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Futuristic War for Cybertron Characters!



Snowy boi
(Cannon characters do not have to unless you wanna)
Oc sheet
What they transform into(Max is 3)
Any pets?:
Faction(Decepticon, autobot)
Backstory(3-4 sentences)
Anything that stands out?
Special skill:
Appearance(picture or description)
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Name: sound wave
Age: unknown
Transformations: A jet that has two machines guns on its wings and multiple rockets on the wings. He can also transform into a battery bomb. Can asl transform into a satellite.
Job: Leader of communications and strategy for decipticons usually in fights with auto bots.
Faction: Decipticon
Gender: male
Pets: a bird that has guns in it’s wings and a dog that has a cannon in its back they both come out of his chest.
Backstory: He’s extremely loyal to megatron and megatron only, once megaton started war in his brother Optimus prime it was a simple choice to be with his friend. Once the war started he became the leader of civil communacatioms and stratagey, he’s usually in fights with the auto bots
Role: Communacations leader and strategic.
Weapons: has a basic cannon on his wrist and a mini gun in his shoulder.
Height: 22’0”
Weight: 4.1 tons
Personality: he’s very serious at all times,he never jokes around with anyone he doesn’t do a lot of fun things and his voice is more robotic than other robots.
Sexuality: asexual
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(Cannon characters do not have to unless you wanna)
Oc sheet
Name: remalgis
Age: 473
What they transform into london transport bus
Weapons: knife and wrist flamethrowers
Any pets?: wolf beast transformer named: garjobon
Gender: female
Faction autobot
Backstory the war on cybertron killed her family and everyone she cared about. Optimus approached her and she joined up with the autobots, seeking only to bury her knife in megatrons eye
Job: waitress
Role: tactical advisor
Height: 14 feet
Weight: 1 ton
Anything that stands out? Her decepticon like red eyes
Special skill: meltdown (she can overheat any guns in her vicinity, making them virtually useless)
Appearance white and black armor covering her from head to toe, piercing red eyes Sexuality: straight
Personality she is insane but sweet and kind. Has anger problems

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