Story wake up


Some hate, fear, or worship us. But all know us.
For once everything is silent. It is an odd silence. The kind of silence that would leave one shaken. So silent it was almost as if the sound had been devored. like it would never exist again, my ears ache from this silence. I desprately long for it to end. But i don't even know how this silence began. I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW I GOT HERE. My eyes see nothing but an eternal mist of grey covering this terrain. I walk around lost like in a maze with no end or begining. i look down. nothing.
In desperation i fall to my knees my eyes watering and feel around for floor beneath me. My hands feel nothing. There should be something there. Again my hands search for the floor ripping and clawing at the nothingness beneath me. And again they come back empty. Like clockwork my heart starts beating faster my palms are sweaty. Where am i. I want cry scream run. But there is nowhere to go. No where this suffocating mist wont follow. I try think. Think of something. Anything.
But then i see it. A figure in the mist.
From a far it looks like a girl. I stand.
My feet know what to do and i dash towards her. Each footfall each huff of breath is unheard as i listen to my heart beat in my head. As i run i notice a cold starts to nip at my feet and branches grasp my dress like eager hands. My eyes widen as the mist starts to clear. The figure kept getting further and further away but still i pursued. maybe she would have some answers. She had to. A structure stars to gain shape out of the fog.Its a large house with a gate out front left wide open. I stop. I know this house. I know it well. It was my childhood home. I know each room each story. Why was it here? My bare feet now walk visibly on a rough cobbelstone path leading up to the door. large trees loom in the mist as i look around. It had been years since i had seen it. Last time.... We try to forget.
When i reach the door i notice in red paint the words wake up are painted crudely one the door.This was odd. slowly i turned what should have been a squeaky door handle and walked inside. Its just how i remember it. Old green wall paper peeling in places off the walls and spider webs in every corner. There was oak floorboards and furniture as well as mirrors in almost every hall. I used to dream about returning here late at night, I would come home and clean it up. I had taken a classes on how to do this. As i explored the dark halls of my old home i saw her. she was closer now. her long white dress touched the floor and her brown hair was fell in waves, she motioned for me to follow her then turned around a corner.
Wait! I wanted to yell. I tried to move my jaw but no sound came out. Quickly i hurried forward when i got to where she had been just a moment before. i found nothing but on the wall the words WAKE UP were crudely painted once more. Now i wanted answers. I started down the hall she went down. But something was different here. Mold covered the walls the smell of rot and ruin was around every corner. Some liquid dripped from the cieling and fell in puddles on the floor. Suddenly i saw a white light at the end of the hall. I walked closer steady and slow. When i peaked inside the lone room i saw the girl sitting in a rocking chair facing away from me.
Cautiously i enter the room. Her white dress is loose falling to floor and her skin was pale... So damn pale. As i got closer i noticed that dress... i was wearing that dress... my hair was hanging down in my face as i felt the pitter patter of my heart. i reach the chair. Slowly i walk around and stop. My jaw drops. She has my face. She has MY face. i step back almost falling.
Stained into the dress in crimson are the words WAKE UP. Only this isnt paint. She opens her eyes My eyes and grabs her jaw ripping it open pain splinters through me as she says the words "WAKE UP" and grabs me throwing me into the chair...

Then it was as silent as death.

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