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Futuristic Warhammer 40k: "The Green Wave"


New Member

1.)No Godmodding, please, It ruins role play

2.) No Power gaming

3.) Permission to kill rules, or PTK rules, are fairly simple, Auto Ptk unless from same faction. You must also have a valid reason to kill a character, a battle is valid but saying "He insulted my character" and it's not like your character to kill him (Such as orks) then permission must be had.

4.)No sex or nudes

That seems to be it, for now.

The two factions of this Rp are the Ork klan, The Shooty Gitz, and the Forway Mobile Infantry

Shooty Gitz:They are a klan formed from freebootars, and pirates, They have quite a lot of Mek boys, and Shoota boys, They favored Mork over the twin gods of the Orks. They often used purple as their color, to make them more sneaky. They often tried to loot the biggest things, and make it more Orky. Their primary goal is to form a massive, grand Waaagh!

Forway Mobile Infantry: The Forway mobile infantry are obviously from the planet "Forway" it was a rather primitive planet, and had the tech similar to the Human tech of modern day, They were not trained poorly, yet not trained well, ethier. Their higher ranking officers are more likely to use their soldiers as cannon fodder more then other regiments
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