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Fandom Warrior Cats- Clans of the Heartland


New Member
Many cats live in the Heartland, however, no order exists here.

But order will come...


Meadow- A white she-cat with gray spots, and yellow eyes.

Midnight- a black pelted Tom with amber eyes and a scar over his right eye that never fully healed.

The Heartland (Picture from Google Maps)- <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8f08e240_Screenshot2016-04-05at11.05.05AM.png.46cc86a94a8d5de97dfb3cbc0d876f9d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116440" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8f08e240_Screenshot2016-04-05at11.05.05AM.png.46cc86a94a8d5de97dfb3cbc0d876f9d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Heartland is in Kansas.

To signup, post the cat's name, and their gender and description.



  • Screenshot 2016-04-05 at 11.05.05 AM.png
    Screenshot 2016-04-05 at 11.05.05 AM.png
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Midnight- a black pelted Tom with amber eyes and a scar over his right eye that never fully healed. He was somewhat prideful and usually shies away from asking for help or accepting it.
Meadow wandered through the field, as if she was looking for something. Which she was. Two things, actually. One, prey to hunt. Two, another cat, one that didn't want to kill her or chase her away. So far, no luck.
Midnight stood out during the sunlit hours in the field as he was right now with his black pelt. Sometimes he wondered why he was given it as he wandered not to far off from the field. He was curious who the other cats were that he had scented before. He hadn't seen them and he at least was hoping they weren't complete hostile.
Suddenly, a scent caught Meadow's nose. It was another cat! Meadow slowly crept in the direction of the scent, defensively.
Midnight paid no mind to the scent of meadow as he just assumed it was just an older scent of her. He just continued on his normal walk enjoying the sun on him still being easy to spot.
Warily, Meadow poked her head out of the tall grass. She saw a black tom. She decided to let him see her, and see his reaction.
*he was minding his own business until he opened his eyes seeing her and fell back in surprise being worried about if she was going to hurt him in some way. He slowly got up ready to run if he needed to.*

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