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Fandom Voltron: Legendary Defender (one x one?)


Roleplay Availability
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Hey there! Would anyone like to play Lance or Keith for my OC? And if you want, I can play anyone for your OC (if you want to have an OC that is). I actually have a couple prompts I wanna try.

Here are my ideas!

Prompt 1 (You can be either Lance or Keith in this one): The Paladins have just landed on a planet for a vacation. There was only thing terribly wrong with this planet though, if you touch the water (which in fact, looked like Earth water), you will be put into a sleep like trance with vivid dreams, that trick you into dreaming what you truly desire. It makes you live in your ideal world or remind you of what you miss dearly, so you never wake up. Terrible things begin to happen when the team is taking a hike, and Lance/Keith (or my character, whichever you want) takes a fall into the river and are stuck in a sleep, which only can be broken if they realize the world they're in, is fake. They can faintly hear anyone in reality, though, and can rarely feel physical contact.

Prompt 2 (This one needs Keith, due to the story): The Galra had attacked the Castle Ship but the Paladins had won the battle. A female Galran warrior had been wounded and left behind on the ship for dead. Keith had gone to kill her, but hesitated as she shifted into a human. She was like Keith, a human/Galra hybrid. He felt empathy for her so he patched her up a little and put her in a healing pod, even if Allura didn't like the idea of another Galran on the ship. The girl has yet to wake up, and that's were the story begins
I'm quite detailed, in my opinion. If you'd like to see how I reply/see how detailed I am, I'll gladly send an example.
Hello there! <3

This post has definitely caught my interest, since I'm a huge fan of Netflix's Voltron reboot. Have you seen the two teaser trailers for season 3? I'm absolutely pumped to watch the next season and I'd love to start up a Voltron roleplay with someone during the wait. I already have an OC created for a Voltron roleplay, but I might edit her information a bit. I tend to do that a lot before using a certain character for a roleplay. I'm also totally fine with having my characters critiqued, but I will not do the same for anyone else's characters unless asked to do so. If you need a second opinion on a character I am definitely here to help. :)

Hope to hear back from you soon!
TangoRango TangoRango I've seen the trailer, and I loved it! I'm so hyped for the next season! I already have a OC created for a Voltron roleplay as well, I just need to edit her a bit. If you like, we can discuss roleplay and character details in PM :33:
TangoRango TangoRango I've seen the trailer, and I loved it! I'm so hyped for the next season! I already have a OC created for a Voltron roleplay as well, I just need to edit her a bit. If you like, we can discuss roleplay and character details in PM :33:

Same here!! I'm so excited to finally watch the next season after waiting for a while. My character has already been created, but I would also like to look over her information for any necessary edits I need to make. Let me just send you a PM and we can get started! ;D
Same here!! I'm so excited to finally watch the next season after waiting for a while. My character has already been created, but I would also like to look over her information for any necessary edits I need to make. Let me just send you a PM and we can get started! ;D

Alrighty! Just gotta check over my character as well!

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