Wanderlust - Out Of Character

Whoa that's too hot for me. The high was in the 80s for me today. We've only reached up to the high 90s. I can hardly handle 80- 111 would have been my demise.
I think it was 23C here so I don't think its anywhere NEAR as hot here as it is where you guys are xD

Still waaay to hot for me xD
Celemyvel said:
I feel you DX It's 111* where I am
111 what? Fahrenheit? (has no approximate idea of the fahrenheit scale) I'm sure that's not that ba-


that is not a temperature that permits the survival of a healthy human. At all. @Celemyvel how are you even still alive.

That kinda makes me feel a lot better about the weather here where I am, but still.


Can't deny it's not something that is easily enough to deter me from going anywhere outdoors unless necessary. These couple of days it's just this, with intermissions of abnormally heavy rain. Welcome to the Tropic of Cancer.

Weather complaints aside, still here. Hello everyone.
eheu said:
111 what? Fahrenheit? (has no approximate idea of the fahrenheit scale) I'm sure that's not that ba-

that is not a temperature that permits the survival of a healthy human. At all. @Celemyvel how are you even still alive.

That kinda makes me feel a lot better about the weather here where I am, but still.


Can't deny it's not something that is easily enough to deter me from going anywhere outdoors unless necessary. These couple of days it's just this, with intermissions of abnormally heavy rain. Welcome to the Tropic of Cancer.

Weather complaints aside, still here. Hello everyone.
Welcome to the Sonoran desert my friend. It'll get up to 117*F this Saturday and I plan to stay inside. Let's just say that having it as a dry heat and having air conditioning helps A LOT. Plus pools.


But in anycase, it'll give me time to write since I'll be finished with moving by then and have my computer up, so my participation will skyrocket (for a bit) :P
Joys of summer.

I've been trying to get in contact with Nessie but I haven't been getting anything. I guess she's really busy.
It's raining here now xD Like..so much. The past three days? ANd for an hour and a half we got some snow. Ahh the joys of Canada xD
Sasil said:
Is this still alive D:
That's a yes and a no.

Nessie is going on a trip to Europe so she won't be back for a while. She said she'd be ready to begin the rp then if anyone was still here and interested.
Okay! Wow, that is exciting! I wish I was going to Europe xD

Well, I would still be interested when it got started :)
Same here. On both things.

I'd totally be still in if/when this kicks off, but it happens that I have a trip in Europe planned that begins on the 5th of July, and may therefore be unable to do much writing.
I'll still be here when this starts but I do have summer school so I might be a slow replier. I believe Nessie will be back on the 7th of July so woo!
FirePolaris said:
I'll still be here when this starts but I do have summer school so I might be a slow replier. I believe Nessie will be back on the 7th of July so woo!
Sounds about right! She keeps texting me about these cute tour guides... I'm so jealous!
Hey guys!!

I'm back from Europe!

It was amazing! So much to see and do it was great!

I'm back and ready to write!

Hope you are all still here and we can kick this back into gear!

I'll be catching up during the day on several of my roleplays so give me a couple of days to recover from jet lag and come back into the loop of roleplaying!
Hey guys!

So I'm officially back!

I got here last Friday, but I was a bit busy trying to catch up on a few things. I didn't have a chance to get on RPN until now!

Alright so here's how this is going to go...

I'm going to tag everyone who's in this Rp and see who's still here.

After that, I'll be updating the tabs and anything that needs to be taken care of so that everything is running smooth again!

If we have a lot of people missing, I could potentially open sign-ups again and either fill up the spaces that have been left behind or perhaps let this idea go for a while and bring it back some other time. Depends...

Once that's done, I'll be writing the post for my character so we can move the story forward!

I'm so glad to be back and I hope most of you guys are still here with me!



I'll give you all a day before I declare you inactive











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