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Fandom War of the Primordials

Kiss My Axe

Junior Member


Location: The Forges | Mood: Focused
Outfit: White undershirt, jeans, and steel-toe boots
Tags: revalia revalia CtrlAltDelicious CtrlAltDelicious athereal athereal Maree Maree cinnabuns cinnabuns ShadyAce ShadyAce


Flint was, as usual, buried in his work. It wasn't unusual for him to lose track of hours while in the forges, but his most recent project had become an obsession, which he would never mention to the person who would be receiving it. It had started off as a simple comment that he should've ignored. Felicity, daughter of Aphrodite, and the girl he'd been 'seeing'(Read: Hooking up with) for a few months had mentioned that she wanted a new weapon. Anyone else would've shrugged it off, but the craftsman in him couldn't. It had been simple curiosity that had him asking what kind of things she'd want in her weapon. Within an hour of intensive, specific questioning, he had the perfect vision for what she needed. And what kind of son of Hephaestus would he be if he abandoned it there? It had taken him almost two months to get it the way he wanted it, the longest a simple weapon had taken him in years. He was one of the best in the forges, he usually didn't need more than a week for most projects, but this one was just different. Not because he was sleeping with the receiver of the weapon, but because of who she was. She needed a weapon that would protect her, but between her personality and her parentage, she also needed something elegant, something that screamed, 'Daugher of Aphrodite.' He was a perfectionist.

The nearly-finished weapon was in his hands. The accuracy was incredibly, the main part of the crossbow-pistol was a rose-gold color, the handle wrapped in leather for a more comfortable grip. On one side of the weapon, the word, 'Felicity' was engraved in an elegant calligraphy, and on the other, in the same script, was, 'Beauty Queen,' his nickname for her. Personalized, of course. She'd asked for some kind of rhinestone implemented in it, and it had taken all of his strength to not immediately discard the idea. Instead, he'd swallowed his manly pride, and painstakingly inserted brightly colored, valuable gems stolen by Hermes kids, making a rose made entirely of gemstones, with a background of flames. Normally, he'd stamp any weapon he made with a hammer, just as a little calling card, but this one, as previously stated, was different. He'd even made it disguisable, which he didn't often do for free. But if anyone pressed on the rose, it would collapse into a ring with a rose design. Only she could expand it back into weapon form, by pressing on the rose of the ring. He'd made almost fifty bolts for it, all having shafts of hardwood, fletching of pegasus down(No pegasi were harmed in the making of the weaponry), and tips of celestial bronze. He'd even gotten the Demeter cabin to give him a few vials of poison made of nightshade, which hadn't been cheap, to dip the tips of the bolts in. If the poison got in her target's bloodstream, it would result in vomiting, hallucinations, delirium, increased heartrate, and eventually, after a while of agonizing symptoms, death. It wasn't exactly for Capture the Flag.

He had made every single part of the weapon himself, even engraving the words in it with a steel pen. It was, perhaps, a gift from his father that he could do tasks as delicate as engraving, when his bulky frame would usually suggest a certain amount of clumsiness. The only part he'd entrusted someone else for was paying a Hecate camper to enchant it, making it far more durable. Even if she dropped it, it shouldn't scratch, and the bolts would almost never shatter unless she shot them against rock or metal. After almost three months, it was finished, he'd done the last touches that afternoon. He snagged the ring box he'd bought from a mortal store nearby and slid the disguised crossbow into it, closing it immediately.

Perhaps there was a reason he'd put so much time and energy into the project. The environment around camp was beginning to get... Tense. People had gone from carefree and happy to being stressed, fearing for their lives, almost overnight. A satyr had returned from a mission retrieving a demigod, half-dead and unsuccessful in his task, muttering and rambling about the rising of those almost forgotten. It hadn't taken the campers long to figure out what that might be talking about. The Primordial Gods, those so ancient and powerful that no demigod could stand a chance against them. There had been signs, omens, for months, but never anything concrete, but this was a, admittedly mildly insane, eyewitness, claiming he looked into the light of Aether. And what else could've caused damage to the poor goat's eyes? They were almost completely burned away, his vision obliterated with his eyes.

Since then, camp had changed. No more Capture the Flag, instead, it was War Preparation, constant patrols, and the mutterings of a quest. They needed a solution, and they only had one chance.

Coded by revalia revalia | Hidden Scroll


Location: Dining Pavilion > Arena| Mood: Thoughtful
Outfit: Black shirt and jeans.
Tags: Open For Interaction


Peter still didn't quite feel like he belonged at camp. He'd been there fourteen months, he had a bead around his leather-cord necklace, he had weapons made in the camp forges, he even had a couple friends there, but he knew he didn't quite fit in yet. He lived in the Hermes cabin, he'd been claimed almost the moment he passed the border, not that it changed anything - he would've been in the same cabin either way, from what he understood. It seemed a bit cruel, to him. Instead of having a cabin solely for those who were unclaimed, they had to sleep around people who were incredibly likely to steal from them, people who went a bit too far with their pranks, and had a hundred other bad qualities that made them terrible roommates.

On the plus side, it was never somber in there. His 'siblings,' he supposed they were, were the most optimistic people he'd ever met, probably because they were incapable of realizing the threat in front of them. The camp was in danger, he'd found that much out through some careful eavesdropping. Something, or possibly many somethings, was stirring, and the camp was in no condition to defend against it. Of course, Peter wasn't really one with the thirst for fame that often accompanied wanting to join a quest, but that didn't change the fact that he thought his particularly, thieving skills could come in handy in most situations.

He shook off those thoughts as he walked toward the dining pavilion, snagging a seat before his table got too full, which was an achievement in itself. He may not have been there that long, but he learned quickly, and he adjusted to any situation, even if it was one that involved sing-alongs. Even those had become depressing, these days, the campfire rarely glowing brightly or getting to be more than a few inches tall, reflecting the moods of the participating campers, which were always bleak.

He grabbed a strip of bacon as he thought over his current situation, munching on it thoughtfully and looking around the pavilion at the other campers. The Aphrodite campers were another group that weren't as fazed by the tension around camp, most were running around trying to get dates for other people. They'd tried to 'help' him early on, but he'd escaped their clutches, just barely. The Hephaestus campers were trying to build solutions, shockingly enough, and the Demeter campers were mostly worried about what would happen to the strawberry fields in a war. They all had their stereotypes, and many of them were true, a person's parentage made up a large part of who they were.

He didn't stay at his cabin long, instead escaping to the arena after a quick stop at his cabin to get his weapons. Like many at camp, even despite his short time there, he was a skilled fighter, he trained like it would save his life one day, which... Well, it would, more likely than not. Many other campers didn't care as much for battle training, not Peter, never him. With things as bad at camp as they were, he knew there was a large chance he'd be using the skills sooner rather than later, and he wasn't one to go into a situation unprepared.

Coded by Invidia | Hidden Scroll

Location: Aphrodite Cabin > Arena
Mood: Determined with a little sprinkle of Annoyance
Outfit: A P H R O D I T E
Interacted: Some random camper (briefly)
Mentions: Pierce


Felicity was by no means an early riser. She believed a lot in her beauty sleep which kept her complexion and her health at their best shape. Especially when Felicity was the epitome of perfection. Both in how she does things and how she deems she looks. However, all these news about the long forgotten starting to rise that were rattling the camp had every or at least almost every camper on edge as to what was being undergone outside the camp's walls. Especially her cabin. The Aphrodite Cabin had been on full on gossip mode the past few weeks. Not missing one ounce of the information, including Felicity. You would be surprised how much events happened in camp that no one takes notice of. But in Cabin Ten, it's where the HQ of daily Camp Half-Blood Gossip was produced. Especially flings, new romances and fashion trends.
However, today it seemed the brunette fell out of her bunk as she was up and ready to start the day from seven in the morning which was an unusual sight to begin with. Dressing herself in some white off shouldered ruffled shirt and short jeans paired with brown sandals, the female headed towards the pavilion to get her daily breakfast dose. In the right amounts for her balanced diet. She loved having her chicken salad with a nice cup of juice while her eyes scanned the area for any drama to intake. Or at least some eye candy she could run after to make her siblings jealous. She was queen bee and she was not going to let some pesky sister take her spot just like that. Especially after six years at this cheap styled camp. She marked her territory especially since it seemed like she was stuck here.
It was not a good morning for Felicity. Whenever she woke up early, make that an instant bad day. That being said, she tries her best not to be so sour and so she went back to her cabin to satisfy and better her mood by organizing her trunk. It needed a good clean up after all and so she did. The brunette sauntered her way towards her cabin where half her siblings were still resting. Nonetheless she still proceeded what she wanted to do. She wanted to better her mood before approaching any of her friends. Opening her bottomless trunk that she had a Hecate demi-god enchant for her extended collection of clothing to be stored it she literally scooped up piles and piles of clothing on her bunk to a point where the bunk was simply covered. It took time and lots of it to neatly fold and color co-ordinate accordingly before neatly placing them back in her chest storage by the foot of her bunk.
Considering that little exercise to please herself, Felicity felt cheered up and inspired. Especially when two of her brother's had passed by claiming they were going to go train. Believe it or not, her and some of her siblings agreed to train and for Felicity that meant gaining knowledge on how to use close ranged weapons. All Felicity knew was how to throw a mean kick and defend herself when it came to hand-to-hand and a tad expertise in long ranged such a manky crossbow pistol that she had been attempting to use and successfully mastering, however it was so battered that it was not appealing her taste. So she wanted to better her skills with swords or spears or even daggers. She tried a spear. Failed. Daggers, failed. Today her attempt was swords. All she knows that poor Pierce, a close friend of hers who happened to be a son of Ares is nearly going to break a small area in one of the arena walls with the amount of head bangs resulted from Felicity's terrible close ranged weapon wielding. She doesn't blame him she was hopeless. In fact she wanted to save him any further injuries and went to the arena a bit before schedule so she can fail miserably by herself.
Heading towards the armory, the brunette took her sweet time trying to pick a sword, even though the majority were all the same. Her eyes fell to a sword which had a fancy leather hilt. It caught her eye. However, as she came to lift it she had to use both hands as that was definitely heavy for the daughter of Aphrodite. Nonetheless, she managed to drag the sword and her own self towards the arena and in front of a dummy that she spent around a good fifteen minutes debating whether these dummies had feelings. In a sense, could they feel pain? What if they had to feel pain? Getting stabbed, poked, prodded and jabbed from every possible angle. It was then a random body collided with her and sent her toppling backwards with a squeal of surprise. "Hey watch it, mutt!" she exclaimed, standing up and dusting herself frantically. Ew.
"Whoops, sorry. However, the arena is no place for petty princesses like you. Stick to clothing, princess." the gruff male insulted earning himself a scoff from the brunette.
"At least this princess can kick your ass while still looking fabulous in the process. Now... run along pooch. Shoo." Felicity retorted as she shooed him away with both her hands and so he listened, walking away and shaking his head. Felicity huffed and struggled to lift her sword once again and attempt to get her head in the game.
Attempting one struggled swing, Felicity struck ever so weakly the dummy's side. With another huff she tried again. She swung it and managed to hit around its' neck. Better however the sword was incredibly heavy for her. Felicity's annoying meter was starting to bubble before she struck the dummy's side again, only this time her black got stuck with the wood. "Eugh..." she attempted to disconnect the blade from the dummy. Maybe the guy was right. She didn't belong in the battlefield... especially not with close ranged weapons of course. Though she loved to give herself the benefit of the doubt.

Coded by Invidia | Hidden Scroll





Mood: Resisting to punch.
Location: Ares Cabin -> Arena
With: Siblings, Random Ass [Ares Camper], Felicity
Tags: revalia revalia

"Yo, Donny! We're headed out to the forest today. You coming?"

Pierce splashed his face with water, grabbing his towel to dry off his face before responding. "Nah. Gotta clear my mind." He began to uncap and squeeze his toothpaste onto his toothbrush. "But I'll catch you tomorrow at five thirty."

One of his many siblings through his father, Ares, leaned on the sink next to the one he was using. "That a promise?" She raised an eyebrow, expecting an honest answer. Ever since the rumors of a battle brewing began, every child of Ares was on high alert. That meant early wake-ups, helping the Hephaestus campers with weapon testing, training and tutoring other students, volunteering to help with patrols, scheduling time to clear their own heads so they wouldn't be overwhelmed...it was a process. Pierce loved it. It thrilled him to be joining his siblings in this sort of work, and it was nice - at least to him - that his fellow Ares campers, who were known for starting trouble, were taking responsibility during this time of need. He was proud of them, but they hated to hear that. They just wanted constructive criticism so they could get back out there and kick some ass. Pierce wasn't complaining about that, but he knew pretending that they had no emotions tended to end them in hot water. Oh, well. He was trying, at least.

Pierce brought his fist up for his sibling to bounce her own against, and she did so with glee. "Promise." He spoke with a genuine tone. He wouldn't have missed practice today if a close friend of his hadn't asked for his assistance two hours from now. Felicity, a daughter of Aphrodite, had requested he help her with her close-range weapon skill, something he knew for certain would be good for her. He wasn't going to tell her that right away - she had a knack for persuading people to do exactly what she asked, and he’d already figured out he'd hate to be on the receiving end of her words if she was angry. Pierce had a lot of patience, but he had a feeling his time with Felicity wouldn't be the only stressful event of the day.

Last night, Pierce had decided that starting off with a nice dip by the creek wouldn't do him any harm in the morning before he had to meet with Felicity. Plus, he'd had a rather difficult discussion with his mother before he'd gone off to camp, and it was still weighing on his mind. Next year, he'd start applying to college, and she wanted to make sure he only applied to the best universities out there. That meant, she'd said as she tapped on her smartphone as Bruce poured her tea, that he had to spend six hours a week in SAT and ACT prep. She'd continued on with more facts for Pierce to live by, but he'd honestly tuned the rest of it out. The creek, the calming water, sounded perfect. "Fine. If you see Harris, let me know." Pierce came back to the moment as he watched his Ares sister headed out once their other siblings started to sound unruly outside, chuckling as she rolled her eyes with a snarl at their impatience.

"Shut it or I'll shut it for you, you big crybabies!"

Thirty minutes later, Pierce was sitting in the creek, the water coming up to his waist. He took a few moments, enjoying the sound the rushing water made as it moved around him. It made him feel calm, feeling Mother Nature move even if he stayed still. This was exactly what he needed, and he could never get an experience like this back home, even with all of the things his mom tried to buy him off with. Not having to deal with his own life was incredibly relieving, even if the alternative was their rumored upcoming battle. Pierce sighed as he laid back, submerging himself under the small body of water. He knew he could stay here forever, but if he wanted to keep up with schedule, he had ten more minutes before he had to get some food so he wouldn't be grumpy in front of Felicity. She knew he could get hangry, but he also knew it wasn't fair. C'est la vie de l'amitié.

Pierce felt like he'd been moving through the day, but it had only been two hours. Oh well, he mused as he headed towards the arena. Things felt like they were slowing down, but he, as a member of the Ares children, felt like he had to move quick. These urges came every once in a while, when battles were about to begin. He hated his impulses, but they came with the territory. Plus, it gave him and his siblings a heads-up when it came to danger. Pierce was once again pulled from his thoughts as he got to the compound and saw Felicity bump into the sibling he'd been told to watch out for, earlier. Neither conversation sat with him right, but his blood began to boil when the camper referred to Felicity as just a petty princess. He took a moment to compose himself, gritting his teeth as the camper came his way, sent off by Felicity's words. Before Harris could pass him, Pierce gripped the front of the camper's shirt, raising him so they were at eye level.

"Watch your damn attitude. Don't discourage during times like these, you moron." He seethed, the rage building in his eyes. Harris immediately knew what to do, apologizing frantically as he tried to escape Pierce's grasp. This camper was making him, and their siblings, look bad. He couldn't stand it, but it was way too early to pummel someone. Plus, it'd been a few days since his last bout of nonsense, and Pierce liked staying out of the way. "We need all the soldiers we can get. Make your way to the forest, where you're supposed to be, with your sorry ass." With that, Pierce shoved the camper off in the right direction, and he scampered off. What a damn buffoon. Even if she couldn't fight in one way, that didn't mean she wasn't skilled. Pierce was certain she could kill someone with that word thing if she tried hard enough. It was scary. Speaking of, he continued his way over to Felicity as she tried to get her blade out of the dummy, the smallest of smiles on his lips as he spoke to her.

"Rough morning, princess?"

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hidden scroll + hover on large image​
Lillian Sage Hewitt
Lillian was typically oblivious. It wasn't a secret, but now, in a time of such intensity, she understood exactly what was happening. Unlike most campers however, she maintained an optimistic attitude, sure that the Camp would find a way to overcome adversity. They'd done it plenty of times before, and just because the latest possible threat was more powerful, who could say they were incapable? 'They' meaning whoever would be going on a quest which was certainly not Lily herself - prophecies and quests only ever chose the best, the most powerful, the best fighters. Instead she, along with the rest of the campers would guard and protect camp, or wherever else necessary. Which she didn't mind, nor the plants, as they wanted someone thinking about them in a time of war, and Demeter children would be the only ones to give a damn.

It seemed however, no one was thinking as positively as her. From the mutters she heard around camp, along with the plants around Camp communicating with her when they heard things that other people discussed, the demeanor of camp was grim in nature. These were the many thoughts plaguing her head when she was supposed to be sleeping. Her deep psychological connection to the plants in camp didn't help, as she heard their worries echo in her head, despite trying to block them out. That was the cost of having a close connection with the plants here, they could talk back freely as well. Sick of restless rolling in bed, Lily rose before the sun even dared to.

She adorned a short, yellow top with embroidery of Mickey Mouse and denim shorts with rainbows up the side. Anyone who knew Lily would tell you it was a go-to comfort outfit for the female, despite showing a small section of her midriff. Once changed she tiptoed past her siblings through her goddess mother, exiting in the darkness of an early morning, weaving her way towards the strawberry fields. Primarily Demeter children would be found there, and all of them were soundly asleep - she'd checked at least twice. Lily sat with her knees hugged into her chest, watching the sun's tendrils reach up the sky, creating a harmonious gradient of colors. The stillness of the nature around her was calming, although it wasn't long before the camp began stirring to life, albeit the atmosphere was still grim, which the female simply couldn’t grasp when she still had a positive mindset.

She stood and snatched a few strawberries, before returning to her cabin to retrieve her twin blades. One of her siblings, Eden, stopped her just as she entered the cabin, “You got any strawberries?” the red-head asked in a hushed tone, as though she were dealing an illegal substance, though in reality she just wanted any extras for herself. “You know me too well!” Lily laughed, unfurling her fingers exposing a couple berries, “Take the rest.” Eden hurried grabbed them, grinning widely. “Thanks!” she responded in delight, before running deeper into the cabin to finish getting changed and ready for the day.

She moved to her bed, grabbing the swords before striding determinedly towards the arena. Lily's fighting abilities were far from perfect, and they needed to be if she were going to be useful in the coming war. Maybe an Ares kid could give her some pointers - they're good at fighting, aren't they? A week earlier, one of the Ares children had pointed out one of her movements when she was training would likely get her killed when in a life endangering battle. Being consumed by her want to practice, Lily forgot completely about breakfast, skipping the meal entirely.

Lillian was focused on practicing, despite the same camper already telling her she’d fixed her mistakes. She had to make sure she ironed out every crinkle, just in case. Despite being enveloped in repeating a movement over and over, Lily couldn't help but notice and stop and look at the altercation between a brutish camper, and a literal beauty goddess - well, that was Aphrodite, but Felicity was the daughter of the goddess of beauty. She silently observed the female struggle to swing a sword, let alone lift it. Not a moment later, Pierce approached, and Lily followed suit, walking up behind the pair.

"Your weapon is probably just too heavy.” She turned one of her swords, handle directed towards Felicity, intending to hand it over to her, “Maybe this will work?” Lily smiled reassuringly to her best friend, for she was certain that Felicity would be able to fight in close combat. Everyone could fight, even if it took practice, and everyone could get good at it, no matter predetermined abilities. That was Lily’s optimistic hope however, whilst most would say that Felicity just wasn’t suited to close ranged combat.
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location: Demeter Cabin > Arena
mood: Deep in thought, determined
outfit: Link + white converse
mentions: N/A
interacts: Pierce, Felicity
tags: cinnabuns cinnabuns , revalia revalia

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Location: The Arena | Mood: Focused
Outfit: Celestial bronze breastplate over a camp shirt and jeans, along with his steel-toe boots.
Tags: revalia revalia CtrlAltDelicious CtrlAltDelicious cinnabuns cinnabuns ShadyAce ShadyAce


Flint jogged back to his cabin to change shirts and put on his breastplate, tucking the ring box into his pocket, before walking out of his cabin, snagging his pen as he did so. He made his way to the arena, pausing for a moment when he noticed the... Well, the variety of people there, including the one he was looking for. He approached Felicity without hesitation, pushing down the green button on his pen so it expanded into his two-handed sword, much larger than the one Felicity was struggling with. He rested the flat of the blade on his shoulder, watching her for a moment. "Wow, Beauty Queen. That's... Pretty pathetic." He admitted, smirking. "You know what you need, a ranged weapon." He noted, raising one eyebrow.

"When you're done training, I need to talk to you for... Two minutes.Or, depending on your reaction, a couple hours, either way works for me." He grinned crookedly. Yea, a couple hours would work for him. He and Felicity had an agreement - they had a relationship that was purely for the physical things, no feelings attached. They were free to hook up with other people, and it could end at any time. He wasn't a feeling-type of guy. But he was a jealous one, and any time she took advantage of the fact that she could screw whoever she wanted? Yea, it pissed him off a little. He put it down to her mother messing with his thoughts, his feelings, it was damned annoying.

He stepped away from the group, though not after giving them all a cursory glance, Perhaps it was male pride, but he was sizing up Pierce. Not in a hostile way, of course, he wouldn't take a possible fighter out of commission for his ego, but he was just considering briefly whether or not he could win that fight. It came down to skill, of course. Pierce was the son of a War God, but Flint was taller, had more reach, and he'd been at camp, training, for almost four times as long. Even if half of that time was spent in the forges, he was pretty damned good in the arena. In the end, he figured it'd be a close fight, it'd come down to brute strength versus strategy. Flint had even made the guy's weapon, he knew how it worked better than anyone, perhaps except Pierce himself.

Either way, it didn't matter. He wasn't fighting the guy, at least as nothing more than a mostly friendly spar. Camp was all about the competitive nature of Demigods, they all had to wonder who was strongest, who would win any fight. But with the war prep, they were all too busy to worry about trivial things such as fighting other campers for fun. He himself had patrol later that night, to make sure that their border stayed strong enough to keep out the more powerful monsters, it had glitched out a couple times before. Unfortunately, it was a magical border, and Flint knew exactly nothing about Magic beyond what little education he'd had in Mist Manipulation and keeping a boundary around his mind to keep people out of it. He wasn't bad at it, but he wasn't that good either. The Hecate campers had been working on it, trying to strengthen it, but they all knew it was just delaying the inevitable.

Coded by revalia revalia | Hidden Scroll
the archer

Jesse cruised through the arena, past the two lovers who earned an eyebrow raise from him. The Erytus Bow hung from his shoulder, glimmering scarlet and gold. He was off to hunt for his breakfast and the fact that Flint was sizing up poor little Flint over a shake claim to a daughter of Aphrodite was...pointless. The young archer sighed, choosing to divinely intervene.

"Felicity, ' he interjected between the two towers of testosterone, " I'd like for you to practice on your moving targets sometime today. Your aim and reactions have rapidly over our training sessions. With more practice you might exceed me, Love. " He then walked away from the trio, twirling an arrow in hand.

"If you'll all excuse me, I have a Son of Hermes to make breakfast for." A deep blush lit the young man's face as he rounded the corner and headed off to do just that.​
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Location: Arena| Mood: Focused on Battle
Outfit: Black shirt and jeans.
Tags: Mentions athereal athereal , Maree Maree 's magic, interacts with Flint( Kiss My Axe Kiss My Axe )and a random Hermes camper.


Peter looked up instinctively when he saw more and more people fill up the arena, a couple of which he knew. Flint, he was on good terms with, and therefore knew Felicity relatively well. He knew of all of them, he just hadn't spoken to a couple. It wasn't until a certain son of Apollo walked in that he forced his gaze away from the gathered group, clearing his throat slightly. Mostly to hide his face, he knelt down, tying both of his shoes tightly before standing back up, his face a bit red.

He didn't really know for sure what the camp thought of him, but he figured that they assumed he was straight. In reality, he was not, but how could they know that? He'd never dated, or shown interest in, any guys, though he'd never done so for any females there either, so people made assumptions, it was natural, and he really didn't care. After all, he wasn't there to date, right? He was there to train, to learn, not to get cozy with sons of Apollo.

But damn, he was hot as hell. The thought made him smirk to himself, focusing instead on the training dummy in front of him so he wouldn't get too distracted. He was about to strike when he noticed one of his siblings coming into the arena with his own sword, and Peter straightened. What fun was training with a dummy? They never fought back, unless something was seriously wrong. His siblings, however...

"Jeremy. Come on." He called, gesturing with his spear. His brother walked over, immediately falling into a defensive pose as he lifted his sword. People also made assumptions about his cabin. Hermes was no war god, so the children must be pretty bad at fighting, right? Incorrect on all counts. Most of them were pretty good. Their father gave them a speed that most demigods could only envy, gave them strategy ideas that only a child of Hermes could be mischievous enough to pull off. They weren't the best fighters, but they were good.

Peter attacked first, lunging with his spear, hoping to catch his opponent in the side. Nonfatal blows, of course, something that could be healed with some nectar or ambrosia. Jeremy dodged the blow, sidestepping and swinging for the spear with his sword, clearly hoping to break it and make Peter rely on his sword, which he didn't like as much. Unfortunately, he wasn't the first to try that, and Peter was prepared, spinning his spear away as quickly as he could and slamming the shaft against Jeremy's ankles, sending him sprawling facefirst to the ground. Peter sprinted forward, hoping to win the fight easily, and swung his spear, when it stopped short. Jeremy had grabbed it, planting the tip in the hard, dirt ground of the arena and, before Peter could stop him, snapped the shaft, giving him a stick instead of a spear.

"I'll have to buy another one of those, asshole." Peter growled, though he didn't drop the stick yet. Might come in handy. In a flash, he whipped it around, giving Jeremy a firm jab in the gut before drawing his sword, grimacing slightly. He wasn't bad at it, but he preferred the range that a spear gave him, preferred the variety of strategies it held. He'd barely risen his sword when the hilt of Jeremy's slammed into his head, making him groan in pain and his vision swim for a moment, even despite the helmet he was wearing. He stumbled, barely staying on his feet as it felt like his head was splitting in half. Point to remember: most of his siblings were a lot more muscular than Peter himself, perhaps he should keep them away from his skull.

Peter straightened as much as he could, though he was still struggling to see straight, and swung his sword clumsily, just trying to make a hit and save his pride, but his hands weren't obeying him properly. Jeremy easily deflected the blow, knocking the sword from his hands and raising his own, clearly expecting an easy win. But he'd forgotten something crucial: Peter had spent a large part of his life living on the streets, he'd learned some excellent methods of streetfighting. He ducked as low as he could and surged forward, slamming his shoulder into Jeremy's stomach and tackling him, knocking them both to the ground as he wrenched the sword from his opponent's hand and tossed it away, instead going for the old classics - he punched Jeremy right across the nose, and a very audible crack was heard.

"Oh, f-- I think you just broke my nose!" Jeremy groaned, holding his face.

"You dented my helmet, so we're even." Peter shrugged, getting up and offering him a hand to get up. He pulled off his helmet, feeling blood running down his face, and used the metal to try and see the reflection of the wound. It was a small but deep cut, and bleeding quite heavily, since it was a head wound, but he'd had worse, he wasn't that concerned about it. He just wiped the blood away, staining his shirt a bit. "You're lucky I keep extra spears, or I'd be seriously annoyed about this." He grunted, grabbing the useless stick and the tip of the spear, grimacing as he looked at them. What he needed to do was get one specially made, one that would take a beating. Even as he had that thought, he noticed Flint Lockwood, one of the most skilled Hephaestus campers there was, and a decent friend of his, in the arena. How convenient. He started to walk toward the guy(who had to be at least four times his size), when he suddenly felt a pulling at his shoes, and he was suddenly falling face-first to the ground, hitting it heavily, and cutting himself with the spear-tip he had in his hand. He looked down at his feet, at his shoes, which were suddenly untied. "I just... I just tied those." He muttered, looking around and sighing when he saw the daughter of Tyche nearby. Yea, that would do it. He fixed his laces and checked the cut on his bicep before got back to his feet, brushing the dirt off of himself, before approaching the son of Hephaestus, smiling hopefully.

"Hey, Flint. Any chance you could do me a favor and make me a spear, when you have a minute? It doesn't have to be anything special, I just need something that won't... Well, that won't break so easily." He asked. "I can pay for it, if you want, I have some drachma and some mortal cash."

Coded by Invidia | Hidden Scroll

Location: Arena
Mood: Weirdly crowded and embarrassed
Outfit: A P H R O D I T E
Interacted: Flint (briefly) | Lillian | Pierce
Mentions: Jesse | Ginevra

Just as she seemed to attempt in failing her sword skills, it seemed as if she triggered an imaginary button that attracted demigods her way. Summoned, like a moth drawn to a flame. All so many familiar faces around her. Sure, when she spoke Fee had a tendency of getting more than any necessary attention but again she did not mind it at all. Usually. She thrived for attention and quite frankly she seeks it as well but at this point she was only making a fool out of herself. It was simply embarrassing.

That being said as she was about to swing the sword once more, or at least lift it, she heard a familiar voice.

"Rough morning, Princess?"

It was none other than the son of Ares whom she was thinking of at that point in time. The many times he banged his head due to her failures. They had another session this morning and by the looks of her handling the sword, there was going to be a lot of that, if not more. Felicity let the sword hilt go and sent it cluttering down against the ground with a huff. Placing her hands on her hips she huffed, "That's an understatement. Rubbish morning would be more appropriate." She was definitely not looking forward to this. She knew by now she was a hopeless case when it came to close ranged weapons. The last eight weapons she tried were evidence enough. However, due to Pierce's efforts and patience for trying to teach her, kept her going. It wouldn't have been fair on him. Nor if she kept going with no success. It was exhausting. Gods how she craved a spa day at this point. After all this hard work.

Shortly after, it seemed that another presence shortly joined her, yet another familiar voice. A female voice. A small smile danced on her lips as Lily approached her and Pierce. She loved when she was with her best friend. Especially because whenever she came in the room it was like a ray of sunshine just appeared on a cloudy day. Liliana never fails to amaze Fee with how optimistic she remains, even after all that has been and still is going on. However, the weight of the weapon was in fact one of the factors why her swing was not very efficient and miscalculated. That's why the sword carried her and not the other way round. "Not probably. The weapon is too heavy for me." she replied with a soft pout dancing on her lips. That being said, Lily offered one of her own swords before eyeing the celestial bronze blade. It looked lighter. However if there was someone that knows about 'looks that can deceive' it was her. Very hesitant the female took the sword by the hilt that was offered to her, with both her hands. It was definitely a bit lighter as she could managed to hold it up with both hands well. Though she was sure that she was holding it incorrectly. This was a one handed blade but she could only manage with two hands till she got used to the weight. "Well I'm not sure. I think of all people you three should deduce that close ranged weapons aren't my friends." She offered a weak yet still beautiful smile towards Lily.

As if right on queue, after Liliana's optimism and trying to find the light in the situation came the harsh truth, given by none other than her dearest boy toy, Flint. Her gaze immediately fell on him as he got closer. Narrowing her eyes at his snarky comment she frowned, "No shit Captain Obvious. But you're right. For once." she stated with a soft huff. She did deduce that a ranged weapon would be much more better. Especially after sessions and sessions with Jessie. She proven to be quite better, even at the start. Many around her knew and questioned as to why she even bothered to even try training close ranged. Well simple. Fee always wanted to know everything. However, as he continued with his request to meet up she raised a perfectly trimmed brown brow in a now curious state. Especially when he mentioned her reaction. Everyone in camp knew by now how much her reactions were... noticeable. Oh well. With a frown she nodded, her rosy pink full lips pierced together, "After training it is. Meet me at the usual."

Flint was one of Felicity's first ever friends with alongside Pierce. However, their friendship, unlike the one she has with the son of Ares, became and evolved into a more physically beneficial and pleasing. The pair liked to meet under an old willow tree by the lake. It was quiet and serene and detached from the rest of the camp. Shooting him a wink before he turned and changed his course of direction.

As she was about to the blade she had at hand. However, as if her attention wasn't short enough, an immediate comment of praise coming from her long ranged trainer, Jesse. However as she was about to comment he was already long gone. Though it did give her some courage. She was not completely worthless when it came to weapon based fighting. That's for sure. Followed by another comment from the bleachers, her head shot towards the sound. She snickered at that. That girl can be so damn lucky but unlucky at the same time? She didn't know how the laws of nature worked when it comes to Ginny. Felicity was mesmerized at how she missed the board and hit any innocent bystander possible. It was in the same boat with her own sword skills to say the least.

Following all that happened in a matter of minutes she shook herself out of her attention bubble and faced Pierce. "Alright so. I didn't wear flats for no reason... so can we please at least attempt to make my swing better and actually hit the target?" the pretty brunette asked in a more embarrassed tone however still confident she can manage. "May I borrow this for the session Lils? Or do you want your blade back?" she inquired to the daughter of Demeter.

Coded by Invidia | Hidden Scroll





Mood: Resisting to punch. -> Why did I get up.
Location: Arena
With: Felicity, Lily, Flint, Jesse (briefly), Ginny, Peter
Tags: revalia revalia ShadyAce ShadyAce Kiss My Axe Kiss My Axe athereal athereal Maree Maree CtrlAltDelicious CtrlAltDelicious

"That's an understatement. Rubbish morning would be more appropriate."

Fe was working really hard. Pierce appreciated that. He knew she was capable of handling herself with a close range weapon. But then, her calvary started to arrive, something Pierce wasn’t too fond of. It wasn't Felicity’s fault, per se; it was the way other campers gathered to her. It was her natural charm, so he couldn't blame her. That's what happened when you were a child of Aphrodite - Pierce saw it every day at camp, and he saw it when he hung out with her at home. Every time he came up to her, a bunch of other people did, clamoring to get her attention. He'd thought setting their training early would let them have a little time for Fe to figure out how to best use a close ranged weapon, but already, she had a group of campers surrounding her. The worst part was that he was now considered a part of that group, and he hated that, and she knew he wasn't the biggest fan of shit like this.

Well, at least they were both helpful; Pierce did agree with Lily that Felicity probably wasn't using the right weight for her sword and Flint had come to deliver her some sort of good news. Nothing they'd said had been wrong - it was a little unfortunate that Felicity had gone for such a heavy weapon since she'd be better suited with a lighter sword. But, he didn't like what he was feeling, and it was because of Flint, even if he'd done Fe a solid.

He knew Flint was sizing him up; his glance left a weird feeling in Pierce's bones that made him antsy. It made him want to fight; just knowing that look was on him was setting him off. It was irritating. Pierce knew that wasn't a great idea, but his body, his blood, didn't care about his morality and how pointless it was to indulge Flint's gaze with anything that mirrored his egoistic action. It felt like a weird bit of fate, Pierce thought bitterly; a Hephaestus camper getting defensive with a Ares camper over an Aphrodite camper. The problem was, Fe was like a little sister to him, so Flint's minor jealousy was just as pointless as any reaction Pierce would have. Plus, what was the point? She was obviously attached.

Nevertheless, the small smile on Pierce's face didn't wane as he nodded at Lily and Flint. He knew Fe was enjoying all of this - she cherished attention from some of her favorite people. He also assumed that, even with Flint saying she could stay, that she probably wanted to go off with her guy to "figure out what he was talking about"; oh well. Pierce knew she'd want to actually train, since she was the one who'd suggested it in the first place. They could reschedule for another time, and maybe they wouldn't be distracted. He just wanted to make sure she was ready for anything.

Pierce's eyes rested on the blade Lily was still holding. She wasn't struggling with it, so it might be a good fit for Felicity. He appreciated the words she'd said to Felicity earlier; it was soothing in comparison to how his sibling had treated her. Pierce’s thoughts were confirmed as Fe took the blade and had no problem holding it. He still felt secondhand guilt from his sibling, and he hoped his counselor sister was giving him shit for being late. All of this felt like something biting Pierce in the ass for having thought to prepare for stress this morning.

Another dip in the creek sounded fantastic at this moment. Or, if he could find another, deeper body of water, he'd be set.

But wait - there were more. Now this Apollo camper thought he was the mediator in Flint's and his weird moment. Pierce thought that was unnecessary, but eh. Then he said something about Felicity training with a bow and arrow and, well. He tried not to find it as annoying as he was thinking it was. Especially since the camper was gone in a moment, talking about his love life. Pierce's face stayed calm; okay, he had to admit that was cute. Pierce nodded as he headed off, and that kept the smile on his face. But in the moment he left, another camper came up to them. Pierce gave her a gentle nod as a welcome. He kind of recognized her. Was this one from Tyche?

She recounted another training tale and Pierce guessed this was supposed to be a bonding moment for her and Fe. Okay. He honestly just felt drained already from everyone popping in out of the woodwork. Maybe he should join his siblings, get his energy back up. This camper seemed like she was staying. Had Felicity asked for others' assistance today? Maybe she didn't need him, after all. Maybe he was just another extra in her life today. Instead of dwelling on that thought, Pierce's eyes went back to the dagger Fe was holding, especially when another camper - he looked to be a son of Hermes and he looked familiar - came by to talk to Flint. Being quiet was safer than looking to see what Felicity's reaction was to all of this, as she was the one they were actually conversing with. He almost wondered how she did it, but Fe was kind of amazing. Even with that, he still questioned if she truly loved all of this attention, all of the time, or if it made her feel crowded at times. Regardless of what he thought or felt, Fe could handle herself, no problem, and she was great at playing the role of queen bee. He understood her appeal.

But Pierce still had a schedule - a more rigorous one - to adhere by. He could feel the itch to fight, one he knew his siblings were feeling at the exact same moment, but it felt...doubled. Like something really was bubbling under the surface. He hated this feeling, but he loved knowing he was ready for anything. It just made moments with other campers a little difficult. Since he was Ares' kid, it always seemed like he must want to fight. But truly? Pierce hated it.

He hated having to separate his fellow siblings from fights all the time - it was exhausting. Getting into ones of his own wasn't a feature on his bucket list. Pierce wouldn't admit how it had been a bit relieving that others had come in to clear the tension, since he could only feel the need to accelerate the problem, no matter how much he knew it wouldn't be smart. In the moment, though, he kind of wanted to leave. It didn't feel like Felicity was going to stay here and he wasn't doing anything. Being idle made his skin crawl, and he wasn't certain if that was an Ares trait or if it was just him. He felt like a weird bundle of energy now, which made him even more uncomfortable.

"Alright so. I didn't wear flats for no reason... so can we please at least attempt to make my swing better and actually hit the target?"

He was colored surprised and brought out of his thoughts when Felicity stated that she'd wanted to continue her training immediately. The smile on his face turned to a grin. That was the Fe he was looking for. Her determination was there, and it truly brought him back to the moment. Pierce grounded himself and took a breath, making it easier for him to release his built-up tension. If she wanted to train, he'd help her, and he had to be sound of mind and body to do that. What kind of friend would he be if he wouldn't? What son of Ares would he be if he wouldn't? With his pride not on the line, Pierce felt like he was ready to assist her.

“Alright then, Fe.” He replied smoothly. “Obviously there are some similarities between long and close ranged weapons. So start with keeping your eyes on your target. And next,” his words turned a bit dry, “try to remember your target is trying to kill you.” Children of Aphrodite had a lot of feelings about feelings. Pierce wasn’t knocking it, but if Fe kept in mind that these people full of emotions were trying to take her down at the same time, maybe she wouldn’t have been caught in a daydream earlier. He waited to see if Lily would allow Felicity to use her blade, which he had a feeling she wouldn’t mind at all, before he would continue.

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the archer

Jesse never spoke about the reason he never ate with the other campers. The fact that he would have to give an offering to the Gods--to his Father-- sickened him. Standing alone in the shadow of mile high trees, he felt the wind sweep over him as he fuelled back his bowstring. He wanted to forgive, he really wanted to... But he could not find the source of where the hate came from. It threatened to swallow him whole sometimes. The notched arrow shot forward from his weapon and found it's place within the eye of his target.. The rabbit passed, quickly and as humane as he could muster. He walked over to the creature and knelt down, hand over chest.

'My prayers go to you and you alone. I' ll take you into myself and go on. Thank you for giving your life so mine can continue. " His prayers were short and simple, yet the wind cascaded over him and he felt as if something acknowledged what he was doing. He picked up his game and tied it to his belt, where a cloth sack held an egg and a few berries and herbs.

He began making his way closer to the camp, where he could start a fire. His mind began drifting to the faces he'd encountered that morning. Flint was nice enough, and proficient in weapon-making in a way that dazzled Jesse. His works were never the same and yet you could instantly tell that what was made by Lockwood and what wasn't. He was pretty nice and he'd landed Felicity, a daughter of Aphrodite. Even if the rumors that they weren't exclusive were true, it's still a hard feat. Not because Felicity was a bitch or anything--in fact, she had morals and standards that put a great number of people to shame. Pierce seemed pretty cool, but he didn't know him well enough to pass any judgement. All he knew is that he was one of his archery students.

He saw Ginny in the bleachers and decided he was close enough to start breakfast. He loved the girl dearly, but he knew better not to start a fire near her. Besides, it gave him room to gawk at Petey and... Not be noticed doing so. He, Ginny, and Peter were pretty chummy, but he didn't need people to get the wrong idea. Peter was free to sww who he wanted. But, he had no clue what he would do if he was asked. The thought alone scared the demigod, who crack an egg into the skillet on his small fire.

He waved over to Ginny, who would probably keep him company till Peter was finished speaking with Flint.​


Location: The Forges > Athena Cabin | Mood: Focused
Outfit: White undershirt(partially burned off), jeans, and steel-toe boots
Tags: revalia revalia CtrlAltDelicious CtrlAltDelicious


Flint was only alone for a moment when he saw the figure of Peter Bracks, son of Hermes, approach him. He had a different kind of popularity than Felicity - people came to him when they wanted something, and Peter was no exception. He listened to the guy ask for a spear, but raised a finger almost immediately to stop him. "One, I don't charge friends, no matter how nice of a weapon it is. And two, everything I make is special, don't insult me. Give me a couple hours, I'll have it to you by dinner." He paused for a moment, looking over at Felicity. "Probably." He wouldn't guarantee, but he could whip up something in a few minutes if it was just a spear. But Peter was a decent guy, and it'd suck if he died in a fight because he didn't have a good weapon. Flint could sacrifice a few hours of his life to possibly save his friend's.

He left the arena then, though he set a timer on his watch so he wouldn't lose track of time and forget to meet Felicity. Something told him that the daughter of Aphrodite wouldn't take kindly to being forgotten. He could get a start on the spear, though.

He started with how he would disguise it. A simple necklace, celestial bronze chain and a small, spear pendant. Most of the supplies for it, he had lying around in his workspace, he always kept backups for jewelry and such for disguised weapons. The necklace took him five minutes, just adjusting the length and stringing the small spear on. He snagged a Hecate camper to do the enchantment, which took another five minutes, and the the disguise was finished. Now, to bind it to something, which he knew how to do himself. As he started forging the tip of the spear, he murmured a Greek hymn, one that would bind the necklace to the weapon he was crafting. He wanted something durable, he'd said, so the weapon would be almost entirely metal, the shaft being steel and the tip being, of course, celestial bronze. He wanted to add a ranged feature, mostly because he was a perfectionist, so he crafted a few extra speartips and added a few gears in the shaft of the spear, working slowly to make sure the pieces all fit in the small space, so the tip of the spear could be used as a kind of projectile. Hit the right spot at the base of the shaft, and the tip would shoot free(wow, that sounded dirty, even to him), impaling whatever or whoever it was aimed at. The extra spear tips, he snagged a bit of leather and cut into a pouch, one with customized slots for the extra tips, of which there were four. The whole process, considering he'd already done most of the work for other projects and he just had to attach it all, took him about thirty minutes, and a chunk of his shirt from when he got distracted and stuck his arm too far into the forges. One of the few things he thanked his father for was giving him immunity to flames, it sure as hell made working in the forges easier. No bulky, fireproof clothes that got in the way, just the slight risk that he might be naked at the end of his project, if he wasn't careful. It had happened before, and he was sure he'd permanently traumatized one of his siblings. It was why he always wore boxers that were enchanted to be fireproof from then on.

The end product wasn't anything flashy, it was a utilitarian spear/projectile. And, as always, definitely special. Nowhere near the craftsmanship he'd used for the crossbow pistol he'd made for Felicity, but still damned nice. He pushed the disguised necklace into his pocket, making him feel like he was carrying around far too much jewelry, and left the forges, looking around curiously for something to do other than sit at the tree and wait for Felicity.

The answer struck him quickly, and he was walking before he really knew where he was going. He knew that, of all the people in the camp, the chances of him being invited on the quest were slim to none. He knew that. But there was no reason he couldn't do some research, just in case. He strode to the Athena Cabin, one of the few places in camp that he'd never been, and let himself in, looking around. It was drastically different from his own cabin, or Felicity's, which were the only two he was intimately familiar with. Well, he'd spent some time with an Apollo girl, but that didn't count. The Athena cabin was a scene from his worst nightmares, considering how bad of a student he'd been. Beds were all on one side of the cabin, like an afterthought almost, while the rest of the building was filled with bookshelves and weird, complicated-looking models of stuff, diagrams, stuff he couldn't understand, even as a craftsman. Nonetheless, he approached one of the bookshelves and started looking for information on Primordial gods.

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hidden scroll + hover on large image​
Lillian Sage Hewitt
After Lily spoke, a domino effect followed and she would have a small sense of guilt hanging over her head. Flint approached the group and spoke directly to Felicity. She tilted her head in honest confusion. What could Felicity and Flint plan on spending hours together for? However, Lily wouldn't have a chance to ask, as the flow of people didn’t stop. Did Aphrodite children truly have that sort of appeal to them? People naturally flocked to them like bees to a flower. It was confronting, and Lillian was hardly the center of attention. Frankly, many of the campers who chose to throw their thoughts or comments into the ring happened to ignore her. It was slightly disheartening, though for a girl like her, positivity never drained from her face as the event revolving around the daughter of Aphrodite unfolded.

Lily stood perhaps awkwardly to the side as she observed tense glances between Pierce and Flint, interjected curtly by Jesse, a son of Apollo she recognized. Which wasn't much a feat, considering Lily somehow managed to recognize most faces at camp, although that didn't mean she could put a face to a name or know people on a personal level. Jesse mentioned cooking, and Lillian was an avid cook herself, but she tended to cater for larger groups, not one person. Jesse also blushed... Why on earth was he embarrassed about cooking? Lily wasn’t sure if his comment was necessary, they were only staring, but nonetheless the situation progressed with yet another camper. This time it was another female, Ginny, a daughter of Tyche, who shared her own struggles with fighting, though for her it was ranged combat. Lily could relate to that – her ranged capabilities were… hopeless, to say the least, but if she had to shoot a bow, she’d surely try. What were those somewhat questionable inspiring quotes? 'You miss every shot you don’t take'? So, of course Lily would take the shot with an optimistic naivete outlook of her abilities. Most would know to not rely on her to shoot a bow, even if she was willing, but Lily never really understood why people chose to avoid ending up in a situation where it would be necessary.

Then there was a male she didn’t recognize, so she assumed he must be newer, in some sense. Her mouth formed a small 'o' at his injuries, it looked like he’d be in a battle much too violent and intense for a sparring match. Though compared to the average camper, Lily's evasive techniques were above par, and she was simply too nice to hurt another camper too much despite the plentiful ambrosia and nectar available. The male was supposedly a friend of Flint, as the son of Hephaestus agreed to make a spear. The two males soon dispersed, and Lily felt as though she was left in the dust. Usually she’d feel embarrassed for not speaking for so long, or being able to react, but with how fast they occurred and how the female always tried to observe everything, she wasn’t upset. However, Lillian has considered just sliding away in the middle of the commotion that Fee seemed to take with her due to her well-known status as the resident queen bee. Thank the gods that didn’t follow her – Lily wouldn’t feel like she could operate with her little confidence and so many eyes.

The group returned to the first three that arrived almost as quickly as it had grown. She glanced down at her feet, finally having a moment to focus on other parts of her environment that were not people, and she noticed a few sprouts on the otherwise barren landscape of the arena. A small frown played on her lips, it seemed her energy was sapped twice as fast when worrying, or observing, she supposed. Or was it just worrying? Was she only worrying in the last few moments? Lily glanced back up, letting out a tension relieving huff, before focusing on the female who now held one of her blades. It wasn't exactly a comfortable grip, but Felicity just had to adjust to the weapon first.

"All yours, Fee." Lillian smiled, pride emanating from for her best friend continuing to try, before taking a small step backwards to see both Pierce and Felicity. "Do you mind if I stay, and leech off of your training session?" Lily was already training herself before most of the other demigods had seemingly spontaneously appeared, but Pierce being an Ares child meant his tips would likely be beneficial, even if she was only there listening in. Which is what she intended to do, whilst probably absentmindedly doing gymnastics moves. In fact, Lily was already on the floor, her second blade beside her, as she stretched her limbs out for the second time even though it had only been a portion of the morning. She, more than most, valued the importance of stretching, and thus far, it had helped her avoid major injury. In a real fight, she doubted an enemy would give her time to stretch, and Pierce's words to Felicity echoed in her head, "try to remember your target is trying to kill you." Yes. Lily certainly wanted to hear more of what he had to say, if she could without overly encroaching their session.
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location: Arena
mood: Lost in conversation > Productive
outfit: Link + white converse
mentions: Ginny, Jesse, Flint
interacts: Pierce, Felicity
tags: cinnabuns cinnabuns , revalia revalia

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Location: Arena| Mood: Embarrassed
Outfit: Black shirt and jeans.
Tags: Mentions athereal athereal


Peter watched Flint leave, frowning slightly. Somehow, whenever he spoke to that guy, he never really felt like the conversation had gone the way he wanted. He was always rushing off to do something. How busy could the guy be that he couldn't spare five minutes for a conversation? Peter himself wasn't the most social guy in the world, but he didn't have that sense of importance about him, he supposed. The chances of anyone needing him to do something or go somewhere... Well, they weren't exactly sky high.

He shook off that thought, instead inspecting his sword for any nicks or scratches. Surprisingly enough, it was still in excellent condition, so he just adjusted his grip on it and approached a training dummy, once again wiping the blood from his face. The kids at the infirmary would kill him, that was for sure, they didn't really like the fact that he'd rather bleed out than have people poke and prod at him, he had a thing about any kind of hospital, they creeped him out severely.

He decapitated one of the dummies with one slice, slashing it through the gut until the floor around him was littered with straw and cloth and there was nothing left of the dummy in front of him. The second got a similar treatment, along with the third, but he started to get incredibly bored at that point. There was no fun to destroying a bunch of dummies, there was no charm to it. He knew he could dismember some straw, it wasn't a challenge, it was fending off a very angry person that was difficult, or a very angry Cyclopes. That was also very difficult.

The smell of smoke caught him off guard, and he looked around, confused. Was the camp on fire? That thought penetrated him, and he was half-ready to shout at people to evacuate when he saw the source of the smell. A small campfire, which only embarrassed him a little, that someone was roasting a rabbit on. The someone became abundantly clear after a moment, and Peter's face once again went bright red. Sure, he and Jess were friends, good friends, he'd known the son of Apollo since he joined camp, a bit more than a year ago. He was really one of Peter's only good friends. He, Jess, and Ginny all got along really well. Flint was a decent guy, and Felicity could be fun to be around when she wasn't trying to hook him up with whatever girl she thought would fit with him(he was sure it annoyed her a little that he had no interest in either matchmaking or any of the girls she tried to set him up with), but Jess and Ginny were really all he had when it came to friends.

He walked toward Jess, trying to keep his dignity intact, since his blush was visible from a mile away, and sat on the other side of the campfire. "Hey." He said, picking at the grass and shredding it absently. "Smells good." He offered, though his knowledge of cooking was pretty limited to, 'try not to set it on fire too much.' "Clean kill with the rabbit." He noted, feeling the familiar awkwardness arising. It used to be easy being around Jess, that was one of the many things he liked about him, but... Now, it just felt strained. He wanted to talk to him, to tell him how he felt and just get it over with, but he was too cowardly, too afraid of rejection, he supposed, which everyone was, he was just... Well, it didn't matter. It was a crush, one that probably was unrequited, and even if it wasn't--

"You should go to the campfire with me." The words left Peter's mouth without his permission, and his bright red blush deepened. "I mean.... With Ginny. Like a group thing. I know she has the fire thing, but... It could be fun." He stuttered slightly.

Coded by Invidia | Hidden Scroll
the archer

Location: At the edge of the Arena and the Archery Range
Mood: Maybe...
Outfit:casually shirtless
Tags: CtrlAltDelicious CtrlAltDelicious
Mentions: Flint(weaponmaking), Ginny&Silas(relationship), Pierce&Lillian(salty)

"Wha?" Jesse had been in the middle of biting a strawberry, the rich red juice dripping down his lips slowly as he tried to process what he'd just heard. He might have been wrong, but it almost sounded like Pete had asked him to the campfire. Jesse's eyes widened to the size of shields, a smile threatening to break out on his face. He was about to say yes when...of course...he was proven to be overstepping his hopes a little. Of course it was a friend thing...And Ginny would most likely be hanging around Silas too, which would make him feel like a 4th wheel, if that were even possible. It was right about then that he wished Ginny was practicing archery again--and put him out of his misery.

"Hey," Jess said, noticing the rich flow of color trickling on Peter's skin. He placed his hand onto the wound and concentrated. He hadn't shared that skill with anyone yet, but he seemed to get his dad's knack for healing--and the opposite, sometimes. Within a few seconds, the break in skin was reduced down to soft, freshly pink skin.

"Do you think we can keep it lowkey tonight? I can handle Silas. He's kind of an edge lord, but at least me and him have that in common. I'd rather his company over Lillian's or Pierce's."
Dropping his hand, he crossed his arms over his knees, propping his head between them.

"I know I'm a lot to deal with, but I just don't wanna make anybody hate me more, ya know? Besides, we can hang out with Flint and Felicity instead. I know they're moreso your friends, but I'd rather get to know them more than get glared at or have to listen to whispers behind my back." There was something about Peter that just made Jesse comfortable...like he could tell him anything.
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Location: Arena
Mood: Curious...?
Outfit: A P H R O D I T E
Interacted: Lillian | Pierce
Mentions: Flint

As Lillian was willing to lend her blade for the current training session, Fee shot her a grateful smile. "Dawh Lils, you're the best!" the brunette squealed hugging tightly her best friend before letting her go, giving her a serious look, "I promise. I promise I will give it to you back in one piece okay?" she reassured rather nervously before grabbing the blade's hilt with two hands... for now. She figured it was best this way. Less likely to make a fool out of herself like that... despite all her crowd seemed to have minimized to only Pierce and Lillian which felt much better. Less people watching her fail miserably. However, as she requested to stay, Fee nodded, "I don't mind dearest. As long as Donny here is fine with it."

No... Felicity, get a grip literally. You're good at everything duh. No silly sword will keep you from not achieving such a mastery. You can do it.
It was her mental pep talk and how she kept herself trying to achieve any goal she sets in her mind. And believe me... there are a lot of ends inside that brain of hers. Pierce of all people knew how and what the hell goes in the primadonna's brain... however that didn't mean that he tried to understand how it worked, even after all this years. No one does. Not even her best friend who was a female for that matter. Gripping the pointers that the son of Ares was giving out, from the way he was speaking, he seemed to have almost wanted to lash out. Was it the stare-kill-competition he just had with Flint? The female couldn't help but feel a small mischievous grin dance it's way on her full lips. Flint seemed threatened by Pierce. He was jealous and she loved that. However, not if it happened to her. Bitches would die if it happened. Even though in reality Fee and Pierce were simply more like siblings. It's probably the reason why he has even stuck so long on their training cause let's face it, with all of his patience and Lillian's optimism, Fee was simply a hopeless case with blades.

Nonetheless, she kept Donny's words sink in. "Eyes on target. Target tries to kill me. Got it." Fee took a stance ready to engage. Narrowing her eyes at the poorly struck dummy she locked her focus on it. As much as she tried to envision that wooden dummy come to life and run towards her to end her life. She couldn't. It was a wooden dummy for crying out loud. As she was about to strike, in hopes of nailing something, she halted and straightened. "But wait... how am I supposed to remember that my enemy is trying to kill me when all I have is a wooden dummy? It's boring and not realistic. It doesn't move." she stated. Fee sometimes is a really stereotypical dumb blonde however, in her case it's a dumb brunette. "I just don't... feel the rush since this thing is just in one place and completely harmless, y'know?"

Sometimes, not even Felicity herself knows where all these words and thoughts come from.

Coded by Invidia | Hidden Scroll

Last night I dreamt of Ginny again. Crystal tears carved their paths down her freckled cheeks, her titian-red hair stuck to her cheek as though she had been like that for a while. She watched me so intensely. She looked like she was screaming but I could not hear her nor reach out to her. The world was filled with a tantalizing silence and we were the only two there during those frozen moments. I could feel my throat tighten when a gut-wrenching feeling overtook me as I -

"Silas! Are you awake?"


With the pressure of his hand, the tip of his pen broke. Silas closed his eyes and thought to himself, Ahhhhhh her again, clearly annoyed.

"Yes, Paris?" he spoke in a staccato-like manner. The beat of the door banging continued to resonate throughout the room along with the laugh of not the one Paris who had spoken to him, but her freaking bimbo clone as well.

"AND CAN YOU PLEASE STOP WITH THE NOISE?" he raised his voice towards the clone, clearly agitated.

The moment he finished speaking, the door violently flung open. "Bitch, don't talk to me that way!" The older sister retaliated with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms, glaring at him with narrowed eyes. "Still in your pajamas crying over Ginny kissing that guy last week?" She remarked snarkily, a smirk upon her irritating face.

So typical, oh so typical of Paris. Silas pushed his rolling seat and looked at her boredly. "You have my attention dear sister, what do you want from me?" he asked. That was Paris for you - making a derogatory comment to have all the attention she could in order to inflate her already balloon-like ego. Any attention was good enough for her, whether it be positive or negative. As he turned to acknowledge her, the clone she had created disappeared.

"Nothing, just make sure you show up this time. Moira is coming for a visit tonight and I know how much you care to impress her." On cue, she turned her heels and started walking away. "Also, your room stinks. It’s like the army of the dead decomposed here, ugh." The door slammed shut once more behind her as she departed. Silence filled the room.

Silas turned to look at the mirror before giving himself a fake smile. "Thank God she isn't the counselor of the cabin... Oh wait, it's Ember but she's nowhere to be found!!! Great," he muttered sarcastically as he stood up from his seat.

His finger trailed over his antique mahogany commode. He looked at the multiple rings he collected and started slipping a few on for the day. Some of them have no real purpose except as aesthetics, others held some of his own little magical tricks with whom he never shared with anyone.

He sighed as he coiffed his curls nicely before throwing in some clothes and a hat. Always stylish no matter what time of the day and season.

Rumors had been circulating for quite some time now. Demigods turning up dead, the magical forces of the universe uneased… He knew all too well of the tension surrounding the supernatural realm. The daughters of Hecate and the only son, which would be him (great for being the only guy - hint, sarcasm) were all having these dawn and dusk types of magic. Not a beat lost, not a step left behind. They could not afford to. One mistake could cost them their lives and those of the other campers. That was why Moira regularly paid them a visit, nowadays. She was the eldest, the most experienced, and one of the few to have been trained by Calypso herself, apparently. To say the least, she was more knowledgeable than all of them combined (not that Paris made great contribution in the first place).

Alas, today was not Silas’ day. He would much rather eat pumpkin seeds in front of Canoe Lake or wander off to the forest only to run back traumatized by the creatures hiding in the shadows.

Silas hummed to himself as he stepped out of the cabin. Hecate’s cabin was situated in the far corner of the Cabin cluster, squeezed between the cabin of Dionysus and Tyche. According to him, it was the perfect location. Far away from the loud ones, but close enough to the river and volleyball court.

He could hear the clatter of metal from the forge in the distance, the chattering of demigods around them. He noticed in particular a small gathering near the straw dummies. Some of those faces he recognized but not all brought a smile to his face. Ultimately, he could not avoid them. They already spotted him from afar and it would be rude of him to disregard their gazes. Besides, he had a question for Lillian, the daughter of Demeter.

As he approached them he gave a half-hearted smile, closing his eyes tiredly before waving his hand. “Oye,” he greeted the crew, regardless of whether or not they had been talking before, prior to shoving both hands into his pockets.

“You guys sure are eager to train… We didn’t even eat yet,” he said as he rubbed his stomach. As if on cue, it grumbled noisily.


Location: The Arena > Athena Cabin
Mood: Fumming > Neutral > Mischeivous
Outfit: T Y C H E
Interacted: Jesse | Flint
Mentions: Felicity |Lilly | Silas | Peter

Ginny blinked a few times and a cold sensation washed over her almost like someone had dumped a bucket of ice water onto her head. She was always more susceptible to others powers when hers were all over the place. Goddamn Daughters of Aphrodite and their slut powers. To make her mood even worse Silas had shown up and went over to Lilly. He had been in such a pissy mood in the last few days because he caught her making out with an Apollo camper. She rolled her eyes as her grip on the coffee cup tightened. Silas was such a Hypocrite when it came to these things. He was the one who wanted to be no strings attached in the first place. He could go around fucking girls left and right but if she so much as kissed a guy? Oh no, that wasn't allowed in his books because it was always the Silas show and Ginny didn't deserve the same rights as him. She didn't have a problem with him talking to Lilly as she was a sweet girl who couldn't be lured in by his charms. The problem was the other girl nearby, Felicity. The bitch who started it all.

The coffee cup shattered in her tight grip bringing Ginny out of her thoughts and back to reality. She sighed as she let the pieces fall to the ground and picking a few from her hand. She didn't want to sit by and watch the Silas and Felicity show that was bound to start any minute. She took a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself. usually when she was in a mood this bad anyone near her would be affected by bad luck. She noticed a couple of campers nearby tripping and hurting themselves causing her to close her eyes. inhale, exhale, inhale. Was that smoke? her eyes snapped open as the smell instantly put her in a better mood. The smell of smoke at this time usually meant Jesse was nearby. Her eyes scanned around until she saw the male by his campfire waving her over. Ginny beamed as she started to make her way over only to pause as she saw Peter heading his way with a very red face and a cut... God dammit she had got him with the bad luck as well. She shook her head and pointed to Peter who was making his way over to Jesse. She mouthed later and winked at the male before continuing on her way.

Ginny had decided while walking that heading to the Athena cabin to read would be a good use of her time as there was always something new to read. Every time she walked into the Athena cabin it took her breath away. There was always new models and beautiful sketches lining the room. She always chuckled slightly at the fact their beds were just pushed to the side while bookshelves and desks dominated the room. She approached her favorite bookshelf the one that always had the newest books and started going along their spines. 'Dionysius guide to making water to wine' She let out a small giggle at the title oh if Mr. D saw this one he would be pissed. She was tempted to pick that one but something in her gut told her that wasn't what she was looking for. A book of creatures that reside in caves? also no. The ultimate guide to Zeus favorite foods? She didn't think so. Tales of the primordial gods? That was most definitely it. She slid the book from the shelf and ran her fingers over the cover it was beautiful and terrifying at the same time. It was a large leather bound book covered it what looked like screaming faces. it was almost like they were pushing themselves up against the leather in an attempt to get out. She could already tell this was going to be an interesting read for sure but she didn't know why she was lead to that book. It's not like she was going to be chosen to go on the quest it was a massively important one and she wasn't skilled enough for it. Sure she had gone on a quest before but it was a small one nothing like what this one would be like.

Ginny was so lost in thought that she walked straight into a firm chest with so much force that she seemed to bounce off it and fall back. The book hit the floor with a large bang at the same time as she hit the floor. It was always embarrassing to fall on your ass. She looked up at met the eyes of Flint Lockwood causing her to smile sheepishly as her cheeks tinted pink. "Sorry about that, Flint. Guess I was a bit lost in the cover," she said, rubbing the back of her neck in a sheepish manner. She pulled herself to her feet and dusted herself off. Why was she always so unlucky? "What are you doing in here? I never took you as much of a reader." her voice was still quite quiet out of embarrassment. But she was honestly confused as to why he was in here. How smart could a guy who was trying to actually be with Felicity be? She was surprised by her own hypocrisy and quickly banished the thought like it never happened. She was in the exact same position with Silas. Wait. They were in the same situation so maybe they could help each other tie down the people they love once and for all. "I see the way you look at Felicity. I must admit I don't see why you do but then again you could say the same about Silas.." Ginny trailed off a bit, was she really going to go through with this proposition? What if he shut her down? It was too late to go back now. "I also see the way you look at Silas when he is with Felicity as it's the same way I look at Felicity when she's with Silas," she said with a bit more confidence. "What would you say If I told you that I had a way that we could stop our lovers from sleeping with other people. Make them recognize how much they actually need us." That was it she had said it. Everything was out in the open now and all she could do is wait for his reaction.


Coded by Invidia | Hidden Scroll


Location: Athena Cabin | Mood: Confused
Outfit: White undershirt(partially burned off), jeans, and steel-toe boots
Tags: Mentions revalia revalia Interacts with Maree Maree


Flint almost left when he saw someone else enter the cabin. The last thing he needed was for it to get around camp that he was hiding in the Athena cabin and reading instead of doing something more... Exciting, he supposed. He wasn't exactly someone to sit around all day with his nose in a book. Still, when Ginny mentioned that she didn't think he was a big reader, he smirked, showing her the cover of the book. 'Primordial Gods.' Simple and to the point, which he approved of greatly. "Wishful thinking, maybe, but I figured I'd do some research. Clearly, I'm not the only one." He shrugged, leaning against the wall of the Athena cabin while he listened to her, a slight frown appearing as he did so.

"What does Felicity have to do with this?" He asked slowly, straightening. "I can't say I like the guy, no." In theory, he had no reason to dislike the guy. He and Felicity had an agreement. They could screw whoever they wanted, they just also screwed each other. It was a great agreement, in theory. Unfortunately, he'd done what every dumbass in that situation did - he got feelings for the girl. He wouldn't admit it out loud, hell, most of the time, he wouldn't admit it to himself, but it was true, and he knew it. He didn't like the idea of any other guy touching her, he was possessive, and hell, he'd spent almost three months working on a project for her, that was commitment. So no, he wouldn't have a problem hitting Silas, not in the least.

"Are you suggesting what it sounds like you are, Ginny? I don't have a problem sleeping with you, but is that really what you want to do? Are you really willing to go that far to piss off your boyfriend? I mean, let's be honest here, if you have to go that far to make him realize he wants you, is he really worth it?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Even as he asked her, he had to admit, the questions hit home. Felicity had slept with someone else while they had their arrangement. He'd only done so once, and that was right after they'd formed it, he'd pretty much cut all ties with his other hookups since then. Even he had to admit - that hurt a little. He had no idea if Silas was the only guy she'd messed around with, but he doubted it.

As he considered those thoughts, he extended a hand toward her, eyebrow raised. "If you're up for it, you got yourself a deal. Worst case scenario, I still get laid." He shrugged, sizing her up. Perhaps it was a rude thing to think, but he couldn't help immediately comparing her to Felicity. She didn't share the daughter of Aphrodite's obvious beauty, though she was far from unattractive. It was disgustingly romantic, but no other girl compared to Felicity anymore. Hell, if it got her to stop screwing around with other guys, he'd go a lot further than sleeping with the pretty girl in front of him, she was hardly the worst he could do. "Out of curiosity, just to see how far you've thought this through, what's your plan for this? Hmm? Hook up in the Aphrodite cabin and then again in Hecate's so they walk in on us? Make out in front of them? Or just tell them that we slept together and hope for the best? Because if this whole plan is just a ploy to get me naked, I have to say, I'm impressed at your commitment." He chuckled, shaking his head. From what he knew about Ginny, which, admittedly, wasn't much, she didn't seem like the type to go this far to get a guy. Probably just him making assumptions, though.

Coded by revalia revalia | Hidden Scroll


Location: Arena| Mood: On the precipice between fear and panic
Outfit: Black shirt and jeans.
Tags: Mentions athereal athereal


Peter looked at Jess for a moment, jaw slightly clenched. He watched him for a moment, almost tensing when the son of Apollo reached for him when he relaxed. If he was worried about Jess hurting him, who could he trust? Beyond the weird emotions attached, Jess was his friend. He felt a weird tingling in his head, making him wince slightly, when the pain faded. "That is... Incredibly cool. Thanks." He chuckled, touching the newly-healed wound cautiously. A bit sore, but nothing compared the wound that had been there before.

"I'm... I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan of Silas." Peter admitted, scratching the back of his neck slightly. The words formed at his lips, but his courage no longer prevailed. It figured - give him a sword, and he could face anything. Sit him in front of the guy he liked, and he was a stuttering mess.

Just say it. What's the worst that he can say? No? Come on... Just say the words. Just say it.

"Or we could just go together. Like... You know, just you and me. We wouldn't have to deal with anyone else's drama, at least, and... You know, we don't really hang out alone a lot." He shrugged, though he knew the words had come out a little too fast, a little too embarrassed. If he could just take a breath and realize that he had no reason to be embarrassed, his life would be a hundred times easier. Why should he be ashamed to ask a guy out? The thought had appeal. At least then, he could stop tormenting himself, wondering if he was wasting his time.

"Or... We could skip the event altogether. Go night swimming, in the lake. Just you and me." There. That was as obvious as he could get without physically saying the words. Come on. Romantic lake, just the two of them? Even he couldn't be so friendzoned that Jess didn't at least get the hint that he was trying to be more than friends. Though, with his luck, it was... Entirely too possible.

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Location: Athena Cabin
Mood: Mischievous
Outfit: T Y C H E
Interacted: Flint
Mentions: Felicity | Silas

Ginevra stood listening to him with a small smirk playing on her lips. "of course I am. He stopped being my boyfriend the moment he slept with Felicity. It's just the same as yours and Felicity's. Anything you say to me can be spun right back at you. Is Felicity worth it" she said though it didn't seem like she needed to. The male was already lost in his own thoughts as he considered the idea. She could tell from the males facial expression that her words had got to him. She knew before he even spoke that he was going to agree. She was going to tell him that even without him she was going to go on with the plan but it didn't seem like she needed to. But was Silas worth it? She didn't even know why she was asking herself this of course he was. She loved him more than anything and just wanted him to realize how much he loved her.

Ginny took his hand and shook it. "Just laid oh honey you're thinking too small. Just a warning before we start It is extremely easy to fall in love while pretending to do something like this so be careful" she warned, raising her brow slightly. She had faith that he would be able to remain strong but it's best to warn someone first. She watched his eyes size her up and punched his shoulder in more of a joking manner than if she was trying to hurt him. If he was going to size her up then she might as well size him up as well. His features were a lot kinder than Silas who had a lot more of a darker air to his appearance. The two were quite different in appearances as Flint was a lot more muscular due to relying on brute force combat while Silas was more elegant due to his use of magic. Silas had changed to a lot more of a bad boy look in his older years which probably should have been a sign. Flint was a lot more different to what she was used to but that didn't mean he was unattractive. This made him even more perfect to play the role of her partner. "Oh don't start doubting me the moment after we have agreed. Of course, I have thought this through" she scoffed a little insulted that he thought she would come to him with something like this without lots of planning. Then again if someone proposed the idea to her she would question the same thing. Curse him for being so like her. "You sir are thinking too small. Now I must warn you this is going to be difficult because we have to cut them off completely from any attention or affection from us no matter what. That way they learn what it's like to be without us but that alone is not enough. I'm talking Romantic dates, quick kisses, Sleeping together not the sex kind by just curling up next to each other but also the sexual kind. Things like walking around holding hands and just being seen enjoying each others company. Screwing and them seeing it wouldn't be enough I'm talking us 'falling in love'. It's the perfect plan. The most important part is you don't screw any of your other girls it needs to look real" she explained, watching his eyes. She often noticed that emotions can be faked on the face but you can always find someones true emotions when you look into their eyes.

How would they debut as a couple though? Just showing up at the bonfire together wouldn't be enough. Ginny's eyes lit up as she remembered a crucial bit of information that she couldn't believe had slipped her mind. "You were meaning to meet up with her later weren't you? You can end it there. Tell her something along the lines of that you can't continue your relationship because you have met someone and that they might actually be the one. Go into more detail of course." her eyes with basically sparkling as she thought of the possibilities. It was also partly out of revenge as well she couldn't wait to see how Felicity would react to Ginny stealing her man when she was the one who ruined things between her and Silas. As they say, Revenge is a dish best served cold.


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Location: Athena Cabin > Meet-Up Spot| Mood: Thoughtful
Outfit: White undershirt(partially burned off), jeans, and steel-toe boots
Tags: Mentions revalia revalia Interacts with Maree Maree


Flint nodded slightly as he listened to Ginny to talk, waiting for her to finish before speaking."Oh, I understand... You're trying to get me killed." He said, shaking his head. "Have you met Felicity? Something tells me that telling her I'm no longer interested won't end well for me, especially right after I hand her a weapon that's completely capable of killing me." He inspected her for a moment as he considered his options. He wasn't one to wimp out of any challenge, but was he really willing to do this? Really? Was he that desperate for Felicity's attention that was going to sink that low?

"Fine." He said after a moment. Because of course he was that desperate. One didn't get many chances with a girl like Felicity, he might be ruining that chance, but he had to consider the facts: For one, jealousy brought out the best and the worst in her, he'd seen proof of such whenever he so much as spoke to another girl. If he went so far as to actually start 'dating' another girl, she'd bust a cap, and probably hit him, but it probably wouldn't hurt much since she was less than half his size. Considering how much Ginny apparently disliked Felicity, he had to admit, the plan was one worthy of the daughter of Aphrodite. A little stereotypical, but cunning all the same. "Don't you worry about things getting too real, sweetheart, I've been having relationships without emotional ties since I hit puberty." He scoffed.

"And you're thinking too much like a chick, no offense. If I go to meet her and start spouting bullshit about, 'the one,' the plan's a bust. I don't believe in that shit, and she knows it. Don't you worry about my part in all this. I'll pick you up for the bonfire tonight at six." Of course, it started at six, but he was a fan of being fashionably late. "And if she comes toward you tonight... I would suggest ducking. She has one hell of an arm for such a small thing." He advised, grabbing two more books with the same topic of the one he'd started and leaving the cabin, stretching slightly. He'd faced down monsters that were more terrifying than anything he'd ever experienced, but somehow, he was more worried about meeting his hookup and ending things with her. For all he knew, the whole plan was for naught. He had to consider that possibility. What if Felicity just didn't give a damn? On that subject, what if Silas didn't either? How long would things have to continue before he and Ginny just realized that they were faking for nothing? How much could the two really care if they were too busy screwing each other to do anything else?

That didn't matter right then. What mattered right then was doing his part, which was ending things with Felicity. Hopefully temporarily, because hell if he wouldn't miss the physical aspect of their relationship, even if things didn't go according to plan. He did know one thing for sure - he was giving her the damned ring. He'd spent too much time on it to throw it away, and he refused to modify it for anyone else, he'd give it to her, and then he'd fucking hightail it in the hopes that it took her longer to figure out how to work it than it did for him to run as far away as possible. He still had the bolts, the small quiver hanging off of his shoulder, so he'd be able to just hand it to her, explain the situation, and run.

He had to give Ginny one thing - this whole event had taken his mind completely off the actual issues that the camp was facing. What did it matter which girl he was dating or pretending to date when there was a good chance he'd be dead within a month?

Coded by revalia revalia | Hidden Scroll
the archer

Location: At the edge of the Arena and the Archery Range
Mood: *bites lip*
Outfit:casually shirtless
Tags: CtrlAltDelicious CtrlAltDelicious

Jesse picked his head up from looking at the ground, the traces of shames in his face burned away by pure desire. Peter had made everything quite clear and Jesse couldn't stand one more second of pretending like he didn't care. He'd risk it--he'd risk another person loving him because he couldn't bear another second of depriving himself. And, if Apollo or anything else tried to take this away, he'd face it. Even Zeus would taste of his arrows if he tried.

Jesse launched from where he sat, tangling with Peter's limbs and catching him as they fell back into the grass. The kiss was sweet and chaste--it was Jesse's first time kissing anyone. A year. He'd waited what seemed like eons to get to this Elysium. Pulling back, a large goofy smile lightened what was usually a stony face.

"Damn, a whole year Peter? Really? Should I hold up a sign next time?" he laughed, kissing the top of his love's head.​
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Mood: Ugh.
Location: Arena
With: Felicity, Lily. Silas
Tags: revalia revalia ShadyAce ShadyAce D d1uni5ys24si3o

"Do you mind if I stay, and leech off of your training session?"

"I don't mind dearest. As long as Donny here is fine with it."

Pierce didn't care either way. Lily wasn't really a distraction for Fe; she was kind of like Fe's rock. Those two were very close, and he had a feeling even if he'd say no, he'd end up being charmed to do it anyway. There wasn't a point to saying no, especially when Lily wasn't doing anything wrong. Pierce's eyes found themselves trailing Lily as she did her stretching. As she leaned over to bend her legs out, something hit him. Oh, great, he thought, his mind just as bitter as it had been prior. Pierce realized that he had been wrong - Lily could definitely be a distraction. Definitely.

For him.

Pierce's eyes flickered to Lily's second sword again. He could focus on something else. Like actually replying to what had been said. "No problem, Lil." He gave her a soft smile. Maybe she could help Felicity. Pierce had always been a little afraid to fight with Fe, since she was undeniably not as strong or tough as he was, especially when he lost control of himself. If he'd hurt Felicity in that state, it would crush him. Pierce was much better suited to teach, rather than to spar, unless it was with one of his own siblings. They could understand and adapt to his war-like state. But Fe?

Fe wasn't fragile, but she wouldn't stand a chance alone. Pierce watched as Felicity took another stab (hah) at training with the cotton scapegoat. He was proud of her force, but then she'd stopped, looking a bit confused. Oh no.

"But wait... how am I supposed to remember that my enemy is trying to kill me when all I have is a wooden dummy? It's boring and not realistic. It doesn't move. I just don't... feel the rush since this thing is just in one place and completely harmless, y'know?"

Pierce groaned. Come on, Fe. Her imagination could be so wild, but here, where it could help her, she was lacking. It was alright; he kind of understood where she was coming from. There wasn't enough fight coming from a dummy. She would need something real to be able to take this seriously. A sparring partner better suited for Felicity would be Lily, her best friend. Both could work on what they'd learned and both could grow, together. He had a feeling Felicity would enjoy such a thought, and he hoped Lily would too. Since they were so close, they could pick any time for sparring. Before Pierce could give the two ladies he was fond of the idea he'd thought of, his eyes snapped up to the next approaching member of the camp. Silas. Pierce rolled his neck until he heard a relieving crack.


"Oye yourself. I ate breakfast already, but if you're hungry," Pierce shrugged his shoulder in the direction of the Apollo and Hermes campers, "those two seem to be cooking something up. I'd wait until their faces aren't red as hell, though." Seriously. Those two were kind of cute, but he couldn't be distracted just yet. By any of it. He had to do more to help Fe, and he was too focused on that to linger on anything else. Pierce turned back to Felicity and Lily.

"Then try training together. She's human enough, right?" And half god. Perfect.

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