TV & Film Walking Dead fans? [Possible spoilers]


idgaf honestly
I'm on season 3 and wow it's been an emotional rollercoaster. Fav characters so far are Rick, Hershel, and Daryl.

i liked shane before he died but he was mostly there for comic relief imo because he started getting really fucking annoying.
Didn't I just--

Never mind.

Anyways, I am a HUGE Walking Dead fan.

The posters, the lamp, the video game from the wondrous Telltale, the whole shebang..

Holy hell, that is a legitimate word.


Anyways, favorite characters:

Michonne, Rick, and Daryl.
I honestly feel like season three is by far the weakest. Just try to stick with it if you feel it drags a bit. Four was pretty good and five was fantastic so it's uphill after that.

Edit: Going to refrain from going into to much detail as to avoid spoilers, but Carol and Tyreese are both pretty high on my list of favorites. For the most part the cast is pretty good putting aside my extreme dislike of Lori and extreme apathy for Beth.
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I'm not too big on newer TV and film, but I still watch The Walking Dead anyway

Ammy said:
I honestly feel like season three is by far the weakest. Just try to stick with it if you feel it drags a bit. Four was pretty good and five was fantastic so it's uphill after that.
Edit: Going to refrain from going into to much detail as to avoid spoilers, but Carol and Tyreese are both pretty high on my list of favorites. For the most part the cast is pretty good putting aside my extreme dislike of Lori and extreme apathy for Beth.
The prison was neat at first but it ended up feeling like it went on for too long. I think they tried to do something with it later on in that part of the story by giving it a new feeling but it still felt like it was the same old prison they had been in forever.
Kenjinx said:
The prison was neat at first but it ended up feeling like it went on for too long. I think they tried to do something with it later on in that part of the story by giving it a new feeling but it still felt like it was the same old prison they had been in forever.
Yeah, it had a lot of potential that was just wasted. I don't even think it went on for that long really - a season and a half give or take. It's just that the entire "Rick vs. Governor" plot felt so tame by comparison to it's comic counterpart and Andrea's plot arc for it was...kind of boring. It felt as if very little actually happened and while the finale set up a lot of new threads for the show to continue on it didn't really resolve most of the things that had been happening. The showdown for season four's mid-season break was satisfying but they could have easily condensed it a bit by cutting out fluff.
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I'm starting Season 5 when

Beth gets captured by the hospital. Dawn is the biggest bitch. I hate her. TAINTED MEAT! TAINTED MEAT! I feel as if Bob should have added a "n*****!" for comedic effect after that. There's a kid in my school who could be Gareth's twin!
I love The Walking Dead. Next week, I'm going to Walker stalker con in Atlanta to meet and greet. Bought my photo op ticket for my number one favorite character. The Governor. He canceld last year. But yeah, The Walking Dead is amazing. My favorite characters: Governor, Rick, Michonne, Morgen.
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SixGunLover said:
I love The Walking Dead. Next week, I'm going to Walker stalker con in Atlanta to meet and greet. Bought my photo op ticket for my number one favorite character. The Governor. He canceld last year. But yeah, The Walking Dead is amazing. My favorite characters: Governor, Rick, Michonne, Morgen.

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