VoR-405 : Amnesic Room


Surviving in the Metro
Amnesic Room

Artifact Nature:

VoR-405 is a 3x5x3 meter room located in Hotel [REDACTED] in [REDACTED], Spain. VoR-405’s effects manifest as soon as a human enters it. When this happens all episodic and semantic memories are lost. While the subject might be able to recall simple abilities such as using tools or words, they will not be able to remember when and where they learned to use them. Once the subject leaves the room the memories will start coming back at a slow rate, taking from 5 weeks to 2 years to be fully restored.


VoR-405 was found by VoR agents in ████ while searching for VoR-███, when Agent Fernandez was affected when entering the room. Soon after, VoR purchased the building and closed it from the public, while monitored at all times by VoR agents.

Addendum 1 "It has been noted that sometimes “memory holes” have appeared to people who’ve entered the room for prolonged periods of time. Test should be 9 minutes long at most." -Dr. Molina

Addendum 2 This is Doctor Matthrews, and I'm using level 4 clearance to rename this to VoR 405. The other project that shares is 404 is too good of a joke to pass up.
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