Walking Dead RP

Same for me. This is gonna be interesting.

Hey guys, CSU is kinda turning into OOC, so let's move any OOC Conversation into the OOC tab, a'ight?


General Information:

• Name:

Catherine Leigh Belle

• Nicknames:


• Age:


• Ethnicity:



Appearance Information




Carter as bright blonde hair that she normally keeps in a ponytail and ice blue eyes that can seemingly stare right into your soul. She has very light colored skin that burns quite easily if under the sun for to long. Carter has a slim and petite body and stands at 5'5" weighing around 96 lbs.


Persoality Information


Carter is quite stubborn and quick-witted. She thinks upon acting. Secretive and sly, never trusting anyone and keeping to herself. Carter is incredibly patient and normally looks after herself, not letting anybody help her with anything she's suppose to be doing. She's determined to do what she was told to do or want to do herself. Under her stubborn and untrusting attitude, she can be quite kind. She has a weak spot for children who who're younger than her and most likely would help them more than anyone else. Carter is also quite observant when it comes details. Even though she's thirteen, she carries good advice.


Being Alone



Her Machette

Asher Jones

(Her past ^)


People Like Herself

Being Injured

Feeling Useless

People In General

Two Men

Past Aswell ^)




Carter is terrible at fighting, especially hand to hand. In a scenario when the "Fight or Flight" saying comes into play, she's definitly a flight.


Carter's very nimble on her feet. She has fantastic stamina and is adept at hiding.


Other Information:


Carter was an orphan when she was three. Her gave her up because her father had abandonded her and her mother at birth. Her mother didn't have the sufficient funds to raise a child and she wanted her to have the brightest future possible so she put her in an orphanage.

When she was four, she was adopted by a newly wedded family and they made her their own. After awhile, they sort of drifted a part. Mother got sucked into her work for some odd reason and father had started coming home late- sometimes a few days even. Carter, herself, started growing distant as well. She didn't need social interaction with others anymore. Let alone want it. She stayed by herself and kept quiet... Even after her father came home drunk and she started to become neglected.


Carter often uses a machete and certain reasons why she won't let others touch it.

In case of emergencies, she uses a pocket knife.


Carter wears a black cloak to conceal herself all the time.


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"They call me Vik."

Viktor Resnov

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/80th_ss050.jpg.5e0c7d9940db3faf5ca39a3a9163f01d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50220" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/80th_ss050.jpg.5e0c7d9940db3faf5ca39a3a9163f01d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

• Age:

"Old enough to survive this whole thing."


• Ethnicity:

"Is my accent really that american?"



6'2", 210lbs



I can't trust you with that information..."

Viktor is a very paranoid individual, he seems to trust no one and always seems to be sitting in the back waiting for something bad to happen, his trust is very low in almost anyone he meets until they are with him for a very long time. Vik is not afraid to do things other people wont and finds it easy to make hard decisions when it comes to a group hes in. Sometimes he even goes to far and some people believe he is crazy. Vik is not afraid to be mean and to be heartless but sadly thats just how he was trained. When he is with a group long enough he shows his nice side, that is sarcastic and nice and funny with everyone and is actually loyal. Vik is very good at leading and is very good at planning. All around Vik at first is heartless and does not trust anyone and seems to be quiet and hangs to the back. But after a while he becomes a warm, nice guy that is loyal and kind to all. Vik is nice to kids and seems to be very protective of the ones he likes and considers family.


Being in charge

Being alone when he is not in a group


Killing walkers


To train people


The cold

People who point guns at him

People who criticize him for being Russian

Any kind of healthy food


Open oceans


Inability to take orders from anyone

Drinking problem, mostly Vodka


Precise and accurate to quite the level.

Pretty much all the abilities an army person would have.

Great speaker.

Pain numbed.

Gets under estimated all the time.

Wicked nice to kids.


Born in Moscow, Viktor was a bad kid when he was young, a natural bad boy because his parents were never there for him, and when they were it just seemed to end badly for him, he would run away, get arrested then sent back home, a never ending cycle. His parents were ruthless and beat him when he was bad and a lot of the time he fought back, hence why he was enlisted in the army. Well he was drafted at 17 and has been training for quite some time to become a sniper and also training to feel less pain, he wanted to be a spy and a sniper so he had to make sure he could never be interrogated. Viktor did well in the army, it straightened him up and made him ruthless when it came to zombie killing so thats good. Viktor visited his brother in america every holiday, the brothers collected guns together and spent most of there holidays without the family. The reason he was headed to the united states was to see his brother before he went into combat, he was heading south and when they landed all hell broke loose, Viktor drove to his brothers place in a stolen car and found absolutely nothing, his house was broken into and Hans was gone. carved into the wall in Russian said to pry up the floor boards, his brother knew he was coming so Vik ripped up the floor boards and found his stuff, his weapons, some clothes, a bag, knives. Just one thing missing was food, Vik went to a store and stocked up and now he travels looking for his long lost brother in a place called "Salvation" the name was carved into the wall in his brothers home, so far its been 3 months and he had found no clues to hint where his brother was.

  • Weapons

Vik carries three weapons left to him by his brother.

A Bekas 12M shotgun with 535mm barrel, hunting / home defense version. Bought by his brother online for protection from home invaders, they had an exact same brand in there old home in Russia making the weapon have a sentimental value to Vik no matter how much he hates home. By the way it is pump action, no gas power.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/bekas_12m-2.jpg.da9c7df1627c5fb95a64ccd3ea40f36c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50222" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/bekas_12m-2.jpg.da9c7df1627c5fb95a64ccd3ea40f36c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Viktor sadly was only left one single sniper rifle, the rest were stolen or taken by his brother, it's a VKS, bolt action sniper rifle, 7 kg (total weight),1120 mm (overall length with suppressor). It is suppressed and because it was shipped to America and sent to a gun shop the owner had to give it a customized clip so it could use American ammo instead of the specialized Russian ammo.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/300px-VKS_Engineering_technologies_international_forum_-_2012.jpg.70006f22ec7d2a9a2e5cd89583b24169.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50223" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/300px-VKS_Engineering_technologies_international_forum_-_2012.jpg.70006f22ec7d2a9a2e5cd89583b24169.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

And just a Bowie knife he found along his travels in the 3 months

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/GH5013D_hibben_old_west_bowie_knife.jpg.f34043108f6e4a1dc5e5b902efca4fe9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50224" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/GH5013D_hibben_old_west_bowie_knife.jpg.f34043108f6e4a1dc5e5b902efca4fe9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

And his outfit

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/decked-out-zombies-900.jpg.15f29857febdcb11ba3f008d63abc3ac.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50225" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/decked-out-zombies-900.jpg.15f29857febdcb11ba3f008d63abc3ac.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Ok kewl, and thx. Oh and I need to make it tomorrow I have to go to bed for school tomorrow.
(I noticed there was no child character so I decided to make one.)


Bellamy McCourtner


None, she hates nicknames and is overly attached to her full name






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c2406ebff_.png.25823aab8690791ac0e2718b0035e1bd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50278" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c2406ebff_.png.25823aab8690791ac0e2718b0035e1bd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She is small in size, even for an eleven-year-old, and doesn't weight much either. She has long brown hair and light blue eyes, freckles on her face and her hands are always full of scratches from climbing on trees.


She's unfriendly and quite rude, she's rarely respectful towards adults, she is disobedient and has a tendency of bullying others of her age, especially boys. She feels safer outdoors than indoors and while she's not as afraid of walkers as she should, she's afraid of other unreasonable things like ghosts and she often talks to her dead father as if he's standing right there, next to her.


Animals, trees, fruits, hot chocolate, forests, mountains, the sea, rain


Cities, towns (generally any area with many houses and buildings), sunny days, canned food, being treated like child


She has no team spirit to speak of and treats adults as if they're the same age as her, she does things her own (often wrong) ways, has a hard time trusting people and she can get very violent when someone annoys her


She is very quick, flexible and good at building simple weapons out of wood and other material she finds. She uses her size to her advantage, climbing on trees and jumping on walkers' backs when she's forced to bring them down or hiding in places no one else can fit in.


Bellamy grew up with both her parents but her relationship with her mother was like two strangers trying to live under the same roof. Bellamy spent a lot of time with her father, who often took her with him when he went out with his friends and thus she became quite boyish, foul-mouthed and more accustomed to socializing with adults rather than children her age. At school she thought girls were boring and boys wouldn't play with her because she was a girl. In return she bullied them and often stole their stuff, resulting in her being expelled from two schools.

Her father was bitten on the first days of the outbreak and, on his request, she shot him with his own gun. Her mother tried to drive herself and Bellamy out of New York City but they were surrounded by walkers and her mother used up all of the gun's bullets without hitting a single one. Bellamy became so angry that she slipped out of the car and escaped by crawling under cars and between walkers' feet. She escaped the city that way and survived up to now by hiding and stealing supplies from other survivors.​



  • Χωρίς τίτλο.png
    Χωρίς τίτλο.png
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She is accepted!!!

Yeah but that's ok there can be two I just don't alot of children characters to be honest because its kinda unrealistic in a way but it can happen.
@PixieDani I'll try to make her as realistic as possible! After all, Carl did a pretty good job at surviving too (though not completely on his own).

@KurtH6355 Well, she's not gonna like that suggestion :) And isn't 13 more or less a teenager?
• Name: Inessa Rhianne Green

• Nicknames: Nissy

• Age: 22

• Ethnicity: African-American




Overall: Nissy is very friendly, though certainly a bit awkward.

Likes: Animals and Children.

Dislikes: Everyone else.

Flaws: Nissy has never had great eyesight. Without her glasses everything is a big blur. She also has no weapons training.

Abilities: Always a natural athlete Nissy has been playing sports her whole life. She ran track and played softball all through school and has been in a boxing club since she was 18. Because of her training in boxing, she is able to anticipate and dodge most attacks by paying attention to body language. Besides that, she has excellent endurance, can take a hit, and has a wicked right hook.


Inessa grew up in Michigan. However, because her mother didn't approve of her lifestyle, she came to live with her sister's family in New York at 16. There she works part time at a local animal shelter, sticks to her strict diet and athletic regimin and is attending a local community college. Nissy gets excellent grades and is an active and involved student. She was getting her general education requirements there where it was cheaper, but had plans to transfer to a veterinary college at the end of this semester. She had even been talking to someone cute.

The end of the world changed all of that. Now, she is just trying to keep herself and the only other remaining member of her family alive. Joseph, her nephew, is 3 years old. He doesn't talk much but follows Nissy everywhere.

This is a picture of Joseph.


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