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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom War of the North (Pokemon) CS



Ice Queen
  • no god modding​
  • max of three pokemon per person​
    • 1 soul bonded- you and your soul bonded pokemon can feel each other's emotions and communicate through your thoughts. You can't get another soul bonded pokemon till after the one you have died.​
    • 1 regular bonded pokemon- can communicate through thoughts.​
    • 1 tamed- a tamed pokemon is similar to how we tame normal animals. You have to speak to communicate with them and they don’t have to listen.​
    • No legendaries​
    • Only those of nobility or above can have pseudo-legendaries unless in mercenary guild. Even then please confirm with me which one you would like to use. (I can make exceptions if there is one you absolutely want. This is like this because the royalty want to have the most powerful pokemon to stay in control)​
  • You can have up to two characters right now​
  • PM me if you have any questions​
  • If you wish to be royalty please pm me​

Appearance (anime or drawing preferred description is allowed):
Rank (Commoner, Knight, Blacksmith, nobility,etc):
Personality (Bullet point or paragraph form):
Pokemon (allowed 1 soul bonded, 1 regular bonded, and one tamed. You don't need to have all three or even one at all. ):
History (at least one paragraph):​
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Name: Princess Amelia Dumont
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Rank (Commoner, Knight, Blacksmith, nobility,etc): Princess of the Ceacuria Kingdom, Heiress to the throne
Amelia is not what you would except of a normal princess. She isn't frail and knows how to fight. She comes off a little rough around the edges sometimes for there are men in their army who don't believe she can rule this country like her mother. Amelia does truly care for her people and is generally kinder to those of lower rank. She can even be seen talking the commoner when she walks through the town. When it comes to battle, Amelia doesn't show her soft side and her vaporeon mimics that as well.
Soul Bonded:



History (at least one paragraph):
Being the heir to the throne Amelia went through a lot as a child. She had to be proper while being diplomatic yet fierce on the battle field. She also had to deal with death threats and assassination attempts. She couldn't trust anyone except her mother. Her father died when she was five and her mother remarried a year later. Amelia was gifted a dratini from him which she had bonded with. Before she bonded with it though she didn't particularly like her new dad but once she bonded she realized that it was because she just couldn't get over her own father's death. After all, the assassination attempt was for her. After that she started training really hard. It didn't take long for her eevee to evolve. When she went to combat for the first time and won, her dratini evolved.
Currently her mother is looking for someone to marry her and provide good breeding lines, both for her pokemon and blood. Originally her mother wanted her to marry the leader of the mercenary guild but she fought tooth and nail to not marry that treasonous man. She couldn't even believe that her mother was going to pardon him and his crew from stealing pokemon above their rank.

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Name: Karrus
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Rank: Rouge/Thief
Personality: He's very quick-witted and friendly when not working but he also has a hard time trusting. He'd rather push someone away than talk about himself.
Soul bonded: Umbreon
Regular bonded: Murkrow
History (at least one paragraph):


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Name: Marah Ven Chant

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Rank (Commoner, Knight, Blacksmith, nobility,etc): Marah is a traveling Merchant that accidentally obtained a Mercenary license instead of a Merchant license.

Personality: Adventurous, restless, known to charge into things, awkward, kind of a dumbass, trustworthy, loyal.

Soul Bonded:


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Regular Bonded:


The Baby bat is a rather young one not being alive for a long time. She has quite a large appetite and can often be seen munching on berries and other goodies from always being hungry. Barberry is also very bitey if she doesn't have anything to chew on for a while she will find something to chew on food or no food. Marah met Barberry inside of a cave, while she was scrounging around for some item she heard was rather valuable. She had ended up getting separated from Nilo for some time, after part of the cavern's ceiling had collapsed, bringing a freshly hatched Noibat in front of the girl. Barberry rather quickly took to Marah thinking that the human girl was her mother and would not leave the merchant be, repeatedly flying back into the hood of her cloak making itself rather comfortable.




Now Aster wasn't obtained just out and about like Barberry, and Nilo. He was actually purchased from a breeder after Marah finally caved on getting a small cart to help flourish her business and let her travel even further. He's a rather strongwilled pokemon and doesn't like being touched by anyone mostly leading to those who do getting zapped.


History: Marah hails from a small village far off into the distance, where she was founded along a hillside all alone with few traces of how she managed to get there. Left alone in the world as an infant with only her basket. Where she was picked up by an older couple and brought to the village. The couple had put up fliers for the child but no one ever identified her. Eventually leading to the pairing to straight-up adopt the girl seeing as they were already caring for the infant they might as well keep her. Now the family was nowhere near wealthy, living scraps by scraps on what they sold based upon their creations of wood carved figurines of various Pokemon. wip​
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Appearance: They are 5'6", with a thin, but athletic body. They have dark, cacao brown skin and black hair that's wooly and cropped short. They have a small round face with pronounced cheekbones. They'll wear a variety of clothes to blend in during infiltrations, but most commonly wear a black linen outfit, with a black cloak and several bandoliers, holding things from rope and lockpicking equipment, to food and water.

Name: Codename - Midnight: Realname - Sasha Writwort

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Rank: Enemy Spy

Personality: They take on a variety of personalities when on the job, from charming and flamboyant to angry and serious. Their natural personality if generally fairly serious. They don't care for humor. They are blunt, straightforward and think honesty is a fool's trait. They are not loyal to anyone or anything but themselves. They mentally block many emotions, as they tend to just get in the way, but they struggle with fear and anger. The only thing they care about are their family and Pokemon. With them, they show a rare side of kindness and love.

They are highly patient, observant and meticulous, which helps them to excel in their chosen profession. They are strong willed, and would never do something they think would cause harm to their Pokemon.

Pokemon: All of Sasha's Pokemon are smaller than average, and trained for stealth and speed, but are lacking in combat capabilities.
Their soul bonded Pokemon is Durant, nicknamed Nuzzle.

Their bonded Pokemon is Flapple, nicknamed Nibble.

Their tamed Pokemon is Ekans, nicknamed Sizzle.

History: Sasha Writwort grew up with her mother and father as an only child. They lived far from society, due to the fact that her father was a spy. From a young age her father taught her about spy craft and survival. It may have seemed wrong from an outside view, but they were happy. Sasha enjoyed learning and getting better, she wanted to be just like her father, whom she looked up to greatly. She was taught how to survive off the land. She learned stealth and tactics for blending in, as well as how to handle herself in a fight. She became skilled with daggers, crossbows and bows, and in the art of disarming her opponents. She even learned various languages and cultures.

Sasha, like her father, is not associated with any group, but has contacts in many places, some of her own, some of her father's. Due to their lack of affiliation, they often took on jobs for many different people. Their work mainly dealt with information gathering, though sometimes combat was required to infiltrate or escape. One day, Sasha's mother had grown ill. To raise the money for treatment, Sasha's father had taken up a job with the Azura kingdom. Unfortunately her father never returned. She heard no word of his death or capture. Nothing. So she went to the Azura kingdom to take up the job he was supposed to have, under the name Midnight.

Sasha had grown bitter over the years and throughout her travels. All she saw were people causing harm to other people, or people ignoring the plight of others as they tried to live their small, happy lives, or even worse, people performing acts of kindness seeking recognition and fame. She had grown to assume that people only look out for themselves, so she became the same way, caring only for herself, her Pokemon, and her family, the only ones to selflessly act for her without asking or expecting anything in return.

Sasha met all of her Pokemon by accident. She met Nuzzle the Durant before she knew how to speak. She was wandering through the yard, under the supervision of her mother, when she happened upon a small Durant being bullied by the other, normal sized Durant. Curiosity lead her to go to them, unknowingly protecting the small Durant as she scared off the others.

She met Nibble the Applin years later at the age of eight, when she unsuspectingly went to bite an apple. To her surprise, the apple was actually a Pokemon! Applin eventually evolved into Flapple as they aged and their bond grew.

Her most recent Pokemon was found in her young adult years. She was rummaging through old boxes in a storage room of her home. When one of the boxes moved revealed Sizzle the Ekans. Sasha was unsure, but it looked like the Ekans had been abused, maybe by a previous owner. She lovingly cared for it, winning it over.
Appearance (anime prefered, description is allowed):b92e992d2020033937454028a0b7cc4e.jpg

Bryce Blanc



Leader of the Sentinels

He is cunning and vindictive. He has a strong dislike toward royalty, hating that they are trying to control their population. But at the same time is willing to help them out if they are able to gain anything in return. He is very blunt and can come off as an asshole or cocky when first being met.

Soul Bonded: IronHide

Bonded: Atlas

Madame Fear(Pokemon belonging to his dead mother,now travelling with him)

History (at least one paragraph):
Bryce Blanc was born from a kingdom far away, that passed a desert, which was the only way to go through. The kingdom was mostly composed of steel types and they were a kingdom composed of miners and Blacksmiths. Eventually the kingdom was invaded by another kingdom and it was completely destroyed, with Bryce barely escaping, taking an egg that turned out to be his soul bonded partner. At the very beginning Bryce wanted to reach the allied king of Ceacuria. But having to cross the desert was difficult, being dehydrated. Eventually he would be found by a band of thieves that forced him to join them. At the beginning it was hard learning from them but he would pull through. Once he was old enough, he left the group and started making his trip to Ceacuria but along the way, he saw how the kingdoms that were around treated others around it. So with this, he formed his own Mercenary group. At the beginning the group was formed to help the innocents but overtime, it started to take on jobs that would put them against the royals. Now that he has received a message from the Ceacuria kingdom to help them against the Azura Kingdom. While the pardon didn't matter to him, the money did.

Other: Banner of the Sentinels

He was never a fan of this stuffy nonsense, but his noble parents insisted.

He looks far more scruffy and unkempt, but he likes it that way. Helps him fade into the background.
Name: Marshall Melbourne
Gender: Cisgender Male
Age: 26 years old
Rank: Cavalier soldier
When he was young, he was a happy kid. Friendly. Laid back and real southern charming, he was a lovely young man back home. However, since becoming a “noble” he’s become far more truant and disagreeable, at least with the people he doesn’t like. He has a strong sense of justice and finds it hard to go against that instinct to be good and merciful.
Soul Bonded



One day, 26 years ago, a baby and an Axew were stolen from a Noble family in Azura.
One day, 26 years ago, a baby and an Axew appeared on the doorstep of a commoner farmhouse.

That baby was raised in that farmhouse with a pair of loving parents whom had never had a child of their own. They had no idea where their son had come from, but they cared for him unconditionally.

He spent twenty-four years on that farm, with the farm Pokémon and his parents, his Axew and the Rufflet he saved from a mob of Murkrow. He loved his parents and the slow life of the farm. He had plans for his future! But that was all turned to dust when a Rapidash-drawn carriage bumped down the road to their little farmhouse.

While his father stepped forward to deal with the guests, Marshall went about his business, with Regal and Julius helping him the whole way along. But soon enough, he was being called to by his father. When he finally approached the fancy carriage, he found his father standing there with a posh-looking man in a tailored suit, with a Liepard on a leash.

He claimed to be from a far-away Noble family, searching for a lost baby boy, the son of the noble family, as it were. He seemed convinced that Marshall himself was the lost boy. He had the Axew, the signature blond hair, the facial features apparently. But Marshall wasn’t buying it.
“Yeah, this is a nice trick and everything, but I’m gonna say no to this little charade. You’ve got the wrong kid, have a nice day.” Was Marshall’s reply, but the butler-looking man was adamant. He offered Marshall’s parents anything they could ever want- Money, land, rare Pokémon, all in exchange for handing their son over. All of these were turned down.

The butler was clearly getting frustrated with these loathsome commoners, and when he seemed at his wits end, Marshall told him to “just go home”.

At which point he threw out his last card- A threat.

“Well, that is unfortunate. It would also be unfortunate if I were to report back to my masters that these lovely people here kidnapped their son and refused to release him.”
Marshall stopped where he stood.
“Wha... WHAT?”

This butler claimed that he would frame the family for kidnapping Marshall, that he was being held against his will, perhaps that he was even brainwashed by these filthy farm people.

And Marshall realized it was real. Very real. And the threat to his parents was massive.

So he made the terrible decision to get into the carriage with Regal and Julius, saying goodbye to his parents with tears in his eyes. He wasn’t sure if he would ever see them again. He hoped he would.

When he arrived at the noble manor, he was greeted by the strangest procession of butlers and maids and.. ugh. It took an hour for his “parents” to appear, and he wasn’t impressed with them.
His father was tall and stern looking, with a Haxorus that looked like it ate your dog.
His mother was a blonde bimbo with a Druddigon.

They barely regarded him with any love or affection during his entire time there. He got more attention from the maids whom dressed him every day. He was taught all the nobility stuff he had bothered with. He was taught in the art of mounted combat with a Rapidash named Lana and the use of a glaive.​
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"Welcome to my abode, I have been waiting..."





Geist is antisocial, in respects to her nature as a hermit who dwells the forests. She is poor with crowds, but enjoys whatever company one may provide, wishing that they would continue to spend time with her. Her heart is kind and she wishes not for malice to be expressed or to be deep inside it, but at the end of the day, one cannot be human without malice, a fact that she sadly accepts.


Whisper has been with Geist since childhood, as they have cared for each other.

Honedge are known to be cunning and manipulate. However, this Honedge has no intention to harm Geist. In fact, he is very protective of her, and puts her before himself.

Many Nincada tread the forests. This is the one that enjoys Geist's company the most.

Before becoming a hermit in the forests, Geist was a young girl who lived in nobility. Her father was the famed King Grimnir of the Kingdom of Mystisis, one of few Kingdoms that promote the practice of the arcane arts. King Grimnir loved the Queen Rosanna very much and treasured her very well. Eventually, they had a daughter by the name of Geist.

King Grimnir's most loyal knight, Bolverk, began to fall in love with Queen Rosanna. He started to become less and less loyal as jealousy corrupted him. Eventually, he sent his corps to get the king, all while personally claiming his life with his bloody sword Gram. Queen Rosanna, knowing this, tasked a young Dreepy with whisking their beloved heir into the forests.

No one knew the aftermath of Queen Rosanna, but what is known was that Bolverk became the new king of Mystisis and outlawed arcane arts, deeming them 'black magic', so that he could ally his kingdom with one of the warring Kingdoms. He executed the very last man in his kingdom who knew the art as an example. A very grim example.

Geist in the meantime grew up in a small hut in the forests as a hermit with no kingdom to call her own but its creatures. She lived her life as a healer, using medicinal means to help people and Pokemon that passed through.​

"My ideals will be achieved..."

Bolverk Corsolus



King of the Kingdom of Mystisis

Long gone was the noble knight that brought happiness to many known as Sir Bolverk. Today, King Bolverk rules with an iron fist and tyranny, and he will not hestitate to bring down the hammer of judgement down upon those he deems traitorous. He destroyed all magic in his once magic-filled kingdom so that he could be the only one with such power.


A Pokemon evolved from an experimentally-modified Yamask. While she hates King Bolverk, King Bolverk loves her dearly. He has used black magic in place of true emotion to soulbond this Pokemon and control it.

King Bolverk finds Trevenant dear to him. Recently, Trevevant dislikes her King's newfound affection towards Runerigus.

One of his various black magic experiments, transformed from a happy pink Corsola. Deemed a success after he noticed its durability boost with an Eviolite, he uses it in combat often.

Long ago, in the kingdom of Mystisis, King Grimnir and his wife Queen Rosanna lived happily, ruling over all who practiced the arcane arts. They even had a daughter by the name of Geist - their princess-to-be. Sir Bolverk of the noble Corsolus house as he was known back then served his king happily, until he fell in love with Queen Rosanna and over time decided to one day kill King Grimnir with his prized sword Gram out of jealousy. He lost his sword on that day, but that didn't matter one bit compared to what he had achieved.

From that day, he had claimed the Kingdom of Mystisis for himself, outlawing the use of magic so that he himself could use it. With his new sword, the Balmung, he seeks to cut down any opposition, but of course, with the only source of magic being him, he chooses to wait for the right time to strike as he observes the warring Kingdoms attack, staying neutral and choosing to side with the inevitable victor to give an illusion of aid.​
Appearance: A massive man. He stands 6'9" and has a lean body. His muscles show when he exerts himself, but otherwise don't appear to be super well defined. His light skin is tanned from exposure to the sun. He also has various scars on his body, including a small scar that looks like its cradling his left eye. His hazel eyes sparkle in the light. He has shaggy, caramel colored hair and beard, both several inches long. His beard is complimented by a manly mustache. He is equally ruggedly handsome and intimidating, and has a deep, booming voice.

He has gauntlets with special metal straps that hold a Pyukumuku on the back of each hand. He also has a body strap with a fitting for for his shiny Pyukumuku, Pyuky, to sit on his right shoulder, most often facing backwards. He is rarely seen without these three Pyukumuku. Other than that, he generally wears dull colored linen clothes, though he'll don chainmail during battle.

Name: Guy Manfred

Gender: Manly Male

Age: 27

Rank: Pyukumuku Rancher recruited to be a Warrior.

Personality: He is fearless, cheerful and flirty. He has incredible pride in his Pyukumuku. He loves bragging about his Pyukumuku, and will often tell people stories of their achievements that few seem to believe. He loves women and scuffles, often visiting bars to chase skirts and get into bar fights. He's about as manly a man as a man could be.

His soul bonded Pokemon is a shiny Pyukumuku nicknamed Pyuky.

He has two tamed Pyukumuku, named Lefty and Righty.

History: Guy was born into the profession of Pyukumuku rancher, like his family before him. He breeds and raises Pyukumuku as a delicious food source for the Ceacurian kingdom. He is also incredibly intelligent, a genius. If he were born among another family, he could easily have been a world renown scientist, philosopher or mathematician. Instead, his intelligence has gone into Pyukumuku breeding. Since he started ranching, the popularity of Pyukumuku dishes has skyrocketed. He has even bread several shiny Pyukumuku that often serve as dishes for royalty.

Guy's Pyukumuku ranch is located on the outskirts of the Ceacurian kingdom, making it a difficult place for the kingdom to defend. When Guy was eight, he experienced his first bandit raid. This lead to him learning how to fight. To help him fight, he also started breeding Pyukumuku for toughness. Over the years he developed a strange fighting style. Using special gauntlets, a Pyukumuku is placed on the backside of both hands, held in place by steel straps. He trained the Pyukumuku to react to his hand movements. When he extended and retracted his arms, the Pyukumuku extended and retracted their innards. They also mimicked his finger placements, opening and closing depending on how Guy opened and closed his fingers. This lead to him being able to punch using the Pyukumuku. Combined with his height and reach, he is easily able to pummel other people without being touched.

Guy's prized possession is his shiny Pyukumuku Pyuky. Pyuky has a special strap that wraps around Guy's body and holds Pyuky securely atop his right shoulder, often facing backwards. This allows Guy to cover all angles due to his soul bonding with Pyuky. Pyuky, unlike Lefty and Righty, is capable of creating a variety of shapes with her innards.

Despite having defended his family's ranch several times over the years, Guy wished the Ceacurian kingdom could do more to protect them. One day there was an open tournament. Now that Guy was 25, he thought it might be time to show off his Pyukumuku, and maybe curry favor with the royals. After winning overwhelmingly, the royals were so impressed that they asked him to join in the growing conflict with the Azura kingdom. He agreed under the condition of improved protection for his ranch and family.

Since then, he has gone on to win many impressive battles. He often embarrassed other knights and warriors in hand to hand combat, and has beaten many powerful Pokemon using his strange Pyukumuku fighting style. He even boasts of having defeated the likes of a Charizard and Machamp. He'll very readily tell you the story, whether you want to hear it or not. Though he never talks about that Snorlax. That sucker just wouldn't go down.

He spends his current days chasing skirts, getting into bar fights, and dancing around the battlefield where his fighting skill and intelligence shine. His three best Pyukumuku always at his side.
Comfey is always on her head like a flower crown
Name: Clara
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Age: 23
Rank (Commoner, Knight, Blacksmith, nobility,etc): Healer/Support
Personality (Bullet point or paragraph form): Clara is a bit carefree for someone who has seen a lot of dead bodies. As one of the field medics and support crew Clara is very protective of her comrades and will do what she can to help them, no matter what. She looks innocent but let me tell you now she is not. Being a bit of a flirt is an understatement. She is a seize the moment kind of person which is why it isn't odd to see her in places like taverns or just randomly walking the forests at night to see ghost pokemon. If it wasn't for her Kirlia many think she wouldn't have lasted this long.

History (at least one paragraph): Clara was born and raised in the wonderful kingdom of Ceacuria. She was raised among the healers of the kingdom, like her parents before her. Psychic and fairy pokemon tend to like her family so it was no surprise when she bonded with them. Clara is trained in the arts of healing through medicinal plants as well as through her pokemon. She always wanted to be a field medic and to do so you need to be able to protect yourself and others. When Whimsicott came into her life she felt so much love. It felt like just when she bonded with Comfey. When she told her parents about this they immediately brought it to the attention of the church who them confirmed she had bonded with another pokemon. But that wasn't possible right? She was one in who know how many. This has only happen twice in the history of their kingdom. Queen Akara didn't want to send her out on the field since it was something so incredibly rare but she also knew that bond would make them stronger than most and knew she needed to take advantage of that since the healers was falling left and right. That is how Clara became part of the field medic unit.​
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Appearance (anime or drawing preferred description is allowed):4b95415a7c801e38332d2fde8ddfe772.jpg

Ambrose DeWitt

Gender: Male


Rank (Commoner, Knight, Blacksmith, nobility,etc):

What can be said about Ambrose?? Well he is lazy as hell and loves to spend most of his day sleep alongside his group of pokemon. He doesn't really care about the war that's going on, all he cares about is finding that perfect area that he can spend the rest of his life sleeping at. But dont ever and I mean ever wake him, because then he will get mad and cause chaos on his surrounding until he gets bored and goes back to sleep. Expect a hyper beam from his Snorlax and a Wood Hammer from Komala. He is also very bad with direction, so often times relies on his abra to teleport him to his location.

Soul Bonded



History (at least one paragraph):
What can you say? Ambrose is an orphan commoner that loves to sleep, that's all everyone needs to know. Who somehow got soul bonded to a Munchlax while looking for a spot to sleep. Honestly they slept the whole day, that when they woke up, the two just didnt care and went back to sleep. Munchlax followed him around since then, often time with Ambrose having to steal from nearby Stands when they got hungry. Eventually Munchlax would evolve while trying to protect Komala from a bunch of misfits that didnt like the small Koala, bringing the team of two to three. Abra just came from nowhere one day and has stuck with Ambrose and his group, mostly because they all love sleeping more than anything. The Abra often time will fall asleep mid teleportation and have them be teleported to random areas.


Florentin ࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
"Only a weak man relies on the sacrifice of his companions."

Appearance details:
Nobody with an exception of his past family, the misdreavus and his pokemon has seen what remains under that suit of armor Floran carries, and he intends to keep it that way. When he's not wearing armor, he finds absolutely any other means to cover his body and face. He stands roughly at 6'4'' and has a rather skinny build.
The dark space in his suit where his neck is tends to be kept full with different scarves he wears so that his Roselia has comfortable bedding to lay in.

Male, at least given by his voice.
Floran or Flora are both fine. His last name is unknown.
23. Confirmed it when rumors spread about that he was secretly an old man when someone spotted a white hair on his suit. Surprisingly young for what he is capable of in battle, but his youth shows mentally.
An unloyal Sentinels mercenary.
Follows orders only on his free will, and not simply because one holds authority over him. He is always testing the boundaries of those who reign above him in deliberate manners. But regardless of this behavior, Floran proves himself to be an extremely useful asset, and it would be a loss if he left.
-Actively participates in battle alongside his pokemon. Believes if a trainer is willing to sacrifice their pokemon's blood, then they must be willing to sacrifice their own too. Tries to avoid fighting another person's pokemon unless necessary. Avoids those who rely on the skill of others.

-Follows strictly by a line of moral code.
-Very self-disciplined.
-Has a cut-throat attitude.​
-Vague, never direct with his words unless things are serious. He uses his tongue just like his blade--only wields it when it's provoked. That saying, he's a fairly quiet man.
-Too dedicated. Has no problem hurting himself within the process of doing things, if it means that it'll be done.
-Knows his limits and his losses.
-Despite his goody-goody first impressions, often plays dirty and enjoys a more poetic sense of justice rather than ruthless violence. Awfully creative with his methods.
-Has a good sense of humor, however, tries not to let it show.
-Fears vulnerability, which is how come his first impressions can make him seem like an emotionless husk. He's human too.
Fame and Revenge
His life goal is to be immortalized through history as someone who changed the art of battle and its standards without following by tradition. He wants a world where the youth isn't abused and pressured for the sake of it, thus, he tries to be the best example of a person he can.

To keep a sense of mystery, many important details of Floran's past will be left out. That aside, let's begin.

Florentin's dead to his family in Azural, and currently, he's content being as far away from them as possible right now. He comes from a long line of heavily prestigious, royal knights who'd do anything for the royal family without an ounce of remorse, including harming those closest to show their 'strength', pokemon and family alike. Each generation, the children of the family are given honedges they must tame on the day of a competition, which they'll be forced to fight one another with. The top two who win will carry on the family's name, while the rest are left behind to rot off the streets for the sake of tradition, if the honedges haven't consumed their souls.
Although, unlike his 6 siblings and 5 cousins, Florentin was not related to the family by blood in any way.
Taken from his blood family when he was a baby, he was raised here under strict parents who'd do everything to get him succeed in the battle, both trying to grow his brawn and brain. Why they would adopt him, when it was tradition that the family knight must be blood? As of currently, that's a mystery only them and Floran know, but it seemed to be the reason why he wasn't allowed outside like the rest of his siblings. Floran's childhood consisted of being locked in small cupboards for days at a time as punishment for not correctly preforming a move, growing up to learn that any sign of vulnerability will result in anguish and loneliness. It was the constant strict training that made him as self disciplined and fearful of vulnerability as he is today.
Whilst he wasn't allowed to leave the house, when Floran was a teenager, he became close to the family's gardener who was prisoner. It was she, a girl a year younger than him who would be his only outlet to the outside world. She would tell him of tales of her parents, both of whom were mercenaries who broke tradition and changed lives of many. When it came to the treatment of her by the rest of his family members, Floran would do his best to step in to protect her. For once, he actually someone to look forward to at the end of the day, which soon became his only motive to train. However, 2 years later, a week before the competition, would be the day his eldest sibling went too far. She was killed to sabotage Floran's chances at ever carrying on the family title.
And it worked. Florentin finally snapped.
That night, he stole everything valuable he laid his eyes on and never looked back. Although he would later sell most of the stolen goods to help prepare for the beginning of his new life and his travels to Ceacuria, he still holds three reminders of his past to this day. A history book, the armor set meant for the competition's winner, and a badly damaged honedge.
Soul-bonded. Referred together as Arena.


A doublade that's covered in thorns and roses. On each blade, there's an etching of both the Azural Queen and King that seems to have been cut into half. Floran takes so much care of the blades that they can double as a mirror.
He stole these girls from his family's chambers on the day he left. However, back then, they'd been only one badly damaged honedge.
Bonded. The name came from her previous master.

A gift that Floran now holds close to his heart and arms. A small girl, standing at only 1'0'', which is nearly pocket-sized compared to Floran. Ambrosia seems to be the culprit behind Aranerva's flowers and the lulling, floral scents that follow her master. Floran specially dedicated all his comfiest scarves to her.
Untamed. The nuisa-I mean, misdreavus that won't stop following Floran due to some weird unspoken obsession.

He started noticing this spectral being on his first day working for the Sentinels, when one of the other mercenaries pointed out a misdreavus kept peaking out of trees behind them.
It would seem this spectral being hasn't ever left his side, whether it be buggering him in plain sight or in subtle ways. However, on the day it was noticed, the mangy pest hasn't stopped pestering him since. Seems to be extremely intelligent and likes pranking Florentin a lot.
(Other) Inventory:
When he's not battling, he carries around a hide sack that carry some of his most precious belongings.
-Fabric bandages. Despite being washed, they still hold some stains.
-Alcohol he mostly uses for disinfecting wounds.
-Scarves and clothes.
-Sun-dried fruits and jerky.
-Crochet needles and wool yarn.
-Era-appropriate hygienic products, such as toothpaste powder and soap made from cow fat.
-A small painting made on linen rags, protected between the pages of a history book he took from his family's barracks.
The painting:
(Other) Voice:

Voice at 0:40
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