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Futuristic War Monochrome

Octiven Linthium

Optimistic Dumbo

Year 2565

Earth has been conquered by Russia. With all the complete power the world we live in became corrupt and destructive. Men worked like slaves to earn food and money. Woman and children where forced into the 'underlands.' The underlands are under the the ground societies where woman and children are treated like pigs. The harder the man work the more of a chance the family gets out. While the poor roll around in tears the wealthy live luxurious and free. Rules have no connections to them. They can to whatever they want, but that very ignorance became the start of the war between the planets.

Earth is a trading route, the place where every planet ships things to one another. But due to that, a young boy snuck on a starcraft from a different planet and traveled to Earth. He saw the cruelty of the human race and reported it when he got back to his homeland. Though know one would listen to a child. Until further investigation went in, once the facts were stated true it started an uproar. All trades stopped from there and rumors spread like wildfire. Thus creating

War Monochrome'

Where it begins

While the war in under go a man stole a starship from the government and went to create his own ship full of different creatures to stop the madness. They may get chased by many other species but it's worth it. You have the decision on which race you want to be. And what role. Choose wisely.

(No example picture needed for this race, look at yourself in the mirror and remember...you're beautiful.)

Humans are weaklings compared to other races. They realized that from the very start. They have no mana. (a magic spirt within them to cast spells) No specialty, and no wielding strength. So make up for they're inabilities, they became cyborgs. To be considers even a human now days, you must have at least one robotic feature.

Elfien are the elfs you know of in fairy tales. The mischievous creature is actually very calm and sweet. Most Elfien are healers, priest, and white mana users. They have the most mana. Their planet is split in half with nations due to a war. The left half is the white mana users and the right is black mana users. The black mana users are manipulative and sly. They are the true elfs in fairy tales. They are also against earth.
Caloin appear to be very young but can be older than a rock. They are a half animal species with ears and a tail, but have a human body. They live in more of a traditional lifestyle. Like the Chinese. Though starcrafts are allowed it's just that old ways are more to their liking. Their mana is very low but they can change fully into the animal they are connected with.They absolutly despise earthlings and are far against them.


Grioger are the most strongest species. They have absolute no mana, and no need for it. They fight by brute force and no tactics. They are the ogres in folk tales and all the lore. But casually mistaken, they do have a brain. And are moderately intelligent. Grioger help the humans because they find them cute.

Fuhar are the traditional angels and harpies you know of. They have little to none mana but have wings,claws, and brains. Fuhar are considered the 3 most intelligent race. Humans are not in their favor. They more prefer them as food.


Spayadi are half insect and human. They are very powerful and have the third highest mana. Though they are very useful, they are very, very smart. But more evil. Don't expect them to warm up to you quickly. Spayadi find the human race interesting. They follow them only because of their evil ways.


Decoim are dark creatures they are what you call the devil or demons. They focus on dark mana and have the highest ranking in dark mana. Though most of the population is covered in men. And most of them don't look half bad. Don't get sucked in by their charm, most have no personality. Decoim do not care for the war. Only cheer on for who's ever winning.


The Cenpau are mostly a female race. They have little to none mana but are excellent archers and long sword fighters. Centaurs, are the folk lore of these species. If lucky enough you can find a Pautar or a Unipat. Pautar is a Pegasus and a Unipat is a Unicorn. But all of them have a human connection. Because of their calm and peaceful ways they consider humans what all the other fighting planets do, Cruel. They are against them by all means.


  1. No goddmoding, bunnying, or any Mary-sue's or Garry-sues
  2. At least more than five sentences, this is a literate roleplay.
  3. Don't do something stupid. Please? What you do effects the people around you too.
  4. No, No, OP.
  5. This is action. This is thinking. (If you can't use it then 'this is thinking') "This is talking"
  6. The maximum amount of characters you can have is two.
  7. To notify me that you read this put 'Monochrome' on your character profile
  8. Be creative and have fun!


Captain-Master of the ship ((Taken by Leon_Lacrymosa))

First Mate, Executive Officer
- Responsible for safety and security of the entire ship and crew, leads the first watchshift. ((Taken by Takemikazuchi))

Second Mate, Operations Officer
- Chief Officer of the Deck Department, responsible for general day-to-day operations of the ship as well as managing cargo. Leads the second watchshift.


Third Mate, Flight Officer
- Chief Officer of the Flight Department, responsible for navigation, guidance, FTL jumps, piloting & course corrections, atmospheric entries and flight planning. Leads the third watchshift.

((Taken by Sea))

First Helmsman
- Certified Flight Crew, Lead Pilot - Flight Department

Second Helmsman
- Certified Flight Crew, Assistant Pilot - Flight Department

- Certified Flight Crew. Responsible for plotting jumps, astrography, spatial positioning. - Flight Department

First Engineer
- Chief Officer of the Engineering Department. Responsible for structural & mechanical frames. EVA specialist.

((Taken by Maeve Valor))

Second Engineer
- Responsible for Power Generation, Storage & Distribution - Engineering Department

Information Systems Technician
- Manages all the computer systems. - Engineering Department

Communications Systems Technician
- Runs the communications systems. - Engineering Department

Data Collection & Management Technician
- Controls all the data gathering systems and databases. - Engineering Department

((Taken by Elegy))

Medic 1 -
Heal and treat all wounds. - Medical Department

Medic 2 -
Run diagnose on the ill and treat it once found sickness. Surgery and repairs. - Medical Department

((Taken by Leon_Lacrymosa))

Medic 3 -
Assist both doctors when needed. -Medical Department.

Scientist -

Study unusual things and discover new potions to help. - Medical Department

((Taken by magikarpfever))


The Star Grazer was no where near any planet. Which gave a perfect opportunity to give a tour. Once Kaic had all the present members he began the tour around the ship. Is was very large and well interiorized.

"Down the west wing, take the first left and the hall is all the bedrooms. On the hall across from the rooms is the bathrooms."


"All bedrooms are the same." He said nothing more and walked off a bit before turning back around. Feeling sorry for the abandoned crowd of people.

"In the living room, which is the room all of you waited in, down stairs is the bar. My bedroom is at the end of the west wing. As for the control and dinning room, there's a hall in the right side of the bar room. Down that hall is the control room. The dinning room is one right and a left of the living room."



"And as a friendly reminder, the medic and lab room is in the north wing along with the training grounds. All windows only show mere moving images. Tap on it to change the scenery of the room. I'll be off, and Margret, keep the ship settle so we don't die. Thanks." Kaic went off to his bedroom to shower leaving a questioned Namine to stand.

Namine looked at the few people that joined and wanted to greet herself. But she was to afraid of her personality. Mio rubbed at he leg begging for a treat. "N-not no Mio, I'll make food later instead." She then remembered her strange urge to ask Kaics blood type, she still wants to ask that though..it's a bit too late.

She couldn't hold back longer though, she had to say something in the silence. "Hya! I'm Namine! It's a pleasure to meet different species and races! Don't mind my dog here. And yes it is a dog. His name is Mio! If I heard right when I called Kaic he said I was one of the doctors. To I'm pleased to help cure your sicknesses! Though I'm more of a surgical doctor. Cutting and exp-I mean helping is my-" She rambled and rambled on until her eyes laid on a Fuhar. She ran up to her with her eyes gleaming. Namine held the other girls hands and totally lost control of her sanity. "I've always wanted to dissect a Fuhar, what blood type are you? Are your wings sensitive? How fast does your blood regenerate? What is the size of your brain? What's your name?" She went on and on slowly pulling out her syringe to put the Fahar to sleep so she could do 'fun' experiments on her.
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Margret Stockholm//Megan Holmes:

Megan took in the neat, polished interior. It was nice, clean, and satisfied her low working conditions expectations. She was disappointed that the bar wasn't closer to her bedroom. What if some members wanted to drown their sorrows away in bitter alcohol and climb into bed, but couldn't because of having to go to the next floor in order to do so? Many members might just pass out in the bar, a solution she didn't deem half bad. She was still mulling over possible ways to get impossibly drunk and still make it safely to her room when Kaic told her to oversee the piloting to make sure they didn't die careless deaths. Her brown-tawny eyes sparked to attention as she quickly affirmed her consent, though he was already walking away so she wasn't sure if he heard her. Who does that? Just walks away in the middle of a tour. Her thoughts drifted from malice to possible respect. Maybe he's getting a drink. She and the others were left to Namine, who was noticeably nervous and rambling. Megan raised an eyebrow as Namine pulled out a syringe towards another member. Well, that's not unusual at all, I suppose, she thought sarcastically. I'm sure every work force enjoys being sedated.
'Note to self, stay away from her.' Conner thought before going about his dutys as second mate. Pulling out a holopad, Conner walks towards the proper areas to see if the ship had everything needed to function, and to check them off his list.
Dr. Clement Latrodectus~

The tour was uneventful, besides the strange looks Clement got seeing as he was a Spayadi and his spider body had mechanical parts fitted to it like that of a puzzle. However Clement paid those stares no heed, instead he was scuttling along, each leg taped against the polished the tile floor, the wires and gears barely making a sound as they stretched, coiled, and moved with each step. The person giving the tour, who was also their captain, left halfway through it. Clement wasn’t too fond of the Captain as he was dreadfully boring, like a plank of rotten wood. He was brooding, had basically buried himself in walls, and obviously held a tragic past, from the way he showed his emotions which was showing no emotions to begin with. When he left Namine started greeting everyone by introducing herself and her dog, while revealing her dissecting tendencies, even going as far as interrogating a Fuhar and bringing out a syringe. Rolling his eyes Clement figured he'd have to take it upon himself to make sure the girl wouldn't do anything that might end up as a liability.

Taking the syringe from her hand Clement shook his head at Namine's brashness before explaining to her why she couldn't do this. "This isn't like the other times Namine we are now part of a crew and need to abide by rules unless you want us to become a liability. If you want to dissect anyone you'll need them to sign a liability waiver to make it legal experimentation and justifiable homicide if the experiment goes wary." Deciding to use this time to introduce himself to get it over with Clement turned to the crowd. "I suppose I should introduce myself, I am Dr. Clement Latrodectus, I am the lead scientist on this crew and if you need any help make it worth my time and I will lend you my expertise."

After his introduction Clement thought it was time to pay the lab a visit, he’d have to reconfigure everything and start from scratch as the lab was probably utter garbage and most likely had what people thought was lab equipment shoved into drawers and scattered on tables. Luckily he brought some of his own equipment but setting it up was still going to be inconvenient, he could have already started on some experiments and looking over findings but alas, he was just standing in one of the hallways with a group of people.

“Namine I’m going to the lab, if you’d like to abandon you’re previous endeavors and help me shape up the probable filthy lab than you’re more than welcome to.” Clement stated, already walking to the north wing.
Conner was quickly checking things off his list. They had enough food, enough fuel to power the generators and the engines. They had enough liquor to make a robot stumble around drunk. The armory was loaded to the brim with ammunitions and other various sharp things. Everything was in order, now it was time to check the lab to see if they had the proper amount of chemicals as it said on the list as well as equipment.
She pouted and rubbed her foot against the floor as Clement disciplined her. Namine walked off with her arms folded and leaned on a wall, mumbling of how she did not do anything wrong. Only her imagination would agree with that though. She looked at the Fuhar and then the other Decoim along with two Elfiens. Studying every on of their features carefully. But by a bit away she could see the figure of a male human. The race echoed in her head. She shook her head and stared again. Sure enough it was a human, male of course. A human, aren't they the bastards the pulled us into the gutter? Aren't we supposed to clean the mess they created? Most of all why is he even here! She ranted on about the human in her head but soon came to a conclusion, the captain was desperate for people.

Her mind was far from the attention of Clements introduction. But as he walked off and invited her to the lab, she couldn't say no. Namine wanted a look of her workplace, to see what she can do to make it seem like home. She hurried along calling for her dog to follow. "W-wait up Clemy!" Clemy was a common nickname she called her lab partner. Soon enough she caught up with him and they entered the the lab it was a surprising mixture of neat and cluttered.

Everything was clean and

polished though it felt a bit closed in.

"Clemy? Can we rearrange the furniture somehow? I'm sure you understand my feeling of this lab." Namine adjusted the apron on her dress as her dog came in placing her club on the floor. "No Mio, no more fetch. Your such a lazy dog, make me trough my club and you wait about an hour later to get it." She chuckled and petted Mio before turning to Clement.
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Conner walked into the lab, and saw the spayadi and the decomi. 'Great.' he thought to himself as he got to his business, occasionally looking down and checking something off his list. He was pointedly ignoring the other two races in the lab with him. They probably thought he was the cause for all this, probably thought he didn't belong here and that no one would miss him if he was accidently ejected into space along with the trash. 'Well let them try.'
Dr. Clement Latrodectus~

Clement could tell Namine was displeased with his scolding as before he started on his trek to the lab she scuffed her foot against the floor in annoyance and mumbled contradictions. Clearly she started ranting in her head as well because she had a dazed expression like her mind wasn't currently in the ship. However soon she scurried after him with her dog right at her heels, calling after him with that nickname she insisted on calling him. It didn't bother him, as it showed she had a bond with him, but it was a bit unprofessional. Entering the lab Clement was extremely dissatisfied with it, like he knew he would be, some fo the equipment were either packed in nicely or scattered everywhere, and half the equipment were something Clement would even deem scientific equipment. Silently agreeing with Namine of wanted to rearrange the furniture Clement scanned the area and looked at Namine for a second, watching her adjust the apron on her frilly purple dress, her glasses resting upon her pinkish eyes, and her purple ram horns that signaled that she was a Decoim.

"If you're feeling that this lab barely touches the line that dictates it being a lab, than yes I understand you, that captain should be thankful that I brought some of my own equipment, but before I set it up we should like you said rearrange the furniture and throw out all the equipment we deem to be trash.”

Scuttling over to a few boxes Clement started to move them around and sorting the equipment from inside from fair to complete garbage. While rifling through them a tall bald human walked in. Usually humans had some sort of robotic part integrated in them, but Clement could not see any. Hm, his robotic part must be somewhat internal then...maybe his eyes, ears, or internal organs...They way he ignored them clearly stated that he didn't like them. Of course that was no problem with Clement as he found humans fascinating even if they didn't like him or had prejudices. As the human started checking something off a list Clement decided to entertain himself with the human, as he found the species utterly fascinating.

"Might you hurry up with that task of yours? I can't sort through all this trash with you giving us the cold shoulder, you're practically making the room drop several degrees," Clement informed him.
"I'm doing my job right." Conner replied to the spayadi. If anything he slowed down with his work. Make the bugger wait, see what he cared. "And that trash is lab equipment. It is my job to make sure we have all of it." Bloody spayadi, thinking it was trash just because he didn't like it. 'Why does this thing feel the urge to talk to me.'

"Man, what a nice, clean place" said Ludicis with a dragging, lazy tone. It was completely calm and had little trace of emotion. Ludicis was possibly the youngest member on the ship at the age of seventeen, and his actions somewhat reflected it. Ludicis's short swings fluttered energitcally as his mischievious red eyes darted around, observing the environment and analyzing all the crew members. The crew was a diverse bunch, but they all had such serious expressions on though, especially this Clement spayadi fellow and the captain. Ludicis considered Elfien the most uninteresting and boring species ever, and thus he did not pay particular attention to any of them, with the exception being the captain and even only then observing the etiquette that one was supposed to give a captain.

Ludicis used his surprising stealthiness to float behind the Spayadi and poke the back of his head playfully.

"Now now Mr. Clement, I'd rather have cold ice than set stone" said Ludicis with a jocular tone.

Then Ludicis flipped upside down in mid air abruptly to meet the human face to face, with the human looking down upon Ludicis's face.

After a second or two of a piercing, intruding stare, Ludicis immediately flew back and landed on the ground lightly.

"Humans are the most interesting of races truly, the determination in his eyes that rolls over his instinctive dislike of Clement is lovely to observe!" exclaimed Ludicis before letting out an amused laugh.

With boundless energy, Ludicis immediately left the human and the Spayadi before floating towards the other Decoim present. He stared at her intently before speaking out while letting out a tired sigh, "Another one of my kind, as if I hadn't seen the lot of you for the most of my uneventful and unproductive life. But then again, you have your own lovely passions".

Ludicis then backed off before her dog could potentially harrass him.

With an intrigued smile plastered on his face, Ludicis calmly walked away from the group and stared at the human with a straight posture and calm collection so as to avoid attention unless provoked. Humans were indeed the most interesting species with their contrasting values of deep, intertwining layers.

Conner jumped back in surprise and was about to push the new decoim out of his way when it suddenly left. 'Whatever' he thought to himself, once more ignoring the other occupants of the room. Once he checked the last thing off his list, Conner walked towards the door. Before he left the room, he turned towards the spayadi ans said "I don't want to fand any one of those 125 pieces of lab equipment pieces in the garbage. If you want to get rid of them, tell me so I can mark it down." And with that, he left.
When the girl named Namine kept on asking her question after question Avia curled up her wings a little bit and gave a nervous smile as she took a step back from her feeling strangely scared. When she was about to say something she was interrupted by the Spayadi. She watched for a while as they bantered to each other. Avia scratched the very top of her head with one of the gauntlets that connect to her back stating, "Um excuse me, I'm sorry for butting in like this but is there a room for mechanics, like a workshop or something? Also, I'd like to know where the engine room is just for future reference." She lightly flapped her purple wings to calm herself down from being excited about getting to be in a new workplace with new people.

Ludicis's ears twitched as he heard the avian woman ask of directions. Ludicis was the head of data gathering, and his intellect was incredibly high even as a Decoim, possibly due to his high aptitude for mana enhancing his mental state, so Ludicis had a comfortable grasp of the entire ship complex through the infrastructure maps that he had extracted from the ship's databases. Ludicis was a competent hacker and infiltrator, and, this combined with his incredible curiosity, led him to extensively search through the ship's database for interesting facts. However, Ludicis had found nothing important, no stored profiles for previous members or tidbits of interesting personal information regarding new members either. Ludicis did memorize the intricacies of the ship and many functions within it though.

Floating swiftly towards the girl with a smile that seemed to have been taped onto his face, Ludicis tapped the back of the woman's head twice lightly.

After getting her attention, Ludicis calmly said, "I know my way around Avia, your species are an intrigue to me due to your novelty, you are the first Avia I have ever actually seen. Very nice to meet you."

After thinking for a second, Ludicis's face lighted up as he figured out a better solution than taking the Avia.

"Well you wouldn't want to miss out on everyone's introductions here, so I'll give you this" said Ludicis. Ludicis quickly leaped up and grasped one of the arms on the Avia and closed his eyes to concentrate.

A skeletal, ghostly arm shrouded in a billowing, menacing dark grey aura appeared from Ludicis's back and spread its hand out over the Avia's hand. Right after, a spherical orb of black energy began to neatly undulate and stabilize into a perfectly round form around the size of a baseball.

After finishing this, Ludicis floated away from the Avia behind her back while stating, "That's a little manifestation of my mana, poke the sphere and it'll reveal a small map of the ship inside. Poke it again and the map goes away and all you have is a ball of mana. You work close to me so my friend Rideus can sustain that small usage of mana until you get used to this place."

The skeletal arm began to grow more transparent before finally thinning out of existence. Ludicis wouldn't perform any favors for stupid races other than possibly humans, but this one was a rarity, a species he had never seen before. Ludicis's burning curiosity drove him to attempt to get on her better side so that he could analyze and observe this interesting being more.

She observed the sphere tipping her head to the side and leaning in capturing very much interest in it. "Wow, I wish my people were able to do cool stuff with mana like that. Anyway, thanks a lot, Ludicis was your name right?" She then spread her feathers as a sign of gratitude that was very common to do among her people but she soon remembered that he in fact was not a Fuhar. "Oh whoops, I forgot, no one else here has wings," She chuckled and then coughed regaining her composure. "Well, can't wait to start working with you." She then looked around to everyone else. She had never seen such a diverse group of people in one sitting before. She wasn't sure whether to be amazed or freaked out by it. For now, she would try to stay neutral. Even if they all look different... they all also look so cool! So... exotic.
His job was done, everything was accounted for. Did he want to introduce himself to the rest of the crew? No, not really. Some training sounded good. And it was near the lab to, which was a bonus. So he decided to make his way there. As he walked to the training ground, Conner wonders what he should train with, and decided that unarmed would be the best choice.
Ludicis nodded his head the girl’s thanks. When he saw the woman spread her feathers in a polite manner, Ludicis immediately sped forward towards the woman before stopping abruptly at her side. He then ran his hand through her left wing quickly before stepping back again. “I have wings as well, but yours are much more interesting. Feathers are so new and unique to me. So many feathers, so warm and fluffy” murmured Ludicis contently as he cuddled his face on the woman’s wing, feeling the warmth circulate from both body heat and the feathers themselves. Decoim aged somewhat slower than humans, which would place Ludicis as being just older than a child, a young teenager. Combined with his isolated existence and limited contact with anyone else, Ludicis was a child at heart, but with distinct oddities of sinister nature smudged within that caused Ludicis to be ostracized by society. His appearance was also indicative of his young age, as he was small in stature and thin as well as having a very young face, although the distinctly piercing red eyes that Ludicis possessed offset any sort of childish charm he might have had. Ludicis quickly snapped out of his little daze a few seconds later and immediately stepped back with a sheepish smile on his face. “Ah, sorry about that, I couldn’t help myself you see. Seeing wings with feathers is a new experience for me and they looked… interesting?” said Ludicis as he sought a word to describe his childish urge to interact with the wing.

Reaching the training room, Conner takes out the equipment he would need, mainly a punching bag. Hanging up the bag, Conner gets into a fighting stance, and begins to hit it. At first, the blows came slowly, but as time went by, his hits came faster and faster until they were almost a blur. Suddenly, he stops the bag from swinging, winds up a punch, and nearly folds the bag in half. "Who said you had to be a grioger to be strong?" Conner asked himself before beginning the process over again, starting slow and speeding up until he slammed his fist into the bag. 
Kaic got out of his shower and dried his hair. He wasn't aware of how rude his disappearance was.

He wasn't aware of how his first impression was horrific. If he did, Kaic still wouldn't care.

As he poked his arms through his jacket her began walking out the bedroom.

On his way to the control room he spotted Margret still around the general area she was in when he left.

"Margret I told you to watch over the ship. Well then? Don't just stand there follow me to the control room."

He gestured for her to follow as Kaic walked past her.

They cut through the bar and made their way to the control room.

Seeing they were not on the ground, in a glass contained room that showed the real control room under.

Kaic held up a finger before she could question of how to get down. With that same finger he pressed a button

revealing a lit circle in the corner of the room. With another button he brought the circle plat form down to the level of the computers. The two buttons weren't far away from the platform, so it's easy to reach while standing on it.

"Now you try, I you hope were observing. Besides I need to say something on the speaker."

And with that he toke a small mic and pressed his finger on a button and held it there

until he was done with what he needed to say, his voice echoed through out the whole starcraft.

"This is your captain speaking, sorry the tour was a bit short. I'm reporting how exactly are we going to stop this war.

Or secret weapon is numbers, if we get enough races and planets on our side we can over come the war. Occasionally we'll

stop by for new recruits and to see how the war is going. But our adventure begins now, say goodbye to

this galaxy we're traveling into a new one."
When done he looked at Margret cuing for her to get to the controls.

Namine lifted her glasses from falling she picked the club her dog brought

and leaned it against the wall. She only turned around to see the same male human

she saw earlier, but this time close up. With her urges kicking in she hurried to helping Clement,

only to keep herself distracted. Knowing Clement enough she ignored his comment towards the Human

and continued trowing useless and non-useless equipment in a pile. Sooner or later the room looked a bit

more spacious, besides the clump of equipment in the corner of the room. She turned her gaze to it feeling the

most dissatisfied. "With all the empty boxes in this room, I'll just pack these inside them."

She did exactly as she said and filled one box after another.

She continued this until a voice spoke through the ship.

For sure it was the captain's, she still continued packing but only moving slower so she could hear what he had to say.

As soon as he got done talk she got done packing. She stood up slowly and looked at Clement with a smile for a sign of readiness.

We're finally going! This'll be great! She was full of enthusiasm with every thought.
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Margret Stockholm//"Megan Holmes"::

Megan rolled her eyes, annoyed they had passed the bar without stopping for a drink or two. She found his announcement highly unnecessary and time consuming. Honestly they all knew that they were leaving and had a chance of dying. His tour had given an almost arrogant, rude, yet oblivious image to him in her opinion; the image portrayed made the announcement seemed falsely motivated and worthless. Also, he called her Margret, which annoyed her though she didn't bother correcting him since that was legally her name. "We could have used the announcement time to stop by the bar to have a drink," she murmured to herself, too low for anyone else to hear. However, she obediently went to take her place at the station, thinking that she could at least do her job right and follow the captain. If she were to disobey him, it would not be on the first day. "That was a very nice announcement," she told him, her neutral tone sounding surprisingly neither mocking nor sarcastic. She took her place in the lightly cushioned chair that sat (pun not intended) in front of the controls.
Conner could have guessed they were going intergalactic. Bu he instead thought they were going interstellar, or even interplanatary. Oh well, he was just there to make sure they had enough of everything and that the crew did what they were supposed to do. That was one of the perks of this job, he could command those other species to do what he wanted them to, albiet it was to do what they were supposed to do. The fact that most of the species so far on this ship dislike humans only made it better.
Avia chuckled, "Sorry, I didn't see your wings for a while there. I know what you mean though, seeing something new you just kind of have to observe it." She looked around seeing everyone else except for the human who went somewhere else was going into the control room. "I, myself have only seen a few of the species here before. Anyway, I will be taking my leave into the workshop. You can accompany me if you like, I do not care either way though." She then started walking down a hallway and poked at the orb that the Decoim had let her borrowed.
Dr. Clement Latrodectus~

Clement smirked a little at the human's response, he wasn't getting as riled up as he hoped but he did sense a hint of attitude as the human's pace seemed to slow down as if he was trying to spite Clement. While debating on replying someone poked him in the head. For once in his life Clement’s eyes widened in surprise making him look back to see who the perpetrator was. The person who poked him and who basically told him to be glad with what he had was a Decoim sporting raven black hair, red eyes, the usual ram like horns and leathery wings that were as black as his hair. Watching him fly around and state the obvious, which was the human's dislike of him, the Decoim made one final stop at Namine, to which he lamented how his species was rather a bore for him before flying out. Before leaving along with the Decoim Conner told him that he didn't want any of the lab equipment in the garbage and then with that he left. Soon the lab was once again quiet, leaving Clement to his thoughts.

The human obviously has a bleak outlook on other species, probably stemming from the prejudice against humans and the Decoim seems to be easily distracted and fascinated with other species, humans in particular. He also seems rather...mischievous, playful even.However Clement was pulled out of his thoughts when the Captain gave a message on the loud speaker. Honestly Clement thought the Captain’s plan for stopping the war was ludicrous, interesting, but nonetheless ludicrous. Still there was always a chance it could work, a microscopic one, but through Clement's days of experimenting he learnt even with a small chance of success that little percentage could tip the scales in anyone’s favor. Going back to sorting everything out along with Namine the room slowly looked a bit more up to his standards, only by a bit. A lot more work would have to be put into this lab until it was deemed exceptional. It seemed the announcement got to Namine as she grinned and looked at him with a cheery sort of aura.

"Now Namine don't get too excited, you'll only wear yourself out, besides it'll be a while before there is an 'adventure' as the Captain called it. For now we should just focus on getting the lab set up. I'm going to get some supplies, while you are welcome to follow me it would be best if you continued sorting however I'm willing to bet you'll follow me anyways." With that said Clement started walking out of the lab area and to his room where his supplies was waiting for him.

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