streets who bumped into her with a vice-like attitude, but her lazy smile seems to tell something different.

"Why thank you Eve," he replied to the guitarist. "unfortunately for you, your flattering will not work on me. No, I'm not giving you any more quarters."

Mija smiled at the two who had greeted her first. She laughed at Eve's funnily obnoxious way at greeting her. "Hola, Eve." She said, mocking herself. Mija often spoke Spanish, and spoke it way too much, and sometimes jumbled up sentences with the two languages, but everyone seemed to understand what she was saying. They could out two and two together easily. Her ears perked up as Eve began strumming away again. Mija always knew that Eve was very adept at the guitar, and she wished she could be as good as her at that. Mija could only play a few chords at a time, and paused frequently since her hand movements were rigid towards something unfamiliar. She stuck to dancing.

Mija laughed at Vince's remark.
"I'm glad that you feel honored to be bumped into by such a small Mexican girl." She smiled lazily. "Yeah." She sighed, her lazy smile fading into a small, adorably pouty frown. It didn't look bratty, just cute on her small frame. Mija rested her chin on her arms with another sigh. "Some lady next door got shot in the shoulder, and I couldn't sleep." Mija laughed sheepishly, and it was forced. She didn't like shootings, though it didn't faze her ultimately. The 'hood was a part of her life, and the people in it were, too. But, she liked her life, it was different, and no one else could be able to say that they're a street dancer, drug dealer, and daughter of a gang leader at once.
Vince absentmindedly began to scratch and tug at the drying splotch on his shirt. The dark stain was beginning to seep into the fabric, making his shirt's ground coffee smell even stronger. He wondered if the stain will even come off when he wash it back home. Thinking about it, he also wondered if Roarke is still there at the dinner table, staring stupidly at the empty paper plate. Knowing him, he's probably still sitting there, waiting for him to bring home some grub. Vince shifted slightly in his seat, trying to keep his filthy drunkard father out of his mind. "Yeah, I am actually. I can now say that I once bumped on Mija on the streets and lived to tell the tale." He noticed as her smile faded away and turned into a frown. It reminded him of kittens trying to be angry, or look angry. He wondered if she would punch the living daylights out of him if he told her she looked like an angry kitten. "Ah. Maybe you should try sleeping here if you're tired. I mean, it's worth a shot." He can see that Mija is pretty upset about the shooting, and he began to wonder if he was pushing that pun to the limit. And to make matters even worse. "Have I told you that you look like an angry kitten?" He quickly added, trying to douse the fire that he was sure was going to erupt.

"So... Rooftoop right guys? Fun. I love the Rooftop. So... Rooftop-y" Vince said, hastily changing the subject.
♣Gemma Harrison♣

Gem watched her friends chat and smiled, finishing her coffee and throwing it into the nearest garbage can from her seat. Times like these were...wonderful. She almost felt normal when they were together like this. She tried to keep a straight face as she saw Vince try to change the subject. "Yea, the Rooftop is the rooftopiest rooftop I've ever rooftoped at." She was feeling better after the coffee, but still quite tired. Maybe she'd get another cup of coffee in a few minutes. For the moment, she took out the other cookie from her pocket; it was still warm and in that I-may-just-melt-because-I'm-a-cookie phase. The crowd in the coffee shop was beginning to simmer down now and she was feeling less claustrophobic.
Vince nodded towards Gemma, fully agreeing with her. "But Gem," he began, finally comprehending what she had just said. "How exactly do you rooftop?" He watched as she took out a lone cookie out of her pocket. Finally feeling the first pangs of hunger, the cookie looked as if it's a glass of water in the middle of a desert. "Hey, Gemma, I think I just fell in love," Vince said, still looking at Gemma with what he hoped are puppy dog eyes. "I'll give you anything for a bite out of that cookie, please?" Roarke can go screw himself back home. Vince is now fully determined to just mooch off food from strangers. For all he knows, the cookie may be poisoned, or Gemma may just be manipulating his hungry digestive system, but who cares? It's a damn cookie. Cookies are the god of all snacks. Ever.
♣Gemma Harrison♣

Gem gave Vince a mocking sigh aimed at his ignorance of knowing how to rooftop. "Rooftoping is obviously the opposite of floorgrounding," she answered. She gave her best Californian-rich-girl accented "Duh". She heard him ask for a bite of her cookie and saw his puppy dog eyes. Well...She paused for a moment, thinking over the possibilities of things he could do for the cookie. After a few seconds, she smiled sweetly back at him. "Mayybe you can get me some coffee...mayybe a chocolate iced coffee?" She took two wrinkled dollars out of her pocket and offered them along with the cookie. He was close enough for her to catch him if he took her coffee as well.

Kyle sat back and watched Vince and Gemma exchange words. She wasn't as close with them as she was with others, so she was always stuck on what to say with them. Glancing down at her phone momentarily she caught the time, 11:56. It was about time that she headed off to get at least some food to fill up her empty refrigerator. Averting her gaze up to the gaggle of friends around her she spoke softly but concisely, "I have some errands to run, so I should get going." Standing up quickly she shoved her phone into her pocket and started to walk out of the shop, but not before turning around and shooting them a smile and saying, "Later losers." Losers was a term of endearment to her. She knew that her friends could handle her light teasing. It was the strangers she used the harsh words on, but that pretty much went for everyone in their group.

(( I am heading to bed now, don't get to far ahead of me please~ ))

Vincent has many regrets in his life, but he hadn't regretted anything more that the words "I would do" combined with "anything" in his entire life. He watched as Kyle started to get up and say goodbye. He wished he had gotten to know her better, but maybe next time. "Later Kye. These losers will still be here if you need 'em!" He shouted back, indicating to Gemma, Eve, and Mija. Vince reluctantly accepted the crumpled dollar bill and laid the cookie on the table. With a heavy sigh, he walked slowly towards the cashier with a nervous look on his face, akin to a man about to be hanged at the gallows. Dammit Gem, the things I'd do for love.

"How may I help you?" The blonde cashier said while popping a gum at his face. She has black eyeliner on which made her death glare look more deadly. "Uh, one chocolate iced coffee... Please?" Vince added, hoping that maybe she's just a nice person underneath. Maybe behind all that wicked glaring, and voodoo cursing, and gum popping she's a misunderstood young lady. Correction, a very misunderstood young lady. Sparing a glance at his stained shirt, the cashier offered a friendly smile and said "One moment please." Vince breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't even notice that he had held his breath when he started talking to her. So, maybe she's misunderstood after all. After a moment, the woman came back holding a mug of chocolate iced coffee. "Here you go sir, one nice cup of coffee," she replied, before she spat on it, and handed it back to him.

Oh. No. She. didn't. Just.

Vince walked back to the table in a dazed manner. He stared at the mug at his hands, then to the cookie. Gemma hadn't seen anything, because the cashier did it in such a swift manner, she should be awarded as the fastest spitter in all of Washington. Vince's gaze traveled back and forth between the mug and the cookie. To eat, or not to eat. With a heavy heart, Vince shut his eyes and tilted the mug to his lips. "Sorry Gem, I-I think I'm... Taking the coffee. I'm really kind of thirsty."
♣Gemma Harrison♣

Gem gave Kyle a wave as she left.

As Vince came back with her coffee with the intention to drink it, Gem blinked, momentarily stunned. Did he-did he just-No. She stared at him in horror as he raised the cup to drink it. No, no, no. "That's not fair, Vince," she growled, standing up in her seat to reach forward for the coffee before he could drink it. "I want my coffee." As she reached forward, her hand accidentally caused the cup to spill and coffee splatter. She froze for a moment before looking at Vince with astonishment, as if she was surprised that she had the strength to do it. She watched the coffee drip off the table and splatter on the floor. "I think..I'm going to ask them to clean this up.." she said in a quieter tone. She awkwardly shuffled to the cashier and smoothed out her clothes. She tried to put on her most innocent expression, asking if the cashier could clean up the spilled coffee. The cashier, not really having much reason to refuse, muttered something and glared behind Gem, probably at the mess. The cashier went into the back, probably to get a mop or something. "I think she's getting a mop," Gem said sheepishly, still sort of embarrassed and mad at herself for spilling the coffee.
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In one swift movement, the mug came crashing down on the ground. Vincent watched incredulously as Gemma actually manhandled the mug out of his bare hands. He stared at her for a moment, speechless, before looking at the splatter. His once white, stained shirt now looked like a murder scene where someone had slayed a giant coffee monster. Drifting back to reality, he watches as Gemma walked towards the cashier and said something. She came back stating that the woman was going to get a mop. Without thinking, Vince wrapped his arms around Gemma, dwarfing her with his tall frame. "I'm sorry Gem. You've been a good friend, but now, I have to say goodbye." The splotches of coffee on his arm sand hands now latched on to Gemma's clothes. "You see, " he whispered quietly, "you just angered the Wicked Witch of the West by spilling that coffee. I think she placed a curse on me because she didn't like the paper bag on my head. I mean, c'mon it's just a paper bag. What did paper bags ever do to her? Anyway, she did something to the coffee and because you spilled it and ruined her plans she's going to murder us both." Vince released her from his hug, in time to see the back door opening slowly. He took a step back, towards the shop entrance. "Gemma, listen to me. She's going to murder us with--" The cashier came out holding a mop while popping her gum. "Ya need this sister?" She asked, handing the mop to Gemma while smirking at Vincent. "Whaddya doin' standin' there starin' at me?" Popping her gum once again, she dug a quarter out of her apron pocket and flipped it in the air, while shooting Vince a knowing smile.

I am so screwed.
((I wish I never had to sleep so I never missed any replies))

Damian had slowly been making his way down the streets, feet dragging on the cement. Every once in a while he'd trip but quickly compose himself with a smile and a long puff at a cigarette. Eventually he stopped at an old corner store. It looked like it hadn't gotten good service in years, let alone proper maintenance. Damian walked up the three gum covered steps to the door and pulled it open, wondering what kind of germs he had just collected on his hands. It didn't take him long to get his pack of cheap cigarettes and get out of the terrible corner store. When he stopped out into the fresh air he saw Kyle across the street walking away from the coffee shop where all his friends hung out. She was alone and not with the drug dealer Scott who Damian tended to avoid when high, which was mostly all the time.

With a fresh smoke in between his lips, Damian hopped across the busy street, trying his best to not get hit by one of the many cabs. This was the fastest he'd moved all day and it was to get to a girl who might not have even wanted him around, given she was alone. "Hey, Kyle," he said when he reached her side. The running had caused one of his dress shirt sleeves to fall down and he left it, making him look like a lopsided business student. "How's life treating you?"


Groaning, Eva hurriedly jogged down the street, hoping to make it to her shift on-time. She really didn't want to be late, she was already always worried about being found out about being under-age and working at the bar. Sliding into the building through the back door, panting, she looked at the clock and sighed in relief at only being three minutes late. Walking farther in, the brunette placed her bag in her cubby before grabbing her apron, calling out a greeting to her co-worker for the afternoon.
"Sorry I'm late!"

After getting a grunt in response and a wave, Eva quickly moved around starting to work, taking orders. She actually liked her job. It was easy, the waitressing. Sure sometimes remembering everything was a bit hard, but it more or less easy. Bartending on the other hand. That's a bit harder.


Mija couldn't hear him. She had nodded off. Mija woke up from a semi-dream and semi-nightmare that had involved bunches of Mexican food and her brothers and her sister stealing them away from her. To which, Mija kicked their a**es, and got the food back! but she had shared with them. Mija woke up to the stronger and stronger smell of coffee, and she sat up, rubbing her eyes. The little Mexican girl watched the blonde cashier spit in Vince's coffee, which Gemma took with burly strength. Damn, Mija needed a cigarette. "Is there a problem?" Mija asked, suddenly perky and awake. She glared over at the blonde cashier. "No, not really." The cashier replied, sucking her teeth and spitting.

Mija scrunched up her nose as the spittle landed on her shoulder. Slowly, she wiped it off with her fingers, and flicked her wrist, the spit landing to the ground with a splat. This time, Mija didn't look like an angry kitten. She looked like an enraged pitbull. She took a few step backwards, and the cashier looked at her the wrong way, giving her a signal that told her to fight. Mija swiftly hopped over the counter, and moved up close to the cashier. Their stomachs were pressed up against each other, and both girls looked infuriated. The blonde smiled, and clutched the petite girl's hair. She played dirty, but Mija could play dirtier. As the cashier dragged her back, she pulled hard, leading the girl to front.

They were out of behind the counter, and in the middle of the shop. The blonde swung slowly, and Mija took it to the jaw, a loud pop being earned. Mija had a big fire in her that was bigger than her petite frame. The blonde swung again, and Mija lunged forward, hitting her on her nose. The cashier swung faster punches, getting three good hits at Mija's mouth. She hissed as she fell to the ground, and the blonde smirked over her. Mija smiled crookedly, squinting and then spitting some bloody mucus in her eyes. Mija popped up and swung lightning fast punches at the blonde and the blonde fell to the ground, some blood streaming from her perfect nose and tears falling from her eyes in pain.

"Beat it, puta." The Mexican cursed, and the blonde scurried away. Mija had a slice in the corner of her lower lip, some blood flowing from it, and a bruise forming over her neck, shoulder, and stomach. Her hair was tousled. Mija ran a hand through her blondish hair, fixing it a bit. She sat down and smiled at them both like nothing had happened. "She was a pendeja, she deserved it." Mija said, voice slightly gravelly. No one would snitch to the cops anyways. This is how people dealt with predicaments on the street. Plus, cops only came to major things, and that fight wasn't as bloody as her fights as a child. She rested her chin on her forearms, closing her eyes and licking her lips.

Childhood Flashback

Valentina panted, running as fast as she could. She had stolen bet money from a fight that she had lost, and was trying to lose the teenagers who had bet on her. She tripped over a loose brick, scraping her knee, down to her shin. She ran to her house, her left leg rattling in piercing pain. Finally, the eleven-year-old found her way back home in the dead of night. Her father wasn't home, and only her brothers and sisters were. Miguel was twenty-two, and Maria was also that age, but they stayed in the house since they had grown so attached to her parents. Miguel saw Valentina from the window, and came outside. He clucked his tongue at the sight of her wounds.

She had a skinned knee and shin, busted lip, and was bruised over her right knee, elbow, and shoulder. Valentina whimpered, and threw her money into the street. She was so frustrated, since she just wanted to be older so she could help provide for her family like her other siblings do. Valentina furiously wiped her eyes, refusing to accept the fact that she was crying. "Sana, sana, colita de rana, si no sana hoy, sanara mañana." Miguel sung quietly as he hugged her, assuring her that she would be fine by tomorrow. She cried, not bothering to wipe her tears. That night, she fell asleep on him, and was brought back to her bed. Valentina was troubled, debut her family was loving.
( .u. I'm so sorry...I didn't know this started...) 

Alex didn't want to get up but,he already slept late and his boss called him over and over again saying that he was late yet,it didn't phase him because often his boss forgot that he was off.Alex nearly had to tear his head from off of the pillow to get up;his head nor body just didn't want to move.He looked horrible,his hair was everywhere and he looked like he hadn't slept in days but,with a little magic he can at least make himself presentable.When Alex's phone rang again.he immediately thought it was his boss again but,he decided to look again just to see if it wasn't.Picking the phone up,he looked at the name and gulp;his old boyfriend again.He rolled his eyes and pressed ignore then sat his phone back down people getting up and getting him and Aly ready.After about two hours later,Alex was downstairs with his sister in between his legs and him combing and brushing her hair while she ate gummy bears.He smiled at her and really wished she hadn't have to live in a town like this where bullets were shot every night and a drug dealer out on ever corner.When Alex first came here,Alex,his mom,and Aly use to always go out at night to look at the stars and to go down to their favorite
restaurant.That was until his mother got shot in a drive by..Now,Alex never goes out at night with Aly unless it was completely necessary and he always carried a gun when he went out as well."Alright A,all down."he told her fixing the bow that he put around the ponytail he made for her and shaking off the negative thoughts.

Alex grabbed his sister's little backpack that she carried her dolls and snacks in then helped her put on his sunglasses and was out the door holding her hand."Can we go to the park today Aj?"she asked looking up at her big brother.He smiled down at her "Maybe sis,maybe.."he told him and looked back ahead with his smile fading a bit knowing what was at the park and why kids barely go there anymore.They continued down the stairs of the apartment building and then out of the door.Aly skipped down the sidewalk in front of Alex and he watched her while walking fast like just to keep close to her "Don't go to fast Aly!"he told her.Him himself wasn't scare of whoever might be out looking for blood to spill,what he was scared of was losing his sister."Aj look!The coffee shop!"she said jumping up and down and running towards it before it felt like she hit and brick wall.Alex hurried and ran after her before picking her up and holding her in his arms."Don't run off like that Aly ok?"he asked her.Aly nodded and rest her head on Alex's shoulder.The male looked at who she bumped into and smiled "Hey Damian,sorry about that."he told him as he rubbed his sister's back down.
Damian had barely noticed the small body running straight into his back but at the mention of his name he turned around to see two faces quite close to his. He took a step back and puffed on his cigarette, trying to clear his mind. "Hey, it's really no trouble. I'd get a leash for this thing though. Don't want 'er running off." Damian raised his eyebrows comically and cracked a goofy grin to show that he hadn't meant anything by the possibly offensive words. With a small chuckle he glanced behind him towards Kyle. He had stopped walking and now he was being left behind, but he supposed that it didn't really matter who he hung out with as long as they could keep him busy.

"That's a fancy backpack you've got there kid," he exclaimed towards Aly, acting as though it was more exciting than it really was. Honestly, the boy didn't really like kids all that much but since Alex was his friend he felt a certain responsibility to hide this feeling in order to keep the friendship from falling apart. The last thing Damian needed was one less friend in his life. Which reminded him, he really needed a shower because he dou

Lifting a cigarette to her lips Kyle let it hang there as she turned to the person who was calling her name. Removing it for a moment she smiled softly at Damian, "Hey, I'm doing good, you?" Her voice has a slight rasp to it, more than likely it was from all the smoking. Putting the cigarette back in it's rightful spot between her red lips, she lit it quickly. Just as she stopped to turn to Damian, a little girl went flying past them. Judging from the dark hair she knew it had to be Aly. Looking down the street she saw Alex running after her. Kyle wasn't much of a kid person, but Aly was the only exception.

Glancing up at Alex she smiled at him, "Got your hands full?"


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