Music Vocaloid, UTAU, Utaite, etc fandom


One body, many minds
Knowing how huge of a fandom Vocaloid has gathered over the years, let's have some discussion and/or friendly debates over this still-growing genre of music!
I call Vocaloid/Utau/Utaite a genre in itself, although it is really an extensive variety of different genres combined to create a new category of music.

Some discussion questions;
Who's your favorite Vocaloid? Utau? Vipperloid/Jokeloid? Utaite/Youtaite? Least favorites?
Who's your favorite producer?
What are some of your favorite songs?
Any song/album recommendations for others with similar interests?

My favorite Crypton Vocaloid(s) is Kagamine Rin/Len. I count them as one together because their voice clips were sourced from the same person. My favorite Vipperloids are Yokune Ruko and Namine Ritsu. Favorite UTAU (who is also kind of a Vipperloid) is Ryone Yami. And my favorite Utaite is Rachie, least favorite Utaite is Jubyphonic because honestly her voice is kinda screechy and annoying and she messes up pitches, lyrics, etc.

My favorite producers are Pinocchio-P, Wowaka (RIP), KIRA, Neru, and Deco*27.

My list of favorite songs goes on and on, but I'll give my current top 10 (not in order); Reversible Campaign, Lost One's Weeping, Re-Education, Meltdown/Roshin Yuukai, Secret HIMITSU, Love for Love by Love of Love, Rise Up Nation, Android Girl, Nisoku Hokou/Two Breaths Walking, and ROKI.
Im not so much a Vocaloid fan as much as over the years I've liked a number of vocaloid songs. Though I haven't really kept up with recent stuff so my I've got some boomer taste when it comes to Vocaloid/Utaite.

Favorite Singer - Im hella normie on this one gonna have to go with Miku. Though the other option would be Megurin Ruka. Don't really have a least favorite.
Favorite Producer - Deco*27 or Yuyoyuppe.
Favorite Songs -「Reon」and 「Love Distance」
Alice of Human Sacrifice and Viva Happy are both excellent songs.
My favorite Vocaloids have always been Rin and Len. They have helped me through some tough times many years back. I also personally think Rin is better than Miku (but I don’t hate Miku either so please don’t come at me for that). Besides them I like a lot of softer voiced females like Lapis and Meika Hime. As for males I like Piko and Yuu from Zola Project.

Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of the darker songs, such as songs by Kikuo and stuff, and I really like them. My all time favorite producer though is probably a tie between DECO*27 and Hitoshizuku-P. I have too many favorite songs to name so I won’t.

I’m really sad the Cryptons are not getting V5 updates but it’s cool that they’re getting the NT updates with Piapro instead. Miku’s NT sounds really good if tuned right so I can’t wait to hear how Rin, Len, and the others turn out.

Edit: I forgot about the Utaite/Youtaite parts

96neko has always been an idol of mine when it comes to Utaites. I love her parodies and also her large vocal range is what inspired me to start improving my own vocal range starting many years ago. I also love Hanatan and Usa.

Youtaite wise I would have to go with Rachie, JubyPhonic, Kuraiinu, and Hikaru Station. In that order. The first two mostly write their own lyrics which is pretty cool. They also collaborate a lot.
Okay when I made my initial post I forgot about the non-Crypton Vocaloids. I am so sorry Una Otomachi-sama! And Meika Hime/Mikoto! Also Gumi English is amazing in the hands of the right producers (Kira is who comes to mind).

I also totally forgot about Kikuo, no idea how as I've been listening to Gomenne Gomenne and Kimi wa Dekinai Ko basically nonstop. Gomenne Gomenne is the song that's helped me improve my vocal range to do the screams (as well as Roshin Yuukai/Meltdown just because of the high range parts). And yes, I can do the screams. And the 'ra ra ra ...' part that comes after.
Okay when I made my initial post I forgot about the non-Crypton Vocaloids. I am so sorry Una Otomachi-sama! And Meika Hime/Mikoto! Also Gumi English is amazing in the hands of the right producers (Kira is who comes to mind).

I also totally forgot about Kikuo, no idea how as I've been listening to Gomenne Gomenne and Kimi wa Dekinai Ko basically nonstop. Gomenne Gomenne is the song that's helped me improve my vocal range to do the screams (as well as Roshin Yuukai/Meltdown just because of the high range parts). And yes, I can do the screams. And the 'ra ra ra ...' part that comes after.
Kira is amazing with Gumi English. I completely forgot that.

Also Gomenne Gomenne is really a good song for improving your vocal range, I completely forgot about it. I should try practicing with that one more often
Here's a random list of songs people are always surprised I can actually sing *in the original pitch and speed* because why not;

Gomenne Gomenne (screams included)
Roshin Yuukai/Meltdown
Ura Omote Lovers
Kitsune no Yomeiri/The Fox's Wedding (MASA's)
Paradichlorobenzene and Antichlorobenzene
Daughter of Evil and Servant of Evil (I cry every time I sing Servant of Evil tho, it's so sad)
Common World Domination
Abstract Nonsense
Basically any Neru song lmao

It's taken me years to be able to achieve this vocal range and learn to speak/sing fast enough for some of these songs. I still have no idea how I can sing Kitsune no Yomeiri.
least favorite Utaite is Jubyphonic because honestly her voice is kinda screechy and annoying and she messes up pitches, lyrics, etc.
I have to agree on this one, some of her covers I still listen to because of the nostalgic value making them sound good to me but from technical standpoint most are extremely flawed. Her recent cover of Hello Worker, however, shows some improvement and skill at transferring lyrics into English.
Now I'm just gonna answer some of the questions straight up because I'm bad at conversation :p
Who's your favorite Vocaloid? Utau? Vipperloid/Jokeloid? Utaite/Youtaite? Least favorites?
I adore the Kagamines, specifically Len because he's baby and Miy_yuu (Utaite). I don't have very specific 'loid tastes beyond that, I like the music first and voice second!
Who's your favorite producer?
Kikuo, hands down. Pinocchio-p, MARETU, Utsu-p, nyanyannya and manbo-p are some of my close seconds. ^^
Favorite Vocaloid has to be Mikoto Meika... who is more of a newcomer compared to others, huh? Their voice has an impressive range, akin to Flower, who i also love!
There's a lot of utaus I adore and use! I have been looking for a song to cover with Cody Verre, so i guess thats my recommendation of the day!
Well, Utsu-p has been on the mind... but normally I don't have a specific fav!
Fav songs... hmm... Roki and The Real Disappearance of Hatsune Miku are some I still really like!! And Villain is a new fav for sure!
I adore these hidden gems: 能く在る輪廻と猫の噺 (ok this ones a bit popular lol) , 雨降り少女の憂鬱, 廃園劇場赤ずきん, 踊る、踊る、君は踊る

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