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Fantasy Warrior Chronicles Cat Application



  • Non-High Ranks

    Warriors are the meat of the Kingdom. They gather food, train apprentices, follow their Queen/King's commands, and enjoy life to its fullest.

    Apprentices train to become Warriors. They are often tasked with chores such as clean out for the kits and elders, catching prey for the Kingdom, or gathering herbs for the Healer.

    Matrons are nursing she cats who either are expecting kits, are nursing kits, or raising kits. They all live in the Kingdom's nursery.

    Kits are newly born cats. Their only job is to enjoy their childhood.

    Elders are retired Warriors.



    • Strong: Cats with this ability as their strongest one can glimpse the future of cats they brush up against, but not in any clear detail. They can only sense the other cat's ultimate intentions: whether they are good or evil. They may also have dreams of short actions they themselves will do in the future – such as running blindly from a rapid dog.
    • Weak: Cats with minor foresight capabilities can only see glimpses of their own future. The actions they see themselves doing are often jumbled and mixed. It is harder for these cats to sort through their own visions, especially if they come during the day. At night, in dreams they become clearer.

    Trans-species Communication

    • Strong: Often, these cats can communicate, verbally, with any other species. They both understand and speak the language of the other species without even needing to touch them. They only need hear them speak their language once, just a brief sentence.
    • Weak: Cats that have this as their weaker ability must touch the other species before being able to understand them. While they cannot speak the language fluently, they do understand the other species perfectly.


    • Strong: Cats with flight as their forte can fly. Period. Some are born with wings. Others are not. They do not need wings to fly, however they do need to jump off some high perch in order to fly. They often do not know how to land properly. They also cannot begin to fly until apprenticehood. At that age, they learn to hover. By the time they are warriors, they can fly.
    • Weak: Cats with weak flight capabilites can only jump really high. They tend to jump from tree branch to tree branch, like flying squirrels do. They do not develop such strong jumping powers until late into their apprenticehood. They do not have wings. Ever.

    Light Manipulation

    • Strong: Light manipulation involves manipulating the very light around oneself to suit one's needs. Cats with this ability as their forte can conjure light balls in dark areas and, in well lit areas, summon enough light to a specific spot to make a cat go momentarily blind. Some cats with extreme talent in this area can even form illusions using light, managing to convince another cat that they've been wounded by a light spear. Other cats can conjure small balls of such concentrated light that they produce a infinitesimal amount of heat.
    • Weak: Cats that can only do minor light manipulation must always have a source of sunlight to draw from. They can never create such concentrated forms of light as their stronger counterparts can.

    Healing Wounds

    • Strong: Only the Queen/King, Princess/Prince, Guardian, Healer or a Destined ever has this power. It is never very effective. As a strong power, it works on shallow wounds and cuts, fevers, colds, small fractures, and partially on broken or dislocated bones. It always drains the cat of their energy. If this power is used too much, the cat will go into a catatonic state.
    • Weak: As a weak power, a cat can only use it to heal shallow wounds. It always makes the cat fatigued and, if the cat attempts to use it on deeper cuts, they tend to become lethargic and need to sleep for two days straight.

    Hearing Only the Truth

    • Strong: Cats that can use this unique ability extremely well can make other cats around them go completely unable to speak a lie. Instead of saying whatever lie they were going to tell, these cats can make them tell the truth of what they were going to say. If a cat tries to keep the truth to themselves by keeping silent, these cats can even force them to speak the truth.
    • Weak: As a weaker ability, cats can only tell when another cat is lying to them. They cannot force the truth out of them.

    Illusion Casting

    • Strong: Those with this ability as their forte can create massive illusions, so convincing that other cats truly believe they can feel, see, touch, or smell whatever it is in the illusion. These cats can even morph the dream of a sleeping cat into whatever they see fit.
    • Weak: These cats can only create small illusions and maintain them for short periods of time. A smart, wise, clever cat could see through the illusion for these illusions tend to lack an element – such as scent. These cats cannot change dreams in any way, shape, or form.

    Super Sight/Smell

    • Strong: These cats can see and smell things as far away as clear across to the other end of the valley. They can narrow down their senses and focus on the tiniest image or the tiniest scent, bringing it forward so much so that, for them, it's right next to them. Days after a rainfall, they still smell the scent of passing prey and see the faded footsteps.
    • Weak: These cats still have a stronger sense of sight and smell compared to normal cats. They can see and smell things clear at the end of Sol Kingdom's territory. However, only a day after it has rained can they dig out the scent of a passing rabbit. For them, scents farther away seem faded with the distance.

    Fire Manipulation

    • Strong: These cats can produce flame from nothing and keep a fire going for hours. They can make fire whirlwinds, fire tunnels, little fire balls and more. They can withstand about half the heat a fire produces and so don't get burned easily. But they cannot cover themselves with flame.
    • Weak: Cats with a weaker fire manipulation ability can produce small fire balls and encourage tiny flames into a bigger fire. They cannot maintain a fire for long and tend to get tired out the longer they keep a strong flame going. They cannot withstand and fire and get burned as easily as a cat without the fire manipulation ability.

    Adrenaline Burst

    • Strong: Adrenaline, unlike any other ever known, always courses through these cats' veins. The adrenaline helps make them slightly stronger them normal, but mostly just immune to damage. A fall that would severely injury a normal cat does barely anything to these cats. The side-effect tends to be that they must always be moving, doing something undeniably deadly such as jumping off of high points – just for the thrill. While they're immune to damage in most cases, they are still affected by illness and poison. They in fact seem to have weaker immune systems then other cats – and tend to die young.
    • Weak: These cats constantly seek some thrill to make this adrenaline course through their veins. The adrenaline burst doesn't last as long as the stronger counterparts, instead maybe an hour at most. With this adrenaline coursing through them, they become strong enough to withstand most damage but not all. They can still break bones and such.

    Outstanding Memory

    • Strong: You remember that pink flower petal on that red rose? Why was it pink? The fish last month was heavier than this month's by at least a pound. There must be something going on in the lake. Yeah, these cats have impeccable memory. They even remember being born. These cats tend to be so caught up in remembering things that they respond slower to whatever is happening in the present. They're not built for battles.
    • Weak: These cats remember things better than other cats, but not to the degree their stronger counterparts do. They don't remembering being born. Generally, impactful moments are just clearer for them. They can fight better than their stronger counterparts and are more in-tune with the present.


    • Strong: Cats with this power as their strength can communicate with animals of other species through their mind and any cats. Some of these cats can even sense the surface thoughts of individuals. Very few cats can delve deeper into other cat's minds and see their secrets. Those that can and do this suffer an aftereffect of fatigue, sometimes going completely unconscious and always bleeding from either the nose or the ears. They then suffer a migraine for the rest of the day that's so strong, they're unable to read any minds or communicate telepathically at all until the migraine is gone.
    • Weak: These cats can only communicate in images with other species and only with cats of their own Kingdom. Sometimes they can read the surface thoughts of their fellow Kingdom cats, but this often leaves them drained. If they attempt anything more, they immediately suffer a fierce migraine for a week.


    • Strong: These cats can move any inanimate object but can also lift themselves for short periods of time in pseudo-hover-flight. Generally, the older they get, the stronger the power gets. When they're kits and apprentices, they can only move inanimate objects their own weight and size – or themselves.
    • Weak: These cats can only move inanimate objects their size or weight and nothing more.


    • Strong: These cats can teleport anywhere so long as they are well rested. They can also take one another cat with them when they teleport or send just the other cat someplace – but only if the cat consents. They can even teleport someplace they haven't been but another cat has described to them. If they are not well rested, then they can only teleport short distances and only by themselves. If a well-rested cat attempts to teleport more than one other cat with them, they become drained and unable to teleport for three days.
    • Weak: These cats can only teleport themselves to places they have been to. Attempting to teleport any other cat but themselves results in unconsciousness and sometimes shredding the other cat apart.

    Shadow Manipulation

    • Strong: Shadow manipulation involves manipulating the very shadows and darkness around oneself to suit one's needs. Cats with this power as their forte can create small creatures out of shadow, can wrap other cats in shadows and immobilize them, and can even summon small balls of darkness during the day. Some cats with extreme talent in this area can even form larger creatures out of shadows during the day. Others need nighttime to do so. Only those that have this power completely mastered can summon enough darkness to convince cats that it is nighttime during the daytime.
    • Weak: These cats can create only small creatures of darkness during the night. During the day, they can summon small balls of shadows.

    Inflicting Wounds

    • Strong: Only the King/Queen, Prince/Princess, Guardian, Healer or Destined ever has this power. It is rarely very effective. As a strong power, it works to inflict minor and large surface wounds on other animals and cats without needing to touch the target but only to see them. Especially talented cats can cause minor internal damage but nothing as severe as breaking bones. Any use of this power leaves a cat drained. If this power is used too much, the cat will go into a catatonic state. The extinct direct descendants of the Dragons were said to be able to inflict any wound without needing to see the target, only be within a twenty fox-length range of them.
    • Weak: As a weak power, a cat can only use it to inflict minor wounds on other animals. It always makes the cat fatigued and, if the cat attempts to use it for larger deeper wounds, they tend to become lethargic and need to sleep for two days straight.

    Natural Poison

    • Strong: These cats are born with poison in their veins. They're immune to it, but it coats their fangs and claws. Anything they bite or claw at is infected by the poison. Thankfully, their tongue excretes a natural remedy so if they don't mean to inflict poison, licking the wound will quickly heal it. The poison of these cats is potent enough to knock a cat unconscious in two days, and kill them in five if not treated. Cats subject to poison will feel dizzy and sluggish immediately.
    • Weak: The poison of these cats is much weaker. It takes a day for an infect cat to feel dizzy or sluggish, three days to go unconscious, and a week to die. The bonus of having natural poison as the weaker power is it takes longer for the victim to realize they've been poisoned. Generally, by the time they realize it, it's too late to do anything.

    Dream Manipulation

    • Strong: Dream manipulation involves entering the dreams of another cat, seeing them, and even changing them. Cats must be touching the victim they're going to dream manipulate. The victim must be completely asleep. By changing another cat's dreams, the dream manipulator can find out more about the cat or get the cat to reveal information it would otherwise not reveal. Especially experienced dream manipulators can even drudge up the victim's memories—and convince the victim that the memory went differently. If a dream manipulator does this, however, they risk getting trapped inside the victim's dream as the victim will realize what's going on and wake up. If the victim wakes up before the dream manipulator gets out, the dream manipulator dies.
    • Weak: These cats must be touching the sleeping cat in order to manipulate their dream. They can only see the victim's dream and change small details (like the color of an item). They can partially guide the dream towards pleasant or unpleasant but no more. If theses cats attempt anything larger, the victim will realize what's going on and wake up, trapping the dream manipulator in the dream.

    Super Strength/Speed

    • Strong: These cats have the strength of ten oxen and the speed of one hundred cheetahs. When well rested and fed, they can do unbelievable things: move boulders, run the distance of the valley and back in fifteen minutes, and more. These are the most fearsome cats of all, for while telepathy or shadow manipulation is fine-n-dandy, nothing can stop a super strong cat from snapping a bone with one paw. Unfortunately, these cats are typically plagued by some allergy or another, generally one of the three following: catnip, berries of any kind, or rabbit fur. Consuming any of these elements weakens these cats to the normal strength and speed of any other cat for a solid week.
    • Weak: While these cats are stronger and faster than the average one, they are not nearly as strong or fast as their strong counterparts. These cats have the strength of three oxen and the speed of ten cheetahs. On a good day, they can move one boulder and run the valley and back in an hour. They are also allergic to either: catnip, berries of any kind, or rabbit fur. Consuming or being near any of these elements weakens these cats to the normal strength and speed of any other cat for a solid month.

    Water Manipulation

    • These cats can produce water from nothing and control the waves of the lake. They can make whirlpools, little balls of water, mists and fogs, shape the clouds, and more. They can even breathe underwater for short durations at a time. But they cannot make tsunamis.
    • Weak: Cats with a weaker water manipulation power can produce small water balls and encourage tiny puddles into bigger puddles. They cannot maintain a whirlpool or control the waves for long, and tend to get tired out the longer they use their water manipulation. They cannot breathe underwater.


    • Strong: A cat can have up to two or three clones. The clones retain their memory of what they've done, so that the original has the same memory once the clones vanish. However, the clones do not have the original's other special powers. If the clone takes a hard hit, it vanishes.
    • Weak: Sometimes the clones can't speak or hear, or don't have all of the original's memory. These cats can only make one clone. Making a second one causes the original to pass out until one of the two clones vanishes. Even the slightest bump can make these clones poof.

    Metallic Claws

    • Strong: These cats have claws made of the strongest known metal. They can cut through anything, from the toughest boulders to even other metal. Their claws still act like normal claws.
    • Weak: These cats can sometimes coat their claws with metal, making them stronger than normal and making it easier to cut through things. They cannot cut through other metal. A cat with metallic claws as their strength could cut the claws of these cats off.


    Name: Cannot be taken, ending must reflect cat's rank. (I.E. Kit = Blackkit, Apprentice = Blackpaw, Warrior = any ending but star).

    Gender: Male or Female

    Rank: Kit, Apprentice, Warrior, or Elder. PM Mari, Rosie, or Cookie if you'd like a high position. (I.E. Queen/King, Princess/Prince, Spymaster, Spymaster's Apprentice, Healer, Healer Apprentice, Royal Guard, Royal Guard Apprentice, Guardian, Guardian's Apprentice, Deputy, and Destined. To see descriptions of Higher Positions, please click the tab above.)

    Kingdom: Nixie Kingdom or Pixie Kingdom. You may also create a rogue cat.

    Mentor/Apprentice: Depending on your cat you remove one of the choices. If a warrior, you would remove the "Mentor" bit. If an apprentice, you would remove the "apprentice" bit. If anything else such as kit or elder, you would simply put N/A (Not Applicable, meaning this does not apply to your cat.)

    Kin: Your cat's family and relatives.

    Description: Describe your cat's appearance. (I.E. Black fur with green eyes.) Pictures from mweor/neikoish are also accepted, but please include a description as well!

    Personality: How does your cat act? Are they nice? Are they evil? Etc.

    Gift: Does your cat have a special Gift from their Kingdom? Do they have one from the opposite Kingdom? Or do they not have any at all? Optional. Powers are listed above. (Limit: Two powers.)

    History: Is your cat rogue born? Kingdom Born? Etc. This is also optional.

    Role-Played by: Name/Username

    **Please PM your character applications to a group chat with the admins (Rosie, Mari, and Cookie). When your application is accepted, your cat will be listed in the "Accepted Cats" tab header and an acceptance message will be posted under the "Accepted Cats" tab.**

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Name: Fawnstar

Gender: Female

Rank: Leader

Kingdom: Nixie Kingdom

Apprentice: N/A

Kin: N/A currently, until Princess arrives

Description: Fawnstar is a long haired white she cat adorned with a soft brown underbelly and minimal stripes covering the upper part of her coat. The tips of her ears are a very light gray, and a few off white markings can be found around her eyes. Fawnstar also has deep blue eyes, known for being used to deeply gaze at whomever she is speaking to. Often times Fawnstar's emotions are easy to identify just from looking at the glimmer in her eye. The end of her tail is bushy, and, like the rest of her coat, has hardly noticeable rings between spaces of her tail fur. Size wise, Fawnstar is rather petite, but don't underestimate her ability just by her small frame.

Personality: Fawnstar wasn't always as wise as she has become. Growing up within Nixie Kingdom, she was often laughed at for her poor water manipulation skills and being rather small. Despite being the Queen's daughter and successor, Fawnstar never paid much attention to her royal duties until the Queen fell deathly ill. It was at this point in her life that she had to begin to strengthen herself; not only for the Kingdom but for herself, and to convince the Queen that she was leaving her Kingdom in good paws. Fawnstar bettered herself through endless training and studying with the Guardian; on the subject of water manipulation all the way to ancient wars fought between the clans. Fawnstar had to learn how to lead, and this was no easy task for her. However, through much hard work, Fawnstar became the wise Queen that all the cats of Nixie Kingdom look up to today.

Gift: (all strong) Water Manipulation, Hearing Only the Truth, Trans-species Communication, Illusion Casting.

History: N/A

Role-Played By: Mari (dahyoongi)

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Pixie Kingdom










Some say Spiralstar is a living ghost, or a phantom of some sort, with the ghostly appearance he carries. His light gray color seems to glow and create a mist that surrounds him, that engulfs him. Wherever his paws step, a faint paw print resides in its place and emits a strange whisp of smoke. Of course, these strange attributes start strange rumors such as Spiralstar being the ghost of a past warrior of Pixie Kingdom. These rumors are false; Spiralstar is a living, breathing cat. Along with his ghostly gray pelt, long white stripes come down from his spine, starting from one long stripe that runs from his head to his tail, and those stripes spiral downward to outline his bones; like they're tracing Spiralstar's skeletal framework. Possibly his pelt could have created his infatuation with bones? Spiralstar's gray eyes are without emotion, without feeling and are surrounded by black fur. When his eyes are closed, they mimic empty eye sockets. Are you starting to believe it yourself? Do you believe Spiralstar is a living ghost?


Bones, Bones, Bones. Spiralstar revolves around bones. He loves bones. Absolutely adores them. Rabbit bones, Fox bones, whatever the sort, Spiralstar adores. How he started with his odd liking? No one knows for sure, but every now and then he leaves a trace of hints and clues as to where he had caught on. Spiralstar likes to keep to himself; he carries conversations with himself, hunts by himself, leads by himself. Spiralstar does everything by himself and rarely asks for help. If Spiralstar gets lonely, which is frequent, he creates a clone of himself to keep himself company. He will go out of his way just to keep to himself, but if the circumstances require interaction, Spiralstar would send his clone to do his bidding instead, to save himself from any other interaction.


Cloning, Telekinesis, Dream Manipulation, and Telepathy.


Stumbled upon Pixie Kingdom one gloomy morning with a cat skull caught between his teeth.

Role-Played by:

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Name: Aster (Old name: Shalepaw)

Gender: Male

Rank: Rogue

Kingdom: N/A, Formerly Pixie

Mentor/Apprentice: N/A

Kin: N/A


Aster, despite first impressions, is not a black cat -- not that you’d be any less unlucky to have crossed his path. Sharp and sleek, a dark gray coat artfully tinged with black was the inspiration for his former name, Shale. Running from the back of his head to the tip of his tail was an inky black stripe that provided the contrast required to show that he did, in fact, have gray fur. Matching black socks on his front paws gave the impression of shadows moving in the dark as he walked. His coat was complete with ear tips seemingly dipped in ink and distinctive markings under his eyes. His eyes themselves, lightly accentuated by the asymmetric markings, were another thing entirely. Both captivating and intimidating, a sharp red glare casts over whomever is unfortunate enough to catch Aster’s attention. If you’re bold enough to hold a stare, you might notice the glint of barely-there gold specks in his irises catching light as crimson eyes turned, unforgiving, to return your stare.


Something was off with Aster. He was unusual in more than the typical ways. It wouldn’t quite be obvious in a normal conversation with him; he was quite a charming cat, all things considered. Nothing short of graceful, as his demeanor and looks would suggest. But after knowing him for a while, one might realize that the things he said were not something a normal cat would say. Aster has no care for feelings of any sort, nor any filter that prevented him from marveling at the world’s cruel ways. If anything, he enjoys it. He enjoys seeing the worst the world had to offer. He could tear you down with words if it suited him, walk off before you had a chance to consider what just happened. He could read others, pull things out of them that they would never even consider about themselves. You’d almost believe he was reading your very being with his telepathy gift, which he very well may be (though he tends to save the intensive stuff for more important tasks). Knowing all these things about himself, Aster would very well admit he was not normal. He was better. Smarter. More cunning. Faster, more graceful, superior in every way that matters to him.

Perhaps, though, it is not the strange beliefs nor the harsh way he uses his wit nor yet the mild God complex, but something.

Something is off with Aster.


(Strong) Illusion Casting, Telepathy


Born rogue, a young and nameless cat stumbled into the Pixie Kingdom many moons ago. An elder took him in, named him Shalekit, and raised him to be the eager apprentice to the Pixie Kingdom Spymaster. After leaving the Kingdom, Shalepaw took a different name, Aster, to rid himself of any association with the Pixie cats.

Roleplayer: Cookie​
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Nixie Kingdom










A cat formed of waves and splashes, Tidalwave is a cat crafted by the seas. His heavy and strong build is enough to knock a tree off its roots, clash his way into boulders, leaving a disordered mess in his wake. Tidalwave's coat mimics the nature of the storm waters; a dark gray/blue under coat to foreshadow the colors of terror and lost hope in the waters that plague those unlucky in the sea eruption, and a lighter gray to mimic the foggy shroud the cover the seas, along with bubble like patterns on his back that resemble a lost survivor's last breath underwater, drowning in his watery grave. Tidalwave's eyes are simply black; the color of mourning. Finally, his toes are the last of his looks; white, like the gentle and calming clouds that return after the menace has destroyed the seas.


Destructive and chaotic, with a bellowing growl, that mimics the crash of a seaquake, Tidalwave is haughty and prideful in the havoc he causes. No cat has ever tried to anger or pester him, as he has enough power to annihilate 5 cats and a good portion of Nixie Kingdom. Tidalwave is abrupt and unstable as the seas himself. One second he could be fine and able to interact with other cats, the other, he's out to reek havoc. Despite this, Tidalwave can function like any other cat. He's closely in touch with waters, and spends most of his time by the waters, either swimming or seemingly talking to them. Tidalwave also has a great connection with the moon and can predict water changes.


Water Manipulation (Strong) & Adrenaline Burst (Weak)

Due to Tidalwave's unique wave like coat, he is able to camouflage into the water


Swept up into Nixie Kingdom's territory and forced himself into the Kingdom, with much dismay to the Queen

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