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Fandom WarCraft: the First War [RP]

Llane Wrynn

Defender of Azeroth

WarCraft: the First War [RP]



The Kingdom of Azeroth was a prosperous one. The humans who dwelled there turned the land into a paradise. The Knights of Stormwind, and the Clerics of Northshire Abbey, roamed far and wide, serving the king's people with honor and justice. The well-trained armies of the king maintained a long-lasting peace for many generations. The people of Azeroth were unbeknownst to the fact that the powerful human mage Medivh was seeking a way to destroy this kingdom and wrought terror on the lands. With the help of an other-worldly being named Gul'dan, the two managed to open a portal between their two worlds, a portal which would later became known as the Dark Portal.

Through the portal came the Orcish Horde. The humans did not know from whence these foul creatures came, and none were prepared for the terror that they spawned. Their warriors wielded axe and spear with deadly proficiency, while others rode wolves as black as the moonless night. Unimagined were the destructive powers of their evil magics, derived from the fires of the underworld. Filled with the demonic blood of Mannoroth, these creatures lusted for war and would destroy anything that prevented them from reaching their goal; to conquer Azeroth. With an ingenious arsenal of weaponry and powerful magic, these two forces collided in a contest of cunning, intellect, and brute strength, with the victor claiming dominance over the whole of Azeroth.


The Orcish Horde was formed out of the collection of clans on their homeworld - Draenor. These orcs, once a proud warrior and shamanistic society, had become corrupted by great demons through gifts power and bloodlust. Their first leader, Ner’zhul, was banished, and the warlock Gul’dan assumed the position of strengthening the unified Orcish Horde. Under the influence of the arch-demon, Kil’Jaeden, the orcs put the few other races on their world to slaughter but soon enough, when they ran out of things to kill, they began to turn on themselves. Gul’dan, struggling to keep the Horde from completely imploding, sought desperately for a solution. And then it came…

Medivh, a powerful yet possessed human mage on another world named Azeroth, reached out to Gul’dan and together they would create a portal. This portal would allow the Horde to cross over into Azeroth and they would go after the unsuspecting humans that were their first unfortunate victims. With the portal safely open and a world ripe for the taking, the Orcish Horde has united once again under their Warchief, Blackhand the Destroyer, and their puppeteers, Gul’dan and the Shadow Council. The First War has begun.


[Word of the ravaging creatures that are the orcs is spreading fast among the Kingdom of Azeroth, but not fast enough. Their forces are mobilizing but the likelyhood of the armies being ready in time is looking dim. Nevertheless, they must try to hold off the invasion.]

[The Orcish Horde has just crossed through the Dark Portal and established their three primary settlements: the Dark Portal base camp, Rockard, and Stonard. Now it is time to press the attack before their adversaries can recuperate.]
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Dark Portal Base Camp:

Warchief Blackhand the Destroyer was in the great hall structure next to the Dark Portal. Before him was a map of the regions they had scouted: the Black Morass and the Swamp of Sorrows. Against the northern walls of the mountain range that seperrated the Black Morass from the Swamp of Sorrows was the Stonard stronghold and where the Bleeding Hollow clan was rallied while the Twilight's Hammer was nestled in a mountain cove in the fortress of Rockard. However in the presence of the Warchief were the chieftains, Kilrogg Deadeye of the Bleeding Hollow and Cho'gall of the Twilight's Hammer. Along with them were Orgrim Doomhammer, chieftain of the Blackrock clan, and Varok Saurfang, Horde General as well as high ranking officer of the Blackrock clan.

The Orcish Horde had already pillaged a number of small towns and villages within the Black Morass and nothing more to be concerned of nearby. In the Swamp of Sorrows, however, only the southern edge has been scouted and, according to Kilrogg Deadeye, more of the region is being mapped as they meet by his clansmen.

Everyone in the base camp knew the highest officers of the Horde were meeting and everyone made sure to be on their best of behavior. With the exception of the Twilight's Hammer clan. An ogre darkcaster by the name of Olg'drag was not particularly one of the Blackrock's friends, a rough position to be in while being in the primary base of the Blackrock on Azeroth. Upon making his presence known with his orc clansmen at one of the lodges on the east side of the camp, Olg'drag antagonized one of the Blackrock orcs with a very thoughtless comment.

"My," said the left head in a high pitch and absurdly annoying voice, "that's quite a nasty scar you got there boy." "Aye, miss the anvil?" the right head remarked in a deeper voice, referencing the Blackrock's renown trait of being the best smiths of the orcs. The orc being harrassed was Grothard Forgefist, who's left hand had been replaced with an fist of iron that he made himself. How he lost his hand no one knows, but he didn't seem to eager to talk about no less get made fun of about it. The orc raised his head and looked at Olg'drag who just laughed as he and his clansmen took their seats at a table.

Stonard Stronghold:

Trokthar Duskroar was one of the Bleeding Hollow fiercest hunters and a loyal servant of Kilrogg Deadeye, their chieftain. Kilrogg had gone to the Dark Portal base camp to conference with the other leaders of the Orcish Horde on the new world they were in the process of invading. Kilrogg had left instructions with Trokthar to have both scouts and hunters survey the territory surrounding Stonard Stronghold. As the chieftains met, Trokthar called the hunters of their clan together to discuss the plan.

Scouts had already been deployed to the regions they were going to survey, however Kilrogg requested hunters to fulfill this task as a follow up to gather detailed information about the lands ahead and what awaits them through the Swamp of Sorrows. A few hunters were quickly tasked with covering ground east of Stonard and more were ordered to the north. The west, however, was left unclaimed by any of the hunters. It was closer to human lands and the scouts that have gone that way scarcely returned.

Hak'losh Bladehunter stood up when Trokthar asked for any takers to survey the westward front. "I will go west," the old hunter said. The room had gone quiet when he made the claim... No one wanted to go west.
Stonard Stronghold

Kilruk was patrolling as usual on top of Xarkoth making their way through the encampment before Trokthar had called council of the Hunters. With this finally done Kilruk made his way towards the tent where most of the other hunters had already arrived as a few of their pets rested outside slightly tame, some even snapping at one and another but however not in entirely hostile actions. Upon the approach of the half-orc on the back of the massive scorpid the beasts would pause to take a look and take in the visage of the two before Kilruk got down from Xarkoth's back and made his way inside the tent. A sense of tension filled the room upon him entering, being a half-orc no matter the feats some orcs still resented him for not being pure. Even after the blood pact he held a draenei-like feature which was his sapphire eyes and ashen skin he surely was a stickler against the greens and reds of his clan-mates. But as a hunter they held deep respect for him due to his feat being accomplished as a child.

Upon finally arriving Kilruk listened intently as the plans where discussed his arms crossed and eyes looking upon Trokthar as he went into detail on it all, for a moment Kilruk came to believe the Orc was going to forget the west of Stonard and that was when he spoke and nobody spoke up. Some orc even shyed away from his gaze by looking at others or at the table between them, Kilruk couldn't help but sneer. Disgusting cowardly pigs, the all of them arrogant yet scared of HUMANS. This was when he saw an elder hunter stand up. It was Hak'losh, the Bladehunter known for his skill with a two-handed sword which Kilruk always believed interesting, Hak'losh was even there with the rest of the hunters when Kilruk returned from his own suicidal trial. As expected the old orc had offered to go west and with that the rest of the room followed with further silence and hidden gazes. Kilruk decided otherwise standing up as-well, not too long after Hak'losh in fact and would nod with a grunt before he spoke. "I shall go west." He stated sternly, though being a half-blood his voice was that of a leader and commanding, it was the type that when spoken those around would listen and the hunters around him did they looked between the younger orc and Hak'losh and finally to Trokthar waiting further word. Kilruk would keep his stern visage and nod to Hak'losh, they were alike in some senses it may prove well if no others come along to hinder them.
Stonard Stronghold

Trokthar looked about the room and nodded to the two hunters that rose to the challenge. "Go forth then. You have your assignments. And you two," he said indicating towards Hak'losh and Kilruk, "watch your backs. That region is feared with reason." The hunters in the room began to file out to go about their business. Hak'losh walked out as well, nodding at the younger orc that would be his companion in acknowledgement. "Meet me at the west gate." Most of the hunters would probably leave in the morning, but Hak'losh was not one to waste a minute that he could use to gain ground. The old orc walked through the streets of Stonard until he came to a small hut that he built himself near the west gate. He slipped on and tied up his gloves, flexing his hand to stretch the leather. He found his spear-quiver and sword, leaning them against a wall. He rolled up his sleeping mat with his small pillow at the center, tied it up with a piece of string before securing with a leather strap that he could secure around his waist. He slung the spears over his shoulder with his sheathed blade before walking out to the west gate to observe the beginning of this mission.
Stonard Stronghold

Kilruk grunted in response to Trokthar after being informed of the obvious, it was all the more reason he wished to go on this mission. He'd stand waiting as everyone else cleared out the room before he looked around confirming none were left he'd leave soon after. Upon leaving he'd look upon Hak'losh his sapphire hues gazing into the elder orcs crimson hues. He'd listen to the words and again would nod with a snort much like the actions of a bull. Once Hak'losh departed Kilruk turned towards Xarkoth and climbed on top of his scorpid companion making his way towards the gate without hesitation, he had everything he needed normally kept on his companion, weapons included. Upon reaching the gate and waiting for Hak'losh Kilruk began his own preparations. He started with tying his two daggers into place on his legs and would continue onwards to strapping his sword and its sheathe on his lower back area so the hilt was pointing towards his right for an easy draw, and next he'd go to strap his quiver to his back making sure it was snug and in place which was filled with seventy-five arrows fifteen of which were broad-headed, and all of them coated in Xarkoths venom. Kilruk always enjoyed going prepared and you never know when you'll get into a dire situation. He'd finally grab Thorn and Ravage taking the bow setting it aside for he was going to carry it and as for the spear he attached the sinew into place and wrapped it around him making sure to insert it so the wooden portion went under his quiver to reduce any movement from his own and once snug and in place he grabbed up Thorn and awaited Hak'losh's approach with Xarkoth standing vigilant by his side ready to begin their task at hand.
Dark Portal Base Camp

Rukka had been eager to pass the dark portal. Since the drinking of the demon blood she had been seeking thrill and violence. The grunt has been promised endless fights and a war with 'humans'. Pale skinned creatures that were smaller than orcs and,have no tusks and are seemingly weaker than her kin. Among them were other small critters and beasts. Nothing the proud orcs couldn't handle.

Rukka was sparring with a young orc whose parents forced into joining the ranks of the Blackrock Clan as soon as he became of age. His name was Marhul and he kept telling Rukka that he wanted to be a shaman above all else,not to fight the humans. That when he was forced to drink the blood of Mannoroth he felt emptiness and blind rage. It explained why he always looked troubled and why his mind felt like it was elsewhere.

The young orc needed to be trained and disciplined.

"Mind where you strike your opponent. You can take someone out almost instantly."

Marhul nodded and watched the grunt show him how to strike.

As the two were training a big two-headed ogre picked on Forgefist. The orc with a literal iron fist who lost his hand who knows where. Rumor has it he part took in the Shattered Hand clan's birth. Silly rumors.

"I'll have you know that Grothard Forgefist is an excellent smith and the weapons and armor he makes are twice as durable as any other smith with two hands."

She said while gesturing Mahrul to stop.

"Tell me...who do I stand before,ogre?"

Rukka approached the giant resting her fists on her sides before coming to a full stop. She looked up at him fearless as though the ogre was almost twice her size.
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Dark Portal Base Camp

Grothard Forgefist looked at the younger warrior woman. Rukka, was her name. He had seen her fight on many occasions and he couldn't deny being impressed. He looked at Olg'drag as the ogre's two heads turned toward Rukka. The yellow giant rose from his seat at the table with his clansmen and looked at her, the left head with a crazed smile and the right with a menacing expression. "Who are you to be question us?" the left head said. "Who are you girl?" the right head screeched.

This is not going to end well, Grothard thought to himself. He looked to the front of the lodge and found one of his warriors from his platoon. He gave him an upward nod as if signaling him to go before turning to watch the confrontation between the brave warrior and the ogre darkcaster.

Stonard Stronghold

The old hunter approached the gate and found Kilruk already mounted and ready to leave. Hak'losh stood in front of the scorpid and looked up at the younger hunter. "We will not wait until morning to gain ground. Our mission is not going to be easy. We will encounter both beast and pinkskin that are going to want us dead. I spoke with one of the hunters who had made their way westward and was one of the very few to return. There is a scout camp that is well armed. Their scouts are good at locating incoming threats and they have done well to ensure none our kin make it back." The old orc looked at the swamp and then into Stonard. "We will be careful. Any reckless act will most likely get us killed. That is not a death I would particularly desire."
The ogre turned its two heads at Rukka and demanded to know who she was. She wasn't phased by his size. The ogre's most intimidating trait was his allies and magical capabilities.

"Oh,but who are you to question me?." Rukka said,keeping herself from mentioning the average ogre's memory.

"But fine...shame on me to expect manners from an ogre...I am Rukka Warmaul...Seargent."

Rukka put her arms down and forcefully hit her chest with her left hand when she introduced herself.

Again she looked the dark caster straight in the eye not showing the slightest drop of fear.
Dark Portal Base Camp

Olg'drag rose from his seat, the chair toppling behind him. The eyes on both heads began to glow a bright florescent purple as they stared down Rukka. They both spoke in unison: "and what is a puny little orc doing questioning the likes of us?"

Another chair scratched the floor as Grothard rose. About ten other orcs around the room arose as well, prompting the remaining Twilight's Hammer clansmen to rise up in response. The room could not be more tense. "Rukka," Grothard said calmly, "you are playing a dangerous game..."
Now he was mad. Typical. Rukka looked him straight in the eyes again. No fear. Wasn't this so satisfying...she didn't dare to ask this ogre how it is to be so mundane? To be trained in the arcane...to be better than your peers,yet acting just the same. Someone dares to ask simply for your name yet you bolt up from the chair as this simpleton here deserves to know nothing.

"Nothing..." She spoke almost whispering,not from fear but from wonder.

The others have risen up from their seats as well. The tension in this lodge was unbearable.

"We are at war. Do you dare give these humans an advantage because of your stubborn head? Go ahead and when you return to your superiors,tell them that their front lines were obliterated by yourselves because you can't unveil your name to a Blackrock seargent. You should know better."
Dark Portal Base Camp

The tension of the room only heightened as the left head of the ogre began to laugh hysterically and left head kept the menacing glare. "I am your frontline, child. My clan will be the ones engorging in all of the glory of battle while your Warchief sits on his throne like the coward he is!" said the right head. The left head came down from laughter and before any could respond the sound of Grothard's resonating voice filled the air.

"Ogre you have said enough! It is one thing to act prejudice against another clan, but to insult the Warchief himself is a line that no member of the Horde can ever cross!" Grothard stood at full height, his back straight and chest out. "And do not forget that your clan is not the only vanguard. The Bleeding Hollow are further north than your cult," Grothard spat.

Olg'drag extended his left hand as it began to glow with a white and purple radiance. A chain of energy formed around Rukka's neck and held her suspended in the air at the darkcaster's mercy. "I would still your tongue before Cho'gall uses it to enslave you," the right head warned. The left head was focused on the spell to trap Rukka. "Any last words, girl?" said the left head.

"Olg'drag, the chieftain would not approve of this in the Blackrock encampment," said one of the ogre's companions.

"Silence you fool!" said the right head, in a sharp snap.
Suddenly the left head began to laugh like mad-man as the right one explained that he was the front line as their Warchief stood on his throne 'like the coward he is'. Amazing...this dumb ogre should be reminded that it was by the Warchief's good will he and his kin escaped the grasp of the gronn.

Grothard warned the ogre about his words against the Horde's leader,but to no avail. Suddenly magic surrounded Rukka's neck and held her up in the air. She smiled as the ogre asked her if she had any last words.

"Come on,ogre...hiding behind your magics? Are you afraid to face me in a real fight?" Rukka chuckled and then coughed.

She started wondering if Olg'drag would accept this duel. It is going to be difficult,but the grunt had a plan. If the opportunity struck she'd use his size against him.
And the hunt begins...

"Well then let us get moving now Bladehunter." Kilruk said stating the old mans name of respect, Xarkoth chittered and hissed in excitement as Kilruk turned to look at him with a grin his sapphire hues jumping to life as he was ready to set out. He'd get onto the back of Xarkoth crossing his arms and laid his bow across his lap. Onward Xarkoth would move to start the evening on the terms they were most familiar with and hopefully they'd come across some soft-fleshed humans who prove a decent challenge to Kilruk so he may add them to his collection of trophies. "Lok'tar ogar." He'd state again as they started on their departure, he may of started moving first but he made Xarkoth linger so the Blademaster may lead the way, it was tradition for the elder hunters to be the lead of the certain hunt.

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