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[ ❄ // w i n t e r c r e s t ; one x one


humans aren't real.


Wintercrest Academy is a prestigious boarding school located in the

heart of Cambridge, England, and has been one of the country’s top schools since 1856.

Although Wintercrest is known for its rigorous acedemics and unstoppable athletics department,

the campus is also the birthplace of undying love and friendship.

For two particular students, love seemed to have come from the most unlikely of places.

The real question is, will it last?



Private spin-off of a previously created roleplay by

please do not post unless you are either
@insanitea or me
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The boy had arrived at the frat house about an hour ago, but seeing he was as wasted as the people who had been there since 3 in the afternoon, no one would have guessed that Jace was a new arrival to the party. Of course he wasn’t that wasted, but he had come to a point where the buzz from the alcohol made him feel lighter, effortlessly smooth as he glided through the sea of people. He laughed, a grin spreading from ear to ear, as one of his buddies, Dylan, had lost a game of beer pong to the same two sorority sisters for the third time in a row. To Jace’s left, Asher, another friend of his, was grinding on some girl with a fairly nice ass. Her face was a different story, but those kinds of details never really meant anything to Ash. It wasn’t like he was going to stay the whole night with her anyway. Jace winced, noticing how entranced the girl was in Asher’s movements. His eyes seemed to captivate her, and he couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. Ash wasn’t the kind of guy to stay with one girl steadily, but Jace figured she already knew that. To Jace’s right, Vance was sitting comfortably on the worn leather couch in the sitting area, two blondes on each side of him. It seemed all of Jace’s friends had gotten themselves some attention from the opposite sex, and so, with a final chug of his beer, Jace tossed the red solo cup over his shoulder and began to prowl towards the dance floor in search for a girl for the night.

Jace’s friends could be considered fuck boys in today’s terminology. He liked to think that he wasn’t as shallow as the rest of them though. At least Jace felt remorse for the girls he took advantage of when he was drunk. At least he wished he had it in him to get to know them more than just doing them for one night and then tossing them aside. Sometimes the boy sound himself wishing that he wasn’t this way, that his friends weren’t this way. But at the same time, he didn’t particularly do anything to prevent it from happening. And he certainly didn’t have it in him to fight Luke, who was sort of the leader of the wild pack of boys. Of course, they were all dominant in their own ways, but Luke was just so goddamn heartless. Jace could never stomach the things that Luke tells the guys about wild nights he has had at frat parties. Personally. Jace felt that Luke was the worst of them all in terms of taking advantage of girls.

Then again, did it really matter how hearts were broken? They all ended up shattered anyway. Why bother with the details? Jace liked to think of one night stands as playing with fire. It took a certain amount of finesse in order to be able to not be burned by the flames, to not get attached to the girl he had chosen for the night. And so far, Jace had not been burned once. And he doubted he ever will.

Jace stalked into the darkened room, flashes of lights and the pounding of the music that blared from the onyx speakers coaxed a minor headache from the boy’s skull. Jace grabbed a random beer out of a random chick’s hand, tasted it in a small portion to make sure it wasn’t drugged, and then chugged the rest of the contents. He then caught a flash of a particularly intriguing blonde head, surrounded by people who seemed more hammered than he himself was. He watched from afar, a curious expression present on his face. The girl seemed to have a boy on her, but it didn’t look as if anything serious was happening between them. Perhaps he was just a friend, Jace didn’t give a fuck. The gorgeous blonde seemed to possess bright innocent blue eyes. She had long soft blonde hair that cascaded down her shoulders and back, and soft plump lips that were painted in a dangerous maroon hue. Jace couldn’t help but bite his lip, not being able to control the thoughts that surged through his brain. He wondered what her lips would feel like against his. He wondered what it would feel like to push her up against a wall, taking that innocent little grin off of her face permanently. Her body was adorned in a bodycon black dress, one that seemed to hug her body in all the right places. Jace wanted to rip it off of her. He wanted to make her his for the night.

It was then, that another guy seemed to have the same idea as Jace. Only, this guy acted quicker. The blonde was engulfed by a large male frame, giving the appearance that the two had already become acquainted with one another. Jace narrowed his eyes as he glared at the guy, not being able to control how much he wanted to slam his fist into his clueless face. He wasn’t even quite sure why he felt this way possibly a territorial behavior or perhaps he was more wasted than he originally evaluated himself. Either way, Jace found his feet moving towards the two before his brain had the chance to stop himself. His fists were clenched at his sides, knuckles white, pulse pounding. The two continued to sway, causing Jace to almost go blind with rage. That should be his hand resting on her hip. That should he his hand caressing the girl’s cheek. Jace couldn’t even stand to look much longer, hating how the guy was in the exact position he wanted to be in. That was supposed to be him.

Jace let out an unsteady breath, closing his eyes, and reluctantly unclenching his fists. This was no place to go full on rage mode. This was not his place to take control of the situation. He didn’t even know the girl, he had no control over her. He wanted control. He craved it. But it wasn’t his to take, and as he opened his eyes, he saw nothing about the dynamic that would cause for his intervention. With a sigh, Jace decided that the best thing to do was to look for someone else. Perhaps act quicker this time. He thought about what a shame it was that the blonde was already taken, for he couldn’t help but wonder what her soft blonde wisps of hair would feel like as he ran his fingers through.

Before walking away, Jace noticed how uncomfortable the girl began to look. Her body movements, which were fluid and confident only moments ago, were rigid and tense, her eyes pleading for help from the nearest and most capable person willing to save her. It was then that Jace’s own sea-green irises locked with the girl’s incandescent blue doe-like eyes. Her hands were pressed against the guy’s chest, attempting to create distance between them. It was then that the guy reached his own hands up, easily wrapping his fingers around her thin wrists, pulling her back into him. She looked as if she were about to cry.

Jace loosened his shoulders before striding towards the girl and her unwelcomed dance partner. Putting on his most casual face, Jace tapped the guy, a few inches shorter than himself, on the shoulder. The guy turned towards Jace, his breath reeking of too much hard liquor. Jace looked only half amused, as he looked towards the girl and shot her a wink. Jace then turned towards the guy, and made steady eye contact with him. “Alright, listen. I know my date is irresistibly gorgeous and all, but I, as well as she, would appreciate it if you kindly refrained from grinding against her.” Jace spoke smoothly, fluidly, convincingly. His voice and tone was casual, but even the most wasted person on the planet would be able to detect the slight authoritative and threatening tone that hid under the charisma. The drunk didn’t seem too happy, but reluctantly released the girl without a word. The glare that Jace received spoke loudly enough for Jace, but to emphasise the authenticity of the claim, Jace easily wrapped himself around the girl’s body, allowing his hand to rest gently against the small of her back, the other hand reaching up to her face to tilt her head into the crook of his neck. Jace gazed upon the drunk as he stalked away, and once he drowned in the sea of people, Jace released the girl, and took a reluctant step away from her. Jace ran his fingers through his smooth espresso locks, and gazed down upon the girl. “Well, that was fun.” he quipped, a slight grin on his face, in an attempt to lighten the mood. “I really hope that guy actually wasn’t your date or anything.” he continued, making eye contact with the girl to make sure that she was truly alright. Damn, she’s got beautiful eyes. “You just seemed to be rather uncomfortable.” he continued, deciphering the best way to begin to flirt with her, calculating the best strategy to utterly ruin her.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9697675a_ScreenShot2016-04-07at3.14.24PM.png.b70524839202d2cc7e312c68c8cafb5f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120964" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9697675a_ScreenShot2016-04-07at3.14.24PM.png.b70524839202d2cc7e312c68c8cafb5f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Freya’s ears were pounding from the blare of music that rang throughout the frat party. The giant speakers on the wall were visibly pulsing, and the rap music that almost flew through the crowds of people was giving her a headache. The endless amount of alcohol she had consumed was, too. Freya grasped onto one of the red cups she had picked up from the drink table previously and was buzzed from all of the alcohol. She had drank about seven cups by now, and it seemed as though everything around her was moving in slow motion. Maneuvering her way around the clumps of sweaty, dancing teenagers was difficult, and Freya was having trouble even keeping up with her feet. Violet, Freya’s best friend who had dragged her to the party, was stumbling behind her with two drinks in her hands. They were both for her, which wasn’t surprising, considering that Violet was definitely the partying type, due to her outgoing and bubbly personality. Violet and Freya’s other good friend, Ethan, was also struggling to keep up with the two girls. Freya glanced behind her to see a blur of white-blonde hair holding a beer. He was far behind, occasionally calling out a “Wait!” before getting pushed back into the crowd even more. Ethan was an extremely shy boy who was the type to stand in the corner during parties like this, but with Violet’s constant nagging, Ethan decided to come. Freya, on the other hand, usually opposed to coming to parties if she was given the invitation, however, once she arrived at a party she always enjoyed herself. A few drinks were all it took for Freya to have fun at parties.

This one in particular was always held on the night of the first day of the school year, and it was always held by the same person. Lucas Young. He was considered one of the most popular seniors at University of Rhodes, the university just down the street from their school. Lucas was a jerk, but he held legendary parties. Freya noticed that Violet had turned around to tell her something. “What?” Freya called out to her, attempting to get her attention over the booming music and screaming people around them. Violet informed her that her and Ethan were going to get a few more drinks. Freya nodded to her as Ethan brushed his shoulder against hers and maneuvered his way next to Violet. It was then that a much older boy, she thought, towered over her. He had long, slick hair that was pulled into a greasy bun. Freya shivered at the sight of the boy. A can of beer was grasped in one hand as the other moved towards her waist, and Freya instantly became uncomfortable. She would have usually went along with it, however, the unpleasant vibe that the boy gave out made her want to squirm out of his hold and run away. Freya placed her hands on his sweaty chest and tried as hard as she could to get away from him. She turned her head to the side, praying that Ethan or Violet would still be there. They had already left. Freya glanced up towards the boy’s dark, eerie eyes as a frown grew onto her lips. “Please, get off of me,” she pleaded. He only tightened his grasp on her fragile wrists.

As Freya was slowly giving up hope, a tall, muscular boy came into view. He was insanely attractive, causing her to bite her lip. She simply couldn’t turn her eyes away from him. He tapped on the other boy’s shoulder, causing him to throw the attractive boy a death glare. Freya listened to him speak, telling a lie to the boy with his arms around her. She felt relieved when he released his arms that were tightly wrapped around her torso, and gave the tall boy a grateful look. As everything began to feel even more in slow motion, she shivered at the contact of his arm reaching around her, and the other to her face. Her gaze shifted from the boy in front of her to the other walking away with a pissed-off expression. Freya felt safe against him, although she knew that the only reason he was holding her like that was to make the eerie-looking boy leave. After he was nowhere to be seen, Freya turned to the boy in front of her. He stepped backwards and dropped his arms to his sides. She had slightly hoped that they would have stayed the way they were for a bit longer, but Freya brushed off the thoughts when he grinned at her, telling her that he hoped the boy wasn’t actually her date. “No,” Freya shook her head, laughing softly, “it was really uncomfortable. Thank you for saving my ass, by the way.” Their eye contact caused her to smile at him flirtatiously, an action that would never happen if she was sober. In this situation, Freya would usually be shaking with nervousness. However, she was feeling confident and brave from the massive amount of drinks she had previously. Freya admired his angelic features as they spoke. He was infatuating to look at, and she wanted nothing more than to stay in this moment for as long as she possibly could.

Music continued to soar throughout the crowded room, and it felt as though it was getting louder and louder. Everything around them was moving and blurring in a kaleidoscope of moving colors. “Wanna dance?” Freya gazed at the ground before averting her eyes back up to the attractive boy. She held the cup that she had almost forgotten was in her hand and tossed it into her mouth, taking a sip before dropping the nearly empty cup to the ground.

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[ @delirious ]



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Jace wasn’t sure if the confidence that radiated off of the girl’s soft porcelain skin was actually who she was, or if it was just a facade that she put on after a few good drinks and some adrenaline ran through her system. The blonde didn’t give him time to decide, for as she flashed a flirtatious grin his way, Jace became absorbed in her world. She thanked him for saving her, to which he rolled his eyes. “It was nothing really, although now I think you owe me one.” he winked, pulling his soft lip into a bite as he let his body get lost in the beat of the music that drowned him in the crowded room. The two seemed to be lost in one another, Jace not being able to look away from the girl’s irresistible pout that was set on her face. He wanted to press his lips against hers, he wanted to pull her body into his, yearning to feel the friction between their hot skin. He began to feel self conscious, as he was staring at the girl for far too long by now, but as he frantically searched her face for any emotion, he noticed that she seemed to be staring at him as well.

Jace was just about to suggest that she dance with him before she got another idea and ran away from him, but he was delightfully caught off guard as she beat him to the invitation, and suggested that they dance. Jace nodded soundlessly, a smug expression on his face as he wrapped his hand around her hip and pulled her onto the dance floor. Once amidst the sea of drunk college kids, Jace turned his body to face the gorgeous girl. She tilted her body slightly towards Jace as she teethed her bottom lip, with lashes fluttering before innocent doe eyes. Even a slight glance at her face caused Jace to lose his cool facade. He laughed and stepped back from her. He couldn’t help but bite his own lip as his smirk progressed, knowing that the girl knew that he wouldn’t be able to control himself for much longer if she kept looking up at him through those damn lashes. Jace wouldn’t be able to keep control if his fucking life depended on it.

But he didn’t want to do this to her. He didn’t want to leave her in the dust. She was drunk. It wasn’t right. Jace could already tell he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if he ruined this. She seemed nice enough, and she had one hell of a body, but she was drunk. If Jace was even slightly more drunk, this detail wouldn’t have mattered, but Jace could still hear his consciousness telling him that this wasn’t right, and no matter how much he wanted to peel that dress from her skin, his mind wasn’t going to let him.

Jace hadn’t realized it before his feet had closed the distance between them once again, as his arm slid along her waist commandingly.
“You don’t want to do this with me.” He said into her hair, as the girl snaked her hand down his back and slyly trailed her fingers across the toned skin beneath Jace’s shirt. She giggled, probably assuming he was just saying things to tease her. Jace’s face turned to one of slight concern. How drunk was this chick? “I’m not a good guy” he continued, his tone gave off warning, as she pressed her hips flush against his thigh. Jace groaned, momentarily forgetting what he was doing as his jaw clenched, his hand moving from her back to her hips, pulling her body even closer to him. Jace chuckled, moving his hands along her body and positioning her so that her chest was directly against his, his lips ghosting over the skin of her collarbone. He couldn’t help but press his soft lips against her hot skin, reveling in how her body reacted to his touch. Jace sucked on her skin, biting gently and immediately moving his tongue over the wound to soothe the pain. “You’re too good for this” he pulled away from her, his face contorted in a sort of pained expression.

wanted to. He craved her. But his consciousness just wouldn’t let him do it. She didn’t deserve the humiliation and embarrassment that came with a one night stand. Especially a one night stand in this crowd of people. Jace and his friends were notorious for breaking girl’s hearts, and whenever it happened, the people around them would watch on as if it were some sort of entertainment to them. Jace closed his eyes, trying to tune out the music that engulfed them, before opening his eyes once more, and staring into the girl’s china blue irises. His sultry voice hummed as his fingers moved ever so softly across her collarbone to her shoulder, feeling the goosebumps raise on her skin from his touch. “You should leave before something bad happen, babe.” he sighed, catching sight of the friendly boy who had been with the girl previously, and bringing her towards him. “I’m sorry,” His voice raised barely above a whisper, before leaving the girl with the blonde boy and disappearing in the crowd.

Jace made his way towards the back door and sighed as the crisp night air alleviated the pounding in his head. He felt as if he was out of breath, his skin burning from where the girl had touched his skin. The boy closed his eyes, pressing his fingers against his temple as he attempted to forget that he had even seen her.
I don’t even know her name.

[ @insanitea ]
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c994749dc_ScreenShot2016-04-07at3.14.24PM.png.9afb22deff160cb2bae58727d1090035.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122558" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c994749dc_ScreenShot2016-04-07at3.14.24PM.png.9afb22deff160cb2bae58727d1090035.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Freya felt the boy reach his long arm around her waist, pulling her closer into the sea of people that flooded the large room that they were in. It was nearly impossible to even see around them, since the place was packed with older-looking college students, and it didn't help that Freya was also growing more drunk every second. Her head ached and everything surrounding her felt as though it was moving slower than it actually was. The boy stopped as they reached a more crowded spot in the room, and she almost melted from the contact of his arm wrapped around her waist. He faced her, looking irresistibly attractive in the darker glowing of the lights above them. She flashed a smile at him, tilting her head up to the tall boy. Freya noticed that the bottom of his jacket was ruffled from pushing past the many drunk college students as they were making their way here, revealing a small part of his tan, muscular skin that was previously hidden underneath. She felt an instant urge to run her fingers over his skin, an action that she decided to do with confidence. This would have never been happening if Freya wasn't drunk, however, she was feeling courageous.

Freya revelled in the moment, knowing that she would most likely never see him again. Freya heard the boy tell her that she didn't want to do this with him, but she just let out a quiet giggle as she pressed her hips against his thigh, moving along with the loud music. She wasn't even paying attention to what the boy was saying, not even able to hear him that well over the music that was blasting out of the speakers, which were in close proximity to where they were standing. Freya was focused on the way that his body felt against hers, her cold skin almost absorbing the heat that emitted off of him. The boy pulled her closer to him, closing the small amount of space that was left between them. Freya felt his warm lips float over her collarbone before sucking on her now goose-bump-covered skin. Freya tossed her head back, a small groan escaping her lips as the boy's tongue glided over her skin. He suddenly pulled away, leaving them face-to-face. An almost pained facial expression sat on his features, leaving her confused but wanting more from him at the same time.

They stared at each other for a decent amount of time before he shut his eyes, but opened them after only a few seconds. Freya felt him brush his fingers against her collarbone which stung from the contact of his lips. Freya shivered, not even hearing what the boy was saying to her. He looked around until catching sight of something, grabbing Freya's hand gently and pulling her towards someone. She ached for the feeling of his lips against her skin and his arm around her once again, but instead she felt someone else collide with her. Freya turned around to see a boy with white-blonde hair, who she could barely see from the blurriness of her vision. Then realizing that the boy in front of her was Ethan, Freya smiled with relief, almost forgetting about the beautiful boy that was with her moments ago.

She turned around to find him again, but he was nowhere to be found. Her face fell.
I didn't even get to ask him his name or anything. Freya frowned, missing the feeling that the boy's presence gave her. You won't even remember this in the morning. Freya shook away her thoughts as Ethan was asking her something with a questioning look, pointing to her collarbone. Freya tilted her head to the side before looking down at the small, red cluster that had formed on her skin. Heat rose to her face. "Oh, um...that's nothing." she slurred. Freya hoped it wouldn't grow larger by the time school started tomorrow. "Can...can we just go?" All Freya wanted was to go home and drift off to sleep, forgetting about the past events that occurred in the last ten minutes. Ethan nodded before guiding her out of the large crowd of people and headed towards the large, oak doors that led outside of the frat house. Freya prayed that every thought of the charming boy would leave her mind by tomorrow, but a small part of her knew that they would only continue.

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[ @delirious ]



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