• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern вrooĸғιeld acadeмy oғ yoυng тнιnĸerѕ


Iris took a moment to study the new editions to Anya's sleeve, silently complimenting the artist's work. Iris had been toying with the idea of tattoos for a long time now but hadn't committed to any one design, so she never ended up getting one. Maybe in the future, though. She had always wanted a memorial tattoo. "That bad, huh? Well at least Ariana seems nice," Iris chuckled as Anya told her about "Barbie and Bubbles" and her potential liver problems this year. She nodded as a thank-you as she accepted the joint from Anya. After exhaling a puff of smoke, she nodded thoughtfully. "I have Kat and Allie. Sometimes I think they're cool, other times not so much. I guess I'll find out this year. I just hope Allie doesn't try to turn me into a pixie from Paris or something," she laughed. Iris had never been what anyone would consider fashionable. She owned maybe a total of three dresses and two skirts, often trading trendy for comfort. Iris didn't know that much about any of her roommates, only had general ideas based off some interactions in previous years and what she saw on Twitter, but she wasn't ready to write off anyone yet without giving them a chance. "Sometimes I forget how big this place is," Iris commented as she turned her attention to the large campus spread before them.

( @oOBubblesOo )


Just when he thought he was in the clear, Trevor was wrong. He felt a hand on his arm and realized he was in a bad situation- stuck smack in the middle of Jaxson and Tommy. At least Trevor had always been great at playing the innocent bystander, since it was almost always the case. "Oh...Tommy...hey!" he spoke, managing to crack a smile. "Yup, we're roommates...but not just us. There's four of us, you know, since it's kinda how the school is set up." Now Trevor was just repeating himself. Why was this a thing? At least the need to flee from Tommy was a little stronger than the need to flee from Jaxson, so he was able to cut off his rambling. "Oh, right...Jax is another roomie. But yeah...it'll be great...just an every day slumber party..." Trevor added flatly. He adjusted the bag on his shoulder and cleared his throat. "Well, um, I was just on my way to..." anywhere but here "um, gonna find GG or watch Netflix or something. But uh, play nice, darlings. I'll see you later," Trevor said. Part of him hoped that dropping Jung-Eun's name in there would remind them of the one thing they all had in common. He smiled at both Tommy and Jaxson in attempt to detach himself from the situation once more before his escape attempts were interrupted- yet again. The poor boy swore if people just kept popping up, he was gonna jump straight out of his skin. Though for once, Trevor felt a bit grateful. If it had been Andrei, Trevor probably would have clung to the boy like a child and begged him to switch rooms. Yet it was Rhys, so he wasn't as comfortable around him, but it was still a relief to see the blonde. Trevor smiled and waved. "Hey Rhys! Glad to know you made it. Andrei said something about you guys getting lost," he said sheepishly.

( @Brown

@LadyOfSixVillages )
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Allison Richardson

"You touch my baby with eggs like that, and i will sue you for sooo many things" she threatened. Sure, she wasn't a car babe, but she loved her little baby. It had been a sweet 16 birthday gift from her dad, and well... It wasn't often her dad actually cared enough to put the attention into getting her anything himself. It was always just putting money in on her many accounts, or giving her mom money to buy a gift for. So even though he had messed up with the colour... She loved it.

"Rhys and Andrei? They don't really hate people, unless they are homophobic, bullies, or attacks others. Or, well... If you end up being enemies with Rick you might end up gaining Rhys hate. They're dating and are like one of the cutest couples at school, because yeah. They just are"

Hearing him drop the bags, her eyes went wide and she paled for a second. "Did you.... Just.... DROP bags with thousands of dollars worthy of perfumes, makeup, and creams?!" If those were ruined his life would become a living hell.

Thankfully for him, Riley came and she turned to the girl. "Hey, please stop me from going through those bags to make sure my glass bottles survived" then she turned back to Felix again. "Just get them to room 101 without dropping them again."

@Fantasy Crazy

Rick Larson

"Just okay, you too?" Having to turn as his boyfriend said he was leaving he gave a nod and grinned after having a kiss on his cheek. Hell, he knew he was in love with that fool, even though they kept on bickering always. Much to Andrei's annoyance, but hey. What could they say? Both bickered on, and then in the end it just ended up with one shutting the other up. Except for on twitter.

"Yeah, hope you don't mind guys dating guys, because Rhys might end up coming over to drag me away from bed often" He chuckled awkardly and put his guitar back up together with the rest of his stuff. "So, how was summer, Eric?"


"Gee are you always this friendly?" Felix commented as he carried the bags. "And don't worry I won't pay for any broken goods." He said while checking out the dorms building, it's was quite impressive. His attention was drawn to the girl that appeared infront of them. He still haven't met her in person but he knew very well who she was. "Hey Riley! nice meeting you. How are you doing?" Felix noticed that she was carrying her bags. "Still moving in huh?" His attention went back to Allie as she mentioned her room number. "Alright I'll drop them there, I still need to get my own bags to my room before classes start." Felix quickly checked the clock on his phone then shook his head as he slowly started moving. "Damn it, running out of time. I'll be seeing you later today Riley! Sorry but I really need to get my bags to my room." Felix then headed to room 101. He knocked on the door a few times but there was no answer. He opened the door and entered the room, Putting the bags on one of the empty lower beds.

@Fantasy Crazy


Riley smiled at Allie, "I have to put my things away too. Maybe I could help you? Is your dorm close to Dorm 100 by chance?" Riley watched Felix walk away and turned back to Allie, awaiting an answer. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail as it blew in her face once more. Riley was having horrid anxiety about going to her dorm and wanted to stay out for as long as she could.

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Ariana West

Aria scrolled some more through her phone as she heard Andrei say that he was fine with whatever she picked. Bitting her lip nervously she began to go through every dance that she had coupled with. She felt like groaning out in frustration due to her own hesitation, but held it in. The sudden mention of her full name caused Aria to look back at Andrei with widened eyes. She suddenly felt a hundred times better as he grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the dorm and towards their destination. "Um Andy, I'm sorry if I'm making you nervous about dancing" Aria said as she tried to keep up with the longer strides of Andrei. She looked down at their hands and thought about how nice it was to hold hands so casually. Those thoughts caused Aria to trip over herself slightly and run into Andrei. "Sorry Andy, are you hurt?" She asked with worry as she tried to rid herself of the thoughts.

'Why the hell did I think that? That was a stupid thought! Clear your mind of all that stuff Aria. It's Andy, he thinks of you as a best friend' Aria scolded herself as she worriedly made sure that Andy was okay. She was always a worry wort when it came to her friends. She didn't like inflicting pain on others, therefore she was always worried when she 'hurt' someone. Of course she rarely considered the feelings of the boys who cheated on her or did crap to irritate her, but most of the time she considered the other person's feelings. Aria kept a concerned expression on her face, even as her phone buzzed from her brother texting her about something. Andrei was her only focus as she stared at him.

Felix rushed out of the girls dorms and headed for his car to bring his bags. It didn't take him long to reach his car. He only brought one big-ass bag and his guitar case. He didn't have much to bring with him beside his clothes and laptop and a few other essential things. Picking up his bag and guitar case he rushed to his room, room 201. Even though the day has just began he was already feeling tired from all the luggage carrying and running around. He finally reached his room and tried to open the door ,it wasn't locked. It had seemed that his roommates have already arrived before him and put there stuff in the room then left. He was very happy with looks and decorations of the room. It looked nice and he saw that there were plasma TVs for each bed. "Cooooool Now for the fun part " he mumbled As he started unpacking his stuff into an empty space of the closet.
Ambrosia laughed and and rubbed the back of her neck.

"Honestly? I don't do much else." She pursed her lips slightly and glanced at her suitcase. She turned around abruptly and gently pulled a thin sketch pad from one of the pockets. She flipped through the pages, before stopping on one that made her smile.

Ambrosia handed it to So-Ra nervously.

"That's... That's what I do."

(The drawing: @Fallout Bandit

(Sorry. I'm on an iPod and can only put links.)
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Jaxson raised an eyebrow, slightly rolling his eyes at the way Tommy acted. If he spoke saracasticallit when angry, did that mean he spoke sarcastically all the time? That's when Trevor started rambling. Jaxson honestly felt horrible. There was no reason the smaller boy had to feel awkward around the two of them. He never did anything wrong. He was actually a good kid and shouldnt have to deal with this. Jaxson then turned his attention yo Rhys, another one of his model. He realized just how tense the situation was when even Rhys was able to tell. Jaxson groaned out loud, running is hand through his hair before letting go of Trevor's arm.

"Okay okay. Go do something. I think GG might be playing somewhere. Just be careful and Dont get hurt." Jaxson preached slightly, lifting up his hand and gently patting Trevor's head. He then looked down at Tommy's extended hand. He thought for a moment before placing his own hand in his. He squeezed the hand a little harshly and gave a small shake before letting go and turning back into the room.

Jaxson plopped down on the lower bunk. He then though for a moment at places on bag on the other lower bunk for Trevor and another bag on the top bunk above him for axyl. He wanted Tommy as far away from him as possible so he'd have to take the top bunk nearest the window. Jaxson then pulled out his phone, remembering it had vibrated earlier. A message from Allie.

Allie: Boooooooy I HAVE TO SHARE ROOM WITH KAT! please say you have extra room in your room. I'm gonna need it

Jaxson: Sorry darling. Looks like were both SOL. I've got no room AND tommy in mine.

Jaxson continued laying on his bed, looking through his twitter feed and such.

((Sorry. On my phone so no BBcodes exactly. I'll fix it later. ))

(( @Brown

@Nat ))
Tommy Kaine


Tommy smiled when Jax gripped his hand like a man. Earning a slight amount of brownie points. He didn't like the way Trevor always skipped out, but Tommy understood slightly. When he noticed Rhys, he started getting a little annoyed. Why couldn't people just mind their own business? People have been ganging up on Tommy his whole life, he's never had a fair 1V1 since he met Beppi. He completely disregarded the homeless person. '
This fucking guy, seriously?' "Rhys! Nothing to see here booboo, I hear taking a picture will make the moment last forever though.~" Tommy said with his usual boyish smile. 'Yeah, fuck off yo.' Tommy walked into the room and walked into the closet area, noticing a lockable trunk. He took out a lock and key, storing the bag into the trunk; locking it up with the padlock. Tommy then left the room and walked past Rhys slowly, waving goodbye without so much as looking at him. He didn't have a problem with him, and he wanted to keep it that way. As he walked down the hallway more, he took out his phone to explore twitter a little. What he found set him off completely. It was Butch; and he was in town looking for blood. Tommy's to be exact. Tommy replied the only way he knew how, putting his phone in his pocket and running a hand through his hair. 'Better not make any plans for the weekend... FUCK.'

Rhys Kerr

“Andrei lied, he and I slept in much to Rick displeasure.” He clarified while smiling at Trevor. Poor Trevor looked so nervous between the two, reminded him of Andrei during his first year at BAoYT, hopefully the kid would grow a back bone like Andrei did. Rhys then watched as Jaxson shook hands with Tommy, albeit it looked a bit force but Rhys was happy that Jaxson did not lose his cool. While they may not be friends, he knew Allie wouldn’t be too pleased if Tommy and he fought. “Rhys! Nothing to see here booboo, I hear taking a picture will make the moment last forever though.~” he heard Tommy say to him, but Rhys decided it wasn’t work the confrontation to bite back with a sarcastic remark. ‘Damn asshole’ he cursed in his head as Tommy walked away from the everyone. “Well I should go too, have to drop off these bags. See you when I see you.” He said to Trevor and Jaxson before heading off to his room.

Walking over to room 201, he saw that the door was wide open. “Well it seems I’m the last one to arrive.” He chuckled amused, and then walked through door to a lot of luggage strewn about in the room. Recognizing one as Andrei’s he threw his right on top of his clothing bags. Looking around her noticed a shuffling coming from the walk in closet. Walking over he saw another guy putting his clothes away. Leaning against the doorway he called out to the guy,
“So your the infamous Felix?” he asked while smirking.

@Brown @Halcyon @MidnightAnew

After being handed the sketch pad, So-Ra glanced down at it. Anoter bright smile crossing her face as she admired the detail in the sketch. "Nice. You've got talent," the girl handed the sketch pad back, "maybe you can help me with some ideas for my next... Piece." So-Ra hinted towards her illegal hobby and walked over to her bunk where she placed the rest of her stuff. "Wanna raid Molly's stuff with me? It'll be real quick knowing that she might not have anything I'd like.. I can sell them, though. Yeah.. Maybe," Hyeon So-Ra took a seat, flicking her hair behind her shoulder. This was going to be a nice year, or so it seemed. And hopefully, things would stay appealing.

( @Alice Ivy Macintyre

Really short. On phone. )

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk
Felix had a lot to think about as he was filling his closet. The first day at a new school was exciting but yet a little bit stressful. Taking in a new environment and meeting so many new people in one day was going to be confusing for sure. But atleast the beds where he'll be sleeping seemed comfy, and he gets his own space in the closet. It's more than he had in the last school he was in. He hoped that he can survive the first week without getting into some serious trouble and get suspended but he knew that's not gonna happen. Getting into trouble was something he was very good at. As he was putting his last shirt in the closet a voice came from behind him. A small smile hit Felix's lips at the word infamous. Without turning he said "Yup that's me, the guy everyone fell in love with from the first tweet." As he tucked away his last shirt neatly, he turned and looked at the man, he sure looked as pretty as the photos. "And you must be the blonde guy everyone likes." Felix walked to Rhys offering his hand for a handshake, a genuine smile on his face . "It's great to finally meet you Rhys."

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Rhys Kerr

“I wouldn’t say love, that’s Andrei. I’m basically everyone’s German doll.” He replied while smirking. Oh Andrei could go sue him, Rhys liked the dude. A bit of a troublemaker yes, but seemed like he had the wit to keep him a float at this prison of a school. Felix kind of annoyed him on Twitter, but that was mostly just joking anyway. A genuine and charming smile appeared on Rhys face as he introduced himself. “I’m Rhys Kerr. It is interesting to meet you to say the least. Very different from twitter.” He shook the offered hand, and chuckle. “I must say I’m impressed. It has been awhile since I’ve met anyone who can ruffle up Andrei’s feathers besides myself, Allie and Rick.”


"There is a lot where that came from if he gets on my bad side!" Felix said jokingly. "No Andy seems like a cool guy, can't wait to meet him and Daxter. Their stuff are here so I must have missed them thanks to Allie." Rhys's reaction to Felix was much better than he expected, he expected a little more aggressive attitude. Rhys seemed like someone he can have fun being around. "Well the room is nice don't you think? I can get used to them comfy beds and plasma TVs." Felix walked to the beds and threw his empty bags and his guitar case on the other top bed. "Do you need any help unpacking?"


Rhys Kerr

Actually yes. I need a place to put my books. I need to give them a spot before Andrei take it up with his equipment.” He joked awkwardly, his nerdy persona coming out. It was always hard to keep up with so many different sides for Rhys. It was either the delinquent that he used to be in German, or the awkward nerd he grew up as with his parents. That side has been mixing together with his delinquent side ,more since he has been with Rick. It wasn’t that he hated being a nerd, it just that more people messed with you if you were. Andrei was actually lucky he had such a tall, muscular frame. So he didn’t have to deal with the bullying Rhys had to put up with when he was younger. Rhys however was not, he was pretty small for a guy, and even he would admit….pretty. As he grew up, and disowned his parents her used his intelligence to protect him, and advert his enemies. Realizing her was zoning out, Rhys shook his head a bit and gave Felix a grin. “Allie told me you were pretty strong. Think you can beat my boyfriend?” he taunted while dragging over the heavy suitcase full of science books.



Andrei Timurovich

Um Andy, I’m sorry if I’m making you nervous about dancing” those words made Andrei suddenly stop, causing Ariana to trip and run into is back. Aria, Bozhe moy! I’m so sorry.” he apologized to her in shock. He did not mean to make her trip, he was just surprise she apologized about something so trivial. Aria yes I am nervous. That is not your fault. It is just me psyching myself out.” He reassured her. “Oh and I’m fine. It will take much more to hurt me.” He told her smiling. He kept his gaze on her before chuckling a bit. “Look at us, were best friends but we are worrying so much about what the other thinks, that were not just enjoying each other company.” He then gave Aria a bright smile. “Why don’t you teach me to dance, and we just enjoy each other’s company?” he suggested, just wanting to hang out with his best friend.

@kawiibunnygirl (sorry it took so long. Didn't know what to write.)

Ambrosia laughed and nodded at So-Ra.

"God.. I thought you'd never ask."

She grinned before sitting next to the other girl. She pulled Molly's bag into her lap, and glanced questioningly at So-Ra.

"Want me to do the honors? Or do you want to do it?"

@Fallout Bandit
"Well I haven't met your boyfriend yet so who knows. But I am good when it comes to fighting. I've taken some martial arts lessons" Felix sat on his top-bunk bed. It was good that he was starting to make friends, he wanted to have friends in this place. Ever since his parent's death he's been on his own, no relatives or anyone to depend on. And the fact that he only had enemies in his old school made things even worse. He decided to have a fresh and good start here. "So you really like your boyfriend huh? and... you have any hobbies? Well beside science obviously. I'm into a few stuff. Tennis, fencing, music." He looked at the plasma tv at his bed, it wasn't that big but it would do. He could see himself binge-watching series on the weekends. He tried to turn it on but it didn't work, must need to connected to power or something.


Rhys Kerr

“You and Rick have something in common. He’s taken martial arts himself” Rhys mentioned after Felix told him he took martial arts. Taking out a couple books, he absentmindedly flipped one open and started speed reading about the VSEPR theory. He could always lose himself in any science book, or mathematical equation. It annoy a lot of people, many would tell him that he needed to get his head out of his books. However for him, before he had BAoYT it was only the words on these books and that of other that kept him sane. So every now and then people would fine him consumed by a book, likely a chemistry book, and truthfully he stopped caring.

Pulling away from list of chemical reactions he turned back to Felix just in time to catch his other question.
“Hobbies? Yeah believe it or not I’m a light weight wrestler for the wrestling club here, grew up defending myself. Thought I might as well put it to good use. Well that, and let’s just say I like computer.” He smirk and started putting books away. After a couple minutes he finally finished with his books, but noticed Andrei’s saxophone case was sitting on the floor where it could be stepped on. “Oh, and taking care Andrei.” Picking up the case and positioning it on a bottom bunk. “Actually may I ask, why you’ve have been avoiding him?
"Avoiding who, Andy? Why would you say that, I'm not really avoiding him. In fact we spoke a little bit on twitter a while ago, he's off with Ariana I think." The question did make him think though. Was really avoiding Andy? He didn't think so. He had nothing against the guy and was excited to finally meet him. But why would Rhys mention this? Maybe that is what Andy thinks and he told Rhys? Well he'll get to meet Andy face to face soon. "You really care a lot about Andy yeah?" Felix said as he stretched himself on the bed. He tried to remember what was his first call. He remembered it being American literature, it's not one of the classes the he'd be looking forward to. And this year, he had already promised himself that this year he's gonna give it his all to get high grades.


Rhys Kerr

"If your wondering why I'm asking, it is because you stopped talking to him on twitter. Andrei is sensitive about others feelings, I swear some times that he is an empath, and he thought you felt uncomfortable with him." Rhys explained while taking out the clothes in his other suitcase. "He maybe 6'4" but he is a lovable giant." He mumbled smiling. 'I guess I don't have to worry.'Rhys thought as he arranged his clothes into the empty compartments in the closet.

"Maybe you can bond with him over music"he suggested, as he walked out the walk in closet. "See that large case over there."he point to the large case containing the alto saxophone. "Hey plays saxophone, and loves jazz music. Maybe you two can play together sometime." Falling into a comfortable silence, Rhys put the last of his clothes aware, and then grabbed a book too read. "Oh by the way, if you wanna play a prank sometime, a chemist is a great thing to have."he said smirking before sitting down on the lower bunk to read.

"Well then I guess we both have the same confusion. I don't want to tweet him much because I think I would annoy him. I didn't really make a good first impression on twitter." Felix then took a deep breath. "Nah you don't have anything to worry about, not from my side anyway. Oh by the way, I only had one bag and not many things so a good portion of my part of the closet is empty. You can use it to store your books or whatever."

Felix then smiled at the mention of music. It was one of his passions and was actually overjoyed to know that he was gonna be a roommate with another music lover. "The saxophone? really? That's awesome, The saxophone and classic guitar make a good pair. And Jazz is music that I can jam to so we'll definitely be playing some music together." Felix then raised his eyebrow while looking at Rhys as he mentioned the chemist and pranks subject. "Is that so? And is the chemist willing to pull such pranks? You see when I do pranks I tend to go all in."

Alexander Kingsman

Alexander walked back on to the school grounds for the first time for his last year. When most people were working and who knows what else, Alex was working out, training to become better. The football team have worked out a lot during the summer, and trained almost daily, and Alexander was there every step of the way. Last year, Alexander was the king of Brookfield Academy, everyone knew his name, hell after what he did to help the school and the team win at the football championship last year, everyone knew his name. He walked into the admin building and got his schedule. He didn't really like hanging out in there too long, the secretary was really snide when it came to other people. After he had gotten his schedule he made his way to his homeroom.

He entered the building where most of his classes were. Some of the people from the football team waved and smiled at him as they passed him by in the hallway. He saw a couple of the cheerleaders and they smiled at him, and he smiled back. He entered homeroom and took a seat in the middle of the classroom. He saw a lot of people he knew from around school and town. "This year is going to be interesting."

((just to clarify because I'm not sure how you typically know homeroom as, but your homeroom class is the same one as your first period class))


Thursday | 7:40 AM | Homeroom

The shrieking bell sounded promptly at 7:35 AM and some students were seen, or rather their shoes were heard, rushing to class so they wouldn't be late. Teachers in their rooms simultaneously told their students to quiet down as they called out names to check on who or who wasn't inside the classroom. In their desks sat a big pile of iPad boxes that was exactly the amount of students in the list. Before homeroom began, Mrs. Briefman, Mr. Brent and Mr. Hummel were all called in into the principal's office to have a meeting about a little announcement they had to give to the class after taking roll. Each teacher began reciting this announcements as they were told after calling out and checking the last name on the list:

"Welcome back all to Brookfield Academy of Young Thinkers, I hope you all had a good vacation.

I stand before you with these boxes beside me to tell you about the new school program. This year you won't have to lift heavy textbooks anymore because all of your textbooks will be accessible through iBooks in the iPad. The iPads will also be used for projects, homework's and presentations. Though the school is giving you this device, you are not allowed to be playing around with it during class. If you are caught doing this once in one day, you will get a warning, if you get caught twice in the same day, you will get a referral and if you get caught yet again on the same day, you get detention that day after school. I will now be handing these out and you may tinker with it until block A begins in ten minutes"

Of course each teacher had their own way of delivering it. Mrs. Briefman sounded like she sounded genuinely excited about telling the students this, Mr. Brent ignored the niceties and just skipped straight to the parts that were most important and Mr. Hummel kept repeating some of the phrases to the point of annoying with the repetitiveness. Students giddily opened up their boxes to find an iPad mini inside with its charger waiting for them to unlock it. Once they were done, teachers went back to sitting on their desks and using their computers.

Jillian Daye was one of the students running down the hallway to avoid being late to homeroom on the very first day of classes. She must have lost track of time, but this had occurred the previous year, as well. At least back then she had the excuse of being new to campus.

She stopped just outside of Mr. Brent’s classroom, not wanting to go running inside. She took a deep breath before entering.

It appeared that almost everyone had already found a seat. Lucky for her, though, she immediately spied a free seat in the back. Grasping the strap to the small messenger bag she had to grab before class, she chose the shortest route to reach her destination. She had purposefully kept her hair loose and down in order to hide behind if need be. But, she moved through the other desks with her sapphire eyes locked on their target.

Jillian slid into the desk in the back, removing the bag and placing it carefully by her feet. She had stored her camera in there for now, as it was certain to be seen as a distraction if used in class. She very much wanted to take a picture of the entire classroom right now, capture the anticipation and lackluster energy.

After roll, Mr. Brent went through a uniformed bit of information for the students:

"Welcome back all to Brookfield Academy of Young Thinkers, I hope you all had a good vacation.

I stand before you with these boxes beside me to tell you about the new school program. This year you won't have to lift heavy textbooks anymore because all of your textbooks will be accessible through iBooks in the iPad. The iPads will also be used for projects, homework's and presentations. Though the school is giving you this device, you are not allowed to be playing around with it during class. If you are caught doing this once in one day, you will get a warning, if you get caught twice in the same day, you will get a referral and if you get caught yet again on the same day, you get detention that day after school. I will now be handing these out and you may tinker with it until block A begins in ten minutes.”

Jillian stared down at the box, studying the container as if there was a secret inside. She opened it and pulled out the tablet, sighing to herself because she had never really been electronic savvy.


It was a pretty short homeroom discussion, but it was definitely the best shortest announcement ever! Charmane knew she wasn't the only one who thought that. Excited, she didn't waste another second and quickly cracked the box open, only to see a great "learning" gadget before her - an iPad mini! It wasn't something she couldn't afford to buy herself, but she didn't expect the school to let them use such gadgets for learning. Would students even use it for learning? Though, Charmane immediately wondered whether or not searching through latest science & technology news and looking through social media were alright. Charmane would ask, but Mr. Brent was terrifying. To her, he was.

Then, again, there weren't any restriction
outside class, so it should be okay?

Charmane had been at the classroom quite earlier than the alloted time. She skipped breakfast that morning. She woke up as an early bird before she could meet her roommates. Even the first day she came again at Brookfield Academy, she had failed to meet them. And, she was pretty excited to meet them, too. But that morning, more than meeting her roommates, she was more excited to attend classes again. She had hoped she wasn't under Mr. Richard Brent, though. She had hoped there would be a new fresh graduate teacher to take over the subject, then again, as if Mr. Brent would give that up.

Usually Charmane would pick a sit closer to the board and the teacher, but instead she was at the furthest seat from the door of the second row. It wasn't a great spot, but it wasn't all that bad. She had recognized a few familiar faces she must've passed by at the hallway, but her attention was focused on the iPad mini before her. She had a few question to be clarified to Mr. Brent. Just having important points and not the shole message was a little confusing to Charmane. Not a good idea, either. So instead, Charmane stared at gadget curiously before looking around her classmates, hoping to spot a clue on what to actually do.


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